The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 176: The strong retreat!

()Chapter 176 The strong retreat! (For flowers!)

“Attack, attack immediately, or you won’t blame me for being ruthless!”

Lin Dong threatens, and Jehovah is also threatening. The entanglement in the hearts of many powerful people from the spirit world, whether it is Lin Dong’s threat or the Jehovah’s threat is not something they can ignore!

The powerhouses in the spirit world already know that Lin Dong now has the strength of the **** emperor’s peak, which may be lower than that of Jehovah, but it is enough to abuse them. Moreover, if Lin Dong is not dead, Lin Dong’s strength will continue to rise!

The terrifying strength, coupled with the powerful virus, and the Temple of Freedom, there are many strong men, and the threat is extremely high!

Jehovah is powerful, and many of them have put poison control in their bodies, which is also extremely threatening!

“Pharaoh, Lord Lord, it’s better for you to make a decision first.” A strong man in the big array spoke, but his voice was a little vague, and I didn’t know which strong man said it.

The breath of Jehovah’s body exploded: “As long as Lin Dong agrees, this seat has no opinion, Lin Dong, don’t you also have the strength of the peak of the gods, come out, let us two, we will win the battle. !”

Lin Dong said quietly: “Jehovah, I didn’t expect that you are so shameless, if you want a decisive battle, you enter the Free City, we will compare!”

“Hmph, Lin Dong, refuse to challenge, Lin Dong, you really let me down!” Jehovah said with disdain.

In Liberty City, Xiao Hei yelled: “Jehovah, your shamelessness really makes Hei Lord admire! You are a bully, the boss is the pharaoh of the Nine Realms Alliance, why does the boss fight with you ass? When are you I have seen a commoner clamoring for a decisive battle with the emperor, but the emperor still promised? The identity is obviously not equal!”

“That is, the power is also part of the strength of the boss. Jehovah, even if you destroy all of us, you will lose! You are lonely, and there are many powerful people in the Temple of Freedom who are not here! By then, the strength of the boss will definitely exceed You, coupled with many strong supporters, can you still survive for you?” Jian Fei sneered.

“The powerhouses of the other forces, use your mind to think, does the Lord dare to kill all of you? Dare! The Lord dares to do this, that is, to be an enemy of the people of the world. No matter how strong he is, he will never escape death. !”

Jehovah sneered and said: “Jian Fei, Lin Dong said that he seems to dare to be an enemy of the world.”


Jianfei responded to the Lord with two words. Lin Dong really has such a criminal record. On the Island of Gods and Demons, Lin Dong has killed many strong people!


The Lord snorted coldly, “You attack immediately, otherwise this seat will take your life every ten seconds! Some of you have a good relationship with the Temple of Freedom. It is best not to act rashly, otherwise you will die! Lin Dong is at a distance. Far away, I have to take a look. If I kill you, will he dare to show up!”

“Everyone, think about your family.” Lin Dong said plainly. Only the strong came over. These strong people have family members. “It’s easy to shoot, but you can ask yourself if you can bear it. Consequences! Can Jehovah keep you safe and keep your family safe all the time? It’s probably impossible!”

“By the way, I have some viruses here, let me give you a taste!”

Lin Dong said that a lot of viruses appeared clearly around the big formation, one by one exuding light, very conspicuous.

“Here are three hundred and sixty viruses, each of which can kill a god-emperor-level powerhouse!” Lin Dong said quietly, “Or let the Lord try to detoxify first, and see if the Lord can Get rid of these viruses! If Jehovah does not have such power, I advise you to think twice, they will kill people countless times faster than Jehovah!”

Seeing the more than three hundred kinds of viruses, the strong in the big array are all shocked, Nima, these are all big killers!

If a powerful virus cannot be solved quickly, one type can cause terrible disasters. With so many viruses, is this the end of the world?

Many powerhouses were ready to do it, but seeing these viruses, they endured them, and it must be a huge price to be the first bird. If three or five viruses are cast in the past, their power will be extremely huge. Even if the power of Jehovah is such a powerful person, the damage caused by the ten kinds of viruses is not as great as the damage caused by the ten kinds of viruses.

——If everyone’s strength is very strong, then the virus is just a trail, but now Lin Dong’s strength surpasses them by a lot, and Lin Dong is very powerful in creating viruses. These viruses are now super scary for them!

“These viruses do have the power to kill God Emperor level powerhouses!”

“Can you let these things go out.”

“Also let people live!”

There are many strong people in the big array who have identified the capabilities of these viruses, and the hearts of many strong people have sunk even more.

The Lord frowned secretly, Lin Dong has so many virus threats, if he can’t solve the virus quickly, it is really not good to order the strong to attack, even if the death threat, many strong will not obey!

“Everyone, look at Jehovah, he doesn’t have such confidence!” Lin Dongdan smiled, “Jehovah, if you don’t try, maybe you can solve these viruses quickly, so they must be obedient!”

There was a voice in the great formation: “Lord Lord, you ** We are useless. So many viruses are too threatening to our family. If it can’t be solved, we can’t listen to you even if we die. Command!”

“Yes, Lord Jehovah, it’s not that we didn’t listen to your orders, but we are really helpless!”

“Lord Jehovah, we believe you can solve these viruses quickly!”


Many strong men in the array spoke, but they were very careful, none of their mouths moved, and they didn’t know where the voice came from.

Jehovah looked at the viruses and scanned them quickly. Soon, he frowned secretly. These viruses are quite powerful, and his strength is better than Lin Dong, but the virus is really incomparable to Lin Dong!

The Conferred God List is powerful, but the Conferred God List can play a small role in cracking the virus. On Lin Dong’s side, he used the good fortune jade disc when he created the virus. The good fortune jade disc Hongmeng Ziqi played a big role!

“Jehovah, if you can’t solve these viruses, it is better to let them retreat, so that if you kill me at that time, you can also gain the loyalty of many of them, and you may become a pharaoh! If you go your own way, then All three lose all! My Temple of Freedom will suffer huge losses, and the major forces will suffer huge losses. Not only will you face pressure from me, but the major forces will not let you go! Moreover, the Nine Realms will not let you go! In the chaos, the strength of the monster will increase rapidly, and the consequences are extremely serious.” Lin Dongdao.

The Lord is silent. If it continues, it will indeed hurt all people. This will do him more harm than good!

“Finally, Lin Dong, this seat can’t bear to be frustrated, you go away, and this seat will solve your restrictions!” said the Lord.

Soon, Jehovah resolved the bans in the bodies of the great powers, and Lin Dong made the powers of Daluo Heaven also appear.

“Jehovah, you solve it all together.” Lin Dong said quietly.

The ban on the strong in the Soul Realm has been resolved, and there is still a virus in the body of the strong in the Da Luo Heaven Realm, and Lin Dong is not worried that there will be problems.


The Lord snorted coldly, but he still dispelled the poison and restraint in the body for those god-emperor-level powerhouses in Daluo Heaven.

Lin Dong said indifferently: “Okay, everyone is gone, go back quickly, the monsters have a certain IQ, you may already know that when you leave the monsters, you should not want your home to be destroyed by the monsters.”

“Yes, Pharaoh!”

Many powerhouses spoke, and the powerhouses found that Lin Dong might be even more powerful. Jehovah took the initiative first and gathered a huge amount of power, but in the end Lin Dong resolved it!

“Lin Dong, see who can have the last laugh!” The Lord sneered.


Lin Dong smiled and said, “Jehovah, don’t do such boring things in the future. Everyone is very busy. What are you doing? If your relatives and friends are killed by the monsters a lot, your sin will be serious. Up!”


The Lord quickly moved away with a cold snort. In Free City, the Temple of Freedom, and the strong men of the Dragon and Phoenix clan all heaved a sigh of relief. This time it failed, and Jehovah shouldn’t use such methods again.

The major forces will also be prepared and will not easily give Jehovah such an opportunity. It is difficult for Jehovah to gather so many powerful people again.

“Boss, I knew there would be no problem, hehe.” The little black voice sounded in Lin Dong’s mind.

“Brother Lin, great!”

“Dian Lin, the solution to the Lord is left to you!”


Many people in Liberty City sent a message. Lin Dong chatted with them for a while and then stayed away. If the problem is solved, it is no big deal. If the Lord is not dead, the problem will not really be solved, and they have not had a stable life.

“Lord Jehovah!”

Long Lingyang’s voice sounded in Jehovah’s mind. Jehovah was leaving. He stopped when he heard this voice.

“Lord Jehovah, I am Long Lingyang. I think we have a common enemy and can be friends!”

Long Lingyang appeared in a place not too far away from the Lord.

Jehovah instantly narrowed the He looked at Long Lingyang. Long Lingyang knew that before the strongest of the Phoenix family of Phoenix, his strength is also good now. There is a cultivation base for the peak of the mid-term of the **** , It is estimated that the strength of the late **** emperor can erupt.

There is still a big bird on the shoulder of the Lord. This big bird is a golden golden eagle with purple eyes. The cultivation base has reached the late stage of the **** emperor!

“Lord Jehovah, you know why you failed this time, because you are alone and fighting alone! Although you have brought many people here, you did not manage them properly. They are not your strength. ! If it is the power that really belongs to you, you won’t care about that much at all, just destroy the Temple of Freedom and destroy those people in the Temple of Freedom!” Long Lingyang said.

Jehovah’s eyes shone brightly: “What are your ideas?”

Long Lingyang said coldly: “Lin Dong has a big feud with me, I want him to die! There are still a lot of people who want him to die in this world. I have been operating secretly over the years and have organized many people, but Their strength is lower! Lord Jehovah, your strength is strong. If you come forward, you can definitely get a lot of resources to make everyone’s strength soar!”

(Seeking flowers~end)

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