The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 90: Strengthening!

()Chapter 90 Strengthening! (For flowers!)

“Continue to attack, Yan Shixiong and their viruses will not last long!” Hun Hong thought for a while and said.

At this point, there is no turning back, we can only move forward!

Or dominate the world, or be eliminated! Obviously, Hunhong and the others do not want to be eliminated. If they continue, their chances of winning are still not small!

“Yes, overlord!”

The attack of the Soul Sect continues, Yan Shixiong and the others will naturally not wait to die, the virus will consume, and the war will enter the cycle again and again! When using the virus, Yan Shixiong and the others have the upper hand, and when they are not using it, the Soul Sect has the upper hand.

In the continuous killing, the strength of both sides is decreasing, but the strength of the top powerhouse is constantly improving!

Lin Dong’s killing continues, and his strength naturally continues to improve!

Three months, six months, one year… Two years passed without knowing it. Yan Shixiong and the others bought them after the fifty viruses were used up. Qin Yan and the others got a lot of treasures, and the temple of freedom in two years. Development is not small!

Prior to the Temple of Freedom, there were only a few hundred true gods and hundreds of Sanshen-level powerhouses. In just two years, there were more than 1,500 true-god-level powerhouses, and there were also Sanshen-level powerhouses. Hundreds, the strength is greatly improved!

Those who become true god-level powerhouses are basically ancient blood human races. They had immortal emperor and demi-god level in their previous cultivation. They have inherited the power of human race. It is normal to become true god-level powerhouses. They survive the true gods. The mortality rate is low!

The image of the true god, this is something that ordinary true gods do not have. With such a hole card, it is difficult to fail!

The 600 or so true gods before, plus the 1,500 or so later, there are already more than 2,100 true god-level powerhouses in the Temple of Freedom! And among the thousand Sanshen-level powerhouses, there are hundreds of them with True God-level strength!

There are more than 2,700 powerhouses with true god-level strength in the Temple of Freedom, which is not too small in the past! Today, the number of true god-level powerhouses in the Temple of Freedom is no more than that of the Yan Family, and no less than the powers like the Hall of Blood!

However, the strength of the Temple of Freedom is not yet known to the outside world! Regardless of whether it is in the Lower Realm or the Hunyuan Realm, the strength of the Temple of Freedom is hidden. If the strength is revealed now, then there may be trouble!

The Yan family, the Blood Palace, etc. are now more assured of the Freedom Temple, because in their opinion, the Freedom Temple cannot become a climate-they didn’t know that the Freedom Temple already has 600 true gods and 600 Sanshen gods. !

According to the estimates of the powerhouses of the Yan Family Blood Hall and other forces, the Temple of Freedom should now be only a powerhouse of four or five hundred True God level strengths, including Sanshen! If they knew that the number of true god-level powerhouses in the Freedom Temple was five or six times this, their fear of the Freedom Temple would definitely be greatly increased, and the Soul Sect would also be afraid of the Freedom Temple!

There are two thousand seven hundred powerful true gods, and almost all of them still have true gods and magic statues. Their strength is extraordinary and comparable to those who have just become true gods! As far as strength is concerned, the strength of the Temple of Freedom is definitely not in the Yan family, but under the Palace of Blood!

The Island of Gods and Demons.

“The cultivation base must be improved.” Lin Dong secretly said in his heart. He was holding a blood knife, and the blood knife in his hand trembled slightly.

This blood knife is an image of the killing technique. It has absorbed a huge amount of power and is now extremely strong! Lin Dong’s current strength is already a bit difficult to control this blood knife, and at the same time, the current cultivation base also limits the continued improvement of this killing technique!

Continue to cross the catastrophe, continue to improve the cultivation base, it is imminent!

I’ve spent four times of the Great Tribulation before and four times of the Small Tribulation. Now the cultivation base is already stable and can be improved!

“Upgrading your cultivation base, and letting the killing technique increase a lot, you have to find a way to leave.” Lin Dong muttered to himself, Xuanyuan Hanyan and Shangguan Hanyue are expected to be born within a year, and he will not leave Xuanyuanhan yet. Yan and their children cannot be present when their children are born!



The Island of Gods and Demons is very large. It is very easy for Lin Dong to find a place where there is no one. Since there is such a need, Lin Dong quickly found a suitable place. They are all familiar!

The controlling powerhouse was distributed around to block the breath of this side, and Lin Dong soon ushered in his own small catastrophe!

Lin Dong didn’t plan to go through the Great Tribulation this time. Four small Tribulations took only half an hour. In such a short time, even if Yan Shixiong and others got the news, it was impossible to come over. Lin Dong chose a very good place. Avoid.

There was no accident, half an hour passed, and auspicious light descended from the robbery cloud in the sky, and the auspicious light sank into Lin Dong’s body. The flesh, the source of the true god, the statue of the killing method, and the devouring lotus have all increased a lot, and the strength has been greatly improved!

Through one small catastrophe, the strength can always be improved a lot, four small catastrophes, Lin Dong’s strength has increased several times!

“The elders of the Soul Sect, I did not play with you before. Now if you want to play, I can play with you!” Lin Dong smiled on his face and his strength increased several times. If the elders of the Soul Sect reappear Only to be abused by him!


Lin Dong disappeared. After the upgrade, the killing technique image is more powerful. The faint Lin Dong feels that if he absorbs a lot of power, the killing technique image can become a killing field, and the power will be far from what it is now!

For powerhouses like Lin Dong and the others, the power of the law is contained in the energy attack, and the area affected is generally relatively small! If it becomes a domain, then the power of the law will flood the entire domain. In this domain, the rest of the laws will be greatly affected. It is difficult for the strong without the domain to resist the power of the domain!

Increased in strength and more powerful in induction. Soon Lin Dong was involved in the killing, but he controlled the speed of the killing!

If you let go of the killing, with his current strength, the killing speed will be much faster!

Ten minutes, twenty minutes… half an hour later, Lin Dong was still killing in the same area and did not leave!


The soul sect.

“Three elders, you are dispatched!” Hunhong said annoyedly. The third elder nodded and immediately sent out with the other two elders and many tree soldiers. In the soul sect, the three elders are now very strong. He and the elders are very strong. The two elders already have the strength of the **** king level!

However, the strength of the three elders can reach the standard of the **** king’s strength, and only recently!


The rest of the strong are in the Three Elder Treasure Space, and the Three Elders are advancing extremely fast, but when he arrives in this area of ​​Lin Dong, Lin Dong has already gone to another area.


The third elder snorted coldly, “Do you think you can run away? You won’t go back if you don’t get caught this time!”

A talisman appeared in his hand, and the three elders used it!

This is a magic rune. The speed of using the three elders has been greatly improved. When he reaches the **** king, his speed has increased a lot. After using this powerful rune, his speed is two or three times faster than before. In less than half an hour, the three elders rushed to the area where Lin Dongxin was killing.

“Come out!”

The moment the third elder arrived, he released the other two elders and a large number of tree soldiers. He had no confidence in fighting Lin Dong alone! However, with the addition of the two elders and the many tree soldiers, he is very confident!

Many of those tree soldiers are of the tree king level. Among the tree soldiers, the strength of the tree king level is the strength of the upper gods, very strong!

Although the other two great elders have not yet reached the strength of the **** king, they are not far from the strength of the **** king!


Successfully surrounded Lin Dong, the fifth elder laughed wildly, this time it was the third elder, the fifth elder and the eighth elder who came over!

The three elders acted many times before, but none of them succeeded. Lin Dong slipped before they arrived!

“Your Excellency, fighting against my Soul Sect will not end well!” The Eighth Elder sneered, surrounded by the Tree Corps. In their opinion, it is impossible for Lin Dong to escape. They still have one for Lin Dong’s strength. Evaluated!

Lin Dong said indifferently: “Why are you just scraps? I thought there would be more powerful souls coming over!”


The third elder sneered. He said that the powerful aura that only the king of gods burst out of his body, this aura was much stronger than the aura that erupted from the upper gods. From the eyes of Lin Dong, the third elders saw a ray of it. panic.

“Oh, but I just reached the God King level!” Lin Dong said disdainfully, “I advise you to get out immediately, otherwise you will die!”


The fifth elder laughed and wanted to say something more, Lin Dong suddenly approached him at a terrifying speed. There was a formation barrier formed by tree soldiers in front of him, but the formation did not cause too much delay to Lin Dong. , Lin Dong’s blood knife came to him instantly!

The third elder wanted to help, but he felt that something was trapping him, and the Four Swords of Zhu Xian was acting underground at this time!

The Eighth Elder was not trapped, but his speed has slowed down. Lin Dong’s previous strength was not just an ordinary God King’s strength. Now it has been increased several times, how can his reaction be comparable to a higher-ranking God?


The Fifth Elders defended with all their strength, but Lin Dong’s blood knife easily penetrated his defense, entered through his chest, and came out from his back!

For a powerful person like the Five Elders, ordinary attack and piercing has no big impact, but Lin Dong uses the killing technique, and Lin Dong is a god-king level strength, he is penetrated by Lin Dong’s blood knife, his soul Swallowed by the blood knife at extreme speed!


The attacks of the eight elders and many tree soldiers fell on Lin Dong, but to the horror of the eight elders and them, Lin Dong didn’t seem to have any defenses, and those attacks falling on Lin Dong had no effect at all!

The Nine Dragon Tripod in the body, the jade disc of good fortune ~ The demon pot is defending, coupled with the power of Lin Dong’s divine body, their attack is almost a bit! If it was Lin Dong before, their attack would be effective, but today Lin Dong is no longer the Lin Dong before!

Four times of small catastrophe, the strength has increased several times!


Lin Dong grabbed the Eighth Elder, and the Eighth Elder dodged in horror, but his speed was far from comparable to Lin Dong!

Fighting against the attack, Lin Dong grabbed the eighth elder’s neck with his hand, and rushed into the eighth elder with a strong killing intent. The eighth elder was immediately stunned by the killing intent. The next moment, the eighth elder was received by Lin Dong. It’s not good to kill all of them. It’s good for Lin Dong to have a few hostages with good standing in his hands. For example, leaving the island of Gods and Demons, it’s not easy to leave without hostages. The previous teleportation formation has been given by the soul sect. Ruined!

“No, it’s impossible!”

The third elder’s eyes were wide open, and he was imprisoned, even with the help of some tree soldiers, he couldn’t get out of the formation.

The fifth elders and the eighth elders were solved as if Lin Dong killed a chicken and caught a chicken. The third elder couldn’t believe it, it seemed to be in a dream, nightmare!

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