The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 121: Don De’s shock!

()Chapter 121 The shock of Tang De!

In the past two days, Lin Dong took Tang De and them to visit many places, but they just didn’t go out in Xingyan Continent.

“City Lord Lin, we want to go around by ourselves… Can you give me something, we can contact you if we have something.” Tang De said.


Lin Dong nodded slightly and took out a few jade tiles. “Don’t drop them. These jade tiles have a certain defensive power. When attacked, they will consume the power inside. When the power consumption exceeds 50%, I will Come here!”

“Okay, thank you!” Tang De and the others took over the jade medals one by one, and Tang De and the others quickly dispersed and left.

Following Lin Dong for two days, Tang De and the others already have a certain understanding of this side, but they still want to understand more deeply by themselves. Following Lin Dong, maybe all they know is that Lin Dong wants them knew.

“Lin Dong, they don’t seem to trust you very much, why don’t you tell them your identity directly?” Xuanyuan Hanyan said, Tang De and the others still mistakenly believe that Lin Dong is only human and immortal!

Lin Dongdan smiled and said: “It’s not necessary, they can definitely find out by themselves for ten days on this side!”

“Lin Dong, is it necessary to bring them to this side? Jiuzhou City has now controlled the situation.” Xuanyuan Hanyan said.

Lin Dong shook his head: “Hanyan, you are wrong. Jiuzhou City now controls the situation with strength, but it only controls the overall situation. If you want to exert greater strength, only strength is No! We can destroy one or two families, but it is impossible to destroy ten or eight. That is to stand on the opposite side of the Federation! After all, we hope that the Federation is good and the Human Race has a future. This is not possible!”

Xuanyuan Hanyan frowned and said: “Mitsui Wada’s kind, I don’t think it would be better to just change it!”

“Hehe, it’s easy to change one, but it also needs a better reason, otherwise everyone will be at risk?” Lin Dong smiled, “Okay, don’t worry about this, take them over and have a look, they will I will be honest! They will also come in a few days, and we will all stay on the other side of the earth for a while!”

“Where is the Necro King?”

Lin Dong said quietly: “No hurry, with the current power of the Temple of Freedom, the Necromancer will not easily show up! The situation on the other side of the earth is more urgent. The God Jade Emperor must return to the outer sky within a year. The first level! Yan’er they first adapt to that side, let their strength rise first, and at least there will be a way out in the future!”

Xuanyuan Hanyan frowned and said: “Lin Dong, with the strength of the Temple of Freedom, do we need this kind of retreat?”

Lin Dong looked up at the sky: “It is difficult to know the strength of the Daluo Heaven Realm and the Divine Soul Realm. One more path is always good! Moreover, there are many treasures on the other side of the earth, so it would be good for them to adapt earlier!” /

“This is true!” Xuanyuan nodded with smoke. She also knew that Lin Dong had benefited greatly from the Jade Emperor and the others!

Lin Dong looked at Xuanyuan Hanyan and smiled: “Hanyan, it’s rare for us to get together like two people, let’s play everywhere?”

“Um…good!” Xuanyuan Hanyan’s face blushed slightly and agreed.

Lin Dong stretched out his hand to hold Xuanyuan Hanyan’s slender hand, Xuanyuan Hanyan smoked but didn’t take it out and let Lin Dong hold it.

“Smoke, you rarely go shopping before, don’t you? Do you want to go shopping?” Lin Dong smiled authentically.


Xuanyuan Hanyan really rarely went shopping before, not because she didn’t like it, but because the earth’s environment was not so good. She spent a lot of time fighting mutant beasts in the wild, and she had to teach after returning to the city. There was no time. And there is no one to accompany him. Although he has a good relationship with Shangguanyue, Shangguanyue is also very busy, busy with scientific research experiments!

Xingyan’s mainland business is extremely prosperous. Following Xuanyuan Hanyan, Lin Dong can be regarded as seeing her fighting power in this area. This trip lasted three days. Although there were food and tea in the middle, Lin Dong and the others did not sleep at all. rest.

“Smoke, I can’t walk, and I’m exhausted. Let’s find a place to open a room and get a good night’s sleep?” Lin Dong played as if I was tired, and I couldn’t walk at all. .

Xuanyuan Hanyan gave Lin Dong a white look. With a demigod level of cultivation, he couldn’t walk around for three days with him. Who did you lie?

“No, I want to drive you alone.” Xuanyuan hummed with smoke, she didn’t know what Lin Dong had made!

Lin Dong curled his lips: “It’s too wasteful to drive alone, and you are also tired. Just take a good rest.”


Suddenly, Lin Dong’s face changed slightly, “Go, there is a situation, Speaker Tang De’s jade slip is broken!”

The space fluctuates, and Lin Dong and them disappear in an instant.

On Tang De’s side, he was attacked. A werewolf in front of him, the mace weighing tens of thousands of catties in his hand just smashed Tang Deyu’s defense!

With Lin Dong’s strength, if the werewolf brought out something very good, the werewolf wouldn’t be able to destroy the defense in one day, but Lin Dong was temporarily given to Tang De and the others, and he hadn’t done it very carefully.

For Lin Dong, this is enough. He is sure that the broken jade slip will appear beside Tang De and the others!

“Go to hell!”

The werewolf roared and smashed out the mace in his hand, but this time his mace was not smashed down and was set in the air.

“City Lord Lin.”

Tang De exclaimed in surprise, Lin Dong and Tang Hanyan appeared, the mace was naturally given by Lin Dong.

“Speaker, what’s the matter?” Lin Dongdao.

Tang De smiled bitterly: “I don’t know, he just shot when he saw me. With my strength, I don’t dare to cause trouble.”

Lin Dong looked at the werewolf.

“Bah, **** human beings, it’s his blessing that Lao Tzu needs to see him in his training, and follow Lao Tzu obediently, otherwise it’s a dead end! And you two, **** off, you can’t offend us. Wolves!” The werewolf said the wolf and wolf.

Lin Dong’s eyes flashed: “There are a lot of humans on the street, why do you like him, speak honestly!”

The mace is frozen, which means that Lin Dong and the others are stronger than it, and this werewolf’s performance is a little unusual!


The werewolf didn’t answer. Looking at Lin Dong, their eyes were full of disdain. Lin Dong’s mind and consciousness directly invaded this werewolf’s mind. Using his strength to forcibly search for this werewolf’s memory is no problem!

Soon Lin Dong found it, his eyes flickered, this werewolf’s strength is good and there is a treasure that can sense that Tang De’s blood is good!

“I didn’t take a good look at Tang De’s bloodline before. Maybe someone has a very powerful bloodline.” Lin Dong secretly said in his heart.

Soon, Lin Dong’s spiritual knowledge penetrated into Tang De’s body. On this side, it is not easy to determine Tang De’s bloodline with his strength, but it will not be difficult!


Lin Dong’s eyes flickered. He had already judged Tang De’s bloodline. Tang De does have a very powerful bloodline. Although it is not a powerful bloodline like Hongjun Pangu Nuwa, his bloodline is not bad. a lot of.

“It should be the blood of the supreme strong in the prehistoric period!” Lin Dong secretly said in his heart, the blood of the supreme power in the prehistoric period, this is only one level worse than the blood of a powerful person like Hongjun Pangu Nuwa, and it is already extremely scary. !

Lingrou is the sacred beast of Yin-Yang rules. The Lord of Yin-Yang rules may grow to the level of the primordial supreme power. Tang De’s bloodline is not lower than Lingrou, but the bloodline of Lingrou has long been activated, Tang De The blood is not there yet.

“I got eight prehistoric fragments before. If I take out one to Tang De and use the jade disc power to assist him, it is very likely that Tang De will awaken.” Lin Dong secretly said in his heart.

If Tang De is awakened, there will be one more powerful character on Human Race in the future, but if Tang De can’t stand on his side, his awakening is not good for Lin Dong, so it is better to let his blood be wasted!

“Human, let go of my treasure!” The werewolf roared, and Lin Dong kept holding his mace to make it very dissatisfied.

Lin Dong frowned, waved his hand, and suddenly this werewolf was knocked away hundreds of meters by a terrifying force.


The werewolf smashed a lot of things along the way, his eyes were full of horror, and Lin Dong’s strength was too terrifying!

Tang De was taken aback, isn’t Lin Dong a fairy? That waswolf should also have immortal strength, but how could it be vulnerable to Lin Dong’s hands?

“Speaker, let’s talk!” Lin Dong had appeared in a teahouse with Tang De and Xuanyuan Hanyan in the next moment.

“City Lord Lin, your strength is more than human beings, right?” Tang De said.

Lin Dong smiled lightly: “If I only had the power of human beings, I might have found a place to hide, where can I care about the rise and fall of human races!”

“City Lord Lin, your strength…can you talk about it?”

Lin Dong took a sip of tea and smiled and said: “My name is Lin Dong, haven’t you heard of this name in the past three days?”

“Lin Dong…Lin Dong.”

Tang De read silently, and suddenly his eyes showed a look of horror. He had indeed heard of the name Lin Dong, but he had never connected the Lin Dong with the Lin Dong in front of him before. Dong’s strength is too terrifying!

“City Lord Lin… you the Lord of the Temple of Freedom?” Tang De trembled.

“Replace it like a fake.” Lin Dong smiled lightly.

Tang De was stunned. Really, he knew why Lin Dong didn’t pay attention to the power in the Federation at all. As the lord of the Temple of Freedom, the immortal emperor-level powerhouse under Lin Dong’s control There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of immortal king-level characters, and more than ten million immortal king-level characters. With such strength and identity, who cares about the little power in the Sun Federation?

“Hallmaster of the Temple of Freedom, a semi-god powerhouse.” Tang De muttered to himself, he suddenly felt that he was extremely small in front of Lin Dong!

Speaker of the Sun Federation, this ranks very high in the Sun Federation, but what is this in the Nine Realms?

Tang De checked the population area of ​​Xingyan Continent. Lin Dong did not lie before. The population of Xingyan Continent is even larger than Lin Dong said before. It is estimated that it exceeds 50 billion, and the population of the Sun Federation is less than 100 billion. One-fifth millionth of Yan mainland’s population!

And what is Xingyan Continent in the entire Lingyuan Realm? The Lingyuan Realm is just a world in the Nine Realms!

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