The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 74: Between life and death!

()Chapter 74 Between Life and Death! (For flowers!)

“Brother Lin!”

Lu Xian looked at Lin Dong nervously. Neither her nor Qin Yan’s defenses had much effect. If Lin Dong’s defenses were also low, then the problem would be serious. No matter who the life and death books attacked, the three of them would Die one!

Lin Dong’s eyes narrowed, and that strange attack had already matched the demon refining pot’s defense. If the refining pot was complete, Lin Dong believed that the demon refining pot could definitely be blocked, even if his strength has not recovered now. !

Now, Lin Dong doesn’t have such confidence in the demon refining pot!

The demon refining pot is still incomplete, and he has not recovered his strength now. He has broken his leg and his hand, so it’s strange that he won’t suffer in a fight!

“Ten percent!”

Lin Dong spoke, the demon refining pot consumed part of the power of that strange attack, but it didn’t consume much!

“You are ready!” Lin Dong said solemnly, he regrets a little bit, so Lu Xian and Qin Yan should leave first!

The attack on the Book of Life and Death is too terrifying. In a short period of time, it consumes no more than 20% of the power. The defense of the Divine Ring, the defense of the Yuling Ring, and the defense of the Demon Refining Pot are all breached!


In the Nine Dragon Ding, Molong and others roared. The Nine Dragons Ding is complete, plus there are eight-headed dragon beasts, which is very powerful!


The Nine Dragon Ding has consumed part of the attack power of the Book of Life and Death, but the remaining attack power exceeds 65%!


Lu Xian exclaimed, the weird force that broke through the Nine Dragon Ding’s defenses turned into a weird skull not far from the front left of Lin Dong!

“Get up!”

Lin Dong roared in his heart, and the skull rushed to Lin Dong and the others!

Sixty or seventy percent of the remaining power, such a strong power, if this thing is allowed to enter the body, with Qin Yan and their current strength, they will not be able to survive, the power of the book of life and death is really terrifying!


The skull seemed to be laughing strangely. The next moment, it sank into Lu Xianyou’s body at a terrifying speed.

“Break it for me!”

Lin Dong roared, his palm was cut by himself and was full of blood. With this blood-filled palm, the fragment of the jade disc of good fortune was grasped by Lin Dong and pressed to Lu Xian’s forehead, a faint purple light immediately disappeared into Lu Xian. in vivo!

In Lu Xian’s mind, the skull rushed towards her soul, but it was still a little bit. The faint purple light wrapped around the skull. The power of the skull was weird and terrifying, but it was touched by that trace of light. When Ziguang meets it, it is like encountering a nemesis, and Ziguang turns into silk threads to bind it up. What it can get from constant struggle is the constant consumption of power!

“Husband, it’s okay for the time being!”

Qin Yan immediately told Lin Dong about Lu Xian’s situation. Lu Xian closed her eyes at the moment, and she had no time to talk to Lin Dong.


Lin Dong let out a long sigh, it’s okay, good luck jade disc fragments Lin Dong placed great expectations, and it did not disappoint Lin Dong! But fortunately, the two pieces have been merged. If it is only one piece, the attack of the book of life and death will definitely be unstoppable.

The Supreme Church.

“Master, this–“

The boy Jinying was puzzled and authentic. Lu Xian’s name was first written on the book of life and death, but now that name is fading!

The Supreme Sovereign Master Qianmian Xianzun did not speak. He stared at the name on the Book of Life and Death. As long as the name did not completely fade, then the attack was successful. If the name written on it disappears completely, then the attack on the Book of Life and Death this time It failed!

If the attack fails, the Book of Life and Death will be backlashed, and you can’t attack again for a certain period of time!

The Thousand Faces Immortal Venerable knew this, but since getting the Book of Life and Death, such a thing has never happened.

Five seconds, there is still writing!

Ten seconds, the writing is almost invisible!

Fifteen seconds, the face of the Immortal Thousand Faces changed. With his eyesight, he could no longer see if there were words on the page on the book of life and death!

In the next moment, the Book of Life and Death closed on its own. The Immortal Venerable Thousand Faces tried to open it, but the Book of Life and Death could not be opened at this moment!

Jin Ying was taken aback. With his cleverness, he also guessed that something went wrong. This attack was unsuccessful!

“Go out.”

The Thousand Faces Immortal Venerable said calmly, “Notify the eighth king to be vigilant! If you have a chance, catch Lin Dong or kill Lin Dong!”

On Lin Dong’s side, the faint purple light appeared from Lu Xian’s body and returned to the jade disc of good fortune. The purple light consumed a little, but not much, it can recover by absorbing the power in the space!

“Brother Lin, I’m fine!” Lu Xian opened his eyes, Lin Dong nodded, and Ziguang returned, he had already confirmed this.

Qin Yan was a little scared and said: “It’s dangerous, the attack on the book of life and death is really horrible. The sacred ring and so on did not have much effect!

Lin Dong is also a little scared, but he didn’t show it at the moment. Now the result is still good!

Although I don’t know the specific situation of the Book of Life and Death, there is one thing that Lin Dong is sure that this attack failure in the Book of Life and Death should be affected, and it is more likely that the Book of Life and Death cannot be attacked for a certain period of time!

“Yan’er, Xianxian, you pass on the order and do your best to investigate the information in the book of life and death!” Lin Dong said solemnly.

“By the way, I need the time ball, the top time ball!” Lin Dongdao.

With low strength, Lin Dong needs to restore his strength on this side in the shortest possible time!


Qin Yan took out a lot of time balls, Lin Dong quickly practiced, and Qin Yan and Lu Xian re-arranged strong defenses. Their defenses could not consume much of the power of the book of life and death attacks, but they resisted one. A little bit of time is no problem, they can wake Lin Dong up when they have that time!

“Xianxian, were you scared just now?” Qin Yan said after setting up.

Lu Xian shook his head: “Fortunately, we have experienced a lot, and there are a lot more dangerous situations than this. This time Brother Lin is still by his side, isn’t he? With Brother Lin by his side, I believe not There is a problem!”

“The Supreme Master, I can’t spare them at that time!” Qin Yan’s eyes flickered with cold light, which was blocked. If he did not block, Lu Xian would have died. When Lu Xian died, she and Lin Dong were not young May die too!

“There is also the Nine Extreme Hall!” Lu Xian said.

The occurrence of such a thing is also inseparable from the Jiuji Temple. The people in the Jiuji Temple sent things to the other side and attracted the attention of the supreme religion. Moreover, the people of the Jiuji Temple followed the supreme religion of the Jiuji Palace. While taunting and taunting!


Qin Yan nodded, “I don’t know where there is that kind of jade disc reef piece. Both pieces are very strong. If three pieces and four pieces are combined, it will be stronger!”

“Let’s find a way to find a Primordial Dragon Beast. Brother Lin’s Primordial Dragon Beast already has eight heads, and another Primordial Dragon Beast, his Nine Dragon Tripod can show the most powerful power, much stronger than it is now. !” Lu Xian said.

Qin Yan’s eyes flickered: “The Primordial Dragon Beast is not easy to find. If the information is correct, one of the nine-headed strange beasts that the Silver-browed Dharma King pulls may be the Primordial Dragon Beast. The initial cultivation base of the Immortal Emperor was lower. However, the bloodline of the Primordial Dragon Beast is strong. As long as enough resources are given, it can grow up in a relatively quick time!”

“One of the strange beasts of the Silver Eyebrow Law King is more likely to be the Primordial Dragon Beast!” Lu Xian thought for a while.

They collected this information. In fact, they had paid attention to this a long time ago, but they ignored it later, because the Silver-browed Karmapa is one of the eight* kings of the Supreme Sect. It is not worthwhile to offend the Supreme Sect to obtain an ancient dragon beast.

But now there is no such problem. The Supreme Sect has offended them. Even if the Sovereign Sect no longer troubles them, they will find the Supreme Sect in trouble. The enemies of the Book of Life and Death cannot be forgotten!

“Sister Qin Yan, the strength of the Silver Eyebrow King is not below us. It is not easy to catch him and get his strange beast.” Lu Xian said.

A faint smile appeared on Qin Yan’s face: “Slim, you don’t have to catch the silverbrow Karmapa to get the strange beast! The silverbrow Karmapa just controlled the strange beasts with secret methods, destroying the secret method, the ancient dragon. The beast will definitely run away!”

“How to destroy? It’s hard for us to leave the action right now, let alone approach the Supreme Master.” Lu Xian said.

“Long Ao!”

Qin Yan called, Long Ao came out, and he nodded to Qin Yan and the others politely, Qin Yan and the others are mistresses!

Moreover, Qin Yan and the others are also strong. Long Ao is only in the late stage of the Immortal Emperor. Qin Yan and the others are the peak of the Immortal Emperor, and they are not ordinary peaks of the Immortal Emperor.

“Long Ao, does your Shenlong clan have a blood secret method that can awaken the controlled kind?” Qin Yan said.

If someone asks, Long Ao will definitely ignore it. You can also inquire about the secrets of the Shenlong clan? But when the mistress asked, Long Ao immediately said that there is indeed such a secret method, but it is not easy to wake up the target from a long distance!

“Molong, you guys come out too.” Qin Yan smiled, “Long Ao, your strength is insufficient, together with Molong should be enough!”

Long Ao nodded, Molong’s combat effectiveness has not recovered, but this call does not require combat effectiveness, Molong itself is strong, and they themselves are Primordial Dragons, these two points are enough!

“Mother, it’s useless even if you wake up!” Long Ao said, “Wake up is one thing, whether the other party can get out of control is one thing!”

“Wake up first!” Qin She said that she took out a scale, this is the scale of the dragon beast of the silver eyebrow prince. Qin Yan has already used some means to get it. The King Eyebrow didn’t pay attention, his mutant beasts are usually released to let them move freely. They may fight outside, and it is normal for some scales to fall off!

Long Ao stared at the scale, for a long time it said: “Mother, the owner of this scale does have the blood of the Primordial Dragon Beast!”

“That’s good, you are responsible for waking it up. If it is out of control, you have to trouble you to take it up! You don’t have to worry about being attacked by the Book of Life and Death. The Palace of Life and Death does not know that you have already followed your husband.” Qin said.

Long Ao nodded, and it was easy to do this with the strength of its late immortal emperor. It just didn’t know how Qin Yan and the others let the dragon beast out of control, not out of control, even if the dragon beast awakens consciousness and moves freely in the wild. Won’t run away either!

“Mother, we will wake it up and communicate with it. There will be no problems in this respect.” Long Ao said.

Silver Eyebrow Karmapa let the Primordial Dragon Beast pull the cart, with the arrogance of the Primordial Dragon Beast, this cannot be willing, it is simple to instigate rebellion!

(Seeking flowers!)

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