The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 53: 2 women help!

()”General, the biological gas cannot be turned off!”

“General, the purification system is not working!”

“General, the antidote is destroyed!”

In the underground bunker, the soldiers hurriedly reported that the sirens continued, and it was less than thirty seconds!

“Retreat, everyone out!” Andhung finally ordered. The soldiers were relieved. Although they are loyal to Andhsiung, they don’t want to die. They will run if they don’t leave the biological poisonous gas filling here. Can’t drop!

The underground bunker was quickly opened. Andhsiung and the others rushed out. Just outside, the security door closed instantly behind them, and Andhsiung tried to open the security door again, but his identity authentication was invalid and could not be opened!

“Arrogant!” Anderson growled.

The soldiers who followed Andxiong were also annoyed, but the more arrogant ones were still behind. There were armed robots in the base. Many armed robots quickly surrounded them, and the guns of the armed robots were aimed at them!

“Andexiong, you will be arrested with bare hands, otherwise you will be killed for resisting arrest!” Lin Dong’s majestic voice came from the mechanical guards in the sky, “All soldiers listen to orders and lay down their weapons, otherwise they will be treated as rebellion. Kill!”

Lin Dong’s words fell, a large number of automatic weapons in the base moved, and one automatic weapon aimed at the nearest target.


Many soldiers immediately dropped the weapons in their hands and confronted the numerous automatic weapons in the base in this base. It’s not such a joke!

“Andhsiung, you have ten seconds to come out and surrender, otherwise you die!” Lin Dong said that there are armed robots on Andhsiung’s countdown, and all the armed robots on this side have entered the firing state and can attack at any time. !

An Dexiong is furious, but he is not stupid, knowing that he is defeated at this moment, no matter how tenacious, Lin Dong will really kill himself!

As for whether Lin Dong dare, this Andexione knows that Lin Dong will definitely dare!

Even the federal supercomputer, Galaxy Lin Dong, dare to fight, so many media dare to block, Ashura has been arrested by Lin Dong, what does Lin Dong dare not?

“Don’t resist! I believe the Federation will give me an explanation!” Andexiong said solemnly.

Many soldiers put down their weapons, but the faces of many soldiers showed anger. Although Andhsiung is also a lot of evil, his son also indulges, but he still loves his soldier Andhsiung. !

“Ling Wu, follow Lin Dongqian, you will regret it!” Andhxiong walked up to Ling Wu and sneered.

Ling Wu said indifferently: “Don’t bother you!”

An Dexiong and Ling Wu had already had a lot of contradictions, and at this moment, he was not polite to completely seal An Dexiong’s strength.

“Take it away!”

Ling Wu waved his hand, and the two police officers immediately escorted Andxiong into the police car, and the police cars vacated and left quickly.

Not long after Ling Wu left, Wang Jiangde brought people there. He needs to maintain the stability of this base and deal with the emotions of the soldiers! This is not a simple question, but it is not very difficult. After all, Andxiong and the others have a lot of criminal evidence, and many soldiers can’t accept it at once, but if you talk about it, they can still accept it!

Ask in Xianlou.

Shang Junguanxin secretly smiled bitterly. First, Asura and others were arrested, and now Andexione was also arrested. What a mess.

“City Lord Lin, come here today, are you busy.” Shangguan Jun said.

Lin Dong glanced at Shangguanyue and said: “Dean, it is now when Jiuzhou City is hiring people. I want Shangguan’s tutor to come and help. I don’t know if it’s okay? There are many problems in Jiuzhou City. If you don’t solve it, At that time, it may not be one or two deaths!”

Shangguan Junxin was silent, he didn’t want to agree, but Lin Dong was not very easy to refute this reason. At this moment, the ability of the above official month to be a tutor in the Earth Federation College is really a waste!

“Father, I have already been involved. If Lin Dong fails, I’m afraid I will die.” Shangguan Yue said.

Shangguan Junxin’s face changed slightly. Lin Dong has caused a big disturbance this time. If Lin Dong falls, will anyone deal with Shangguan Yue? Shangguan Junxin knew that someone would definitely deal with it, at least the Situ family would take it!

There are definitely a lot of other forces who will take action. Who will let Lin Dong get closer before Shangguanyue? If Lin Dong falls, if some forces still accumulate anger, Shangguanyue is definitely the target of some forces to deal with!

“Finally, you go and help, City Lord Lin, you must ensure Xiaoyue’s safety!” Shangguan Junxin said solemnly.

A smile appeared on Lin Dong’s face: “Dean, you don’t need to say this!”

“I have something to do, let’s go now!” Shangguan Junxin left with a calm face!

Shangguan Yuebai gave Lin Dong a glance and said: “Lin Dong, what do you do now, you have caught so many people at once, do you know how many people have offended?”

Lin Dongdan smiled and said: “I have offended a lot, I don’t care about one or two more, and Ashura and the others are here, do you think they are here for a trip? They are here to deal with me! “

“As for Andrei, today, Andre’s banquet for Ashura and others is already on the opposite side of me!”

Shangguanyue said in an angry manner: “Asura and others are definitely not the only ones who come to deal with you, can you handle it?”

“I’m Jiuzhou City, my site! They are here. The dragon has to hold it for me, and the tiger has to lie down for me!” Lin Dongdao, his voice is very weak, but full of domineering!

Shang Guanyue rolled her eyes: “I really don’t know where your confidence comes from. There will surely be many powerful people coming over. How can Jiuzhou City handle it! Rely on the police. The police can catch ordinary criminals, those powerful policemen. Not much use!”

“How much strength do you need to deal with?” Lin Dong smiled lightly.

Shangguan Yue said: “It is very likely that there will be 17th-level strong people coming over, and it is normal for a 16th-level strong person to come over. The strong are waiting to take your life!”

“There will be a lot of people at level 15 and 14. Ordinary policemen like this will not be arrested at all. If they make trouble in Jiuzhou City, then Jiuzhou City will definitely be in huge trouble!”

Lin Dong’s thoughts appeared in the room with many orbs, sixty one half-meter in diameter, one hundred and twenty smaller ones, and two hundred and fifty smaller ones.

“This is?”

Lin Dongdan smiled and said: “Yue’er, this is a mechanical guard, the strength of about sixteenth level with a diameter of half a meter, the other two are fifteenth and fourteenth! Sixty sixteenth mechanical guards, One hundred and twenty fifteenth-level mechanical guards and two hundred and fifty fourteenth-level mechanical guards should be able to catch all the powerful criminals in Jiuzhou City, right?”


Shang Guanyue stared at the mechanical guards in shock. With such a high-strength mechanical guard, Lin Dong actually took out so many at once!

“So you had a plan!” Shang Guanyue let out a long breath.

Lin Dong said with a laugh: “Am I unreliable in doing things? Xiao Jiu has a lot of criminal information. I will give you a task to arrest or drive out the powerful criminals in Jiuzhou City. Can it be done?”

“You can’t do it yourself?”

Lin Dong glanced at the mechanical guards and said: “Just these mechanical guards, do you think it is safe? For the time being, these mechanical guards guarantee our safety and guarantee the stability of Jiuzhou City. There is no problem, but it will not work for a long time. More power is needed! I could directly let Xiao Jiu deal with the arrests, but after all, Xiao Jiu is just an intellectual brain. Some things still need people to judge!”

“I don’t know if I can do a good job.” Shang Guanyue said hesitantly, after all, she has always been engaged in scientific research.

“Let me come!”

Another voice rang, the door was pushed open, and Xuanyuan Hanyan walked in.

Lin Dong and Shangguanyue’s eyes lit up, and Xuanyuan Hanyan said: “Lin Dong, I am better at this kind of thing! After all, Xiaoyue only has the strength of level 16, so if you encounter a powerhouse of level 17 sneak attack It will be more dangerous!”

“When did you come back? I couldn’t contact you before.” Lin Dong smiled and said, “Have you eaten, sit down and eat?”

Xuanyuan Hanyan shook his head: “Don’t eat it. My biological brain is damaged, so I haven’t made a replacement yet.”

“Take it!”

Lin Dong handed Xuanyuan Hanyan a biological brain. This is something he made. It is much stronger than an ordinary biological brain, and it is not so easily damaged in battle.

“Thank you, how about leaving the matter to me?” Xuanyuan Hanyan Road, she is very affectionate for Jiuzhou City, knowing that many powerful criminals have entered Jiuzhou City, she rushed as fast as possible Came back.

I thought it would be troublesome to deal with it, but just after hearing what Lin Dong said, Lin Dong actually has so many powerful mechanical guards!

Lin Dong smiled and nodded: “There is no problem for you to deal with it. If necessary, you can also call forty sixteenth-level mechanical warriors in my city lord’s mansion, but for the time being, these powers should be enough!”

“Enough, totally enough.” Xuanyuan contained the flue.

Sixty sixteenth-level powerhouses, one hundred and twenty fifteenth-level powerhouses, two hundred and fifty fourteenth-level powerhouses, this is an extremely terrifying force! You must know that when Xuanyuan Hanyan sealed the general before, he was only at level sixteen!

An Dexiong has sealed the general. He still has only level fifteen strength, and Ling Wu and their three deputy city masters have only level fifteen strength!

“Lin Dong, what shall I do?” Shangguan Yue said.

Lin Dong thought for a while and said: “Yue’er, there is one thing that offends people, you should consider whether to do it or not.”

“What’s the matter?”

“The people caught need to be tried. The ordinary judges are not courageous enough. Do you dare to be this judge?” Lin Dongdao.

Shang Guanyue was a little surprised and said: “Can I be this judge?”

“Hehe, don’t you look at whose site this Jiuzhou City is!” Lin Dong smiled lightly, just a The city lord Lin Dong said that Shangguanyue was her!

Shangguan Yue said: “Since I have no problem with the trial, then I will accept this task. Is the first task to judge Andrei Anderson?”

Lin Dong thought for a while and said: “If you think this task is more difficult, I can do it. If you have confidence, you can do it.”

“Hmph, you have no experience in this area, right? You are no better than me. Anyway, let go and try to judge them seriously, right? This is not difficult.” Shangguan Yue said.

Lin Dong smiled lightly: “Don’t think that this is a simple task. There will definitely be pressure from all aspects. If you can’t bear the pressure, push on me… It’s okay to delay time!”

Shangguanyue blinked: “Lin Dong, can you get these **** quickly?”

“What did you say?”

(Brothers, all the basic flowers are smashed! Thank you, thank you! Four more today!) ()

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