The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 30: Trade with Mingfeng!

()Chapter 30 Dealing with Dark Phoenix! (For flowers!)

“Sit down and talk over there!” Lin Dong said calmly.

There is also a living room in the underground palace below the city lord’s mansion. Not far from Lin Dong and the others, Ming Feng nodded slightly and walked over.

The two sat down and Mingfeng said: “City Lord Lin, that channel is not very useful for you, and I just need the right to use it, not completely occupying the channel, if you want to use it, there is no problem! “

“What are you going to do? Where is the passage on that side connected?” Lin Dongdao.

Mingfeng frowned and said: “City Lord Lin, you don’t know after you have said it. You still don’t know about this aspect! I advise you not to go to that side through the passage, and don’t send anyone over! Without level 15 strength, you will be crushed directly through the passage!”

“Where does the channel go?”

“You can go to nine different worlds!” Mingfeng said.

Lin Dong was stunned for a moment. He thought that the channel could only go to one world, and it could go to nine different worlds. No wonder Mingfeng and the others competed. The role of this Jiuzhou City was far greater than he had estimated before. important!

“City Lord Lin, don’t think about your past, don’t look at your strength on this side, your strength will be greatly suppressed on the other side, and you will not be as good as a kid on the other side. It’s extremely easy. Death!” Mingfeng said.

Lin Dong smiled slightly. Although Mingfeng sneaked into it, his heart was pretty good, and his attitude was okay!

“Mingfeng, how about you, where are you going to let some strong people go to?” Lin Dong smiled lightly.

Mingfeng was silent.

Lin Dong didn’t speak. After a few minutes, Mingfeng said: “City Lord Lin, there are things that are not good to know! Some things must be done, otherwise…Oh!”

There was a look of helplessness in Mingfeng’s eyes, and Lin Dong’s heart moved, as if she knew what the human race was like now.

“City Lord Lin, how? If you agree, Pluto will not trouble you, and I will try to help make your stress less!” Ming Feng said.

Lin Dong said quietly: “Mingfeng, Alpha also knows what’s happening here and is ordered to fight for the seat of the city lord, right?”

“I don’t necessarily know the situation, he may just be ordered to come over!”

“Only you two, it seems that the information on this side is still secret, and most of the forces don’t know it?”

Mingfeng’s eyes flickered: “City Lord Lin, it is not good for you to say this!”

“Mingfeng…Wait for me to think about it for a while. During this period of time, I will also see your efforts, or I will agree, and then you will regret it!” Lin Dongdan smiled.

Mingfeng frowned: “City Lord Lin, this matters a lot and cannot be delayed!”

“Please go back first! Don’t sneak in again in the future, otherwise don’t blame me for being polite.” Lin Dongdao.

Mingfeng did not get up, she was a little annoyed and said: “Lin Dong, then you will be the sinner of all mankind!”

Lin Dongsi smiled and said: “Mingfeng, this hat is very big. Before I say this, can we clear all the mutant beasts on Pluto?”

“How to clear the mutant beast so strong!”

Lin Dong looked at her with a faint smile: “You know a lot. Pluto has the ability to eliminate all mutant beasts. Don’t you know this?”

Mingfeng’s face changed and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

“Lin Dong, it seems that you know more than I expected!” Mingfeng frowned. She did know that Pluto had the ability to eliminate all mutant beasts, but she did not have the power to control, so she wanted to use this channel !

“But what you don’t know is that Pluto has this ability, but I don’t know why, I just didn’t do it! I know the news of this channel and I want to use this channel to increase my strength to do this thing! “

A hint of surprise flashed in Lin Dong’s eyes: “Mingfeng, do you know how difficult this is? Even if your strength increases, I am afraid that this will not be possible. Athena will not agree!” /


Mingfeng’s face changed drastically. Lin Dong actually knew Athena. How could this be possible? Many things ordinary people know are just myths. Lin Dong should be in the category of ordinary people!

Lin Dong said plainly: “Mingfeng, Athena should keep those mutant beasts for belief in power. I don’t know if her motive for doing this is good or bad, but at least I know that if you destroy it, you will die. !”

“How did you know?” Mingfeng said solemnly.

Lin Dongdao: “You first talk about your identity.”

Mingfeng was silent, and Lin Dong didn’t urge her. This time she said, “She is my mother!” after ten minutes.

Lin Dong was taken aback. This was beyond Lin Dong’s expectation. He had no idea that Mingfeng would be Athena’s daughter!

“Then you still want to kill those mutant beasts?”

Mingfeng frowned and said: “The people are very innocent. Since there is a way to kill the mutant beasts, I will naturally find a way to do it!”

“Have you ever persuaded your mother?”

“What did you say! Lin Dong, how much do you know?”

Based on Lin Dong’s soul attainments, Lin Dong can judge that what Mingfeng said is true and not deceiving him.

“I know the Nine Realms, I also know the dangers of the human race, and I also know the Tathagata God Jade Emperor Zeus.” Lin Dong said calmly.

Mingfeng was shocked again, Lin Dong knew a lot!

“Mingfeng, isn’t there someone who can send tokens to the rest of the world?” Lin Dongdao.

Mingfeng frowned and said: “The quantity is small, and my mother took away all of mine. Now I don’t have any of them!”

“What about the rest of the forces? How many things are there?” Lin Dongdao.

“Not much. One substance is needed to open the space channel. It is very good to make two substances in a year. On average, you can’t make one in a year! Lin Dong, you know these are not good for you!” Ming Fengdao.

Lin Dong smiled lightly and said: “I lost in my hands. I didn’t expect you to still care about my life and death, not bad!”

Mingfeng said indifferently: “Your strength is good, living should be good for mankind!”

“What did your mother do when they went to the second level of Tianwaitian, did they simply improve their strength, or did they have other purposes?”

Mingfeng’s eyes flashed: “You know this, Lin Dong, you’d better not let the second person know about these things! The Tathagata God and others are just legends, you should know what dangers are involved in this! “

“I know!” Lin Dong said flatly, “What world do you want to go to? Isn’t it a fifteenth level to pass?”

“Plus other things, those with lower strength can also pass!”

Lin Dong looked at Mingfeng and did not speak.

Mingfeng frowned and said, “Going to the Wanbao Realm, I have also been to the Wanbao Realm before. The Wanbao Realm has the most various treasures in all the worlds. Some things can be used on this side, and the rest of the world Basically don’t need it!”

“Wanbao World——”

Lin Dong muttered in his heart, Qin Yan and Lu Xian went to the Wanbao realm. Lu Xian had reached a high level of strength in the Wanbao realm before. With her help, now a lot of time has passed, and Qin Yan’s strength should also be It’s already very strong!

“Mingfeng, where are you strong?” Lin Dongdao.

“The Immortal King level only.” Mingfeng frowned. Lin Dong knew that the level of the Wanbao Realm was the same as that of the Lingyu Realm. The level of the Immortal King level was not bad, but there were still immortal kings on it. There is a fairy emperor, not too strong!

Of course, with this kind of strength, the people on this side can still help improve their strength in the past. When their strength goes up to this side, the speed of improvement is much faster, plus some treasures, they can create a lot Master!

“Mingfeng, we can cooperate, but we need to add some terms!” Lin Dongdan smiled, “I need some materials to make that token. In addition, I need a lot of high-quality fire crystals. Also, I need a batch of refined uranium! I need a batch of super high-quality alloys, and a batch of raw materials for making super brains!”

Mingfeng’s brows frowned and a little annoyed: “Lin Dong, are you asking too much? The token material is extremely difficult to obtain, and high-quality fire crystals are not easy to obtain. You still need a lot of ! Do you know how much a kilo of refined uranium costs? Super high-quality alloys, the raw materials for making super brains, which one is easy to get?”

Lin Dong said quietly: “If it’s easy to get me and I need your help, I won’t do it easily by myself!”


Mingfeng snorted coldly.

“Mingfeng, I might also enter the Wanbao realm then, maybe I can help you!” Lin Dong smiled lightly.

“You? Come on!” Mingfeng didn’t believe that Lin Dong could help her at all. How strong could Lin Dong get to?

“I’ve made the conditions. Mingfeng, you can do the above. As for the adjustment of contradictions, it is unnecessary!” Lin Dong said calmly.

Mingfeng’s face was cold, and after a while she nodded: “I try my best, and you don’t think you can get too much!”

“No delivery!”

Mingfeng left soon, confirming that this side was a teleportation channel, and Lin Dong did not try to enter the super brain area of ​​the underground palace.

“Xiao Jiu, you will take over it first. I will take down this thing and use its materials to make you a stronger carrier!” Lin Dongdao.

“Thank you, master!” Xiao Jiu said happily. The carrier is stronger and its ability can be even stronger!

After a few minutes, Xiao Jiu said: “Master, I have collected all the information and have taken over Jiuzhou Brain!”


Lin Dong immediately took it apart, and his level was there. Although super brains were difficult to disassemble, three days later Jiuzhou had become countless parts.

“Lin Dong, Huo Jing has been sent here!” Mingfeng sent a message to Lin Dong, and her movements were still very fast.

Soon Lin Dong received the fire crystals that Mingfeng had sent over. The quality was high and the quantity was as much as ten cubic meters!

If Lin Dong gets so many high-quality fire crystals, don’t even think about it in a month! As the daughter of Athena, Mingfeng has super power in Pluto and has a strong network of contacts. It is much easier to get this than Lin Dong!

“Mingfeng, thanks!”

Lin Dong replied.

“Alloys will also be delivered in these two days. As for the rest, it takes about seven days to refine uranium, and ten days for the materials for super brains. It’s very good to get some materials for tokens in one month !”

“Mingfeng, can you get the time ball?”

“Get out!”

(Seeking flowers!)

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