The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 20: You are my woman too!

()Chapter 20 You are my woman too! (For flowers!)

“Xiaoyi, where did you get this thing?” Lin Dongdao, the time ball must be extremely precious!

Lin Dong asked Xiao Jiu to search for this information, but he didn’t get any results!

“It was found in an ancient tomb.” Jin Wuyi said with a bit of fear. “I and Xiaoman met two powerful mutant beasts fighting over there. The battle destroyed a large area nearby. After they left, we found An ancient tomb, the tomb has been destroyed a lot, we searched it and found this!”

Jin Wu quite smiled and said: “Master, sister A said at the beginning not to search, I still found it after I insisted to see it.”

“An ancient tomb with a time ball? Come and take a look at that time!” Lin Dongdao.


Shangguanyue said: “Lin Dong, there are less than three days left, you can quickly use this time ball to improve your strength!”

“Okay, take care of Xiaoyi and the others!” Lin Dongdao.

Shangguan Junxin’s villa has a special training room. Soon Lin Dong entered the training room and used the time ball. Most people don’t know how to use the time ball, but Lin Dong doesn’t know how much it has been used. clear.

With the use of the time ball, the white fluorescent light enveloped Lin Dong’s whole person, and Lin Dong’s figure became blurred!

“Hey… the power of this time ball is not weak compared to today’s strength!” Lin Dong was surprised, thinking that the power of this time ball could only drive his own training, but he did not expect to add the demon pot. In Xiaojin, the power of the time ball can also withstand.

However, I can only bear the two of them. Lin Dong tried to make Qingjiao also speed up in time, but was unsuccessful!

“Xiaojin, try your best to practice, and strive to break the current level!” Lin Dong’s voice came into Xiaojin’s mind.


Xiao Jin responded with a low growl. Lin Dong no longer paid attention to closing his eyes and practicing the Nine Death Magic Art with all his strength. The Nine Death Magic Art could not be used at all at first, but now, Lin Dong can already use this aspect. the power of.

One day has passed quickly, and time has accelerated. Two months have passed since Lin Dong and Xiaojin!

The Mitsui Consortium.

“If you don’t have any comments, just make this decision, and help the Solomon family get the lord of Jiuzhou City!” Mitsui Saxiong said coldly.

One day has passed. Of course, Mitsui Sakuma has already learned the news of his son’s death. His little brother has also dealt with it. He has recovered a lot with his strength, but he still feels a little bit painful at the moment. It is estimated that it will not be used in eight days!

“Patriarch, the Solomon family has no benefit for us. This is purely making wedding dresses for others. Should you consider it again?” Mitsui Sakuma frowned slightly, “Patriarch, this is not particularly in the interests of the family. ! The Situ family didn’t even get involved. I guess they wanted to see the rest of the people get the best price when they fight, can we do the same?”

Mitsui Saxiong glared at the speaker fiercely: “Baga, Lin Dong has already stepped on our heads, we must fight back!”

Being lost, and the little brother suffered a disaster, Mitsui Zuoxian’s anger is really hard to dissipate, even if you contact Situ’s family and Situ’s family doesn’t cooperate with him, you will get involved!

“Alpha’s strength is strong, with the support of the Solomon family behind and the shadow of the church. The chance of success is great. If we help him become the lord of the city, we will have a benefit at that time!” Mitsui Sakuma said.

“I have decided to help the Solomon family with all my strength!”


Situ’s house.

“Yang’er, you are really mature, you can give up such an opportunity!” Situ Quan said with satisfaction.

In front of Situ Quan, Situ Yang calmly said: “Father, now we better sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight! Blending in and winning with Alpha won’t be of much benefit to our Situ family. Asia City is not far from Jiuzhou City. The Solomon family and the church have a big appetite!”

“Moreover, our Situ family has hurt a lot of vitality before, so it’s not suitable to shoot at this time! Although this time is an opportunity, it is not a particularly good opportunity! My strength has not recovered yet, maybe our Situ family is not good. Was hit again!”


Situ Quan smiled and nodded, “Yanger, you are considerate. For my father, I want to take action when I heard Mitsui Sakuma say that, fortunately, you reminded!”

“Father, if it’s okay, I’ll go to practice first!” Situ Yang said solemnly.

“Go, go!” Situ Quan said with satisfaction. Situ Yang had made him very dissatisfied before. He was low-strength and didn’t know low-key, but now he is very satisfied. Situ Yang’s strength is very high at level 17. The more important thing is to know the forbearance!

Poor Situ Quan didn’t know what Situ Yang was for forbearance. He was controlled by Lin Dong, and Lin Dong naturally wouldn’t let the Situ family blend in at such a time!


Two days have passed, the Earth Federation Academy is still relatively peaceful here. With time accelerating, Lin Dong and Xiaojin have been practicing for four months!

Lin Dong has successfully reached the fifteenth level, and Xiaojin is still a little bit behind to reach the seventeenth level, but not much!

The time ball has become much smaller, but it is still emitting fluorescence, providing time power for Lin Dong to practice with Xiaojin.

“I don’t know how much Lin Dong’s strength can be improved. If the improvement is not a lot, it is estimated to be difficult.” Shang Guanyue in the villa was a little worried.

Xuanyuan Hanyan nodded slightly. Alpha has already arrived in Jiuzhou City. In the past two days, they have a better understanding of Alpha’s strength. Xuanyuan Hanyan has seen Alpha. She has a feeling that she has no perfect match with Alpha. Hope for a hundred wins!

Xuanyuan Hanyan is a 17th-level strong, and she has a strong ability to perceive. Since she feels this way, then the ten-you ** is correct. The one with the larger alpha may have the 17th-level strength. The strength is not weaker than Lin Dong!

If Alpha also has a strong pet, then Lin Dongwudou is likely to lose to Alpha! As for Wen Dou Xuanyuan Hanyan, they are not worried. Although Alpha is also very strong in this respect, can it be compared with Lin Dong who has reached the pinnacle of the Demon Realm and Spirit Realm?

“Father, did you find out the woman from Pluto?” Shangguanyue said, the woman from Pluto had also arrived, but she was very mysterious, and she checked into the hotel and never left.


Shangguan Junxin shook his head slightly, “This woman should also pay attention to it. She and Alpha pose the greatest threat!”

“Mars can’t be underestimated, although it is only level 15, but God knows if there are any powerful methods.” Xuanyuan Hanyan Road.

Jin Wuman smiled and said: “Although they are great, I believe that Master is definitely the best, and Master will definitely win!”

“It would be great if you could reach the level sixteen strength.” Shangguan Yue said.

Xuanyuan Hanyan shook his head slightly. This possibility is relatively low. The acceleration of that time ball is not particularly high.

The night slowly passed, Shangguan Junxin took a rest, Xuanyuan Hanyan and Shangguanyue did not rest, and there would be no problem if they did not take a rest for ten and a half months at their level.

“It’s almost dawn…Why is this guy Lin Dong not over yet, don’t miss the time!” Shangguanyue said.

“Hanyan, you were Lin Dong’s wife in the previous life, don’t you plan to be with him in this life?”

No one was around, Shangguanyue and Xuanyuan Hanyan began to whisper between Runmi.

Xuanyuan Hanyan whispered: “I have no such thoughts, Yue’er, do you have such plans?”

Shang Guanyue curled her lips and said: “I didn’t have one. I was not someone in my previous life.”

“Yue’er…It seems that he didn’t tell you. He once told me that you were his wife in your previous life!” Xuanyuan Hanyan whispered.

Shangguanyue was drinking tea, and she was choked when she heard Xuanyuan Hanyan. After coughing for several times, Shangguanyue said: “Hanyan, you are going to die, this kind of thing is also joking, how could I be too in my previous life! “

Xuanyuan Hanyan said earnestly: “Yue’er, do you look at me like a joke? This is true. That’s what he and I said when we were in the Demon Realm! As Lin Dong was in the Demon Realm! Status, I think he should not talk nonsense.”

“This… he wouldn’t say nonsense. His strength in the Demon Realm is so strong. It is possible to force us to become his women, and I don’t know how many beauties in the Demon Realm want to be his women. He doesn’t need to do so. . But you must be talking nonsense.” Shangguan Yue said.

Xuanyuan Hanyan shook his head: “No, I won’t joke about this kind of thing, Yue’er, this is true!”

Shangguanyue saw Xuanyuan Hanyan and said, “Hanyan, you can’t tell the truth? Why didn’t he tell me?”

“I think it’s because I’m afraid we’re embarrassed. I didn’t tell you because of this… but you seem to have feelings for him, and I don’t have any thoughts about him. You try your best and don’t worry about my thoughts. “Xuanyuan contains flue.

“I still don’t quite believe it.” Shangguan Yue frowned slightly.

“Yue’’s true!”

Lin Dong’s voice rang, he finished his training and came out of the training room just to hear what Shang Guanyue and the others said.

As soon as Shangguanyue stayed, Lin Dong approached and sat down on the sofa opposite Shangguanyue and the others.

“Yue’er, I was actually sure when I first saw you, but if I said it then, you would have regarded me as a lunatic.” Lin Dong smiled lightly, “Later, you helped me hold He Han The red line of smoke, I feel that you have no thoughts in this area, so when I arrived in the Demon Realm, I didn’t tell you. Of course, there are also thoughts about embarrassment.”

Shangguanyue feels that her heartbeat is speeding up: “Lin Dong, I have some news, isn’t your reincarnation wife awakening the memory of the previous life? We don’t have any. Did you make a mistake in something?”

“It can’t be wrong… It may be related to the side of the solar system where you were reincarnated. This side is very special!” Lin Dong whispered, “Maybe if my strength on this side exceeds your strength, you will wake up. Memories of past lives!”

(Fourth update, brothers have a flowery drop!!)

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