The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 143: The power of Lin Dong!

   Chapter 143 Lin Dong’s power! (For flowers!)

   Xuanyuan Hanyan and others looked at Lin Dong in shock. Those powerful monsters actually died like this!

The    eyes kill, this Xuanyuan Hanyan can also do it, but it is also useful for ordinary people, then Lin Dong’s current strength…

   “Lin Dong, where is this place, why are you so powerful?” Shang Guanyue said in amazement, and the rest of them also waited for Lin Dong’s answer.

   Lin Dong glanced at Shangguanyue and they said: “Everyone, I don’t know what Situ Yang used. We are now in the Demon Realm. Because of the differences in the rules of various circles, you have not adapted to the rules on this side, so your strength is suppressed. ! As for why I am stronger than you, because I have been to the Devil World!”

  ”And once the strength was relatively high?” Xuanyuan contained flue.

   Lin Dong clicked slightly, Xuanyuan Hanyan and Shangguanyue’s gazes at Lin Dong suddenly became a little strange.

   Xuanyuan Hanyan and Shangguanyue is Runmi talk about a lot of things. A mysterious person calls himself his wife. This Xuanyuan Hanyan also talked to Shangguanyue. They didn’t even suspect Lin Dong before. Go, but now the two of them have come to Lin Dong by appointment. Since Lin Dong once had high strength on this side, he may also have strong technological means. The mysterious person who is bigger may be Lin Dong!

   However, it hasn’t been determined yet. Xuanyuan Hanyan and Shangguanyue did not ask, and there are others here.

  Although the others were invited by Xuanyuan Hanyan, their relationship with Xuanyuan Hanyan was not as close as Shangguanyue. They didn’t know the existence of the mysterious person on the Internet.

   “Lin Dong, what is the power division of the Demon Realm, what level of your strength in the Demon Realm?” Xuanyuan Han flue, this is very important, it is related to their safety, if Lin Dong’s The strength in the Demon Realm is only at the bottom, so their trouble is not small, maybe they will be killed soon after they live!

   Lin Dong smiled lightly: “My strength in the Demon Realm is not bad… The Demon Realm is divided into 120 levels, the lowest level!”

  ”Ordinary grown-ups have level five strength, and children with higher talents can also have such strength or even higher strength… As for you, if you are the previous strength, then the third level is probably the first level on this side. Level, Level 6, Level 2, and so on. Instructor Xuanyuan, your strength is slightly higher than Level 5 and lower than Level 6!”

   Xuanyuan Hanyan and the others looked at each other speechlessly. They had only this kind of strength before, so what kind of strength is it now that they have been strongly suppressed?

   “Our current strength is negligible, right?” Xuanyuan Hanyan said.

   Lin Dong coughed lightly: “You can say that, but it won’t take long for your strength to be restored or even surpassed!”

   “Lin Dong, you haven’t said what kind of strength you are on this side of the demon world.” Shangguan Yue said.

   “Level six or seventy!” Lin Dong smiled. He didn’t tell the truth, but this level also shocked Xuanyuan Hanyan and the others. Xuanyuan Hanyan was only equivalent to level five and six on this side before, Lin Dong Level fifty or sixty, how powerful is that? They can’t imagine!

   Xuanyuan Hanyan and Shangguan Yue glanced at each other, and they all could see the meaning of each other’s eyes. In the dark, the mysterious person was probably Lin Dong. Since Lin Dong had such a strong strength before this side and was very knowledgeable There is research, it is definitely not the level that Lin Dong has shown before, and it is definitely much better than that!

   “Lin Dong, what shall we do now?” Shangguan Yue said.

   Lin Dongdan smiled and said: “Your current strength is too low, and a child can easily kill you. Naturally, first improve your strength to suit the environment for this side! But before improving your strength, get something first. Speed ​​up your promotion!”

  The space ring cannot be used on the earth. It can be used now, but Lin Dongshen has penetrated into the space ring and found a problem. He has a high-level time ball, but not a low-level time ball!

   The high-level time ball has a high acceleration multiplier, and Xuanyuan Hanyan couldn’t bear it at all!

   A hundred level or above is a demon **** level in the devil world. Lin Dong’s demon **** level consciousness spread out and spread to extremely far places. Soon Lin Dong discovered a medium-sized city, in this medium-sized city his divine consciousness A dozen time **** were found.

   “Come here!”

  Lin Dong’s Spiritual Consciousness rolls, those ten or so time **** are rolled over by Lin Dong’s Spiritual Consciousness, but Lin Dong left the rest of the things to the owners of those time balls, and those things are more valuable than Lin. East takes the time ball.

   “Don’t panic, I’ll give you some information!” Lin Dong said a lot of information into Xuanyuan Hanyan and their minds, Xuanyuan Hanyan and the others immediately had a basic understanding of the devil world, time ball, etc. Things also know how to use it.

   Soon Xuanyuan Hanyan and others used the time ball and other items to practice. Looking at their practice garbage, Lin Dong passed them some new exercises. Xuanyuan Hanyan and Shangguanyue, Lin Dong passed them to them It was the previous life’s exercises, these two exercises looked very general to Lin Dong, but Yi Xuanyuan Hanyan’s current strength is enough.

   “Why didn’t Hanyan and Hanyue awaken the memories of the previous life?” Lin Dong secretly asked, he thought that Xuanyuan Hanyan and the others would awaken the memory of the previous life, after all, he is now stronger than Xuanyuan Hanyan and the others. Too much.

   “What is Situ Yang using!”

   Lin Dong thought for a while without an answer and began to practice. He laid a strong barrier around him, and even the Demon God found that he couldn’t find the barrier, let alone break through.

   Now the strength is only restored to the beginning of the Demon God, Lin Dong still has a useful time ball, under the power of the time ball, it is not difficult for Lin Dong to restore his strength from the beginning of the Demon God to the middle of the Demon God.

  While Lin Dong was practicing, the Demon Refining Pot quickly merged with the power of the prehistoric fragments. At this time, the speed of fusion was ten thousand times and one hundred thousand times higher than the previous one on Earth, and the fit between the Demon Refining Pot and Lin Dong also increased rapidly. , Lin Dong was weak before, and the Demon Refining Pot still looked down on Lin Dong’s strength. Now Lin Dong’s strength is strong enough!

  In Lin Dong’s mind, Wuyazi within the boundary seal was also recovering his strength, and on the other side of the earth, his strength in the boundary seal was also affected. In Lin Dong’s body in the Nine Dragons Cauldron, Di Wen and Manglong were also regaining their power.

   A few days from the outside world, time has accelerated and a long time has passed. Xuanyuan Hanyan and the others have recovered one by one and have made some progress. Xuanyuan Hanyan’s strength is already equivalent to the sixth level of the Demon Realm, but only In Lin Dong’s eyes, there does not seem to be any difference between Level 5 and Level 6…

   “Lin Dong, on the side of the Demon Realm, it seems that his strength has improved faster!” Shang Guanyue said in surprise.

   Lin Dong faintly smiled. It’s natural to have a strong man like him to help. If you don’t rely on Shangguanyue and themselves, let alone improve your strength quickly, how long you can live is a question. The Demon Realm is stronger than them. Too much!

  ”You guys continue to practice first!” Lin Dongdao, he gave Shangguanyue each of them a time ball.

   Shangguanyue and everyone understand the effect of strength, except for Xuanyuan Hanyan, they soon started to practice using the time ball one by one.

   “Lin Dong, isn’t it you?” Xuanyuan Hanyan looked into Lin Dong’s eyes.

  In Xuanyuan Hanyan’s estimation, Lin Dong should deny it, but to her surprise, Lin Dong nodded slightly: “Yes, it’s me!”


   Xuanyuan Hanyan glared at Lin Dong with some embarrassment, “Why are you talking nonsense like that, who is your wife, gangster!”

   Lin Dong waved his hand and a table and chair appeared in front of him. He sat down and also beckoned Xuanyuan Hanyan to sit opposite him.

   “With smoke, something deceived you before. I am not at a level of tens of levels, but over a level of 100!” Lin Dong drank a sip of tea and smiled lightly, “You were mine in the previous life. Wife, I won’t be mistaken about this, and so will Shangguanyue! Something happened that year, and you sisters chose reincarnation. Fortunately, I found you!”

   Xuanyuan Hanyan frowned and said: “Lin Dong, the past life is the past life and the present life is this life, even if I am your wife in the past life, I am not in this life! And I don’t feel anything, you probably found the wrong person!”

   Lin Dong smiled slightly: “Hanyan, I know you think I may be lying to you, I have no need for this!”

   “Relax, I will show you around!”

   Lin Dong said that Xuanyuan Hanyan’s soul was separated from the body in an instant. His powerful spirit brought Xuanyuan Hanyan’s soul across many places in a short period of Hanyan I have seen a lot of things, a lot of powerhouses, and a lot of beauties, and I have a deeper understanding of Lin Dong’s strength. I am afraid I will not be able to achieve such strength in my life.

   It didn’t take long for Xuanyuan Hanyan’s soul to enter the body. Her gaze towards Lin Dong became more complicated. Lin Dong has such a powerful strength and there are many beauties in the Demon Realm. Indeed, Lin Dong did not deliberately deceive them.

   “Lin Dong… what you said may be true, but I can’t accept it. I have never thought of getting married, let alone serving as a husband!” Xuanyuan Hanyan shook his head, “Sorry, we can only be Ordinary friends!”

   “It’s okay, sooner or later you will awaken the memories of the previous life.” Lin Dong smiled slightly and said that he did not bother Xuanyuan Hanyan nor pass some of Tang Hanyan’s memories to Xuanyuan Hanyan. If the memory is not awakened, know some of the past Memory may be a trouble for Xuanyuan Hanyan.

   “I have practiced.”

   Xuanyuan Hanyan said that he hurriedly used the time ball to start training, and the key to the ancient spirit mountain appeared in Lin Dong’s hand. Molong was in the ancient spirit mountain. I don’t know what the situation of Molong is now!


   Lin Dong found the battle as soon as he reached the ancient Lingshan side, Molong, silver python, lion jade and other fierce beasts were fighting!

   did not show up immediately. Lin Dong secretly observed that there are three powers, one is Molong, silver, python, lion, jade, one is for ordinary fierce beasts, and the other two are two dragons, two dragons. They are stronger than Molong!

   (seeking flowers~~END)

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