The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 139: Knowledge is money!

Speaking out, Shang Guanyue herself was a little surprised. Why did you tell Lin Dong such a thing when we first met? It seems that Lin Dong subconsciously feels close.


   Lin Dong smiled and said: “Shangguan tutor, you don’t have to be busy like this. There is no problem with communication, but my level is estimated that you don’t like the Shangguan tutor. By the way, Shangguan tutor, I don’t know if I can use the research room. ?”


   Even if you have money, you can’t buy many things, not to mention that Lin Dong doesn’t have much money now, and top equipment is expensive.


   Shangguan Yue said: “Of course, the assistant tutor is also qualified to use the research room, but only has level four permissions. I can help you upgrade to level three, but you have to show your own value, understand?”


   “Understand!” Lin Dong nodded.


   Shangguan Yue said: “If there is a class in the afternoon, you will go to it. I will not influence your class in the past, but I will watch it remotely. I hope you can perform well!”




   Lin Dong left to prepare for the afternoon class. Lin Dong still cares about the status of this assistant instructor. If he loses this status, it will be much more difficult to get in touch with Shangguanyue and Xuanyuan Hanyan!


  Shangguanyue and Xuanyuan Hanyan’s previous lives were Shi Hanyue and Tang Hanyan respectively. The crops in their own fields can’t be eaten by others!


   As for the major event of saving mankind, Lin Dong temporarily put it aside and has no strength to talk about it. That is a joke! Strength is not something that can come all at once, and urgency is useless. It is better to enjoy today’s life.


   soon arrived for the Guanyue class in the afternoon, because she was often not well-known and not as loud as Xuanyuan Hanyan. There are fewer people gathered here than Xuanyuan Hanyan, but compared with ordinary instructors, the students gathered are still Many more, the large lecture hall that can accommodate thousands of people is full, plus the standing and squatting, the total is estimated to exceed 6,000!


   “Please let me!” Lin Dong said as he entered the lecture hall.


  The young man who stood in front of Lin Dong turned his head and glanced at Lin Dong, not very politely and said: “Who are you, just let it go if you say it?”


   “Assistant tutor Lin Dong, I will teach this lesson!” Lin Dong said calmly.


   The young man in front of Lin Dong stayed for a while and quickly stepped aside. He thought that Lin Dong was just like him.


   Under the gaze of thousands of people, Lin Dong calmly stood on the podium. Of course he won’t have any stage fright from his experience. Lin Dong just felt a little weird. He didn’t expect to become a teacher and give a lecture. Day.


   “Where is Shangguan tutor? We want Shangguan tutor!” a student shouted, this student has a certain background.


   “Yes, we want the Shangguan tutor, who are you, why do you teach on behalf of the Shangguan tutor? Go down, go down!”


   “Go down, you are not welcome here! We are here to listen to Shangguan tutor’s lecture, not to listen to your nonsense! At what level are you, what is the level of official tutor, maybe your level is worse than us, why teach us?”


   Someone took the lead, and suddenly the whole lecture hall was noisy, and many people nearby were alarmed and surrounded.


   “Shut up!”


   Lin Dong’s face became cold, and an instant violent killing intent erupted from Lin Dong and swept the entire lecture hall. Feeling Lin Dong’s cold killing intent, the whole lecture hall became quiet and quiet within a few tenths of a second. The needle drop can be heard!


  ”If you don’t want to listen, you can go out now! You don’t have to take this course in the future. It counts zero points. All the classes that I take on behalf of you are the same! By the way, 80% of the classes of the Shangguan tutor will be taken by me. People, it is estimated that there are a lot of zero eggs!”


   woke up from Lin Dong’s killing intent, a male student disdainfully said: “You are qualified to give us zero points? Shangguan tutor will not agree! But this cousin will not retreat for the time being, let you behave yourself Get out of the ground! Brothers, give him a good look, let him see if he is competent at this level!”


   “Hey, this is good, I just accumulated some problems and I want to ask Shangguan teacher to ask, it comes in handy!”


  ”This acting tutor, if you are not competent, are you obediently getting out of it?”


   Many people spoke, and Lin Dong calmly said: “If you are not competent, I will resign and leave today, but your behavior is a provocation to your tutor. I refuse to answer any questions you have, unless you make me happy. !”


   “Haha, acting instructor, are you shitting!” a student laughed.


   Lin Dong glanced at the student and said indifferently: “As a mentor, even if I can solve difficult questions, I will answer them for free, but you don’t want this opportunity yourself! Many of you have families behind you. If there are companies, some things, if you study by yourself, the cost may be sky-high. I am upset and don’t want to answer for free! Okay, please report your questions, quote a price after the question, and I will answer if you are satisfied!”


   “Huh, okay, I want to see what you are capable of!” The student who just laughed disdainfully, he said that there was a question in Feikuai, and there was a quotation behind it, and the quotation is not low, there are three One hundred thousand stars!


   Lin Dong now earns 100,000 yuan a month. This question is only 300,000 yuan. As long as it can be answered, it is equivalent to several times his monthly salary.


   “Answer!” The student sneered. The question he reported was something that his family business wanted to understand recently. Let alone 300,000, even if someone could answer it, it would be a matter of one million. Will serve.


The problem reported by    appeared on the big screen, Lin Dong glanced faintly:


  ”One million, if you go outside to find someone to answer, there may be no one to help if you spend two million!”


   The student frowned. He could get a million, but he emptied his pocket money all at once.


   “Well, one million is one million!” This student gritted his teeth.


   is a miscellaneous study in Guanyue. This problem is also in her course, so when Lin Dong said this in class, it was completely in line with the rules.


   Lin Dong started speaking unhurriedly. At first, many people were disdainful, but soon many people were attracted by Lin Dong’s speech. This question is very difficult, but at Lin Dong’s level, this one The problem was made plain and understandable by him.


  In less than five minutes, I finished this question and answered the question of the student perfectly.


   “One million!” Lin Dong whispered to the student who asked the question. Under all eyes, this student reluctantly transferred one million. He knew that this question was worth more than one million, but his The pocket money is basically spent, there should be some rewards if the family’s problems are solved, but there will definitely not be a million stars!


   A lot of other questions have already been submitted at this time, and Lin Dong chose one to start the lecture. A few minutes later, this question was also solved, and it was another half million stars.


   Time passed by one minute by one minute. This kind of big class time is two hours. Before two hours, Lin Dong has already answered many questions. He has already received more than ten million dollars. Many more students gathered than at the beginning, many students gathered outside the lecture hall, and many students chose to watch the live broadcast online!


   In the end, two hours later, all the money transferred to Lin Dong has reached 12 million, which is definitely a huge sum of money!


   “My classmates, I will tell you one thing in the end. Knowledge is power and knowledge is money. You should respect your tutors, because a lot of knowledge they teach you is of high value!” Lin Dong said indifferently. After he finished speaking, he left happily, leaving many students discussing in the lecture hall.


   “Father, how is it?” Shangguan Yue said, in front of her is Shangguan Junxin, the dean of the Earth Federation College.


   Together with Shangguanyue, Shangguan Junxin watched Lin Dong’s lecture completely.


  ”It’s great to make money! I earned 10 years of salary in one class. The level should be lower than you, but the same! Hearing from you, his previous conditions were not good. If you give him good conditions, his future achievements may be More than a month you! Such a person is just an assistant instructor, and it’s a bit of a bad talent. Forget it, let him go. Anyway, my dean doesn’t make as much money as him!” Shangguan Jun believed.


   Shangguanyue smiled and said: “Father, what do you think I said to give him a three-level authority?”


   Shangguan Junxin pondered for a while: “Let’s have a second-level authority. If the character passes the test and makes enough contributions to the academy, then you can also consider giving him first-level authority. But isn’t he very good at making money? He pays to buy the materials of the company!”


   “It’s also those students who came in chaos, so question a tutor. Isn’t this also questioning the academy chaos?” Shangguan, then this agent guide will decide him now, he should not Will let us down. “


   Shangguan Junxin looked at Shangguanyue deeply and said: “Yue’er, you can communicate with him on academic issues, but you must not be emotional! Even if he is talented in this respect, his status and status are still different from yours. Matches!”


  ”Father, where did you say it, I don’t have any thoughts like this now! I won’t tell you anymore, I’ll talk to Hanyan, hehe, Hanyan might get a couple with him, Han Yan herself is so good. It is not easy to find someone who is stronger than her. You can find someone whose scientific research ability greatly surpasses her!” Shangguan Yue said with a smile.


   Shangguan Junxin chuckled and said: ‘If you can bring them together, my father will support you! They are all members of the academy, and if they are together, they won’t leave the academy!”


  Xuanyuan Hanyan has level sixteen strength and is one of the three masters of Earth Federation College. Shangguan Junxin doesn’t want her to leave, but if she marries someone else, Xuanyuan Hanyan might have to leave Earth Federation College by then. Even leave the earth!


   For the Earth Federation College, Xuan Yuan Hanyan left a huge loss!


   “Father, do you also support it? Then you have to protect Lin Dong a little bit, so that he will not be killed by a smoker’s suitor!” Shangguan Yue said.


   Shangguan Junxin said indifferently: “Let his authority reach the second level, this is a kind of protection! Without my consent, his authority will not reach the second level, and those who know this will not easily attack him. If you don’t know this, his strength is enough to deal with it!”


   (At the beginning of the month, my brothers smashed down~!)

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