The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 137: Assistant tutor!

Sima Quan, as the lord of Asia City, has extremely high power, but there is no possibility of catching Lin Dong.

Simaquan’s subordinates tracked down people with high hacking skills or Simaquan’s hostile forces. He didn’t expect that Lin Dong would just buy something in the grocery store and make a computer that is a hundred times more powerful than a normal biological computer. Biological computer!

When Chen Xing gave off, Lin Dong easily left the Earth Federation College.

“Brother, you still want to enter the Earth Federation College in the future. You can still find me! Although I don’t have a quota this month, I will have it next month, and I can find someone else to borrow it.” Chen Xing said enthusiastically. .

Without staying with him for long, Lin Dong gave Chen Xing two thousand stars, which is enough for his basic living expenses for one month!


Lin Dong smiled and nodded and left. He was in a good mood. He found Tang Hanyan’s reincarnation, and he also saw someone who is still a great beauty!

——Even if he looks ugly, Tang Hanyan’s soul will gradually improve after awakening, but it is better for the reincarnated person to be a great beauty. Lin Dong is a strong man, but he is also a normal person. Man.

“My strength is now tenth level. It is estimated that it is impossible to improve too much in a short period of time, at least not up to the level of Xuanyuan Hanyan, but the technical level should be very few on this earth now surpassing mine.” Lin Dong thought. Secretly.

On that side, Lin Dong has reached the level of the immortal emperor, and has absorbed a lot of scientific and technological information, and has studied for a lot of time! A lot of people came along with the destruction of the world, but how many can reach Lin Dong’s level?

Mieshijieyun can bring the life of Asura world to this side, but the powerhouse of the immortal emperor and immortal emperor level should be able to escape the capture of Mishijieyun! Lin Dong was brought over by Jieyun Jieyun because his strength was greatly suppressed at that time!

The King of Flames also traveled from this side to three of the next three days, but their age is still an age of training, maybe their souls have no technological attributes, and even if they have them, they may not spend a lot of time. Time to study! Later, on this side of the earth, they can return to the next three days, but they will certainly not stay for long. It is impossible to make great progress in science and technology!

As for bringing things from that side directly to this side, this is not okay. In terms of technology, many things are connected, but there are still some differences in different worlds. Lin Dong discovered it when he made the broken biological computer.

“If I want to make something better, I need a research room, which can be directly occupied by strength?” Lin Dong secretly shook his head, this is not an estimate!

The powerful research room must have various defensive methods, and his current strength is not particularly strong and easy to be caught!

Checked into a hotel near the Earth Federation College, Lin Dong took out the broken computer he had made and searched it.


Suddenly, Lin Dong’s eyes lit up, and Earth Federation College is actually recruiting assistant tutors in scientific research. Although it is only a deputy, it can also be exposed to many things. Moreover, with such an identity, it is not easy to attract some special things to buy. People doubt.

Another great advantage is that you can freely enter and exit the Earth Federation College by becoming an assistant scientific researcher of the Earth Federation College, otherwise it is a fantasy to sneak into the Earth Federation College with his tenth-level strength!

Furthermore, I often find Chen Xing to enter the Earth Federation Academy. It is easy to be suspicious. It will not be good to be followed by some powerful people. With my current strength, it is better to slowly increase my strength in the dark. !

“Assistant tutor, it sounds good.” Lin Dong showed a faint smile on his face. Thinking of this, he quickly searched for various scientific research materials. He had to understand the level of the earth and don’t make jokes at that time.

Various materials flashed across the screen quickly, and Lin Dong easily understood and absorbed it after reading it. Although in his opinion some things were wrong, some research directions would definitely end up in a dead end with nothing!

For the past half day, Lin Dong closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. For a long time, he absorbed a large amount of information. Fortunately, he is now at level ten. If it is only level three or five, there will be less information after reading. Say it will take a month or two!

It’s getting dark. Lin Dongxiu practiced the Nine Deadly Magic Techniques for a night. The next day he bought suitable clothes for himself and went to the interview site. I have been interviewing for two days and today is the last day. Lin Dong thought there were very few people. Thinking of this side, I saw hundreds of people, among which male members accounted for the most part.

Listening to those people whispering that Lin Dong finally knows why. Before, I only knew to recruit assistant mentors, but the specific mentor for which I was recruiting assistant mentors was not announced. Now the news has leaked out, and the other party turned out to be Earth Federation College. The daughter of the dean, Shangguanyue, a very famous talented woman of the Earth Federation College.

At the Earth Federation College, if there is a woman who can compare with Xuanyuan’s smoke, then only Shangguanyue is the only one!

In terms of identity, Shangguanyue’s status as the daughter of the Dean of the Earth Federation College is not low at all. In terms of appearance, Shangguanyue is not much worse than Xuanyuan Hanyan. It is just that Shangguanyue is devoted to scientific research and shows up less often!

As far as the force is concerned, the 12th level of Shangguanyue, although this is very good, but it is nothing compared to the 16th level of Xuanyuan Hanyan, but in terms of scientific research ability, Xuanyuan Hanyan is compared with Shangguanyue There is a huge gap.

“It was actually Shangguanyue… No wonder she was looking for an assistant tutor. She often disappeared, and some courses can’t be delayed.” Lin Dong secretly smiled on his faces. According to the information he got, Shangguanyue and Xuanyuan Hanyan The relationship is good. If you can become Shangguanyue’s assistant instructor, you should have a lot of opportunities to see Xuanyuan Hanyan.

It’s just that—Lin Dong thought of a little bit, hiring people in Shangguanyue, I’m afraid he will be biased towards women! Although it is not stated clearly in the regulations, she certainly doesn’t want to cause trouble for herself with the appearance and family background of the above official month. If she recruits a male assistant mentor, she will definitely have a lot of time to meet in the future. If some rumors or whispers are not good!

In the Earth Federation College.


“Yue’er, you should hire an assistant mentor, but it is better to hire a female assistant mentor.” Shangguan Junxin caressed his beard. He is not young, he is in his seventies, four or five. She had a daughter named Shangguanyue at the age of ten.

Shangguanyue frowned slightly and said, “Father, how can **** be the subject of knowledge? It should be based on knowledge!”

“That’s what you say, but you should consider the influence. The assistant mentor is a male. This has a bad influence on you! And it may not be a good thing for the other party. You should know that there are many suitors, among them It’s crazy.” Shangguan Jun said.

Shangguan Yuexiu raised her eyebrows: “Who dare to mess around! Father, let’s do this. If the knowledge is similar, I will choose a girl. If the knowledge is far apart, then I can only choose the one with higher knowledge. This is what The attitude of learning!”


Shangguan Junxin agreed. He knows that there are many competing for this position. Many of them have high level of women. Some of those men may exceed the level, but the level is more than that. Shangguan Junxin does not think this is the case. Possible.

“Father, then I have passed, the last day is now, I will personally check it!” Shangguanyue said.

Shangguanyue soon came to Lin Dong and the others, but she didn’t meet with Lin Dong and them immediately.

“Attention everyone, start the first test immediately, and pass the first test. You and those who passed the first test two days ago can see the Shangguan tutor!” An old man said in a deep voice, “It takes two hours and 60 minutes to pass the first test!”

Lin Dong and they are all assigned to a flat board.

“The questions are already stored in it. You don’t have to watch others’ questions. Your questions are different, but the difficulty is almost the same! Now, turn on the bio-light screen and the assessment will begin immediately. I hope you can pass the initial exam!” said the old man.

When the old man’s voice fell suddenly, Lin Dong and the examiners turned on the bio-light screen, and many people were stunned when they saw the first question.

“Gamma Nain rays, this stuff…Halo, bio-optical brain can’t be used…”

“Formula Deloitte, I’ll go!”

Many people came over just to check out the beauties. If they could see Shangguanyue, they would make a lot of money, but it’s a pity that their idea was shattered. They failed the first test, and Shangguanyue would never see them. .

“Fortunately, I read a lot of information yesterday.” Lin Dong secretly said, even if he doesn’t read it, he’s still okay at sixty points, but it’s hard to get to the top. Lin Dong knows some things, but with The unique name of the earth or something, if you don’t read the information, you won’t know it.

After all, it’s just a preliminary test. The question is actually not difficult. It set two hours and Lin Dong got it up in less than twenty minutes.

“Another one is scrapped!”

In the other room, Shangguanyue frowned secretly. Many people had already filled in and submitted it all at once.


Although I don’t think that the submissions have been completed at this time, Shangguanyue still took a look. Her eyes lit up at this glance, and all the questions had been answered, and some of the answers were beyond Shangguanyue. Unexpected.

“This question can be solved like this…but it’s really’s more convenient and reasonable.” Shangguanyue muttered to herself, “All the questions will be completed in twenty minutes, and I learned a lot, really good! I just don’t know if this one is a male or a female. If it’s a female, it’s okay to choose this one directly.”

Shangguanyue looked at her name: “Lin Dong?”

“Why is this name somewhat familiar?” Shangguanyue’s eyes were a little confused, she recalled it carefully, and it seemed that no important person was called by this name, but she had a faint feeling that this name was very important to her .

“Lin Dong, Lin Dong–” Shang Guanyue muttered silently in her heart. She wanted to see Lin Dong at this moment, but she still resisted.

The two-hour period is not very long. After Lin Dong handed in the paper, he quietly practiced and waited for the retest.

The assessment is over. Including Lin Dong, there are about twenty people who passed the preliminary examination on this day. In addition to the first two days, a total of fifty people passed the preliminary examination. Only one of these fifty people will be lucky enough to become an official. Assistant tutor of the month.

(Brothers, at the beginning of the month, flowers were dropped, thank you very much!!)

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