The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 125: Black and white double evil!

   “Tan Girl, can you tell us about the situation of Thunder Cloud Fortress?” Lin Dong said politely.

   It took a lot of time in the past, and the atmosphere was embarrassing without saying a word. Tan Ying said indifferently: “There are 50,000 people in Leiyun Fortress, one master and two deputy masters, nine generals, masters and war fighters. All have the strength above level ten!”

   Lin Dong frowned secretly. He now has only level seven strength, let alone level ten or above, even people at level eight and nine can’t deal with it.

   Of course, if there are more materials to create powerful weapons for him, it will not be too difficult to deal with the eighth and nineth-level characters.

   “Sister, who made us pass?” Jin Wu said tenderly.

   If Lin Dong asks Tan Ying’s question, he may not answer it, but Jin Wu is very cute. She asked. Tan Ying glanced at her and said in a low voice: “I’ve ordered you to come to Lei by the order of Wei Yuan, the master of the three sects. Cloud Fortress, I don’t know what your situation is on that side!”

  ‘Wei Yuan!”

   Lin Dong’s eyes narrowed slightly, Wei Dong’s surname is Wei, Wei Yuan is also Wei, plus what Gou Shiming said, Wei Dong is likely to have a very close relationship with Wei Yuan, maybe Wei Dong is Wei Yuan’s son

  子! It’s just that if Wei Dong is Wei Yuan’s son, and he actually lives in that ruined city, this is intriguing. Maybe he is just an illegitimate child.

   “It’s wrong to use Wei Yuan’s power, even if an illegitimate child is raised by his side, it won’t be a problem, unless he has a stronger wife!” Lin Dong thought in his heart, if this is true, then you can use it.

   “Tan Nv Xia, I heard that Lord Wei Yuansai listens more to his wife.” Lin Dong jokingly said.

   Tan Ying glared at Lin Dong and said: “Are you trying to say that he is afraid of his wife? Humph! That is Master Sansai loves his wife! They have been together for a long time, and their relationship has been very good. You should not slander Master Sansai , Otherwise you will suffer!”

   Lin Dong closed his eyes, and it is true. Wei Yuan’s wife must have an extraordinary origin, but most people may not know it!

   Just because he loves his wife, he throws his son to the side of the abandoned city. This is unlikely! Since he loves his wife, how did Wei Dong come out? Wei Dong is an illegitimate child out of ten. Because Mrs. Wei Yuan has a strong background, he is not seen.


   At this moment, the aircraft alarm sounded, and Tan Ying quickly checked it out. Soon, her face changed, and the aircraft was spotted by several big flaming birds.

   “Fire Cloud Sculpture!” Tan Ying hurriedly controlled the aircraft to lower the flying height. Behind Lin Dong and the others, the Huo Cloud Sculptures did not abandon them. They screamed and rushed over, faster than the aircraft. Some!


  The defensive weapons on the aircraft fired, but this is only able to suppress the speed of the fire cloud sculpture and it is difficult to kill them!

   “Hurry up!”

   Tan Ying said in a deep voice, the aircraft burrowed into the forest below. The fire cloud sculptures did not penetrate the forest, but they flew overhead. Piles of flames fell from the sky, and some flames fell on the aircraft!

  The aircraft has good fire resistance, but the flames spit out by the eighth-level fire cloud sculpture are extremely hot, and the temperature inside the aircraft rises rapidly! Jin Wuyi is a fire attribute person, and she has quickly absorbed a lot of fire attribute power at this time. Go into your own body to ensure that the temperature in the aircraft is not too frightening.

   Damn things, why are you chasing them all the time!” Tan Ying cursed, her expression is very tense at the moment,’controlling the aircraft to evade, but the fire cloud sculpture above her head easily follows, watching them look like they won’t leave easily. .

   Lin Dong said in a deep voice: “Tan Woman, we have to leave this aircraft, otherwise we will definitely die

   “Shut up!”

   Tan Ying is annoyed and authentic. She bought this aircraft herself and spent a lot of money. The loss was enough for her to suffer a lot of time!

  In another half a minute, the various alarms of the aircraft sounded wildly. Under the terrifying high temperature, many parts of the aircraft were destroyed.


   Tan Ying knew that he could not keep the aircraft down, and the ground was plowed into a deep gully!

   “Get out!”

   Tan Ying rushed out before the aircraft stopped. Lin Dong and Jin Wuman Jin Wuyi also rushed out. They rushed out less than two seconds and dozens of meters away. The aircraft hit a big tree and exploded violently. The explosion caused several fire cloud sculptures in the sky to evade quickly, but soon they swooped down again!


   Lin Dong took Jin Wu Man Jin Wu Yi and Tan Ying some distance, and several Fire Cloud Sculptures rushed towards Tan Ying!


   Huo Yun Diao shouted angrily and kept attacking, Tan Ying also shot, but she was only Level 8 and she was not the opponent of several Level 8 Fire Cloud Carvings at all!

  Under the joint attack of Huo Yun Diao, Tan Ying was injured very quickly. Lin Dong returned at this time. He didn’t want to save Tan Ying, but if he didn’t help Tan Ying, these Huo Yun Diao would destroy Tan. It is very likely that Ying will destroy them afterwards!

   “Take it, and throw it in when Huo Yundiao opens his mouth!” Lin Dong threw two bombs to Tan Ying. Tan Ying reacted quickly. She immediately caught the two bombs and threw one out. , The bomb fell into the mouth of a Huo Yun Diao.


   With the power of Lin Dong’s chalk bombs, the explosion on the surface of the Huoyun Sculpture is estimated to only injure the Huoyun Sculpture, but it is different from the explosion in the mouth of the Huoyun Sculpture. Swallow the fire from the chalky bomb. Half of Yun Diao’s body was blown up!


   There are three remaining Fire Cloud Sculptures. They ignored Lin Dong before. At this time, one of them rushed towards Lin Dong angrily. Lin Dong snaked and used this Fire Cloud Sculpture to lead a certain distance away. With three bombs, Lin Dong finally killed the Fire Cloud Sculpture. On Tan Ying’s side, she seized the opportunity to use Lin Dong’s bomb to kill another Fire Cloud Sculpture, but her injuries also worsened. According to Lindong’s eyes, she has been unable to survive!

   “Go to death!”

   Tan Ying used the forbidden technique angrily. She was already at level 8. When using the forbidden technique, she was stronger and soon killed the remaining Fire Cloud Eagle!


   slayed the last fire cloud sculpture, and Tan Ying’s face was pale with blood sprayed from her mouth, and she was almost exhausted.

   “Tan Nv, what do you want?” Lin Dong came to Tan Ying’s side and whispered, “Is there anything you want to bring to your loved ones?”

   Tan Ying smiled sadly: “This is retribution! The crystals I merged probably belonged to one of their parents! I have a younger brother in Thunder Cloud Fortress. If you have a chance, tell him to let him live! Lin Dong, because you still have this kind of heart, let me tell you something. I will soon be in the Thunder Cloud Fortress when I die. Master Sansai will send someone again soon. It may be black and white!”

  ”Black and white Shuangsha are a couple, both of them are of level 9 strength, and their teamwork is enough to fight against the average level 10 powerhouse! And they are usually dispatched to execute the killing order, I am dead, no matter what the reason, you will all Be chased! Don’t go to Thunder Cloud Fortress, at least don’t go to Thunder Cloud Fortress when your strength is low, it’s very dangerous!”

  ’Thank you!” Lin Dong said softly.

   Tan Ying’s eyes closed, she has run out of oil, and Jin Wu Yi Jin Wu Man returned, both of them felt a little worried at this moment.

   “Xiaoyi, Xiaoman, we have to enter a dangerous area.” Lin Dongdao, he has seen the map given by King Flame. There is only one place on this side for them to escape the chase of black and white evil spirits, don’t There is a high probability of being caught up in the place!

  Without the aircraft, they can’t leave too far in a short time. It won’t take long for Thunder Cloud Fortress to get here to take a flying vehicle. Tan Ying has a flying machine. It is impossible to have a black and white double evil spirit. Their flying machine is probably better!

  Aircraft generally have powerful scanning capabilities. Even if they hide, it’s useless to hide in ordinary places!

   “Master, we will go wherever you go.” Jin Wuyi said.

   Lin Dong nodded slightly and recognized the direction. Lin Dong quickly rushed to a place called Snake Cave on this side.

   Snake Cave is located in a valley. The valley is filled with mist all year round. According to the book given by King Yan, bio-radar is useless in that valley. Lin Dong and the others want to escape. This is the only one. Opportunity!

   It’s just that there are a lot of mutant snakes in that valley. There are more snakes in the snake cave, and there are many high-level mutant snakes. The book records that there are tenth-level snake kings in the snake cave, which is comparable The snake king in the abandoned city is countless times more powerful!

   When Lin Dong and the others arrived near the Snake Cave, the people who came from the Thunder Cloud Fortress arrived at the place where Tan Ying happened. It was indeed the black and white Shuangsha who came here. Their husband and wife files, their original names were forgotten by many people, generally Calling them the black evil and the white evil, in the end, the black and white double evil also called each other.

   “Tan Ying is dead, the target is not here.” The white evil said ~ The crystals of the black evil were fused from a mutated black dog. He sniffed vigorously and said: “They are not dead, there are three ! But they will die soon, Tan Ying is dead, Lord Serb ordered them to be executed directly, and the first level can be taken back!”

   “They can’t run too far!” Bai Sha said, and soon they turned on the bio-radar on the aircraft, and the bio-radar scanned Lin Dong and the others, but soon Lin Dong and the others disappeared from the bio-radar.

   “What’s the matter?” Bai Sha said in surprise.

   Heisha’s eyes flashed: “They are not stupid, that side is Snake Valley, and the biological radar in Snake Valley is useless!”

  ‘Snake Valley? “

   Bai Sha frowned. She hated snakes. She hadn’t been to that side, but Hei Sha used to go there to perform tasks.

   “Well, Snake Valley has fog all the year round, and the fog is poisonous, but it won’t matter much if we don’t stay in it for a long time.” Black evil said, “Let’s go, let’s go quickly, don’t let them pass before us. Eaten by the mutant snakes there, without their heads, Lord Serb will not be very good at dealing with each other!”

   Bai Sha smiled and said, “That’s right, that Wei Dong is probably the illegitimate son of Lord Serbia, and the head is taken back to sacrifice Wei Dong!”

   Hei Sha frowned and said: “Bai Sha, you can talk about this in private, but don’t say it in the fortress!”

   “I’m not stupid, so naturally I won’t say in the fortress, Lord Serb is unhappy, we don’t have good fruits to eat!”

   (Leaving relatives every day… It is estimated that there will be two updates in one or two days! There is still a chapter today.)

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