The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 103: The chiefs are discussing matters!

()Lin Dong looked at the surrounding environment, this kind of big chicken is not so easy to catch, it runs faster than Lin Dong and the others!

Moreover, the chicken’s head pecks things very fast. If it is not prepared to approach casually, it will be able to peck Zhong Lin Dong and the others in an instant. With the attack power of that big chicken, it will be able to pecking Zhong Lin Dong’s chest and heart A hole was pecked!

Soon Lin Dong had an idea and whispered. Twenty people scattered and dived to the other direction and surrounded this big chicken. Lin Dong hid behind a big tree, following the two With a dozen people* approaching, the big chicken rushed to Lin Dong quickly, there is a gap here!

The big chicken rushed over very fast. Lin Dong listened to the sound and judged silently. When the big chicken approached, Lin Dongbao smashed out with a whistling stick. When the big chicken was startled, he immediately wanted to retreat, but it was not light. , The inertia that rushed over was not easy to retreat there, Lin Dong grasped it very accurately, and drew a stick on its neck fiercely.

The chicken’s neck is not thick. Lin Dong’s powerful rod immediately twisted the big **’s neck unnaturally, but it did not die immediately. Lin Dong’s dagger flew out of the nail. The head took its life.

“Hey, it seems easy, a stick thing!” Over twenty people approached one by one, and some people smiled disapprovingly. Lin Dong’s stick was just looking at him, Lin Dong faintly. He smiled and didn’t say much.

Easy? I’m afraid it’s not that easy! It seems that the success is easy. It is actually related to several factors. The inertia of the big chicken rushing, Lin Dong’s understanding of the bone distribution in the big chicken’s neck, etc., how the big chicken’s neck should be retracted is also Lin Dong’s judgment. In the middle, a little bit of frustration may just irritate this big chicken. The irritated big chicken is definitely more terrifying. Maybe it will peck over and peck out a blood hole in your head!



Lin Dong’s killing of this big chicken alarmed two big chickens not far away, and they immediately rushed over in angrily.

“Be careful!” Lin Dong shouted.

“It’s a chicken, it’s up to me!” The innocent young man just rushed to one of them holding a wooden stick.

However, this young man raised the wooden stick and attacked the big chicken in front of him. The chicken’s neck stretched out and the sharp beak pierced the enemy’s eyes like lightning.


The wooden stick in his hand fell, and the young man painfully covered his blood with his hand, and blood flowed from his fingers.

However, the big chicken had not let the enemy in front of him go. It pecked out and hit the young man’s left chest again. The heart was pecked out, and blood immediately poured out from the young man’s chest. The ground is red.

All this happened in a very short period of time. A young man who was strong in the Shura realm and had not low strength died like this. He died under a chicken attack. It must be a joke, but now there is no People can laugh!

Two angry chickens pounced on Lin Dong and the rest of them. Lin Dong snarled and immediately pounced on one of them. At this moment, there was no time to make any tactics. He could only forcefully kill the two with his strength. An angry chicken!


Lin Dong slammed the past with a stick, but the chicken’s reaction speed was very fast. Without much inertia, it actually shrank its neck and completely avoided Lin Dong’s stick, but Lin Dong possessed horror. With his combat experience, one stick didn’t hit, Lin Dong immediately smashed the big chicken’s foot with another stick. The two moves were linked together, and the second move was even more powerful!

The second trick, miss again!

Don’t look at it as just a chicken, because Lin Dong and their strength are suppressed, it is really not easy to kill them!


The big chicken wings slapped over, with sharp spikes at the tips of its wings. If the fan Lin Dong could definitely leave a deep blood mark on Lin Dong’s body, Lin Dong flipped through the ground. , The body actually got under the wings of that big chicken.

The wooden stick has been abandoned at this moment. Lin Dong waved the dagger in his hand and cut it to the wings of the big chicken. The big chicken ate the pain and moved forward frantically. Lin Dong held a handful of feathers tightly in one hand and the other. The dagger was swung continuously.

Finally, this wing was cut off by Lin Dong’s dagger. Lin Dong grabbed the broken wing to protect himself and quickly escaped. The big chicken’s paws and mouth pecked on his broken wing. The defense of the wings was good. Lin Dong was not injured.

Losing a wing, the body of the big chicken was immediately imbalanced. Lin Dong picked up his wooden stick to find a chance and hit one of the big chicken’s legs, legs and wings with a big blow. Lin Dong hit the big chicken on the head relatively easily, and the big chicken twitched and fell to the ground. Lin Dong breathed a sigh of relief and looked around. The other one had already escaped, and the more than a dozen people who dealt with it looked a little uncomfortable. Looks good, they surrounded the big chicken, but actually let it plop and rushed out, and more than a dozen of them were pecked and injured.

“Don’t be discouraged, I used to be a hunter, this is my old profession.” Lin Dong wiped the blood from his face, “This stuff is not small, two should be enough for us to eat, hurry up. Go back to deal with it and have a meal first.”


It can be said that the two big chickens were killed by Lin Dong. Some of those twenty-something people who were dissatisfied have also accepted it at this time. They have already experienced it firsthand. This kind of chicken is really not easy to kill. They are not food right now, they are even more powerful than them. One-to-one, Lin Dong and their twenty-something people can win by Lin Dong.

Soon the big chicken was taken back. Lin Dong didn’t need to deal with this big chicken. Although he could, there were many better than him in this respect. Many of those women were dealing with food. All have unique skills.

Many people from other teams have eaten it, so the meat should be non-toxic and cooked. Lin Dong and the others will eat it with confidence. If you don’t eat it, there’s no way there is no fish in the river, and there is no nearby. The rest of the good food.

The meat of that kind of giant pig should be edible, but if you think about the giant pig’s seven-eight-meter-high body and one or two-meter-long fangs, let’s forget it. Lin Dong and their daggers pierced them with spears. It is estimated that they will not be able to pierce the skin of the giant pig.

And the giant pig doesn’t need fangs to deal with them, rushing towards them, it can easily kill many of them!

“Who is the leader of your team? We have discussed important matters in the past!” A young man who appeared to be in his twenties came to report.

Hundreds of people on Lin Dong’s side fell on Lin Dong. Although Lin Dong was the captain of a small team of more than ten people before, he has become a team of several hundred people. leader.

“Let’s go!”

Lin Dong had eaten and got up and said, no one of the rest of the people ate and drank any objection.

The young man was a little surprised. He had already notified several places. In some places, he heard him say that and internal disputes started immediately. Lin Dong, the leader of a few hundred people, didn’t care, but the rest of them cared a lot.

“Please follow me.”

This young man was very polite. Following this young man, Lin Dong quickly came under a big tree. Many people have gathered on this side. Now there are 50,000 people left. They are divided into big and small. There are a hundred teams, Lin Dong and his team have four to five hundred people. Among all the teams, they are in the middle and lower. The strongest team has four to five thousand people. The leader is the original village master of Heifengzhai. It’s normal for his original status to be the leader of the greatest power.

However, Smohan, the owner of Heifengzhai, was not very satisfied. It turns out that the whole Heifengzhai is one thing. Now many people don’t listen to him. He can’t handle it too hard, otherwise he won’t be able to bear it. !

There are no chairs, but there are blocks of bluestone on the ground. Lin Dong sits down and glances at it and feels a little funny. Why is this scene like everyone sitting in a mountain village after part-time work and chatting?

“Brother, my name is Shi Yang, how about you?” A young man in his thirties sat next to Lin Dong. Lin Dong is a human appearance, and he also looks a lot cordial in a human appearance. As for some, some are long. They are also like humans, and some are far apart. Like Smoham, his body is similar to a human, but he has a lion’s head on his neck.

However, Lin Dong discovered a strange place, unlike humans, it seems that there is a tendency to gradually become humans! This is true for all people who are not like humans. This should be some kind of powerful rule at work.

“Lin Dong!” Lin Dong said calmly.

Shi Yang slobbered depressedly: “Lin Dong, do you think we can leave this ghost place and return?”

Lin Dong didn’t answer, Shi Yang replied: “I guess it’s difficult. I haven’t heard of the one taken away by the World Jieyun! And the World Jieyun must consume a lot of money to bring us here. Energy, it’s impossible to let us leave easily!”

“What the **** is this place? It doesn’t seem to be three days in the next three days, three days in the upper three days, and it’s not like…Hunyuan realm, soul realm, Daluo heaven, it seems that no realm is like this! Even then In the Three Realms, our near-productivity should not be completely suppressed, weird, too weird! We’re afraid we can’t leave this ghost place!”

“Shut up!”

The other person is cold and don’t want to return from here, we also want to return from here, and don’t pour cold water! “

Shi Yang’s eyes widened: “I said mine, hindering you? Ulutan, don’t think that you are more powerful in the Shura realm, it is great, we have kind of gestures, in half an hour I will definitely Crush your bird eggs!”

Shi Yang is not very strong in the Shura world, but his foundation is very solid, and he has a lot of advantages here, otherwise he wants to become a team of hundreds of people because he does not have a strong identity in the Shura world. The leader is impossible.

“Grass, I’m afraid you won’t make it, compare it!” Ulutan stood up suddenly.


Smohan snorted coldly. As the owner of Heifengzhai, he still has a lot of prestige. Ulutan said in a deep voice: “Just give Smohan-sama a face, Shi Yang, be careful of you. Open your mouth to warn you, the disaster comes out of your mouth!”

(Please beg for flowers! Brothers, drop it with flowers, thank you very much!)

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