The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 102: Hunt for food!

Lin Dong threw the cloth rope in the hand of the young man when he fell, but the young man was bitten by the beast under the silt before he caught his foot in panic. In the blink of an eye, the young man was miserable. Shouting disappeared in the mud!

   The blood soaked the silt on this side, and the fierce beasts gathered on this side rolled in the silt. One of the fierce beasts’ head rushed out of the silt to bite a middle-aged man who was passing on the stick bridge. The middle-aged man was not bitten, his mental quality was not good and he passed quickly, but the people behind were anxious, and several people wanted to squeeze on the bridge.


   Lin Dong shouted, he flew two of them away in an instant with a whip, and the other two rushed to the stick bridge.

   The bridge for two people can still pass, but the two people are in a hurry and the bridge is swayed. Both lose their balance and fall. One of them immediately fell into the mud, and the other grabbed tightly. The cloth rope, but one leg fell into the mud.

   “Help me, help me!” The young man whose legs fell into the mud yelled in horror. The one who fell completely into the mud didn’t yell, and he was dragged into the mud for the first time.

   “Help you, think beautifully!” A strong man who is obsessed with cloth sneered. The two people are unruly to rob him.

   “Help people!” Lin Dong shouted.

  The brawny man did not listen to Lin Dong, Lin Dong said sharply: “Hurry up, he will completely overturn the stick bridge if he doesn’t save him!”

   The strong man’s complexion changed and he quickly shot, but it was too late. The young man with his feet in the mud was bitten and dragged into the mud, but he didn’t let go. The stick bridge was overturned, and the stick bridge was overturned one by one. The stick suddenly fell into the silt.

   “Oh, we don’t have any extra sticks!”

   Someone exclaimed, Lin Dong secretly shook his head, if there were extra sticks, wouldn’t he have someone build another stick bridge like this long ago?

   “Let’s find a way to cross the bridge by yourself!” Lin Dong said as he stepped back a little and then rushed out in an instant. When he reached the edge, Lin Dong stepped up again, and his body jumped out eighty and nine meters, followed by Lin Dong’s His foot accurately stepped on a wooden stick in the mud, borrowed a little bit of force on the stick, and Lin Dong’s body once again pulled up a little dangerously and landed on the opposite side.

   Seeing Lin Dong succeeded in reaching the opposite side, many young people rushed out quickly. The sticks were still on the silt at this moment. After a while, the sticks would sink into the silt. They wanted to step on the sticks to the past. Can’t do it.


   A young man yelled in horror. He judged that Lin Dong hadn’t accurately stepped on the mud and sank for a while, his feet were severely painful. The legs of this young man had been bitten by two crocodile-like beasts. In the middle, two fierce beasts pulled in two different directions, and the body of this young man was torn in half alive.

   The tragedy in front of me obviously affected the few people who jumped up behind them, and they all had accidents one by one.

   “This is not good, this is too dangerous!”

   “Think of a way, we are about to sink!”

   Many people who have not passed through screamed in horror. Lin Dong said in a deep voice: “The fierce beasts around here should have been absorbed here. You should pass through the rest of the place and try your best to jump out. This side Pull you up again!”

   Many people have no idea at all at this moment. When they heard Lin Dong’s method, many people acted immediately. Lin Dong has already asked people to connect the two sticks with cloth strips or something. All are one or two meters long, and three or four meters long when connected together. As long as those people jump out six or seven meters, they can catch the stick!

   At the moment, the rest are young and middle-aged people. There is no problem in sprinting to jump six or seven meters. After all, this is not a flat jump. The place where they jump is a lot higher than the silt.


   One of them fell into the silt in horror. Lin Dong and the others immediately threw the connected stick out. The person who fell into the silt got a certain amount of mental preparation and grasped the stick accurately. Lin Dong The people on their side tried hard, and soon this person was pulled out of the mud and successfully landed ashore and was rescued.

   With this successful precedent, several people immediately jumped out. Lin Dong and the others got ten or twenty sticks out of the mud. These sticks connected in pairs and saved most of the people, but There were also accidents, some of them couldn’t catch the wooden stick next to them in panic, and some were unlucky, and they were bitten by beasts when they jumped down.

   However, relying on this direction, three-quarters of the people finally succeeded, plus there were not many casualties before. Lin Dong and the hundreds of people, but only one-seventh of the people. Die.

   “Brother, thank you!”

   “Brother, you will be my eldest brother from now on!”

   “My lord, thank you, thank you!”

   Everyone thanked Lin Dong gratefully, if it weren’t for Lin Dong, there would be more than so many casualties. Lin Dong was just the captain of their small team before, but now he has faintly become the leader of these hundreds of people. .

   There are a few captains like Lin Dong who are a little dissatisfied, but they can’t say anything. Without Lin Dong, maybe they would die by themselves, and many of them would die, among them they Relatives and friends!

   “Let’s go, return right away.” Lin Dong said in a deep voice. Lin Dong has no interest in becoming the leader of these people. He saves people only out of morality, out of respect for life, and doesn’t want many people. Died in vain.

   The next journey went smoothly. The previously dangerous places were marked out. Before noon, Lin Dong and the others finally reached the place where the fragrance was released. This is not the place where they originally gathered. , Not very far from the location of the water source.

   “There is water on the other side!”

   Lin Dong and the others were guided to brave the scorching sun to the source of the water. Lin Dong looked up and saw that the basin-sized sun was really terrifying. Lin Dong felt that the temperature was not 50 degrees and it was already 48 and 9 degrees.

   “Master, I can’t walk anymore.” Jin Wu said brutally. She walked for a while and Lin Dong walked with her on his back before insisting on it.

   “Come on, Master will carry you on your back!”

  Lin Dong squatted down in sweat, and saw Lin Dong carrying Jin Wuman hard, Jin Wuyi’s eyes were full of emotions, and she muttered to herself in a very low voice: “Abba, mom, look Are you here? Although you are gone, we have a good master who loves us, so don’t worry, Aba and Ama.”

   braved the scorching sun and went forward for another twenty minutes. Lin Dong and the others finally saw a small river in front of them. The small river was only three to four meters wide. Many people sat in the small river. Lin Dong frowned. Carrying Jin Wuman on his back, he rushed to the upper stream. After walking for a kilometer or two, no one was sitting in the creek. Lin Dong and the others got the clean water.

   “Don’t drink first!”

   Lin Dong said in a deep voice, there were about 200 people who followed Lin Dong to this side, and most of them resisted not taking water immediately when they heard Lin Dong’s words.

   “It might be a problem to drink directly like this, so let’s boil it first!” Lin Dongdao, there are things that start the fire, and hay is everywhere. Soon Lin Dong ignited a pile of hay and made a piece of bamboo stuff. The water boiled.

   “Abba, I’m thirsty!”

   “This water looks very clean, there will be no problems, right?”

  Many people spoke, Lin Dong said calmly: “It’s best to be cautious if you don’t want a problem, your resistance today is far worse than before!”

   I was very convinced by many people in Lin Dong. Seeing Lin Dong, they all resisted boiling water. Many people also learned. However, some people were too thirsty to stand and drank the raw water. , This water looks no problem.

   The temperature of the sun’s poisonous water is not too low. It didn’t take long for a large bamboo tube to boil. Lin Dong let it boil for a few minutes before removing it from the wooden stand and immersing it in cold water for half a stick of incense. The water in the bamboo tube was finally cold enough to drink.

   “Be careful!”

  Lin Dongdao, Jin Wu and Jin Wu drank the hot water carefully, and the smoking throat finally became more comfortable. Lin Dong also drank the water and let out a long sigh of relief. He was thirsty for the time being. No more thirsty, but the problem of thirst was solved. Lin Dong felt hungry. He didn’t eat anything last night and this morning.

  ”Xiaoyi, Xiaoman, you can boil some more water, and Master and others will get something to eat.” Lin Dongdao.

   There are actually people grilling that kind of chicken, but someone else got it, so why give it to them?

   Don’t say that they can’t afford to pay now. Even if they can, the money won’t do much right now.

   “Come and get some food with me~ forget it!” Lin Dong got up and said calmly, and soon twenty or so people came out. They are all young and middle-aged, on this side. They all have their relatives and friends. Even if they don’t eat it themselves, their relatives and friends have to eat it. Although hunting is dangerous, they cannot escape.

   took these twenty people away and walked among the grass in the forest. Lin Dong showed a faint smile on his face. It has been a long time since he was a child. In this life, he has been hunting for seven days. Eight years.

  Later, the strength gradually increased, and such hunting was never experienced.

  While walking, Lin Dong watched carefully. Although the big chickens are powerful, they are just animals with little intelligence. As long as they are carefully observed, they will definitely be hunted and killed.


   Lin Dong’s eyes flashed and there were some discoveries. Lin Dong found a faint footprint on the ground. Lin Dong checked carefully and soon he found the broken twigs. Judging from the freshness of the fracture, it should have been not long ago. That kind of big chicken just passed by here.

   “Be careful to keep up!” Lin Dong said, speeding up, his figure advancing flexibly in the forest. Although it hasn’t been a hunt for a long time, Lin Dong’s movements are not unfamiliar.

  During the fast march, Lin Dong’s eyes could also find a little bit of detail to judge the direction of the big chicken.

   Banzhuxiang time passed, Lin Dong raised his hand, and the rest of the people stopped immediately, and the big chicken had already been found in front of him.

   (seeking flowers!)

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