The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 90: Several big moves!

Across the border, the soul jade will not respond in a short time, and many strong men have reinvested in the hunt for Lin Dong.

But that ancient teleportation array attracted many strong people in the past, and the strong people that Lin Dong and the others were looking for were also attracted to the past. Lin Dong and the others safely left the original area to a new location. One side has a low chance of being investigated in a short time.

Furthermore, many suicide robots made by Lin Dong have been distributed. They have several characteristics. First, they have different forms; second, they are not very powerful, and the materials used are relatively ordinary; Third, there is a dimensional space inside, and there is a lot of explosives or poisonous gas in the dimensional space.

There are many forces against Lin Dong, and some are actually not strong, just to find Lin Dong and get rewards!

A large number of suicide robots have arrived at many targets determined by Lin Dong. Some of these forces have bad reputations, but some have good reputations, but now they are looking for him to get huge benefits from him, and that is the enemy .

In Lin Dong’s view, the enemy has no distinction between good and evil, only the dead and the living!

“Time is up!”

Lin Dong said softly and authentically. At the same time, devastating terrorist attacks occurred in thousands of places in the entire Lingyuan Realm.

Each force has the means to check, but with Lin Dong’s strength, how could the suicide robot he created be discovered by those who are not very powerful!

Somewhere in the great spiritual realm of Zi Luo.

“No, no!”

A strong man is terrified and authentic. In front of him is the headquarters of his forces. There are hundreds of thousands of people living throughout the year. But now, the entire headquarters is shrouded in a huge fireball. Such a violent explosion is absolutely one of hundreds of thousands of people. Can’t survive.


The energy wave rushed over, and this strong man was spitting blood out of his mouth, but he didn’t care about it and just stared at the disappearing headquarters.

“Iniquity, iniquity, I said that I should not deal with Lin Dong, the great **** fights, how can we little ghosts blend in.” This strong man has tears on his face, and there are not many strong ones who survived by his forces. , If he didn’t feel that it was dangerous to deal with Lin Dong and left the headquarters during this time, he would definitely have died.

In an explosion, millions of people died. Among them, there were many experts at the Celestial Immortal King level, but this was only one of thousands of similar explosions! It is conservatively estimated that at least 10 billion people died in this operation!

In Qin Tianyu, countless people think that Lin Dong has a bodhisattva heart, but now, many powerful people can realize that he not only has a bodhisattva heart, but also has a thunderbolt method. If you want to chase him for good, you have to endure terror. s consequence!

The ancient teleportation formation pit more than a thousand immortal emperor and immortal emperor-level powerhouses, thousands of explosions have destroyed more than tens of billions of relatively low-strength characters!

In the Lingyuan Realm, the news that a large number of strong men in the ancient teleportation array was lured to the Devil Realm has just spread, and new and more explosive news spread quickly throughout the Lingyuan Realm. At first, many strong men thought It was only a very rare case, only a small number of forces were destroyed, but the news from each place was summarized, and many powerful people were horrified to find that there were not a few dozen forces that were destroyed, and the entire spirit element realm added up to several thousand. One!

“Crazy, crazy!”

“Devil, this devil!”

Many strong men cursed and cursed, and the strong men who scolded Lin Dong suddenly increased many times compared to before. However, the forces that continued to hunt and kill Lin Dong shrank many times! Many of the established mercenary groups that hunted and killed Lin Dong quickly disbanded. Although you can get a lot of news about where Lin Dong is to sell, the danger is too great. Thousands of forces will be reimbursed at once. , There are many mercenary groups formed among them.

Many of the intelligence forces and killer organizations also stopped their operations. Among the thousands of destroyed forces, there are hundreds of intelligence forces, and the killing gestures of all sizes are more powerful! Although many of the members of these forces were scattered and did not die, the headquarters was destroyed, and many important figures lost their lives in the explosion!

In the past two months, many powerful forces have stopped their actions, but there are still many forces that continue to act. These forces are generally relatively strong, strengthening the detection of dangers and strengthening the concealment of actions. Because of sex, the core figures of many forces have avoided danger and have not stayed within the forces.

“Stubbornly stubborn!”

Lin Dong tasted the wine softly and authentically, the second batch of bombs and so on was already in place. This time it was not the task performed by those suicide robots, but the task performed by the three powerful Transformers created by Lin Dongrang.

These three new Transformers all possess the strength of the early fairy emperor, and cannot enter the top forces to perform tasks, but the general fairy king and fairy emperor-level forces cannot stop such powerful transformers at all.

Hundreds of bombs are hidden inside hundreds of forces by three new Transformers. These bombs will be difficult to find unless there is a strong immortal emperor who spends a lot of time and carefully searching for them. !

None of these forces have immortal emperor-level powerhouses. I would like to ask immortal emperor-level powerhouses to help find them. This is very difficult!

Also, I searched this month. What about next month? What about next month? It is impossible to keep the immortal emperor-level powerhouse busy again and again!

“Enjoy the explosion!”

Lin Dong’s voice fell, and there were terrible attacks ten times stronger than the previous explosions in hundreds of power headquarters!

These forces are much stronger, and their defensive capabilities against such attacks are much stronger. However, the attacks are ten times stronger. None of these forces headquarters can hold them. Each of the forces headquarters was wiped out in a violent explosion.

“It’s over!”

Some leaders of these forces were not inside the headquarters. They escaped their lives. However, when they got the news, they still felt that they were dark in front of them. They escaped. However, a large number of members in the headquarters did not escape. Among them were theirs. Loved ones!

“The ancestors and the ancestors are on top, I am the sinner of the Xing family, oh!”

“Lin Dong, I will swear by you!”

The leaders of these hundreds of forces who are still alive have some grief and some anger. The news spread. Many forces with similar strength to these forces immediately stopped their actions. The lesson was too tragic, and Lin Dong’s methods were unexpectedly fierce!

In the past ten days or so, when news of this aspect was still spreading, there was a top power sect with white gauze hanging everywhere in the sect to play sorrows, and the ancestor of this top power entered through the ancient teleportation formation. After the Demon World, the soul jade slips were still good before, but now the soul jade slips are broken, and two soul jade slips are broken at the same time.

This is definitely not an accident, it’s that ancestor has died!

“Inquire now, and see how the rest of the first group of strong people in the past are!” This top power sovereign said, his face is extremely ugly, although there is only one dead, but the dead is the ancestor, and the immortal The ancestors of the emperor pinnacle’s strength have a tremendous influence on their power, and in the next time, they are likely to be suppressed a lot!

“Yes, overlord!”

The inquiry soon came to fruition, and the first group of strong soul jade slips entering nearby were also broken! Within three days, the information from the rest of the place was also compiled, and the first batch of more than one hundred strong players only had a few soul jade slips that were not broken!

The second batch of strong soul jade slips that went in were not broken, but their relatives and friends were not happy. Although they were not dead, it does not mean that they had no accident. They were probably captured alive!

More than two hundred immortal emperor-level powerhouses, over a thousand immortal emperor-level powerhouses died, and those who were captured alive were captured alive. This is another shocking news!


Thousands of medium-sized forces have been destroyed, hundreds of large-scale forces have been destroyed, and many super-powers have lost immortal emperor-level and immortal emperor-level powerhouses. This has made many powers and powers scared at the same time, making the spirit world The balance of power in many places has been affected, and many strong people have no intention of looking for Lin Dong at this time. They can compete for other interests!

Somewhere in the great spiritual realm of Zi Luo.

“Friends of Taoism, sorry, I have to leave now!” said a strong person in the early days of the emperor. Many of them formed a strong team to find Lin Dong. These days have been successively Left a little and a half.

“Dear friends, the benefits and risks have now been reversed.” This immortal emperor class powerhouse sighed softly, “A powerful explosion everywhere must consume a lot of Lin Dong’s resources, even if we can catch When it comes to him, the benefits that can be gained from him will also be reduced. If we divide it, how many benefits can we get?”

“Besides, can we find Lin Dong? Can we really easily catch him if we find him? The chance of getting benefits is very low and low, and the risk is great! Lin Dong has already been against medium and large forces Do it, and then it is estimated that it will be the turn of each superpower. Everyone, it is not easy for the ancestors to pass on the inheritance. Forgive me for being timid!”

This immortal emperor-level powerhouse finished speaking and walked away.

“Brother Wu made sense, everyone, I can’t stick to it anymore. Take care, everyone!”

“Fart after all’m gone too, go!”


A few minutes later, there are very few strong people left. They smiled bitterly at each other, and then dispersed, returning to their respective houses.

The situation of these powerhouses is very common throughout the Lingyuan Realm, and many immortal emperor level powerhouses have stopped! When the benefit is far higher than the risk, many strong people will rush forward desperately, but when the risk rises and the benefit declines, many strong people and many forces will continue to withdraw, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. This is nature!

A large number of powerhouses stopped looking for them. Lin Dong and the others’ risks suddenly dropped many times. The entire Lingyuan realm was so big, and Lin Dong and the others were very strong. A few powerhouses wanted to find Lin Dong and them. It is extremely difficult.

“I don’t know what Lin Dong will do next.”

Many powerhouses are guessing, and many powerhouses are looking forward to it. If Lin Dong greatly weakens the strength of his enemies, that would be great!

(Seeking flowers~)

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