The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 68: People’s hearts are available!

After searching for several years to no avail, all the powerhouses who arrived in Qin Tianyu retreated. Even if there were some unwillingness to give up, they just let some subordinates look for it on this side.

   “Uncle, don’t worry, it should be on this side. Not every place has a natural space channel or a hidden teleportation array.” Qin said.

   Lin Dong is ready to let people search for the alien animal prison car, but he is worried. After nearly ten years on this side, what if there is no discovery?

  Although he has helped countless people to obtain a lot of merit, but if he can’t find the strange animal prison car, and can’t find Zhou Mengyao, Lin Dong will be very disappointed.


   Lin Dong nodded slightly, “Xiaoyan, you find a chance to pass it out inadvertently. I’m curious about the alien beast.”


   Qin Yan nodded, such a thing directly ordered people to find it is not good, as long as a little news is sent out, there will definitely be a large number of people helping to find it! If some people knew, they wouldn’t dare to tell the immortal emperor’s powerhouse, nor would they dare to speak out about the huge temptation, but if Lin Dong wanted to know, he might come and tell Lin Dong without payment.

   This is the power of the people!

   Qin Yan quickly and inadvertently spread the news. She only said that Lin Dong had some interest, but when the news spread, it turned out that Lin Dong wanted to know the news about the strange animal prison car. Countless people in Qin Tianyu asked for news in this regard.

   Not long after, Qin Yan stood up to refute the rumors, saying that Lin Dong was only interested, not necessarily knowing the news in this regard, so that the public should not waste their energy in this regard. Many people on the bright side have not looked for it, but the news has spread. In Lin Dong and Qin Yan’s eyes, people who know the situation can definitely get the news.

  Isn’t Lin Dong still interested? People who know the situation still have a good chance of passing the situation to Lin Dong.


   Tiemuling is located in the Qin Tianyu, occupying a large area. Due to the complex terrain and other reasons, there are many criminals in this area, and many of them have done many evil things, and the people are miserable.

   However, this was three years ago. Three years ago, Lin Dong sent a strong man to the Tiemuling area.

   Numerous gangsters in the Ironwood Ridge area have been eliminated. Although there are still gangsters on this side, they don’t dare to do as much evil as before, and they rob them. Usually, many of those gangsters still do good deeds, they dare not kill, and force women Strong. Women don’t dare. Robbery won’t take away the people’s most basic life-saving food. The people here are completely acceptable. After all, they also know that such a place accumulates evil for a long time. impossible.

   “Daddy, Daddy!”

   A half-year-old child quickly ran into a cave on the rock wall, and there was a family in the cave.

   “Slow down, run so hurriedly, what do you do!” said a simple but clean middle-aged Han man in the stone cave.

   “Daddy, I heard a news, and I rushed back to tell daddy!” The half-old kid kowtowed the two figures in the cave before he got up and said, the figure who was offering was really Lin Donghe Qin Yan’s appearance.

   In fact, in the entire Eastern Qin Region, Lin Dong and Qin Yan were offered by many people! Some of them originally had other beliefs, but Lin Dong and the others made tremendous changes in the entire Eastern Qin Region, making their lives better. The majority of the people knew that they were grateful, and the gods of faith did not bring them a good life. , Lin Dong brought them!

   “What’s the matter?” the middle-aged man said.

   “Daddy, was it true that night when I was born?” the half-older asked in a low voice.

   The middle-aged man’s face changed and quickly said: “Wazi, did you tell this to someone? I tell you if you say it, I will break your leg! This will be rotten to my father, never just Go out, don’t look at the huge reward, if the news is really spread, we will definitely not get the reward and we may lose our lives.”

   “Daddy, I know, I didn’t say it.” The half-older said quickly.

  The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s good, that’s good. We are living a good life now, don’t just think about it.”

   “Daddy, but that’s not what I want to say, it’s Lin Shenxian, Lin Shenxian wants to know about that!” said the half-old boy.

  The middle-aged man was taken aback and said: “Wazi, are you serious? Is it really Lin Shenxian who wants to know if it’s a lie?”

   “Daddy, this has been spread, and it certainly won’t be false. Who dares to talk nonsense to Lin Shenxian,” the half-old boy said.

  The middle-aged man nodded: “That is, if anyone is disrespectful to Lin Shenxian, his father will scold him if he can’t beat him!”

   said that the middle-aged man extinguished the dry flue in his hand fiercely and said: “My son, dad is out for a while, can you take care of yourself?”

   “Daddy, are you going to tell God Immortal Lin the news?” the half-old child whispered.

   “Don’t say it, remember that Daddy is going to go to relatives, and others will say so when asked.” The middle-aged man stared.

   “Daddy, I know that I can take care of myself… Now that the life is good, every family is living well. If I can’t eat anything, I can go to someone else’s house to eat.” The half-old boy said.

  The middle-aged man nodded: “We have life today only with Lin Shenxian, and your mother’s hatred can also be repaid. People who want to know Dad will not say it, but Lin Shenxian wants to know the news in this regard, Dad must I told him, but it’s a long journey. Daddy estimates it will take half a year.”

   “Daddy, go quickly and don’t let Lin Shenxian wait for a long time.”

   The middle-aged man cleaned up a bit and set off. It took him a full two months to get to a small town. There were flying beasts in the small town to a big city. He took out all his savings and bought it. Arrived at a flying beast ticket to that big city.

   The middle-aged man who spent all his savings was also a bit heartbroken, but he did not hesitate when he bought it, because he knew that if it weren’t for Lin Dong, his family could not have any savings, and his wife’s hatred It may be reported that his child may also be taken away.

  Flying beasts arrived in that big city for half a month after flying. As far as this middle-aged person knows, this city can be contacted by Lin Shenxian.

  Lin Dong, a relatively large city, has left trinity robots. The trinity robots stay in specially built houses. These houses are guarded and ordinary people cannot easily enter, but Lin Dong can be contacted as long as there is sufficient reason.

  The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief here, and it would be nice to contact Lin Dong on this side.

   “Let me in, I have something to tell Shenxian Lin.” The middle-aged man stepped forward, but he was rejected.

   If everyone can go in and contact Lin Dong, there will be countless people contacting every day, and the super brain may not be able to handle it.

   “Let me in, Shenxian Lin will definitely talk to me. If Shenxian Lin doesn’t talk to me, I’d rather go to jail for ten years!” The middle-aged man said loudly, he can’t interrupt him, but he can go in as long as he pays the price. , You can go in if you are willing to go to prison for ten years.

   “Are you sure? If Lin Shenxian doesn’t respond to you, ten years in jail!” The guard said in a deep voice.

   “OK, I’m sure!”

   There were small rooms in the house, and soon this middle-aged man went in and entered one of the small rooms.

   What the people in the small rooms say can be collected by the tiny robot and passed to the super brain on Lin Dong’s wrist. After the super brain is screened, the important news will be passed to Lin Dong for processing.

   “Lin Shenxian, are you there?” the middle-aged man said nervously.

   “Say things directly!” The soft reminder sounded in the room, and the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief: “Lin Shenxian, I heard that you want to know about the three alien beasts and the prison car. , I know.”

   Trino robot immediately spread what the middle-aged man said. After many trino robots passed it, it quickly spread to Tianyang City and to the super brain on Lin Dong’s wrist.

   The priority of information in this area is very high. The super brain immediately passed the information to Lin Dong, and Lin Dong’s eyes lit up and the voice passed to the middle-aged man: “I’m Lin Dong, tell me about yours. Found.”

   “Yes, Lin Shenxian!” The middle-aged man said excitedly. He knew that it was Lin Dong’s voice, and Lin Dong actually spoke to him himself.

   “Lin Shenxian, yes, it’s like this–” The middle-aged man said a little bit inconspicuously. He quickly clarified the matter, and Lin Dong quickly judged that this middle-aged man should not have lied!

   “You wait here, I’ll come here!” Lin Dong said.

  The middle-aged man became even more excited. Not only could he hear Lin Dong’s voice, he could actually see Lin Dong himself.

   Lin Dong quickly contacted Qin Yan, and the two immediately rushed to the city where the middle-aged man was. The distance was not too far. Three days later, Lin Dong and Qin Yan came here and saw the middle-aged man. Shenxian! “

  The middle-aged man was very excited. He said that he quickly knelt down and gave Lin Dong a kowtow. Lin Dong did not stop him from making him kowtow. It seemed that he was much younger than the middle-aged man, but his actual age was not bad. Much larger.

   plus Lin Dong Qin Yan’s dedication to Qin Tianyu, this middle-aged man can totally bear it.

  ”Please start, please start.”

  The middle-aged man knocked his head, Lin Dong hurriedly said, “Kumping one head is enough, get up quickly, or I will leave.”

   “Lin Shenxian, don’t go, I will get up now.” The middle-aged man said quickly.

  The middle-aged man got up, and Lin Dong let him sit down again. He sat upright, his **** just a little bit next to the chair.

   “What is your name?” Lin Dong smiled.

   “Hui Lin Shenxian, my name is Niu Jiang.” The middle-aged man said nervously.

   Lin Dong laughed and said: “Niu Jiang, don’t be nervous, I am not a god, you see, I am just an ordinary person like you, one head and two hands, no two heads and six arms!”

   “Yes, Lin Shenxian!” Niu Jiang relaxed a lot. He didn’t say anything in detail before. Now Lin Dong is in front of him, Niu Jiang said in detail. If he couldn’t be 100% sure before, now Lin Dong It is completely certain.

   Although Niujiang is much stronger than the people in the Mortal Realm, there is a huge gap in strength compared with Lin Dong. It is impossible to lie in front of Lin Dong without being noticed by Lin Dong.

   (Brothers, smash it with flowers, thank you very much!!)

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