The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 64: Remote processing!

   “The people of Qin Tianyu support it. This is a big project.” Lin Dongdao.

   Qin Yan nodded. Qin Tianyu occupies hundreds of times the area of ​​Yinyue Kingdom. If it is the previous speed, it will take thousands of years to deal with all the larger cities in Qin Tianyu. Moreover, this has to be dealt with before. The place no longer has problems.

  ——In fact, for such a long time, if you ignore the areas that have been treated before, there will definitely be various problems.

   “Uncle, you want to find someone, this is your problem.” Qin Yan said, her tone is not very good, for Lin Dong somehow to find the alien animal prisoner, to save the prisoner that does not necessarily exist The beauty is a little dissatisfied.

   “Xiaoyan, do you know reincarnation?” Lin Dongdao.

   Qin Yan nodded, her parents are both demon-level powerhouses, and can touch many things that ordinary people can’t reach.

  ”Know that the rules of chaos, the rules of order, and the rules of life and death are the three most powerful rules. No matter how powerful a person is, if he does not become the strongest person who has attained the great path, he will die. Some of them are fortunate to survive. Reincarnation, one in the trillions of the strong may awaken the memories of previous lives…Uncle, you won’t tell me that the prisoner is the reincarnation of your wife, right?” Qin Yan said.

   Lin Dong said indifferently: “If you believe it, you don’t believe it, you just treat it as a joke.”

   Looking into Lin Dong’s eyes, Qin Yan suddenly felt a little heart trembling, she was very smart, and she thought of a lot in an instant.

  In the antimatter world, Lin Dong ran there specially to wait to meet her. When he saw her, Lin Dong’s expression was very strange.

   After that, Lin Dong tried his best to protect her. If there was no Lin Dong and the strength of Lin Dong Tiandihui, she might have been killed, then there are many people who want to kill her in the anti-matter world! Later, Lin Dong entered the new area where she was and took her out of the antimatter world. She had a lot of temperaments, but Lin Dong never got angry with her.

   Occasionally Qin Yan noticed that Lin Dong was looking at her dreamily, with strange eyes. At that time, she only thought Lin Dong was weird.

   But now, Qin Yan found that he understood instantly.

   “Uncle, what I said must be a joke, I’m leaving now.” Qin Yan left after speaking escapely.

   Qin Yan doesn’t know how he feels now, or how to face Lin Dong.


   Lin Dong sighed inwardly, saying this to Qin Yan, it’s actually too early, otherwise Qin Yan wouldn’t leave in a hurry, but just now, Lin Dong, who was a ghost, said that Zhou Mengyao might be in the prison. This Lin Dong couldn’t accept it.

   Qin Yan left the palace directly, and Lin Dong also left soon. Lin Dong didn’t like the environment like the palace.

  ”How can we get the support of the entire Qin Tianyu people?” Lin Dong found an ordinary restaurant, drinking and thinking.

  ” It’s not going to work, time and energy are not allowed! It takes a long time to control the entire Qin Tianyu, and there will definitely be various problems. Becoming a power holder, many people don’t think so. I trust it.”

   “It seems that there is a need for more refinement of trino robots. If a large number of trino robots are distributed throughout Qin Tianyu, as long as there are many strong supporters, the remote can also deal with criminals in each city.”

   Lin Dong has a faint smile on his face. In two years, he and Qin Yan have successfully established a reputation on the side of Yinyue Nation. Moreover, he can already mobilize a lot of strength on the side of Yinyue Nation. Those who help themselves perform tasks.

   “There are still a lot of trino robots, let’s try it out!” Lin Dong secretly said in his heart.

   There are many strong people in Tianyang City who strongly support Lin Dong. Lin Dong let some trino robots hide on them, and then call these strong people to come forward to judge, arrest and punish Tianyang City. Criminal on one side.

   Received Lin Dong’s subpoena, those strong men were both excited and apprehensive, but there was no problem with the subsequent processing. Lin Dong has already implemented it in many cities, and they know the process, and they know Lin Dong is on this side, even if there is a problem, Lin Dong can immediately know to correct it immediately.

   “Tie Zhu, now I need you to go to another city to deal with it. I can provide help remotely. Will there be any problems?” Lin Dong sent a message to one of them. Tie Zhu was the first city that Lin Dong solved The acting city lord, later he felt that being the acting city lord didn’t mean much to let others do it, and he followed Lin Dong Qin Yan and the others around.

There are a lot of people like    and Tie Zhu. There are a lot of selfish people in this world, and there are a lot of people who are as passionate as them!

   “My lord, promise to complete the task!” Tiezhudao.

  Successfully solved the trouble on the side of Tianyang City. Tie Zhu and their self-confidence skyrocketed. It turned out that some of them had thought about solving it by themselves, but they lacked the strength and confidence. Now Lin Dong gave them strength and gave them confidence!

   “Okay, you go to Cangyue City!” Lin Dongdao.

   Cangyue City is not too far from Tianyang City. With the power of the trino robots refined by Lin Dong, as long as two or three trino robots leave Tie Zhu’s body in the middle, you can use those few The tiny robot transmits information for the relay, and Lin Dong can clearly know what Tie Zhu and the others are doing. If there is a problem, Tie Zhu and the others can also get advice from Lin Dong immediately.

   With the reputation and standards of the previous two years, the facts have proved that Lin Dong’s remote processing method is reliable. Tie Zhu and the others have solved the problems on the other side of Cangyue City very well. Many people in Cangyue City Although they regretted not seeing Lin Dong and Qin Yan, they could understand that by sending someone to deal with them, Lin Dong could solve more problems at the same time.

   “My lord, where shall we go next?”

   Cangyue City’s troubles are solved, Tie Zhu can’t wait to say, “By the way, my lord, there are many strong people in Cangyue City who want to join us, my lord, look at——”

   A faint smile appeared on Lin Dong’s face. The treatment method of Cang Yuecheng in Tianyang City spread, and it is estimated that more powerful people will join in the rest of the city.

   “Let them come to Tianyang City first, I have to check their character first.” Lin Dongdao, his voice immediately reached Tie Zhu and the others through the transfer of the trino robot.

   “Yes, my lord!”

   Lin Dong drank the wine in the cup and quickly found a secret room in Tianyang City and used a time ball. There are only a few time balls. Lin Dong usually reluctant to use it, but now he needs it Many trino robots have been refined.

   Lin Dong has obtained a lot of various materials in the past two years, and he only lacks time. This time ball can make up for it.

   Five days have passed, and time has accelerated. Lin Dong has been refining for five years, refining many trino robots!

   These trinity robots are not as powerful as those refined by Lin Dong before, but with his strength, the trinity robots refined by Jiulongding are also very good, at least capable of what they are doing now!

   “Uncle, are you angry… Uncle, don’t be angry, don’t ignore me.” After leaving the training room satisfied, Qin Yan quickly appeared in front of Lin Dong pitifully, using time In the ball training, Lin Dong has not received Qin Yan’s call these days, which made Qin Yan misunderstood and thought Lin Dong was angry.

   In the first two days, Qin Yan ignored Lin Dong, but on the third day she couldn’t help it. For the past two years, she has been with Lin Dong. She has become accustomed to Lin Dong by his side, but just left for a few days. She felt uncomfortable all over, and her heart was empty.

   “Xiaoyan, I’m not angry. I told you that I was going to be closed for a few days and I couldn’t receive information after using the time ball.” Lin Dongdao.


   Qin Yan stuck out her tongue. At that time, she didn’t know how to face Lin Dong and didn’t receive Lin Dong’s message, “Well, uncle, what are you doing in retreat?”

   “Trinoid robot.” Lin Dongdao, Qin Yan knew that he could refine this, even if he didn’t know before, there was no need to hide it from her.

   “How much has been refined?” Qin Yan’s eyes lit up.

   Lin Dong smiled lightly: “Not many, only tens of thousands.”

   For the vast area of ​​Qin Tianyu, tens of thousands are absolutely less, but so many trino robots are brought to all directions by many strong men, and Lin Dong can already handle a large area at the same time. It is estimated that before Areas that can only be processed in one year can now be processed in two or three days. Even if you encounter trouble, it should not exceed ten days!

  Even if the area processed in one year is reduced to ten days, the efficiency is increased by thirty or forty times. In the future, there will be more trino robots, which can process faster!

   “Great, uncle, you are really amazing, I know the great master of refining, but you are not as good as you.” Qin Yan said in surprise, Lin Dong actually refined tens of thousands, which is really beyond her expectation. In her opinion, it would be good to refine one thousand. Lin Dong has two soul attributes. She doesn’t even know about this, because it has two soul Dong refining microzi robots The speed is very fast, and the quality of the refined micron robot is still very high!

   “How many people are here?” Lin Dong changed the subject and said, Lin Dong didn’t plan to tell Qin Yan in terms of soul attributes.

   They don’t even know this Muziyin.

   “Five or six thousand.” Qin Yan said.

   Lin Dong, they have been to many cities and dealt with a lot of trouble. Now it is normal for five or six thousand people to stand up. If it takes longer, more powerful people can definitely come over.

  ”Let’s meet them first to make sure they really want to do something for the people.” Lin Dongdao.

   In the mortal world, such verification is troublesome and unpredictable, but with Lin Dong’s strength and his soul’s methods, it’s easy to know if those people are sincere and hypnotize the soul to let them wet the bed when they were young. It’s okay to say it.

   There is no problem. These five or six thousand strong men quickly took Lin Dong’s order and left with the token he specially created. The front of the token is a forest character, and the bottom is two holdings. The hands together can be seen as a man and a woman. If you know about Lin Dong and Qin Yan, you can see that they are Lin Dong’s hand and Qin Yan’s hand respectively.

   are complex runes on the reverse side of the token. The function of these runes can make the figures of Lin Dong and Qin Yan appear from a long distance.

   (Some brothers said that there are genuine and harmonious characters, this… river crabs are everywhere… The first day, brothers, don’t let the flowers be too miserable, some of them are smashed, thank you, thank you! There are none today, I’m driving back to my hometown tomorrow, and rest early…)

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