The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 252: Soul sharpening!

This practice, Lin Dong lasted for three years!

   An average of ten days in a reincarnation, in three years, Lin Dong’s soul has gone through a hundred reincarnations in the reincarnation soul stone!

   This reincarnation soul stone is only a stone of reincarnation for a hundred times, and Lin Dong actually completed all reincarnation at once!

  ’s strong will, coupled with Lin Dong’s memory of reincarnation in the previous life, and Lin Dong’s love for Qin Yan and the others, has kept his clarity during the cycle. Even if there is indulgence in reincarnation, even if there are wives and children in reincarnation, Lin Dong clearly knows that it is not true!

  ”Master, what is the meaning of life?” The soul withdrew from the reincarnation soul stone, and Lin Dong called Wuyazi to mutter.

  ”Smelly boy, can you be stupid?” Wuyazi said in an angry manner, “It’s okay to study this, is it too idle? Asking a hundred people may have a hundred different answers! Who would say There is a specific promise to spit on him for the teacher.”

   Lin Dong laughed. He has been with him for a long time. He also knows this master well. When he is serious, Wu Yazi is still very serious, but in general, Wu Yazi can say what he wants.

   I’m afraid I won’t say such things like the master’s spit on you, but Wuyazi can tell it.

   But Lin Dong was not disgusted, which made him feel closer to the master Wu Yazi.

  ”Smelly boy, do you think you have to have a specific meaning when you live? Don’t be silly, you really think you are a character? Even if you are a teacher, you will die when you die. Isn’t the world going the same way? Not to mention a single person, even if the entire human race is wiped out, the world will still be running! In the Nine Realms, a large number of races are annihilated at all times, and all beings are ants. What is the meaning of life!”

   Lin Dongdao: “Master, where does life come from and where does it go?”

   “Fuck off, you want to understand this, first become the strongest!” Wu Yazi said angrily, he couldn’t answer this at all. If it comes from chaos, how did chaos appear? There is no solution at all!

  Lin Dong smiled. A strong like Wuyazi doesn’t know, why do you have to cling to some things?

   “Master, I understand.” Lin Dongdao.

   Wuyazi curiously said: “Apprentice, what do you understand?”

   Lin Dong stretched out a lazy waist and said, “If you have memories in the past, pursuits in the future, and a small life in the present, it’s all right! Master, you were too obsessed with improving your strength back then! Past, present, In the future, all you care about is the future. If you miss the past and the present, the future may be empty!”

   Wuyazi was silent, past, present, future… He recalled, what’s in his past? It seems that there is nothing particularly memorable, and there is nothing particularly worthy of my concern.

   “Master, there is no end to life, everything can be changed.” Lin Dong smiled slightly.

   “Smelly boy, you have taught me to be my teacher! Take care of yourself, your own life seems to be overwhelming!” Wuyazi said in an angry manner, “Your soul has strengthened a lot, but your soul The realm still needs to be strengthened, and the virtual seal has enough power, you can enter it to improve.”

  ”Master, let me go out and feel the present!”

   Lin Dong said that he left the training room and took a deep breath. After three years of reincarnation, Lin Dong felt that he was old and that he seemed to be reborn. This is a very strange feeling, difficult Utterance.

   “Brother Lin!”

   Mu Ziyin practiced for a period of time and waited for Lin Dong to see if Lin Dong would leave the customs for a day or two. On this day, it happened that Mu Ziyin did not practice, and Lin Dong went out, she immediately Feel the breath of Lin Dong.

   “Purple sound!”

  Lin Dong smiled and stretched out his arm to hold Mu Ziyin and kissed Mu Ziyin’s red lips affectionately.

   In the illusory reincarnation of the soul, Lin Dong has had more than one woman who has had a wife, and I don’t know how many, but none of them is so true! Even though the things in the reincarnation are real, Lin Dong has always maintained a trace of clarity. He knows that those are fake, and those are just to sharpen his soul.

   Now that he embraces Mu Ziyin and kisses Mu Ziyin, Lin Dong can feel the sense of reality, perfect soul and body.

   “Brother Lin, I miss you so much.” Mu Ziyin muttered emotionally and authentically, with lips split.

   “Ziyin, this time the situation is a bit special, I have been practicing for a little longer.” Lin Dong smiled slightly.


   Mu Ziyin shook his head. It was only three years. It was not a long time for her. She came from a big family like the Mu family and knew that it was normal for a powerful person to retreat for hundreds of years at a time!

  ”Big Brother Lin, how do I feel that you have changed?” Mu Ziyin looked at Lin Dong curiously. Lin Dong seemed to be the same one, but he felt that Mu Ziyin was not the one.

   Lin Dong said with a chuckle: “I have learned something through training. You feel that some changes are normal. I haven’t practiced in vain for three years?”

   In three years, Lin Dong’s level is still sixty-one, but Lin Dong’s soul is far surpassed!

  Comparing the strength of the soul is generally compared from four aspects, namely the strength of the soul, the strength of the soul, the understanding of the soul, and the depth of the soul! The strength of Lin Dong’s soul is still at the previous level, at the fourth level of the earth soul. Before the level of his soul power, Lin Dong was much higher than his level, but now the reincarnation has increased a lot, and now the soul power is no more than seventy levels. The soul trainer is bad!

  Soul comprehension refers to the soul secrets possessed by the soul, etc. Lin Dong is not low in this regard. There is a master like Yazi, it is impossible to think low! What Lin Dong enhanced most this time was the depth of the soul. This was actually the heaviest thing. It was something related to talent. Lin Dong was better than ordinary practitioners in the previous two lives, but it is similar to the perception of the reincarnation of a hundred generations. It’s far inferior in comparison.

   The depth of the soul is sufficient, the strength of the soul increases quickly, the strength of the soul increases quickly, and the soul comprehension is also fast!

  Samsara Soul Stone is very useful, but it is a pity that such things are extremely rare, and even if many soul practitioners use up all the opportunities, they may not be able to realize all the samsara contained in the Samsara Soul Stone!

  Like Lin Dong, he has ten chances, but he can complete the reincarnation of the hundred generations in a single pass!

  From this aspect, Lin Dong’s talent for soul training is still very good! But before it was mainly a strong will, now, Lin Dong’s soul comprehension has also improved.

   “Brother Lin, I asked Mo Luo to take Lingrou over once in Leisha City, and Lingrou is now practicing.” Mu Ziyin said, “Lingrou was not in Leisha City but was in a relatively small town before. Urban, but you never showed up. She went back to Leisha City because she was worried. I’m afraid there will be an accident.”

   Lin Dong nodded: “Xiao Rou, come here… Ziyin, you don’t really need to be here all the time. When you get here, you didn’t go home for three years.”

   “Big Brother Lin…Where are you, my home is wherever you are.” Mu Ziyin looked at Lin Dong with affection.

   Lin Dong laughed and said: “Our Ziyin’s little mouth is really getting sweeter… Ziyin, do you want to go back to your family’s place to have a look? Brother Lin will accompany you back! By the way, did Leisha City find a recommendation? Who?”

   has been closed for three years, and the Hundred City Auctions are about to begin. It is only a few months before the first auction. It is estimated that many strong and wealthy people in many places have begun to rush to the host city of Huangquan City. .

   Lin Dong doesn’t like the name Huangquancheng. Going there is like driving to hell, but the history of this city is a hundred times his age, and he is not qualified to change the name of this city…


   wakes up Lingrou, Lingrou immediately rushes over in surprise when she sees Lin Dong, she hasn’t seen Lin Dong for a long time.

   Lin Dong smiled and hugged Lingrou. Lingrou was still the same as before. She was eleven or twelve years old, and her temperament was still the same as before. She is not a human being but a dark unicorn. This is even more true for Rou. Even if she is hundreds of thousands of years later, it is estimated that she will look like a little Lolita today, and her temperament will still be the same.

   “Xiao Rou, that’s not bad, it’s already over fifty levels.” Lin Dong said in surprise, Ling Rou has improved quite well this time. Before it was only over forty levels, it has actually improved more than ten levels in this period of time.

   More than fifty levels, Lingrou is only a few levels behind Lingrou in terms of level. If Lingrou hits a critical strike several hundred times, even the strong at level eight and ninety will not be able to withstand it. It’s just that. The critical strike is difficult to appear.

   “Brother, you scared me to death before. I heard that you were caught by the big villain of the Ziyang Devil Emperor.” Ling Rou said in a nervous manner, “Brother, don’t you take too much risk in the future, okay? “

   “Okay, what Xiaorou said is what.” Lin Dong smiled and said authentically, it is impossible not to take risks, this is just to coax Lingrou, her child’s disposition, if not coaxing, it is estimated that he has been pestering him to agree~ Xiaorou, let’s go back to Leisha City! “

   After talking to Mo Luo, Lin Dong and they left. As for the Lord Gano and the others, Lin Dong didn’t bother to inform.

  Leave Mo Luo to continue the appraisal on this side, it’s okay!

  Leisha City, Mu Family.

  Many strong people gathered in the Mu family, including the strong from the Holy Magic Academy, the strong from the Isle of Kings, the strong from the Skeleton Army, and the many strong from the Mu family, these four forces It used to be the four most powerful forces in Leisha City, and now it is also the four most powerful forces on this side of Leisha City.

   As for Xingtian Fort, it was originally one of the five powers, but Lin Dong lost the support of Boulder City after offending Lin Dong, and later Lin Dong showed more powerful strength, and now he can barely maintain one of the ten powers!

   “Patriarch Mu, what can I do, can’t I still contact Senior Lin Dong?” A strong man on Tianwang Island said, they were very annoyed. Up to now, there is no strong man or great master-level figure to give Recommendations for their treasure identification.

  Leisha City is one of the hundred cities. If they can’t participate this time, it will be a shame for Leisha City.

   Originally this kind of thing is good for the strong, and it is also good for the great master-level powerhouse. Someone will definitely come to the door, but the general great master and the strong don’t want to offend Lin Dong for not coming. Someone came over, but they couldn’t accept the price given!

   Heavenly King Island is annoyed by this strong man, but also annoyed that the strong man who came from outside is asking too much!

   (brothers, please drop it if you have flowers, thank you!)

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