The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 197: Inspired by blood!

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“Satsuki, I am your ancestor!”


   The old master of the Shen family growled low, he is still making his last efforts, I hope Shen Yue can stand on his side!


   “Yue’er, let me come!” Lin Dong whispered, Shen Yue stepped aside in sadness. She didn’t expect this to happen. It was the ancestor of the Shen family who killed her parents, who actually respected her very much. Elders.


   Lin Dong took out a pill and fed it to the ancestors of the Shen family. The ancestors of the Shen family screamed screaming. The dagger stuck in his shoulder didn’t cause him much pain. Lin Dong’s pill was eaten. , The pain has increased dozens or hundreds of times!


   “Old Piff, call, call, you are the most deserved.” Lin Dong said with a smile, “You must not immediately hand over the undead power and the Jiu Ming Gu, otherwise I will not be good. Continue to start!”


   “Little beast, this is our Shen family’s business, you don’t need to intervene!” The Shen family boss cursed.


   Lin Dong took out a hammer and took out a sturdy table. He pressed a finger of the old master of the Shen family on the table.


   “Yue’er, if you don’t want to watch it, don’t watch it.” Lin Dongdao.


   “No, I want to see, he killed my parents, I won’t have any sympathy for him!” Shen Yue’s eyes were full of hatred, she reached out and picked up the hammer that Lin Dong took out, no To say it more, Shen Yue hit the ancestor of the Shen family with a heavy hammer, and suddenly the ancestor of the Shen family screamed that did not sound like a human voice. The front end of the finger was smashed into mud, and his strength was imprisoned. Not that strong!




   The ancestors of the Shen family kept screaming, and it was extremely painful when his finger was smashed. What’s more, his pain has increased dozens of hundreds of times now. If he can faint, he can feel better, but unfortunately eat Under Lin Dong’s medicine, he couldn’t do it even if he fainted, he could only endure the terrible pain abruptly!


   “Old Piff, is there a little pain?” Lin Dong smiled lightly, “Don’t worry, we have time, take it slow! First smash your fingers and toes, and then I will use the pill Restore them! Just restore a few fingers and toes, this is easy for you and me!”


   Lin Dong said that a jade jar was placed next to him. The jade jar was full of dozens of pills. The ancestors of the Shen family could recognize them at a glance. These pills are very good restoration pills. Absolutely He can recover his smashed fingers!


   The ancestor of the Shen family shuddered at the thought of his fingers and toes being smashed dozens of times and suffering hundreds of times.


   “You must not ask for mercy, it would be meaningless!” Lin Dong said that he took the hammer in Shen Yue’s hand and smashed it down, and immediately the ancestor of the Shen family smashed it with another finger, without staying, Lin Dong smashed them one by one. In just half a minute, all ten fingers of the ancestors of the Shen family were smashed!


   After half a minute, the ancestor of the Shen family was relieved from the terrible pain. He said in horror, “Stop, stop, don’t smash it again, I admit that I killed the person, I will give things You!”


   The ancestors of the Shen family knew that he would definitely not survive this time. Lin Dong’s strength was extremely strong. No one in the Shen family was Lin Dong’s opponent at all, and no one would come in and disturb them in a short time!


   “You killed it? How could you kill it, don’t talk nonsense!” Lin Dong’s hammer fell on the toe of the ancestor of the Shen family, and in a short time the toe of one foot was given all by Lin Dong Smash!


  ”The immortal blood and the Nine Life Gu are here!”


   This time he recovered a bit. The ancestors of the Shen family roared and immediately released the immortality and Jiu Ming Gu. Jiu Ming Gu is a nail-sized bug, like a centipede, but only nine pairs of feet .


   The undead blood was contained in a small jade bottle, only a little bit, but it exuded a strong energy fluctuation! Shen Yue’s tears came, and she felt familiar from the immortal blood The breath of her is the breath of her father!




   Shen Yue cried and snatched the hammer in Lin Dong’s hand and severely smashed the other toes of the ancestors of the Shen family. The poor ancestors of the Shen family thought that they would not need to be beaten for handing over things, but it was painful. Into the bone marrow!


   “Yue’er, don’t be sad.” Lin Dong hugged Shen Yue and whispered, “Think about what to do next. If you kill him directly, others don’t know what’s going on, maybe it’s strange. To us, but if he doesn’t kill him, he will definitely bite us if he finds the opportunity. Even if it fails, he will spread the news that we have got the immortality, which may be very troublesome.”


   Lin Dong actually has a way, but now she wants to let Shen Yue temporarily come out of her grief. Sure enough, Shen Yue thought about this, and her tears stopped temporarily.


   But after a while, Shen Yue didn’t think of any way: “Brother Dong, my mind is messed up now, just do what you say, I’m sure you can do it, don’t you?”


   “I’ll help you find a way, but don’t you cry, okay?” Lin Dong coaxed, “Your parents are rich and wealthy, and there are two good daughters, you and your sister. This life is not in vain! “


   Shen Yue nodded, and Lin Dong said: “Your emotions are more suitable for stimulating your immortality. Just try to inspire them here. Based on the blood relationship between you and your father, even if you are unsuccessful, there is a chance of death. Very low!”


   “Brother Dong, can I inspire my sister?” Shen Yue said.


  The relationship between Shen Yue and his sister Chenxiang is very good. Of course, you will not forget your sister if you have such benefits at this time.


   Lin Dongdao: “Yue’er, if these blood power has inspired your undead blood, you can give it to your sister. If not, then it won’t work. I will help you get this blood power, naturally. Let you use it.”




   Shen Yue nodded and agreed, even if she was generous to let her sister use it first, she knew that Lin Dong would definitely not agree.


  How to use undead blood power Lin Dong knew that soon Shen Yue used the time ball to practice and began to stimulate blood power. Based on the blood relationship between her and her father, it would not take long to succeed if she succeeded!


   “Old Pifu, let’s continue to have a good exchange!” Lin Dong forgot the Shen family’s ancestors coldly and honestly.


   The ancestor of the Shen family roared with an ugly face: “Lin Dong, what else do you want, I have everything for you!”


   “You should be clear, I don’t want the people of the Shen family to think it’s our fault. Think of a way!” Lin Dong said, picking up the hammer, and the ancestor of the Shen family hurriedly said: “Stop, stop, I Find a way!”


   The painful feeling just now, the ancestors of the Shen family don’t want to bear it anymore, if they only want to die now!


   Soon the ancestors of the Shen family thought of a way. In the next period of time, he will be retired! In this way, he will die for a long time and no one will know. In addition, he left a piece of jade slip to explain. , He wanted to grab something from Shen Yue’s parents and they killed them. This jade slip is probably not needed in the future, just keep it just in case!


   “Old Pifu, you still considered it for your Shen family.” Lin Dong said calmly, the ancestors of the Shen family had a closed-door approach. Other forces didn’t know that he was dead, so they won’t move for the time being. Shen family.


   The ancestor of the Shen family said in a deep voice: “Although I killed them, the Shen family has grown in my hands, so naturally I don’t want the Shen family to decline!”


  ”Lin Dong, Xiaoyue is also from the Shen family, she is following you now, and the Shen family hopes you can take care of it a little bit! All this is just my mistake, the rest of the Shen family don’t know the immortality or my actions. Thing!”


   Lin Dong said quietly: “Is it right? I will check if there are others involved, none of them will escape! Another meal, unless the Shen family is in danger of destroying the door, don’t expect me to help Shen. Home!”




   The ancestors of the Shen family nodded. Lin Dong can guarantee that when the Shen family is in danger of extinction, it is good to help the Shen family. Lin Dong now has such strength and will definitely be stronger in the future, even if the news of his death is exposed. The home should not be destroyed.


   “Lin Dong, don’t you have the ability to control people? Control the old man and issue an order to retreat!” said the ancestor of the Shen family.


   Lin Dong shook his head: “This is not in a hurry!”


   Time passed slowly, outside half a day, time accelerated for two or three months, Shen Yue suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable, the blood in the body seemed to boil, and a lot of blood evaporated directly in the body, Shen Yue’s body She lost weight immediately. In just over ten minutes, Shen Yue was as thin as skinny, and there was very little blood in her body.


  When the blood was almost dry, a trace of light golden blood appeared in Shen Yue’s blood, this trace of light golden blood Yue’s body shook, and she appeared in her soul


   The illusion, as if she appeared in the ancient times, she seems to have become another person, killing all around the world!


   The pale golden blood gradually increased, and the ordinary blood also continued to increase. Shen Yue’s body recovered again. The first day of the first year did not look much different from before. When you look closely, it seems that there is something different again. Sitting there cross-legged Shen Yue seemed to have a little more sacred and noble feeling, and also seemed to have a little more aura of killing the world.


   “Who am I?”


   Shen Yue opened her eyes. She hadn’t figured out her identity for a while, but she soon recovered. She stood up and showed a stronger aura than before from her body. It is a fifty-sixth level cultivation base, and immortality appears in the body, and the level has reached fifty-eighth level now!


   When the level is low, it is not too much to increase the level by two levels, but you must know that Shen Yue is now more than fifty levels, and it is not easy to increase one level!


   “There is still some undead power left, and it should be possible to improve my sister.” Shen Yue secretly said in her heart that she had just experienced many illusions. The death of her parents seemed to be a long time ago, and she was no longer so sad.


   Soon Shen Yue left the area shrouded by the time ball. Lin Dong’s eyes lit up, and he could tell at a glance that Shen Yue’s level had increased. At this time, Shen Yue must have immortal blood!


   There is no immortality. Although Shen Yue’s talent is good, he is just a relatively ordinary genius. Now he has immortality. Looking at the entire Demon Realm, Shen Yue will be one of the most talented characters!

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