The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 143: Kill the Fire Wolf Gang!



   Lin Dong waved his hand, and the team moved forward quickly. Some people who saw their actions showed surprise in their eyes. After the expansion, the Flying Fish team basically did not leave the college for joint operations like this, for fear that something serious would happen.


  A general team is difficult to attract attention, but the Flying Fish team is different. This team is powerful! None of the twenty people is below 40, and the highest level reached 47!


   and Lin Dongjian Fei Iron Eagle Blade has been rewarded before, and the strength exceeds their level!


   “I don’t know which power is going to be unlucky!”


  ”Tsk tsk, get on the flying fish team, who is so blind! There is no one in the flying fish team to provoke!”


   “That is!”


   Many people said that Lin Dong and the others ignored it. Soon after leaving Burning Heaven Academy, Lin Dong and the others changed their appearances one by one and changed their appearances. Twenty of them acted together and did not attract attention. Generally People at, can’t see through their cultivation, don’t know that they are all strong people above level 40!


   The Fire Wolf Gang is relatively powerful in Upper City, but the headquarters of the Fire Wolf Gang is not in Upper City, but in a small city thousands of kilometers away from Upper City. The entire city is basically the Fire Wolf Gang. Of!


   Although it is a smaller city, this city has a population of tens of millions. Many people may not seem to belong to the Firewolf Gang, but in fact they are inextricably linked with the Firewolf Gang.


   This city was named after Fire Wolf City. Lin Dong and the others were already dark by then. In the sky of Fire Wolf City, a huge fire wolf made a roaring upward to the sky. The fire wolf is the totem of the Fire Wolf gang. !


   “Captain, let’s go directly to Fire Wolf City? This may be more dangerous. My home is near Fire Wolf City, and I have some knowledge of Fire Wolf City. The Fire Wolf Gang has extremely strict control over Fire Wolf City!” Tie Yingdao .


   Lin Dong said quietly: “If you don’t enter, let the people of the Firewolf Gang come out. The people of the Firewolf Gang are not good things. Today, we came here to help the sky and let some people know that we are not easy to mess with. !”


  Song Wuque, all of them showed excitement in their eyes, and none of them were afraid! If you can reach the fortieth level, which one is a coward? Although the Firewolf Gang is strong, it is not enough to make them afraid!


   “Captain, do you mean to destroy the entire Firewolf Gang?” Tie Ying said with excitement.


   “Does anyone want to quit? I want to play, just play bigger!” Lin Dong said coldly, “The Fire Wolf Gang had dealt with me before, even if Xiao Rou was not a member of the Fire Wolf Gang and caught it and extinguished the fire. The wolf gang is not wrong to them either!”


   “It’s done!” Tie Ying waved his fist. The Fire Wolf gang probably provoked him before, and he seemed to be angry!


   “Captain, just do it!” Jianfei smiled.


   Song Wuque smiled and nodded: “How could such an interesting thing be less of me, wouldn’t it be the Fire Wolf gang? If it is extinguished, it will be extinguished. The experience this time seems to be far more exciting than we previously estimated!”


   “Captain, we can’t leave when we are here.” The others agreed one by one.


  Lin Dong glanced at everyone and said: “You can think clearly, this action may be deadly! If you quit, it doesn’t matter, this action does not force everyone to participate!”


  No one quit, everyone knows that after quitting, Lin Dong will not take them to play. There are good things. Don’t think about their turn when the time comes. The strength of the rest will definitely surpass them in the future!


   “Captain, do it!” Arrow Fei said.


  A cruel color flashed in Lin Dong’s eyes: “Don’t worry, the night has just begun, let’s take it slowly! Some people are not yet in place!”


  Time slowly passed, Lin Dong silently controlled many people, and these people were distributed to


   a lot of places in Fire Wolf City.


  On a high mountain outside Firewolf City, Lin Dong stood up and whispered: “Everyone prepares, watch the show!”






   Almost at the same time, explosions occurred in a large number of places throughout Firewolf City, and a large number of fires rose into the sky. Some powerful explosions swept away within a few kilometers with terrifying power!


   The flames rose for hundreds of kilometers, and fires broke out in hundreds of thousands of places in Firewolf City. The violent fire immediately burned to the surroundings. There must be innocent deaths, but Lin Dong did not Regardless of that, this is the Demon Realm, and his heart is much harder than before!


   sometimes can’t care about too much in the battle, too much care will only be caught by the enemy’s weaknesses!




   “Bold and arrogant, dare to attack Fire Wolf City!”


   An angry voice sounded in Fire Wolf City, and the response to them was more explosions and more fire. The entire Fire Wolf City tens of millions of people will definitely die in a short period of time.


   one tenth!


   This is because Lin Dong did not mention powerful explosives to allow them to play freely. If Lin Dong provides powerful explosives, more than half of the people in Fire Wolf City will definitely die in explosions and flames!






   screams and screams resounded in Fire Wolf City, Jian Fei and their eyes were shocked. Lin Dong’s attack was really ruthless. It was all the key areas of the Fire Wolf Gang, and there were definitely a lot of fire wolves. Help the members die!


   “Soon the strong of the Fire Wolf Gang will come out!” Lin Dong calmly said, “The trial begins


  , you’re welcome, the Firewolf Gang is a malignant tumor, and getting rid of the Firewolf Gang can also be regarded as eliminating harm for the people




   “Captain, don’t worry we won’t be soft.” Jian Fei smiled.


   Lin Dong and the others did not hide their figure, and soon some experts from the Firewolf gang found their group, and they immediately approached them and several forty level experts flew towards them angrily. After Lin Dong and the others, Lin Dong and the others stayed on the mountain to watch the show, this explosion was probably caused by Lin Dong and the others.


  ”Who are you?” An angry voice came to Lin Dong and the others. The few strong men who came over were ready to take action immediately, but they hadn’t taken Lin Dong’s shot yet, and he had four shots. The fusion of attributes!


  Lin Dong is now at level 43, and the four-attribute dragon has the attack power of an average level 50 strong!




  The dragon roared, and the few powerhouses who came over were all hit by the dragon of Lin Dong’s four attributes in the next moment, and their bodies were all shattered. The strength of more than 40 levels could not stop Lin Dong’s 50th level attack!




   The Fire Wolf Gang has a level 50 powerhouse. He is farther away, but at a faster speed. He is here very quickly, and there are more than ten and forty level Fire Wolf Gang with him. The strong, one fifty-level, more than ten forty-odd levels, in the eyes of the fire wolf gang strong, enough to destroy Lin Dong and the others.


  The powerhouses of the Fire Wolf Gang still don’t know the identity of Lin Dong and the others. Lin Dong and the others only know that they are only at level 47!


   “Who are you and why did you attack me Fire Wolf Gang!” the fiftieth-level strong man of the Fire Wolf Gang old gang shouted angrily. On this side, he still held back and did not immediately attack Lin Dong and the others.


   Lin Dong and the others are standing here generously. This is very strange, is there a strong person hidden nearby?


  While talking, the old fire wolf gang leader sent a message to let the fire wolves who are good at inspections quickly check!


   It’s just that the results of the inspection are not waiting to come out, the results are no longer needed, Lin Dong and others have already started!


   “Captain, this old man mine!” Song Wuque said loudly.


   “Old Song, I’ll be with you!” Tie Ying said as he rushed to the fiftieth-level old gang leader of the Fire Wolf Gang!


   “Slow down!”


   Song Wuque hurriedly followed, the fire wolf gang leader was furious, and a forty-seventh-level figure dared to attack him. A forty-two-level figure actually dared to attack him, when he was a young man. Luo Luo can’t make it?


   Song Wuque takes one step slower, but his speed is faster, and he first reaches the fire wolf gang leader. When he strikes, he does his best. He is at level 47, but the three attributes are combined with martial arts, and his attack power has reached level 50. !


  ”It’s a bit of a catastrophe, but it’s impossible to deal with the old man!” The fire wolf gang sneered in his heart and stopped Song Wuque’s attack. In his judgment, Song Wuque was the main force of the attack. As for Tie Ying, it was just making up the number. Yes, to help Song Wuque, so that he can hold it in his own hands longer!


   “Cracking God’s Claw!”


   Iron Eagle shot, a black giant claw suddenly grabbed the fire wolf gang old gang leader, very close, his attack is extremely fast, the fire wolves gang old gang leader has no time to dodge, the huge black claws grabbed instantly He was hit, but before the catch, the old fire wolf gang leader had already raised his own defense!




   Blood splashed, and a head flew up. That head belonged to the old gang leader of the Fire Wolf gang. His body was crushed by the black giant claws and claws, and he tried his best to let his head escape.




  The roar of the dragon sounded, and Lin Dong’s four-color dragon swept across and bit the head of the old gang leader of the Fire Wolf gang at a very fast speed. In an instant, his head was shattered in the mouth of the four-color dragon. A powerful character, an old gang leader of level fifty died in Yelindong’s hands in just one second!


   The old fire wolf gang’s eyes were wide open before he died~ He couldn’t catch his eyes. There are amazing treasures in his space ring, but there is no time to use it. Iron Eagle used his own trick from the beginning!




The people of    Fire Wolf Gang were stunned. The morale of Lin Dong and the others rose instantly, and the terrifying killing intent hit the Quartet!




  Lin Dong’s four-color dragon swiftly passed two more than forty-level strong men, and these two more than forty-level strong men died immediately!




  The blade shot coldly, and in an instant, countless blades appeared. If these blades are spiritually encircled


   A forty-sixth-level strong man, he was only forty-two, but under one move, that forty-sixth-level strong immediately died and died miserably, the forty-sixth level The strong are slowed by countless blades!


   “Burning Heaven Academy, Flying Fish Team, are members of Flying Fish Team!” Someone yelled that Lin Dong and the others were judged by Lin Dong’s shots. Lin Dong and the others are now also well-known people on this side.


   “Kill, kill them for me!” The fire wolf gang now roared angrily, but he did not approach. A magic talisman appeared in his hand, the magic talisman tore apart, and a purple lightning immediately flew towards Lin Dong They, this purple lightning has the ability to destroy a powerful person of more than fifty levels!


  If there are no powerful treasures to stop, just this lightning bolt will be enough to kill Lin Dong and the others!


   (seeking flowers!)

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