The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 105: Rewards and punishments!

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Jian Fei shouted: “Liu Feng, don’t overdo it. We have rewards for five times, and six times for you to be punished? Because of your fault, you have caused many students to die in it. You should do Responsible for their death!”


  ‘ˉSir, I think we will not be punished twice, and it would be better for them to be punished three times!”


   Originally, Liu Feng and the others were a little bit worried. Hearing Jianfei’s words, they immediately felt relieved. The blood devil bones they got should be about the same as they estimated, or a little bit more than they estimated to reach 500. Piece.


   “Jianfei, don’t talk nonsense, if you take action, many people will not die at all!” Liu Feng exclaimed.


   Wang Qingdao coldly snorted:’Shut up! The Triple Flying Fishes do not punish, but five times are rewarded. The Flying Fishes reach twice and the Anacondas have no rewards. If they reach five times, the Anacondas must accept punishments. !”


  ”Yes, the dean.” Liu Fengxian said, they didn’t even think about getting a reward this time, five times they should not be punished, that’s enough!


   Wang Qingdao looked at Yujiangxian, and Yujiangxian also quickly agreed. He sneered in his heart, saying that so much was to cheat Liu Feng and the others, and the blood and devil bones they got far exceeded Liu Feng and the others. estimate.


   “Captain Fish, take the bleeding monster bone!” The dragon skin smiled and said without a smile, “Let us see and see Captain Fish how much benefit you have gained by colluding with the monster!”


  Yujiangxian thought, almost 800 **** monster bones appeared in front of them. Liu Feng and the others were surprised and relaxed, 790 yuan, five times the distance, and fifty yuan, Manlong and the others It’s one hundred and sixty-eight **** monster bones!


   “Haha, Captain Fish, colluding with the monsters, it seems that your harvest is not very good!” Liu Feng laughed, “It’s a pity, it’s a pity that the distance is still less than eight hundred and forty yuan. You have no rewards, nor do we Will be punished!”


   “Brother Yu, it’s really a pity. If you have another 40 **** bones, it will be fine.” Manglong smiled slightly. He didn’t think that Yu Jiangxian just took out a part and not all of it. , Wang Qingdao would be angry if he did so.


   Yujiangxian didn’t speak, Jian Fei smiled and said: “Manglong, we are not like you, all the good things are in the captain’s place, and the captain’s place is only part of our blood and devil bones, Manglong, Liu Feng, no Sorry, you guys will probably be punished!”


   Jian Fei said that five hundred blood demon bones appeared. Lin Dong and the others took out the blood demon bones to nearly 1,300. The dragon dragon Liu Feng and their faces immediately became ugly, more than 800. They have to be punished for forty yuan. The more the penalty is, the heavier the punishment will be. There are nearly 1,300 blood and evil bones, and the punishment is definitely not light!


   But this is not the end. What shocked Liu Feng and the others was that Tie Ying also took out the Blood Demon Bones. Although there were only 300 pieces, it also made Lin Dong and the others’ Blood Demon Bones rise to nearly 1,600. One hundred dollars.


   Blade, Ye Xue, and Angela each took out 300 yuan, Lin Dong and their blood devil bones rose to nearly 2,500 yuan, Liu Feng and their faces were extremely ugly, so much blood. Devil bones, they are miserable!


   “I’m sorry, I have a little bit too.” Lin Dong said that more than 500 blood demon bones appeared, and Lin Dong and their total blood demon bones exceeded 3,000!


   Seeing the blood devil bones that Lin Dong took out, many people were surprised. How many blood devil bones they took out at this time basically represented the level of contribution in the team. Lin Dong didn’t want to do this. High-profile, but Yu Jiangxian and the others were unwilling to take advantage of Lin Dong. They had planned Lin Dong to take out thousands of blood and devil bones by himself. Lin Dong let Yu Jiangxian and the others dispel this idea.


  ‘ˉSir, our team got a total of 3,020 **** bones, please visit the sir!” Yu Jiangxian respectfully said.


   There was a smile on Wang Qingdao’s stern face, and the Flying Fish team had achieved such a big gain. As a result, the pressure on Burning Heaven Academy would be much lower! What does this mean? It means that it’s not that the mad mysterious realm is too dangerous, but that many students have not found a way. If they find a way, not only will they not die, but they can have a huge harvest!


   Liu Feng and their faces were already ugly. Seeing Wang Qingdao smiling, their hearts sank even more.


   The next two students who joined the Anaconda team regretted that their bowels were blue. Why did they join the Anaconda team? Isn’t this looking for abuse? Originally nothing happened to them, now they will be punished along with Liu Feng and them!


   “Okay, very good! Flying fish team is doing very well! We warriors must not only improve our own strength, but also learn to use our own brains! If there is no brain disorder, that is not the strong, that is the reckless!” Wang Qing Dao Dao.


   Liu Feng bit his scalp and said:’ˉSir, if they talk about it at the beginning, they will definitely not succeed. It should be our battle that gave them a chance, and let the monsters know that we are also more powerful!”




   Jianfei said disdainfully, “Liu Feng, don’t put gold on your face, and you lost a lot of casualties within a short time. You are embarrassed to say these things in such a situation! Lord Dean, for such a person, I think Must be severely punished!”


   Wang Qingdao thought in his heart that this matter should be handled by him, but it is not very easy to handle. After dealing with Liu Feng, the strong man behind Liu Feng may be angry, but if he does not deal with it, so many people watch him. How to convince the public?


   A few seconds have passed, Wang Qingdao already has a care in his mind. He doesn’t want to lose an unfair name because he is a deadly poor daoist, but he does not want to lose his reputation. If this is done, it will definitely affect his status! A Liu Fenger I, deal with it as soon as it is dealt with. The strong position behind Liu Feng is not stronger than him or a little weaker than him!




   Wang Qingdao said solemnly, exuding a powerful aura from him, “The Flying Fish Team has great merit, reward the academy”


   “President, please wait.” Yu Jiang said leisurely.


   Wang Qingdao stopped, Yu Jiangxian continued: “President, I just forgot to say one thing. We have negotiated with the monsters, and we can continue to enter it and trade with them in the future. You can get it without dead people. A lot of benefits!”




   Wang Qingdao’s eyes brightened, Yujiangxian and the others get benefits at one time and they can get benefits continuously. This is very different. If they can, the academy naturally does not want to let the elite die in vain!


   “Who is the main credit for you?” Wang Qing said, sweeping Yu Jiangxian and the others.


   Yujiangxian and they all looked at Lin Dong, Wang Qingdao nodded: “Very well, in this case, Yujiangxian, as the captain, you will reward the Academy Profound Guardian Order, and Lin Dong will reward the Profound Guardian Order. The rest are ordered by Huang Tiwei! In addition, you can enter the top level of the stone carving tower and study for half a year!”


   Lin Dong and they all saluted: “Thank you, Mr. Dean.”


   The eyes of the surrounding people showed envy and jealousy. Whether it is the college guard or the top floor of the stone tower, the opportunity to study is very precious. The college guards, even if the students in the inner courtyard, do not have most of them. Students who have made a lot of contributions will get it, and if they have a guardian order from the academy, they will be sheltered by the academy!


   This is a real refuge, not the kind of refuge protected as a student academy! Kill


  Fentian Academy, a student who has a guardian order, will definitely retaliate! A student who has a yellow guardian order dies, and more than forty-level instructors will intervene, and powerful inner courtyard students will also intervene, killing the possessor. The students of the rank guard order, strong people like Wang Qingdao may all intervene, and the murderer will definitely be in trouble unless the background is terrifying!


  ‘ˉSir, can I transfer the half-year top-level study time to others? “Lin Dongdao.


   Wang Qingdao considered it a little and nodded: “Since the greatest credit is you, you can turn.”


   “Thank you, Sir Dean.”


   Wang Qingdao’s gaze fell on Liu Feng and the others. Liu Feng and the others were terrified. Lin Dong and the others got huge benefits. They are afraid that they will be severely punished!


  ”The Anaconda team will lose the qualification to enter the inner courtyard next time unless they have made major contributions! All members of the Anaconda team will be disqualified from entering the Academy’s stone carving tower within ten years, and all villas they live in will be recovered. In addition, they will be locked up for half a year! “Wang Qing said in a deep voice, “All punishments will take effect immediately, come and take them away!”


   Liu Feng and the others were quickly taken away. The next half year is estimated to be very uncomfortable. If you can practice for half a year during confinement, it will pass quickly, but it is a pity that the cultivation level during confinement will be sealed. Practice!


   Moreover, the confinement location environment will not be so good. Enjoying quietly for half a year is a dream!


   “Yujiangxian, you did a good job, work hard!” Wang Qing said that the figure disappeared instantly, this time so many elite students died, he was quite Fortunately, Yu Jiang Xian got a lot of blood and devil bones!


  ”Brother Yu, congratulations!”


   “Captain Fish, amazing!”


   Many students came to express their joy. The Anaconda team lost a complete battle with the Flying Fish Team this time. The members of the Flying Fish Team actually got the Academy Guard Order. By then, joining the inner courtyard is almost a sure thing. !


  In this situation, if you don’t take advantage of the present opportunity to fudge, you will probably have no chance to fudge in the future.


   “Captain, I’m leaving now!” Lin Dongdao, he didn’t want to talk to those guys too much. If you have this time, it is better to go back and practice. The time ball can not be stored for long, this time wave


   It takes a little time. There are those time balls, which is equivalent to wasting a lot of time.


   “Let’s go together, everyone, we still have things, and we have a chance to chat again in the future!” Yu Jiangxian said. He left with Lin Dong and the others soon after he finished. Yu Jiangxian and the others also wanted to leave Xiu immediately. Practice!


   Today is the day when Lin Dong and the others came out of the madness and mystery. Lin Dong was discovered by Shen Yue and the others when they came out of the back mountain. They did not practice in retreat for these two days and waited for Lin Dong to come out.


   “Lin Dong, congratulations!” Lu Yi said, they already knew the news of Lin Dong and their victory.


   “Lin Dong, congratulations!”


   Shen Yue and Sophia also sent blessings. Lin Dong smiled and threw the three space rings to them: “Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and practice, remember that you alone owe me a favor!” /


   (seeking flowers!!)

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