The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 8: Recruit training!

In the words of   , many recruits shuddered. Although they are good, they don’t actually have too rich experience. They are not like figures from the Martial Emperor level on the Xingyan Continent, to the Martial Emperor level. The strength does not know how many killings and deaths he has experienced!

   Lin Dong looked calm, killing 30,000, which is impossible. In his opinion, killing a few hundred is good, but for many people, killing a few hundred is very scary, God knows Will he be one of the hundreds of people who died!

   “The general is called Barlow. You can call him general or General Barlow. Now, let Ben be lined up in the shortest time!” Lin Dong said coldly in front of them. I’m not too satisfied, how come I was assigned to a place like Oshan City.

   Wushan City is only a relatively small city with a population of hundreds of thousands. Some guys of the same strength have been assigned to cities with a population of one million, and they have recruited a lot of soldiers, and many of them are strong. .

   It’s a very simple thing to line up. With the strength of these recruits, if they are trained, there is absolutely no problem to line up within ten seconds, but now, after almost five minutes, Barlow is not very attractive. ‘S face has become more gloomy!

   “What are you drowsy at!”

   Barro Demon Commander said coldly. He said that he raised his hand, and a terrifying suction appeared from his hand. More than a dozen people were sucked up by him and fell in front of him from the team.

  ”General, please spare your life!”

   The faces of more than a dozen people who were sucked out changed drastically, and there was absolutely no good fruit to be sucked out at this time.

   “Move faster in the next life!” Barlow said in a low voice. He waved his hand, and the magic claws formed by energy swept past, and the bodies of more than a dozen people were swept in half!


   More than a dozen people died immediately, fortunately, two of them did not die immediately and fell to the ground and screamed. Barlow didn’t kill them immediately, letting their screams screamed a large number of recruits. My heart was chilling.

   Two or three minutes later, two seriously injured guys on the ground died, many of them pale.

   Lin Dong secretly shook his head. Although his strength is good, many of the people gathered here are just ordinary people. With the same cultivation level, the general demons must be no better than the strong people in Xingyan Continent.

   Of course, this is only for ordinary characters, and elite fighters who have experienced a lot of battles are not included in this list!

   “In the future, I will say line up, you’d better complete it within three breaths!” Barlow said in a low voice, “Now, all those who have reached level ten are out, you will train yourself!”

  Everyone who reached level ten immediately stood out, the speed was good, and they were lined up immediately after going out, the killing effect of the two generals of the Barro demon was very good just now!

   “There are not even a hundred.”

  The Demon General Barlow scolded in his heart, that his luck this time was really bad! At that time, don’t get very dangerous missions, otherwise the soldiers will not be able to stop them, and they will not have a good fruit to eat.

  ”For the rest, all the ninth-level players become the squadron, the eighth-level squadron leaders, and the seventh-level squadron captains. Choose your team members! The number is evenly distributed!”

Under   , the tiger-headed youth who had fought with Lin Dong’s eyes brightened. He had noticed Lin Dong, and he hurried to Lin Dong at this time. Lin Dong had the strength of Level 7 and joined his team. The strength of your team will definitely be stronger!

   As for Lin Dong’s seizure of power or something, this tiger-headed young man didn’t even think about it. It’s just a small captain, no need! One more powerful character will have a little more chance of survival at that time!

   “Lin Dong, are you interested in joining my team?” The tiger head youth stretched out his hand and smiled.


   Without much consideration, Lin Dong stretched out his hand and shook the young man with Tiger Head and agreed. Anyhow, it is under Kasman, and the score is better for someone who doesn’t understand at all. Although Lin Dong believes that his level of 7 or 8 strength should still be Yes, but now it is the army!

   Among the people who have just died, there are people in the seventh and eighth ranks. They were swung to death with the paw of the Barlow Demon General!

   There are military rules in the army, not to mention that Lin Dong is only at level 5 now, even if he reaches the 20th level, he still has to abide by the rules, the Barro demon general has the strength above level 20, and the Barro demon general is above it. ? Now Lin Dong, none of them knows how powerful there are on the Barro Demon General!

   “Hey, I feel a lot safer with you joining!” The tiger head youth smiled.

   “Brother Lin, how about let’s join?” Xu Fei quickly asked. The rest of the people are not very familiar with him. They are still familiar with Lin Dong. Since Lin Dong joined so soon, it would be good to follow Lin Dong!

   “I’m not the captain.” Lin Dong smiled.

   Xu Fei was also clever, and hurriedly said to the tiger head youth: “Captain, let me join!”

   “And me.” Song Yidao said.

  The tiger head youth smiled and said: “Naturally, there is no problem. There are only more than 2,000 people with the seventh-level strength. One person has to have fifty people under his hand. There are not many more than the two of you. If you are familiar, you can also pull Come in, don’t mess around, otherwise it may hurt us!”


   Tiger head youths continue to pull people, as do the rest of the seventh-level strength. As for the eighth-level strength, they will pull the seventh-level strength to join their team, and the ninth-level strength will pull the eighth-level strength!

   There are about 20 people with ninth-level strength, and about two hundred people with eighth-level strength. It happens that almost one ninth-level strength person manages ten eighth-level strength people, and one eighth-level strength person manages ten seventh-level strength people!

   About half an hour passed, the selection was over, and the lines were re-arranged according to the different teams.

  ”Now, give out the ring of military merit!”

  Baluo Demon General said in a deep voice, he said that a large number of military merit rings appeared and fell in front of the nine captains. These military merit rings have only one function, and that is to record military merit in battle!

   What kind of enemy you kill, you can get the corresponding military exploits! In addition, twenty or so captains can be assigned a large amount of military merits according to the team’s merits, and they will continue to score these merits!

   In a battle, it’s generally impossible for the squad leader to notice the contribution of a certain member of a squad, but he can know which squadron has done the work, and the credit will pass. The squadron leader knows which squadron has done the work and can be assigned to it. A small team, and then the team leader will be assigned to the individual meritorious!

  Baluo Demon General explained it, and Lin Dong understood that the army is composed of two parts. The first one is the personal killing of the enemy. This is not determined by others but by himself! The second is the rewards that can be obtained for military merit, which is allocated by the captain above!

   There will definitely be some unfairness in the process of distribution. As long as it is not too excessive, it is generally fine. Therefore, captains at all levels are still beneficial. Of course, if it is too excessive, then the qualifications of the captain will be taken away. Then he was punished by the Military Law Department and his head was not guaranteed!

  ”Drip blood, wear your military ring, this thing is absolutely impossible to lose!”

  The Demon General of Balo said in a deep voice, “Military merit in the army is a good thing. As long as you have military merit, you have everything you want! Power, women, men, treasures, upgrade stones, everything!”

   Many people’s fear gradually disappeared, and their eyes showed excitement. Joining the army may be a turning point in their lives, or they may be able to embark on the path of the strong!

  Who doesn’t want to be strong, who doesn’t want beauty to be powerful? Not to mention ordinary people, even if Lin Dong is also interested, of course, he is not for women, he is for power, to upgrade stone and other treasures!

   In other places, even if you have money, you will be discriminated against when buying upgrade stones. It is possible to get a higher price, but in the military, such things should not happen.

   “Are you military–“

   Lin Dong muttered to himself, maybe joining the army to participate in the battle, the speed of improvement will not be slower than that of becoming a duelist and getting upgrade stones. As long as there are continuous battles, he believes that his speed of gaining military merit will not be too slow!

   Of course, you have to survive in the end. If you can’t survive, everything is a cloud!

  ”General, who is our enemy?” One of the dozens of powerful people who reached level ten asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

   This army is the army of the Mu Ri family, but it seems that it is not only the strength of the Mu Ri family. Although the Mu Ri family is not bad in strength, but a small city like Wushan City, I am afraid that it is impossible to send four soldiers extravagantly. There may be second-rate forces behind it!

   Gutian District has an army that belongs to the district chief, but the major forces in Gutian District do not all belong to the Gutian District District Chief. The Gutian District District Chief is just in control of the strongest force!

   There are many forces in the vast bone field area, there are many first-rate forces, and there are more second-rate and third-rate forces. Among these forces, many wars often break out, and the demons are militant. In many areas, wars are commonplace. , The Mu Ri family has rarely seen it in the past!

  ”This is a military secret, you just need to fight when the time comes!” Barlow said in a deep Two days, I want you to be familiar with military discipline, and two days to reach the order and prohibition! “

   “In the next half day, the team will strengthen their cooperation practice. Tomorrow morning, the squadron will practice together! Then the team, and finally everyone! Who can’t reach the goal will not be forgiving!”

  ’s voice fell, Barro will disappear. Most people breathed a sigh of relief, but the team leader was not relieved. At this time, he quickly organized his own team members or gave lectures, or started training.

   “Everyone, cough—I’m Datou, oh no, my name is Hu Kui!” The tiger head youth is also Hu Kui, with a faint smile on Lin Dong’s face. This guy must seldom communicate with people, at least rarely As the captain speaks in front of everyone, his nervousness can be said to be written on his face.


   Many people laughed, and Hu Kui scolded, “Laugh a shit, we only have half a day. We haven’t reached the goal in half a day. There will be a dead end!”

   Hukui’s words came out, everyone did not laugh, but a few obviously did not work hard.

   Whether it’s the previous earth or Xingyan continent, there are a lot of guys like “Erliuzi” and “Hunhun”, and there are also in the Devil Realm. They are weaker, but they are not much different. They don’t have a little like Hu Kui. The captain puts it in his eyes-they just joined the army, their concept can not be changed immediately, they don’t know, the small captain can sometimes decide their life and death!

   Hu Kui looked at Lin Dong for help. In this team, he also believed in Lin Dong. Others didn’t know, but he knew Lin Dong was only at level five but he was stronger than him!

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