The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 55: Let’s be friends!

“Grandpa, you can let a hundred people leave, squeeze, and you should be able to let one hundred twenty or thirty people leave.” Tang Hanyan said.

Lin Dong’s cloud shuttle is extremely fast and can only take three people, but for Tang Hanyan’s cloud shuttle-to be accurate, it should be an airbreaker…slow speed, low defense, but a person who can ride at a time many!

Besides, because the speed is slow and the acceleration is not terrifying, it is no problem to squeeze more people. Of course, there is no comfort in this way!

“One hundred twenty and thirty people, enough!” Grandpa Tang Hanyan said. He only planned to let the Tang family’s delinquent family and some important people with good relationships next to them leave. As for the others, he couldn’t control that much!

If you really leave all, let alone such an air-breaking ship, ten such air-breaking ships will not work either!

“Father, let some people leave, if they want other people close to them to leave…” Tang Hanyan’s father said.

Grandpa Tang Hanyan said in a deep voice: “I can’t help them! If they want to leave, follow the arrangements. If they don’t want to leave, don’t force them, and immediately draw up a list. After the list comes out, they will immediately ask if they want to leave. If they don’t want to leave, they will definitely return Someone else thinks! It may not happen if you stay, and you can also leave to go to other places. The wealth of the Tang family members should be enough for everyone to live well after they leave!”

“Yes, father!”

Grandpa Tang Hanyan and his father immediately got busy and set a quota to leave. This is not a simple matter!

Tang Hanyan relaxed, she was spinning around in the manor, and Lin Dong was invisible by her side and talked with her through voice transmission.

Suddenly, Tang Hanyan’s eyes lit up, and she received a sound transmission from Qin Yan!

“Lin Dong, Qin Yan gave it to me!” Tang Hanyan said.

Lin Dong’s heart is tight, and he has such a relationship with Zhou Mengyao. He wants to meet now, but he is a little afraid to see Qin Yan.

“It’s not promising, anyhow, you are now a strong man at Emperor Wu level.” Di Wen’s voice sounded in Lin Dong’s mind.

Lin Dong said in an annoyed manner: “Emperor asked, you can’t speak while standing, and it has something to do with whether I am a Wudi-level powerhouse! I am a Wudi-level powerhouse, so I can force Qin Yan. Stay with me?”

“In nature, strong males can be so domineering, but I am a human and not an animal!”

“Well, I’m too lazy to talk about you, don’t turn around and scold me if you are nervous,” the emperor asked.

Lin Dong let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps, as Di Wen said, he was really nervous, and Qin Yan had a relatively high position in his heart!

“Lin Dong, Qin Yan is gone.” Tang Hanyan said.

Lin Dong was taken aback: “Leave? Why did you leave? Didn’t she come to celebrate your birthday?”

“She knows that you should be here, so she just wished me a happy birthday, and someone would send me a birthday present later.” Tang Hanyan said.

Lin Dong immediately took out a messenger talisman to Qin Yan Chuanyin: “Qin Yan, even if you don’t want to be with me, aren’t we even friends? Why don’t you see me after you come here like this? “

“You are afraid that it will hurt me, tell you, my current strength at the peak of Emperor Kuaiwu, it is not so easy for you to hurt me! If you still treat me as your friend, we will meet first before we talk! “

In the distance, Qin Yan’s eyes were surprised. She didn’t expect Lin Dong to have the strength of the peak of Emperor Kuaiwu.

Qin Yan now has the strength of Emperor Wu, but only the low level of Emperor Wu, which is quite different from the peak strength of Emperor Wu.

“Lin Dong, I know Hanyan likes you very much. It’s good for you to be with her. If you are involved with me, it may not only affect you, but also your family, we still don’t want to It’s good to meet.”

Lin Dong’s eyes showed anger: “Qin Yan, I was only picked up by a coachman of the Lin family. Presumably a strong man of the Holy Land level will not deal with the Lin family because of this. As for my true relatives, if they can get involved They die, I can’t ask for it! In addition, you and sister Hanyan are deeply in love, but don’t push me around. I know that I have no position to ask you to be with me now, but no friends can do it!”

“I’m waiting for you at the top floor of Chengdong Fengwu Restaurant! Even if you don’t see me anymore, I will see you this time!”

After the sound transmission, Lin Dong took a deep breath and left Tang Mansion. A few minutes later, he arrived at the Fengwu Restaurant.

On the top floor of the Fengwu Restaurant, some young masters are charting out for fun.

“I have packed the top layer. If anyone is there, let them leave.” Lin Dong said in a deep voice, as he took out a few spirit stones.

Although it is only a low-grade spiritual stone, one spiritual stone is worth a million taels of gold, and these spiritual stones are worth several million taels of gold. Not to mention just covering the top floor, even if you buy this Fengwu restaurant, it will not be a problem. !

“Master, this little one can’t be the lord.” The old man in front of Lin Dong said with excitement and helplessness. These few spirit stones are extremely attractive, but he can’t afford to offend the dudes at the top with no small background.

“I personally go up and let them go!”

Lin Dong said that he stepped upstairs, and soon he reached the top floor of the Fengwu Restaurant. There will be more than a dozen young people on this floor, as well as twenty or thirty beauties. Fortunately, it’s just It didn’t pollute the air here much in the stage of drinking and playing.

“Everyone, get out of me now!” Lin Dong said solemnly. He was in a bad mood, and he was not very polite to speak. Moreover, these dudes are not good things, and there is no need to be polite to them!

“Grass, where’s the miscellaneous hair, dare to speak to us like this, do you know who we are!” a young man angered.

Lin Dong appeared next to him in an instant, and his hand stretched out like iron tongs to fasten the young man’s neck and lift him up.

“You have two choices, the first is to get out of here immediately, and the second is to die!” Lin Donghan said. He said that the murderous aura was released instantly, only a little bit of murderous aura was released, but there were some people present. Still almost peeing on his pants in fright.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

Another young man said, they kept rolling away. Lin Dong threw the pinched young man to the ground. He quickly got out of it. In a short time, the top floor was empty. Lin Dong thought that the room was blown away. A lot of stale air was blown out.

Sitting down by the window, Lin Dong took out the wine and the glass and drank. Lin Dongxin didn’t calm down and seemed to be a little messier.

“Lin Dong, maybe you should have some tea at this time.” Qin Yan’s cold voice rang.

Did not walk up the stairs, Qin Yan flew in directly from the window, she landed in front of Lin Dong, her dress was as white as snow, one year later, she was a little bit less youthful and more beautiful. !

“Qin Yan.”

Lin Dong said in a quiet voice, he felt a little embarrassed, he had violated his previous agreement with Qin Yan.

Although it was a little overwhelming to be with Zhou Mengyao at first, but later, I let go and enjoyed it very much.

“Sit down.”

Qin Yanyiyan sat down, the two of them were relatively speechless, and they all wanted to say a thousand words, but they would be a little unspeakable.

“How are you?”

After holding back for a while, the two spoke, but they said the same thing! Qin Yan chuckled: “Lin Dong, what are you doing so serious, you are fast than Emperor Wu’s peak strength, and I have no ability to eat you.”

Lin Dong smiled loosely in his heart and said: “You eat me, I will never resist… Or I will eat you.”

Qin Yan gave Lin Dong a white look: “It’s not good to take advantage of friends. Lin Dong, you said before that you have no position to ask me to be with you. It must be impossible for us, and I won’t ask you. Why, let’s be friends as before, but try to meet as little as possible, I don’t want to hurt you and Hanyan.”

“Qin Yan, you have misunderstood, I have nothing to do with Hanyan…it’s a different situation, it’s like this–“

“Don’t, Lin Dong, needless to say, I don’t want to know. I think it’s good for us to be friends, don’t we?” Qin Yan interrupted.

Lin Dong smiled bitterly in his heart. It’s good to be friends with Tang Hanyan, but Lin Dong doesn’t want to be friends with Qin Yan!

“Qin Yan, is it unforgivable?” Lin Dongdao.

Qin Yan smiled slightly and said: “Lin Dong, it’s not a question of not forgiving. I understand you. You are like this. It’s not that you are lustful, but that you can’t refuse to love you sincerely, and you have a lot of The girl of the story. I believe you will be good to each of them, but this is not the feeling I want.”

“You are very nice to your friends, generous, and willing to help them. I think being your friend will be much happier!”

Lin Dong opened his mouth. What Qin Yan said was speechless. Maybe now he can refuse to be with Zhou Mengyao, but with that kind of relationship, if they experience adversity in the future, can they still be so cruel?

“Qin Yan, our previous agreement–“

A trace of sadness flashed in Qin Yan’s eyes: “You treat it as a joke between children, forget it. You have breached the contract, but I don’t hate you, but we have no fate, we never After being together, there is no need to be strangers. I think we can still be friends.”

“Lin Dong, I may not come to visit Hanyan in the next few years. Come here if you have time!”

Lin Dongdao: “You have to return to Leiyin Country?”

“I may not return to Lei Yinguo for the time being, but I won’t come here for the time being.” Qin Yan said, “Lin Dong, I have already said what I should say. I still have things to go and see Han. The smoke will leave soon.”

Qin Yan stood up as she spoke, but still did not take the stairs, she floated out of the window like a light smoke.

Lin Dong drank the wine in the glass with a wry smile.

“Lin Dong, Lin Dong, you are really an idiot. You can hide a little bit from the smoke. You actually confessed again… confessed leniently, sat down in prison, resisted strictly, went home for the New Year, countless Why don’t you learn from the experience and lessons of the predecessors!”

After a few cups of wine, half of the fragrant time passed, and Tang Hanyan’s call came. Qin Yan looked for her and left after giving her a gift.

“Got it.”

Lin Dong simply responded by continuing to drink, but how could this ordinary wine make him drunk?

(seeking flowers~end)

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