The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 10: Break through Wuzong!


   Xiaoyin screamed, with a look of reluctance in his eyes, and he has a good impression of Lin Dong.

  ”Hehe, I will still return to Fierce City… By the way, Xiaoyin, don’t fly so fast when you go back. It’s too hard. And if you go back too fast, we will be a little dangerous too. Someone may pass. The direction you are coming from knows where we are, understand?” Lin Dongdao.

   Xiao Yin nodded.


   Lin Dong patted Xiao Yin with a head. It became smaller and flew towards Fierce City at the speed of ordinary birds.

   “Sister Hanyue, let’s go, let’s find a place to stay for a while, it will take at least a month for the Devil’s Cave to open.” Lin Dongdao.

   Shi Hanyue nodded. Two hours later, they arrived at a city far away. This is a city with a population of two to three million. Even if they know that they are on this side, if there is no trace on them, they want to It is not easy for them to find out.

   reduced their cultivation base and changed their appearance. Lin Dong and the others dressed as ordinary siblings and bought a decent house.

   “Sister Hanyue, take these for training.”

   Lin Dong said that several large wooden barrels appeared in front of him. The wooden barrels were filled with spiritual fluids, and they were medium-grade spiritual fluids! With this thing, even if the place where they stay is not very aura, they can practice very quickly!


   Shi Hanyue’s eyes were surprised, and Lin Dong smiled slightly: “I got it on Genius Island. I didn’t give it to you because of your special circumstances before. Now it’s just right to use this. I have enough aura. I believe Hanyue sister, you can fix it. In order to increase the speed faster! You can use it with confidence, I still have a lot of this stuff!”

   Shi Hanyue did not politely put away the large wooden barrels. After a frank meeting in the special situation before, after Lin Dong Wanli rescued her, the relationship between the two has become closer. There is no need to be polite.

   “I’m tired, I want to sleep, Lin Dong, do you want to be together?” Shi Hanyue was a little seductive and authentic. At the moment in the house, she is not a disguised appearance but a real appearance.

   Some unsuitable images appeared in Lin Dong’s mind. He felt a bit dry and dry. Shi Hanyue had a strong temptation to him. At this moment, if he said that Shi Hanyue would not refuse, but, Lin Dong took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart.

   “Sister Hanyue, don’t tempt me, be careful, I will rectify you on the spot.” Lin Dong coughed lightly.

   Shi Hanyue Jiao said: “Come on, sister doesn’t mind!”

   “Ahem, I’m tired, I’m going to rest.” Lin Dong said that he quickly entered his room. It would be too tempting for a peerless beauty like Shi Hanyue to say such words. If you don’t go away, Lin Dong estimates that he It may be uncontrollable, but mistakes will be made.

  ——The last time it happened was a special situation. It happened. Lin Dong wouldn’t have the face to be with Qin Yan. If something happened at this time, he would really have no face to be with Qin Yan in the future!

  ”Qin Yan, Qin Yan, Qin Yan…” In the room, Lin Dong silently recited Qin Yan’s name many times before calming his mind.

   “Lin Dong, Shi Hanyue is actually pretty good.” Di Wen’s faint voice sounded in Lin Dong’s mind.

   Lin Dong said in his mind with no anger: “The emperor asked, when have you been so gossiping?”

  ”I’m doing well for you. Qin Yan’s talent used to be obviously higher than Shi Hanyue’s talent, but now Shi Hanyue got the magic orb to enhance her talent, she also got the rune inheritance in the magic orb, and then the talent It is likely to surpass Qin Yan!” the emperor asked.

   Lin Dong shook his head: “The emperor asks, who do you think I am with when the talent is high?”

  ”I do like Qin Yan, not just because of her cultivation level. The cultivation level is too bad and it’s not suitable for us to be together. The longevity will be very different by the time, and there may be no common language, but as long as the difference in cultivation level is not too great Far, there is no problem in this regard. With Qin Yan’s talent, not to mention becoming a martial god, the chance of becoming a martial emperor is not small. If I am better than her, with all my help, she will not have a big problem in becoming a martial emperor. Paladins are all possible!”

  ”The maximum life of Emperor Wu is 3,200 years. It is very long. If you can become a martial sage, the life of more than 6,000 years! The life of King Wu Zongwu feels relatively short in hundreds of years, but thousands of years, It’s really a long time!”

The emperor    asked: “If you break through the Martial God, then Shouyuan will grow a lot!”

   Lin Dongdan smiled and said: “Although my goal is the pinnacle of martial arts, I have to say that it is not easy to get to the Martial God cultivation base. Breaking through the Martial God, I don’t think about this now!”

  ”What about Shi Hanyue?”

   Lin Dong was silent. He didn’t want Shi Hanyue to throw into the arms of other men, but if he couldn’t be with Shi Hanyue, would Shi Hanyue be single forever?

   Hugging left and right, he wouldn’t mind as a man, but it’s impossible for a woman to mind, especially a good woman. If you don’t mind in this respect, it’s almost impossible!

   “The emperor asked, how did you tell me about this? You shouldn’t be so boring!” Lin Dongdao.

The emperor    asked in a low voice: “Didn’t you find that you already have love in your heart?”

   Lin Dong’s heart was shocked. He knew about this information. Now that the emperor asked, Lin Dong realized that maybe he really has love in his heart, but now there is only a little bit!

  Emotion is intangible. If it is handled properly, there will be no problem. If it is not handled properly, it will turn into a demon, and it will become difficult for the demon to improve in cultivation for a lifetime!

   If the luck is worse, the heart demon student will go crazy, and will not be able to control his own power to hurt himself and hurt the innocent!

   “Lin Dong, you have to deal with emotional matters well, otherwise major problems may arise!”

   Lin Dong smiled bitterly, now he realizes it, but it is not so easy to deal with it well!

  In my heart, Lin Dong is in love with Qin Yan. With Qin Yan, Lin Dong feels very comfortable, but if Shi Hanyue puts him in the arms of another man, he will feel uncomfortable. Now that I think about it, I feel uncomfortable. There will be one day. , Lin Dong estimates that this will form a strong love!

  If you choose Shi Hanyue and Qin Yan is with other men, the situation is probably more serious!

The emperor    asked quietly: “I know why many martial arts practitioners choose to be unfeeling and unfeeling. Many martial arts practitioners have three wives and four concubines. There is no such trouble for unfeeling and unfeeling, and there are no three wives and four concubines! “

  ”The emperor asked, the three wives and four concubines are happy and there is no trouble in this regard, but what about their own women?” Lin Dongdao, “They are afraid that they will be very upset, and their cultivation level may be affected! In addition, a lot of Three wives and four concubines, I’m afraid it’s not because of cultivation, but to satisfy their own desires!”

  ”Di Wen, you have a lot of knowledge, there should be a way to solve the problem of love?”

The emperor    asked: “Yes!”

  Lin Dong’s eyes lit up: “Say quickly.”

  ”As long as they are willing to be with you, there will be no problems in this area.”

   Lin Dong rolled his eyes and said, “Bullshit, how many women would be willing to do this kind of thing? Anyway, this is a kind of harm. Women are willing in this respect, and the chances are better than a * man becoming a dedicated peerless. The man is even lower, the emperor asks you, can’t you say something reliable?”

The emperor    asked: “Then there is no way, the relationship is sad, do you think it’s just talking?”

   Lin Dong shook his head: “Forget it, I don’t want to for the time being, now my cultivation base is too low, I don’t even have the qualifications to become a monster! Qin Yanshi Hanyue and the others also aim to become strong, and they will not have it now. The idea of ​​starting a family!”

   can make Lin Dong feel love in his heart, now it is Qin Yan and Shi Hanyue, Tang Hanyan can’t, Lin Dong sensibly knows that they are totally impossible to be together, if she has a good home, Lin Dong can only wish her well. Lu Xian, Lin Dong regards her as his sister!

   One month passed in a blink of an eye, Lin Dong and the others were not found. They had the mark of the mound training machine before in their bodies, but the time that the marks worked in their bodies was only one or two days!

   Within a month, with the improvement of magic beads, Shi Hanyue’s talent has been significantly improved! Especially the rune talent, she learned a lot of runes in just one month, even if she didn’t use the power of the magic orb, her combat effectiveness was improved by a level compared to before!

  ’s fit with the magic orb has improved a lot. If the power of the magic orb is used, Shi Hanyue’s strength will be even stronger!

   Before absorbing a large amount of martial arts essence and blood, the power was not consumed. In this month, Lin Dong often exceeded the limit to practice, the strength of the martial arts essence in the body was exhausted, and his cultivation was on the verge of a breakthrough!

   “Di Wen, you have accumulated a lot of strength, and strengthen my heart!” Lin Dong said in his mind.

   has been strengthened before, but with the improvement of Lin Dongxiu’s base, the effect of the previous enhancement of the heart has been reduced a lot!

   “Are you sure? If you accumulate some more time, you can improve your talent for stick skills!” the emperor asked.


  Lin Now if the heart is strengthened, Lin Dong is very sure that he can break through and become Wuzong!

  ’s cultivation base is improved, and his martial spirit can also be improved a lot. Now he is only a little short of the fourth-rank intermediate level, and his cultivation base breakthrough is likely to drive the martial soul to break through to the fourth-rank intermediate realm!

  The stick skill talent Lin Dong also wants to improve, but now, the stick skill that has swept the eight wastes has been completed. Before finding a more suitable stick skill, the fifth grade stick skill is not bad now-even if it is powerful. The stick technique cheats, at this time, it is better to strengthen the heart, and you will soon enter the Demon Cave and enter the Demon Mystery Realm!

   “Start to improve!”

  Di asked in a low voice, and Lin Dong soon felt the strengthening of his heart, and his heart beating more vigorously!

   The blood flow speeds up, and the body absorbs spiritual energy faster. The cells in Lin Dong’s body rapidly increase. In less than half an hour, the enhancement of cells broke the critical point!

   “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

   The body broke through the shackles, Lin Dong’s aura climbed rapidly, and his body absorbed the aura at a faster rate. With the support of the powerful aura, Lin Dong’s body strengthened quickly!

   In the next room, Shi Hanyue opened her eyes, and a smile appeared on her face. Lin Dong should have broken through!

   “It’s so fast… It was only a second-rank martial artist a little more than two years ago. In less than two and a half years, she has actually become Wuzong.” Shi Hanyue said with emotion, Lin Dong is not yet seventeen years old. When she reached the Wu Zong level, she was not much older than Lin Dong is now, but she has been training since she was a child. At the age of Lin Dong’s second-rank martial artist, she is already a martial artist!

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