The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 41: The change of saint relic!

() After coming out of the tent, Lin Dong immediately entered other tents. At the same time, many people in the tents came out or were removed, they held hands and waited!

Half an hour passed, Lin Dong let out a long sigh. Near this opening, all the infected persons had been treated, and Saint Relic consumed a lot of strength and was a little smaller!

“Lin Dong, do you want to take a break?” Peng Gang said. He and Wei Xuansen closely followed Lin Dong. At this moment, Lin Dong can’t make a little accident, otherwise there will be many deaths on this side!

“No, I don’t consume much, mainly for a treasure.” Lin Dongdao.

“The rest of the infected are still waiting for us, hurry up!”

Xiao Hei got bigger when he landed on the ground, staying on Xiao Hei’s back, Lin Dong and the others quickly reached another gathering point.

“Master Lin Dong is here.”


Everyone on this side is ready. All the patients are holding hands. The one in the front is a little boy. Lin Dong smiled and put his hand on that little boy’s shoulder!

Time passed by minute and second, and the epidemic poison in the body on this side continued to decrease. Because of the large number of people, it took about ten minutes for the power of the Holy Relic to eliminate the epidemic poison in everyone’s body!

“Okay, you should be fine, but you have to be isolated for a while!” Lin Dong smiled.

“Long live Young Master Lin Dong!”

Many people yelled. They wanted to yell a long time ago. Hearing Lin Dong’s words, they immediately spoke with excitement.

“Xiao Hei, go!”

Lin Dong didn’t stay too much, and only cleared two spots, and there are still 61.2 million people waiting!

“Lin Dong, can you hold on to the end of your treasure?” Peng Gang asked.

“It may be difficult!”

Lin Dong sighed softly. Two points were treated well. Saint Reli was a little bit smaller. Lin Dong estimated that seven points should be treated without any problems. The eight points of infection are all treated. It’s not possible high.

“Lin Dong, how much can we treat? If we can’t treat all of them, we need to arrange!” Wei Xuansen said, “Let the more serious infection be treated first, and let the elderly and children be treated first!”


Lin Dong nodded slightly: “From the next one, please explain and see if anyone voluntarily gives way! There are many strong people here, and they should be able to heal completely!”

At the time of speaking, Lin Dong and the others had already arrived at another point, Xiao Hei was suspended for ten meters in the air and did not immediately descend.

“Everyone, I have a message to tell everyone.” Lin Dong said, and the infected person on his voice could clearly hear it.

“After the first two points of treatment, I estimate that the treasures I have can only heal another 100,000 people.”

There was some panic in the crowd. They knew that there were 120,000 untreated people!

“There are still six points without treatment. Each point is about 20,000 people, and there are 120,000 people!”

“All I hope, some people who are strong, and the infection level is not very serious, will stand up for the time being and give the opportunity to the rest. Don’t worry, you will be fine. There are many medical experts here, even if I I can’t treat everyone anymore, so can they! The number of people in the past was too large to be treated. If it was only 20,000, it would not be a big problem.”

“This is not a coercive, voluntary principle. If no one comes forward, everyone will be treated together! It’s just that there may be many children behind, and the elderly have to wait. Their resistance is not that strong, and some people may die. “Lin Dong sighed lightly, “Give everyone a quarter of the time to think about it.”

In the crowd, a man looked at his child and held his wife’s hand in the hospital bed.

“No, no.” The wife on the man’s hospital bed said weakly. She knew what her man wanted to do.

“Wife, I can hold my body, it’s okay.” The man smiled and said, “We have children, and others have children. If some children cannot be treated and died in time, how can we feel at ease? Don’t worry, you still can’t believe in Master Lin Dong Well, he said it’s okay, I’m sure I won’t have any problems then.”

The woman said: “I naturally believe what Master Lin Dong said, but I don’t want to be separated from you.”

“It’s just a temporary separation, you can recover right away and take your children well.”

This man left the team after he finished talking, and many others also left the team. After a quarter of Zhuxiang’s time, about 3,000 people left the team, which is not a small proportion!

“Very well, you are all good, don’t worry, you will be fine!” Lin Dong said loudly, he jumped off Xiao Hei and quickly healed those who did not leave the team!

The number of people is smaller, and the treatment time this time is shorter. During his treatment, the situation on this side has spread to the other five points that have not been treated, and the people at those five points have been lined up. Knowing the news on this side, many of them chose to leave the team!

“I have been a bad person for a lifetime, this time I will be a good person!”

“It’s just a few days late, little thing!”

“It used to be more dangerous. Now Master Lin Dong has cured most of them. There is no risk anymore. Let’s just be a few days later!”


Many people from the other gathering spots screamed. When Lin Dong arrived at one of the gathering spots, four thousand people stood up at this gathering spot, more people than the one just stood up.

“What’s the situation with the other gathering points?” Lin Dong whispered.

“They are all similar to this. It is estimated that a total of 23,000 people have come forward. Can the rest be cured?” Wei Xuansen said.


Lin Dong nodded, “Elder Wei, please gather all the people who stand up. It is estimated that there will be some extra power at that time. When the situation is more serious among them, we will cure some of them!”


Half an hour passed, and for the remaining few points, Lin Dong had all healed, and Saint Relic had become the size of a soybean at this time, and the power contained therein was greatly reduced!

At a few points, there were 24,000 people who stood up. Wei Xuansen and the others gathered 24,000 people. They can walk by themselves. It is not difficult to gather them with the strength of this side!


Lin Dong stood on Xiao Hei’s back and spoke, and the 24,000 people gathered could see him hear his voice.

“Thank you for your choice, your relatives and friends will be proud of you!” Lin Dong showed a smile on his face, “Relax, everyone, now that the strong on this side are like clouds, it is not easy for you to die!”


A lot of people laughed, Lin Dong’s words made their hearts less pressure!

“You guys, I didn’t expect so many people to stand up, with a little bit of strength, and to heal some people. All of you who are under fifteen will come forward, so many big men. Here, it is not yet your turn to contribute to these little men.” Lin Dong smiled.

In the crowd, there are quite a few under the age of fifteen, but none of them are too young. They were treated earlier.

“Brother Lin Dong, you seem to be only fifteen years old, and you are not much older than us.” A 14-year-old boy shouted, “I have a relatively mild infection, so I can keep it for a few days.”

“I can hold on.”

Lin Dong smiled and said: “You will grow up, and when you persist in the future, now those under fifteen will come out obediently, everyone pay attention, if there are children by your side, let them out. Also, I see There are old people among you, and the old people have a lot of resistance, and they all come out.”

“Master Lin Dong, my bad old man will not live long, so let’s give the opportunity to others.”

“Hehe, Master Lin Dong, let us be heroes before we die.”

Lin Dong shook his head: “Everyone, too many people have died on this side of Fengcheng, I don’t want to die any more! Children, old people, all come out. If the infection is serious, don’t try to do it at this time, and come out. It is very rare for you to have this kind of heart!”

“Everyone, I know that many of you are kind, but the resistance of the elderly and children is quite low, the infection is serious, and the support time is short. Don’t make unnecessary sacrifices!”

The elderly, children, and those with more serious infections all stood up, about 3,000 people.

Five minutes later, after the treatment of these three thousand people, Lin Dong’s holy relic has become only the size of a mung bean.

“Elder Wei, let’s press you to make arrangements. The conditions are good. If there is a serious situation, notify me immediately. I have little treasure energy left, but there is no problem in rescuing the emergency.” Lin Dongdao.

Wei Xuansen nodded: “Okay, Lin Dong, take a good rest. You have not rested for three days.”

“Then I will take a break.”

Although he is a warrior, Lin Dong feels more uncomfortable without sleeping for three days.

Leaving the epidemic area to rest, Lin Dong slept for three hours and then got up. His resilience is strong, and the three-hour rest is enough to make his energy full again.


Lin Dong’s eyes were surprised. The saint relic grew a lot while he was sleeping, and he felt that the power of the saint relic could now be controlled more easily by himself.

It was not easy to breathe a saint relic into someone else’s body before, but now, Lin Dong feels that this can be done easily!

——During the treatment, the power of the saint relic is not under his control, it is the saint relic who takes the initiative to attack!

“Is it possible to absorb the kind thoughts that he exudes, so that the holy relic can control it?” Lin Dong secretly asked.

“If this is the case, it would be nice to consume almost all of the power of the relic this time.”

Lin Dong walked out of the Outside the tent, Wei Xuansen and Peng Gang waited and talked, and they looked more relaxed.

“President, Mr. Wei…no one should have had an accident, right? A lot of them have died, but don’t have any more accidents.” Lin Dongdao.

“Don’t worry, nothing can happen.” Wei Xuansen smiled, “There are only 20,000 infected people. Now almost everyone is watching them. Anything can be dealt with as soon as possible!”

“That’s good.”

Lin Dong nodded: “Elder Wei, who rescued people from Fengcheng or cured the infected, can this be a good record? I don’t know how much they have already, don’t pay enough.”

“Naturally, there is a record. The forces who came to help rescued about 15,000 people. You and your friends didn’t count what they rescued, and this other person won’t count it.” Wei Xuansen said.

“Thirty-five thousand people have been healed by other powerful forces. Now there are still 21,000 people being healed. If you If you can’t make another move, this number will rise a lot!”

(seeking flowers~~)

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