The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 32:  Loving God!

()”I lost!”

For a quarter of an hour, Qin Xiong was out of breath, and his eyes were full of disbelief!

In fighting like this, Qin Xiong felt extremely tired, and Lin Dongxiu’s base was lower than him, and he seemed to be all right!


Lin Dong nodded slightly, Qin Xiong didn’t say much and quickly jumped off the martial arts platform. Lin Dong successfully defended his title!

“Can anyone still challenge today?” Lin Dong said calmly, no one spoke up after ten seconds.

Under the gaze of countless people, Lin Dong quickly left the Central Wutai.


“Lin Dong, you guys, how come you are not excited at all when you are the first?” Tang Hanyan said, “We in the audience are much more excited than you, look at Yi Changkong and them–”

Yi Changkong and the others were not far away. Lin Dong glanced at it. Yi Changkong and the others were obviously very excited. Yi Changkong, who usually seldom speaks, had a lively chat with the people around him at this time!

“Why are you excited?” Lin Dong said softly, he really couldn’t get excited!

For the glory of the academy? The time he spent in Fenglei Wuyuan was actually not very long, and his feelings were not particularly deep!

For the family? He actually has no relatives in Lin’s family!

Besides, he is not a member of the Eastern Qin Kingdom. He won the first place in the Imperial City Huiwu in this country. Lin Dong did not feel too strong. The excitement at this time is not as exciting as when he joined the Fenglei Wuyuan. At that time, his dream came true and he embarked on the road of martial arts!

“Why is this?” Tang Hanyan didn’t understand.

However, Qin Yan has some understanding. On this side, she came from a far away place. No matter how great the glory and achievements on this side, it is difficult to conceal the emptiness in her heart.

“Lin Dong, do you know why your mood is so important after you get to the back?” Qin Yan said softly.

Lin Dong definitely has pain in his heart. If he doesn’t solve it before his cultivation level is very strong, he may be in a madness!

Lin Dong looked at Qin Yan, he smiled slightly, his heart is not excited, maybe it has something to do with Qin Yan’s strength! Qin Yan’s strength is so strong, he is now a little bit of strength and little achievement, what is it excited?

“I see, I also have a little direction.” Lin Dong smiled.

Now Lin Dong doesn’t want to involve emotional matters, but in the future, it will definitely be involved!

Sometimes I like Qin Yan in my heart, and maybe in the future, only if my heart is dependent on it, my heart will not get lost!

In the future, Lin Dong felt that he would pursue Qin Yan, but I don’t know when it happened. It’s still early now. He is not even sixteen years old, and his cultivation base is low!

“It’s good if you have a direction.” Qin Yan said.

Tang Hanyan said in a bewildered manner: “What are you talking about, why can’t I understand something?”

“We won’t challenge today, right? If we don’t challenge anymore, let’s leave the training as soon as possible!”


Somewhere far away from the Zhenjiang imperial city, a large mountain entwines the earth, thirty thousand feet high!

In the mountains, a large number of palaces are distributed, many places are planted with exotic flowers and plants, and the auras visible to the naked eye circulate in the mountains. In the mountains, many people practice auras, each with extraordinary aura.

“Master, I have news from the Eastern Qin Kingdom.” A man in black knelt down.

In front of the black-clothed man is a gorgeously dressed woman. Hearing the words of the black-clothed man, she manicured her nails and slowly said, “Tell me, what’s the situation with that little **** now?”

“Returning to the master, Lin Dong joined the Fenglei Martial Academy, and a few months later became a warrior in the Fenglei Martial Academy! Now representing the Fenglei Martial Academy to participate in the Eastern Qin Imperial City Martial Arts, there is a high chance of entering the Fenglei Martial Academy Genius Island!”

A sharp light flashed in the woman’s eyes: “What’s the matter? The last time he reported back was two years ago, when he was still playing in the farm, why is he already participating in the Imperial City Martial Arts on behalf of the Fenglei Martial Arts Academy?”

“What is my order for the good thing you do? It is to let him take his life as soon as he has a martial arts cultivation base!”

The black-clothed man was a little frightened and said: “Master, Lin Dong disappeared as soon as he had a martial artist’s cultivation base. When he appeared, he already had a martial artist’s peak cultivation base and entered the top three of Fenglei Martial Arts Academy!”

“We don’t have a strong person on that side to complete the order to kill him!”

The woman sneered: “As soon as he entered the martial artist, he disappeared? It seems that Lin Feng has informed the secret!”

“Presumably there should be a strong person who has passed by now, and send my order to destroy the Lin family!”

The man in black was surprised and said: “Master, would it be too eye-catching to do this?”

“If people in the past leave clues, you don’t have to come back to see me.” The woman said quietly, “That little bastard, it’s not good to kill him directly, find someone to kill him indirectly!”

“Yes, master!”


The distance that the sound transmission talisman can transmit sound is limited, and the very powerful sound transmission talisman can only transmit sound 10,000 kilometers. Compared with the huge area of ​​Xingyan Continent, 10,000 kilometers is nothing at all!

In order to cope with long-distance sound transmission, in ancient times, someone developed a sound transmission array, which can transmit sound over extremely long distances. The sound transmission array is easy to transmit 100,000 kilometers, and the transmission is millions of kilometers. There are also sound transmission arrays, but the more advanced the sound transmission array, the more difficult it is to build and the more it consumes when transmitting sound!

East Qin Kingdom is only a third-rank country. Although it has a sound transmission array, it is only a relatively low-level sound transmission array.

“Master Qiu, have your voice transmission!”

Somewhere in Zhenjiang imperial city, a middle-aged man respectfully and authentically, in front of him is a kind-looking old man.


The old man nodded slightly, and soon he entered a spire, which was a long-distance sound transmission array established.

Pressing a mechanism, a voice rang from the steeple: “Brother Qiu, how is the one who has been the most?”

“It’s okay, did the master have an order?” the old man said calmly.

“Yes, the master ordered that the Lin family doesn’t need to exist anymore, and find a way to kill Lin Dong indirectly without leaving a trace.”

A smile appeared on the old man’s face: “Very well, solve the problem here earlier, I can leave earlier. This ghost place is scarce and affects my cultivation level! You help me return to the master, and it will soon Complete the order!”

“I hope you will bring good news to the master. Lin Dong is still alive and has grown a lot. The master is very angry!”


At the end of the sound transmission, the old man left a lot of spirit stones and left the sound transmission array kindly. It didn’t take long before he left Zhenjiang Imperial City.

“A plague will lower the Lin family and descend on the entire Fengcheng area, Jiejie!” Far away from Zhenjiang Imperial City, the kind smile on the old man’s face disappeared, and he smiled darkly, looking terrifying!

With a Wuwang level cultivation base, this old man moved forward very quickly, and he rushed to Fengcheng within a day.

“Mom, mom, I want to eat candy!”

“Okay, mom will buy it for you.”

“Boss Wang, early, I heard that you are going to marry a daughter-in-law. This is a great event! Congratulations!”

“Haha, thank you very much!”

Fengcheng has a population of hundreds of thousands. There were a lot of dark things before, but now, under the renovation of the Lin family, the Situ family and the Fenglei Wuyuan, Fengcheng’s appearance has been completely new!

This was just an ordinary morning, and Fengcheng, which had been sleeping all night, became lively again. The kind people in Fengcheng didn’t know that a terrible disaster was about to come!

“It’s really a thriving landscape, what a pity! Jie Jie!”

The old man named Qiu who flew to this side smiled slightly. He first went to the Lin Family Lin Mansion. In the Lin Mansion’s wells, he dropped a lot of medicinal powder. Then, he also dropped medicinal powder in the four manor houses of the Lin Family!

Later, many corpses were taken out of Naxu Ring and thrown into the waters of Maple City. Some of those corpses were highly decomposed, and they all died in a terrible plague!

Died in the plague. These corpses were carrying deadly viruses. Dozens of corpses were enough to cause terrible disaster. It is not a small possibility that the Fengcheng area will become a dead zone!

Ten minutes have passed.

“Dad, daddy, there is someone there.” A little boy called by the river in Fengcheng.


“Dad, it’s there.”

The little boy pointed. The man floated face down on the water. The man’s expression changed. This man was probably dead.

“Come here, come here!” The man yelled, and soon a lot of people gathered on this side.

Someone took a long hook and hooked up the body in the river.


The people around were taken aback. Although the body did not rot, there were many blisters on its face.

“Rewind, rewind!”

Someone in the crowd knew medical skills. He saw that the corpse’s face changed wildly, “This is a spider bean, highly contagious… Wait, everyone don’t leave, everyone must be isolated and observed!”

“Hurry up!”

The people around were so scared that their faces were pale. At this moment, how could they stop, one by one quickly disappeared.

“Oh my god, oh my god! Who is so mad that he threw the diseased corpse in the water!”

The medical man yelled. He knew that the problem was serious, even if the people hadn’t left just now. The body was soaked in the water, and many people must have drunk the virus-laden water.

“Attention everyone in Fengcheng, it is forbidden to take water from the is forbidden to drink the water taken from the river today!” At this moment, a roar came from a distance.

“It’s over!”

The person who knows medical skills was paralyzed on the ground. The situation on this side could not spread to a distance so quickly. Then there is only one possibility. There are also such diseased corpses in the distance. Fengcheng does not know how many people will die. !

“Why, why is it so, utterly desolate!!” The man who knows the art of medicine cried out sadly, and soon he got up. There are still children in his family. If there is no drinking water, maybe he can live!

The news of the epidemic corpse spread quickly, and Fengcheng fell into a terrible panic, and the gates of the four cities were soon crowded with people.


Someone in the crowd vomited, and the person next to him was so scared that he backed away a lot, and red dots soon appeared on the face of the vomiting person.

“Someone is infected, hurry up, hurry up!” Someone yelled, and many people estimated that they would not be able to squeeze out and leave the city gate quickly. There are so many people here, the probability of infection is too high!

(seeking flowers~~)

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