The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 92: Squeeze!

   “Attention everyone, attention everyone!”


   Jin Zhaoming’s voice just fell here, and many people shouted from two to three hundred meters away.


  ”Two million two gold tickets open, pay immediately in the gambling! Press Hu Ying to win, one pays one thousand, press Hu Ying to insist on a quarter of an hour, one pays one hundred; Press Hu Ying to insist on one stick of incense time, one pay Fifty!”


  ”Pressing Hu Ying and insisting on half a stick of incense time, one loses 20; pressing Hu Ying insists on a quarter stick of incense, one losing ten; pressing Hu Ying sticks to ten breath time and one losing five; sticking to five breath time, One loses three!”


  ”Three interest and one pay two, two interest and one pay 1.5! What are you waiting for? As long as you hit, you can make at least half! Two interest, at least two interest time! On-site pressure, pay immediately! The minimum is one hundred taels of gold. If there is less, make up with others before pressing!”


   Tang Hanyan has many younger brothers, and her younger brothers are screaming hard at this time.


   Two million taels of gold tickets are there, and the thick gold tickets look very attractive!


   On the battle stage, Hu Ying flushed with anger, and when he pressed him to win, he lost a thousand. This is too despised for him. He broke through to the level of a martial artist, and now is the time for his self-confidence to rise!


   “Too much bullying!”


   Hu Ying roared on the platform, “Can I suppress it by myself?”


  ”Naturally, no matter how much you press, you can pick it up! There are a total of 2.8 million taels of gold tickets! The rules are known to everyone. If I lose, I will lose up to 2.8 million taels of gold tickets. “Under the battlefield, Tang Hanyan said quietly, “If it is not enough to pay, start with the boldest press!”


   The most daring punter is undoubtedly the winner of Hu Ying. If someone presses him to win, pay for this first, and then compensate Hu Ying for a quarter of an hour! If Hu Ying insists on the two-breath time, even if he wins, if Tang Hanyan loses all here, he will also lose!


   However, it’s not easy for Tang Hanyan to lose everything in this situation. After all, 2.8 million taels of gold tickets are not a small amount!


   “Very good, I will beat five thousand taels, and I will win by myself!” Hu Ying is very confident in himself!


   My own martial artist’s cultivation base, as far as he knows, Lin Dong only has the upper rank of martial artist, and the difference in cultivation base is not small! Although Lin Dong defeated Xu Wu with one move, Hu Ying now has certain confidence to defeat Xu Wu with one move! I am a martial artist, and my endurance should be stronger, and I can drag Lin Dong to death by that time!


   “Boss Hu, I insist on you, one thousand taels, I will hold you for a quarter of an hour!” Hu Ying’s friend said loudly.


  ”800 taels, hold on to boss Hu for a quarter of an hour!”


   “One pays 50, right? I’m three hundred taels. Senior Hu Ying insists on one stick of incense!”


   “Senior Hu Ying, you must hold on, I pressed 600 taels for your time for half a stick of incense!”




   Lin Dong didn’t immediately come to power. Tang Hanyan’s large number of people put pressure on it. Many of her younger brothers were too busy to help. If they were hit, it would be up to a thousand times, or almost tens to hundreds of times, so tempting!


   “Lin Dong, do you have money in it?” Jin Zhaoming sneered next to Lin Dong, “Do you think you can swallow it? You too underestimate Hu Ying. Hu Ying’s ranking is already high. To become a martial artist, I want to see what your expression looks like when you lose all your money!”


   “What nonsense?” Lin Dong said quietly, “Believe Hu Ying, you go and press it, isn’t 1.8 million a small amount of money for you?”


   Jin Zhaoming disdainfully said: “Your little capital is not worth my eight hundred and eighty thousand dollars, and you will not be able to lose it! When you crush one hundred thousand, one loses 20, you have to lose two million!”


   Lin Dong contemptuously said: “What else you said would make me lose the house, I am embarrassed to take it out with a mere 100,000 yuan, I think you should not press it, so as not to cry for family members when you lose!”


   “I’m sorry, I haven’t finished.” Jin Zhaoming said quietly, “One hundred thousand and a half stick incense, one hundred thousand five breaths, five breaths and one pay three. As long as Hu Ying can stick to the five breaths time, I can too Earn one hundred thousand taels!”


  One breath takes about three or four seconds, and five breaths are less than 20 seconds. It’s not easy to win Hu Ying!


   You must know that Hu Ying’s previous rankings were not low. Now that his cultivation is a martial artist, his strength must have improved a lot!


   “Little money!”


   Lin Dong said quietly, “The money you took out is less than one-tenth of mine, arrogant shit! Where can I stay cool, only 200,000 taels, pretending to be rich! “




   Jin Zhaoming cursed in his heart, he had always used money to suppress others, but he did not expect to be despised by Lin Dong this time.


   “Very well, Lin Dong, I will add one hundred thousand taels for both, I want you to be done once!” Jin Zhaoming said viciously, four hundred thousand taels of gold can still be taken out of his status, but, this It is also a big number for him. If he loses, he will have to tighten his belt for a long period of time.


   Jin Zhaoming alone squeezed 400,000 taels, and there were many more than 10,000 taels. In ten minutes or so, no one pressed again. Tang Hanyan quickly compiled the statistics, and she was shocked. Jump, received more than two million taels, if Lin Dong wins Hu Ying within two breaths, then just this time the handicap can madly collect more than two million taels!


   You must know that it is gold. If it were in the world before Lin Dong, it would be equivalent to more than 20 billion yuan!


   “Sister Tang, how long will Lin Dong insist on so that we won’t lose?” a young girl beside Tang Hanyan whispered.


   “I count… within five breaths, as long as Lin Dong ends the battle within five breaths, we can make a small profit, and we will suffer a big loss if we reach five breaths! If it reaches ten breaths, we don’t have to be busy today.” Tang Hanyan said, she was excited and nervous at the same time, she actually didn’t know the specific strength of Lin Dong!


   “It’s horrible!”


   “The win or lose is so big, this is the first time for you, Sister Tang, where did you get so much money?”




   There are a lot of discussion works around Tang Hanyan, and no one is pressing anymore. Lin Dong stepped onto the battlefield!


   “Lin Dong, if you defeated Xu Wu with one blow, it doesn’t mean that you can defeat me!” Hu Ying sneered with a long halberd in his hand, pointing diagonally to the ground. It may be better than me, but don’t forget, you only have a martial artist!”


   “As long as I can resist your initial attack, do you think you will win in the end?”


   Lin Dong calmly said: “No more nonsense, if you are ready, we will start immediately!”


   “I was ready!” Hu Ying sneered.


  There is a tutor from Fengleiwu Academy on the battle platform. He glanced at Lin Dong and the others and said: “The rules, you know, I will not repeat them. After I count down three times, the battle will begin!”


   “Three, two, one, start!”




   Hu Ying roared and attacked Lin Dong. In an instant, Lin Dong also attacked Hu Ying. He fully displayed Xiaocheng’s sweeping the wasteland, used the wind thunder footwork, and the earth’s martial arts. But at this time, Lin Dong didn’t fully use the earth’s martial arts, and he didn’t need to deal with Hu Ying!


   The earth pulsation of the earth’s martial intent, the dark energy, and the spirit of Lin Dong are also useless, no need!




   a cudgel and halberd strike, Hu Ying’s stem contains true energy, and Lin Dong is pure physical strength!


   Blood power can be poured into weapons to a certain extent, but Lin Dong is still far from that level! Zhen Qi has the advantage in this respect. A powerful warrior can pour Zhen Qi into a weapon, and a powerful martial artist can even make it hurt people out of the body!


   However, it is costly to be wounded from the body, and in many cases it is better to pour into the weapon to confront the enemy!




   Hu Ying’s face instantly flushed. In a very short time, he backed up ten steps to relieve his strength, but the blood rolled, he still couldn’t help but spout out a mouthful of blood.


   Lin Dong also felt a powerful attack, but his physical body was strong, and Hu Ying’s true energy immersed in his body did not cause him any harm. He didn’t retreat a step. When Hu Ying retreated, he instantly caught up. Zhao Taishan smashed towards Hu Ying again!




   Hu Ying did his best, and the power of his martial soul was fully used at this time, but under Lin Dong’s stick, he was beaten to the ground with his legs weakened!




  Lin Dong made the third club, and Bao Bao made a cross move. Hu Ying reluctantly blocked the halberd by his side. Lin Dongbao hit the halberd with the halberd, and the terrifying force drove Hu Ying away for dozens of meters , Hu Ying spewed blood in the air, he wanted to control the landing earlier but there was no way.


   was only thirty meters away from the edge of the battle platform. This blow flew thirty or forty meters. Hu Ying stood up after he landed on the ground, and his face was extremely difficult. He was knocked out of the battle platform with just three sticks, although He didn’t die, but he was already defeated by Lin Dong when he was knocked out of the battlefield!


  Three sticks!


  Because the time between each stick is short, the battle is less than three seconds from the beginning to the end!


   There is only one breath in three Now there is no one breath, so naturally it is impossible to have two breaths!


   “What’s the matter?”


  ”This is defeated?”


   Countless people under the stage screamed. Some people just turned around and looked elsewhere, and the battle was over!


   “I… I lost!”


   Hu Ying took a deep breath. After saying a word, he vomited a mouthful of blood and his face turned pale. He was full of confidence just now, but now he is shocked!


   “Hu Ying, I have a word to send you.” Lin Dong said on the ring.


   “Please tell me.” Hu Ying said solemnly. Just now he looked down on Lin Dong a little bit, but now he knows that there is really no good under his name, and Lin Dong’s strength is not a little bit higher than him!


  Lin Dongdao: “Victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged, life is endless, and hard work is endless!”


   “You cannot win without arrogance and defeat, and you will never stop working hard.” Hu Ying murmured to himself, his spirit has changed a lot, and he has just been very depressed, and now he has restored a lot of confidence.


   “Thank you!” Hu Ying arched his hand towards Lin Dong.


   Lin Dong shook his head and said: “No, we are all students of Fenglei Martial Arts Academy. We had no grudges before. We are not enemies. We just started a little bit harder. Don’t take it off!”


   “Fortunately, it’s not a serious injury, it’s because I can’t help myself.” Hu Ying was a little self-deprecating.


  ”Brother Lin, you should have no problem entering the top three, congratulations in advance!”

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