The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 65: Lin Dong’s martial soul!

()(ps: Brothers, it will be on the shelves tomorrow afternoon, brothers who have the conditions, please support me, thank you! There will be basic flowers tomorrow, brothers, please vote for the basic flowers to Emperor Lin o ( ∩_∩) o~ For every one hundred flowers, add another chapter; reward rules: 10,000 coins plus one chapter; the leader adds another chapter, the leader becomes the commander and another chapter! I wish my brothers a happy holiday~ ~)


When the cultivation base reached the advanced level of the martial artist, Lin Dongxin felt a little strange, as if there was something in his mind about to come up.


Lin Dong’s eyes showed surprise. He had seen the description of Wuhun, and he felt this way when he awakened!

Ten minutes later, Lin Dong felt stronger, and the things in his mind were eager to come out.

“Come out!”

Lin Dong gave orders in his mind. The next moment, something left his mind. Lin Dong appeared in front of a misty thing, the size of a football, and the color was pale white.

“Brother-in-law, I have no money!!” Shi Xingyang entered the room depressed, and as soon as he entered the room he saw the mist in front of Lin Dong.

“Brother-in-law, have you awakened a martial arts soul? Hey, I seem to have seen information about this martial arts soul.”

Shi Xingyang thought, and soon he thought of it. He stared at the mist with wide eyes.

“Brother-in-law, this is really your martial soul? How come it is such a martial soul.” Shi Xingyang frowned.

There are strengths and weaknesses in martial arts. As far as Shi Xingyang knows, Lin Dong’s martial arts evaluation is the lowest!

“What martial spirit is this?” Lin Dongdao, he found that he could control the cloud of mist. As his mind turned, the cloud of mist first became a cube and then a flower.

The color of the fog can be changed, and the changed flowers look real from a distance.

“It’s really this martial soul.” Shi Xingyang sighed, “Brother-in-law, this is a simulated martial soul! I can tell you the truth, brother-in-law, don’t be angry, this is a recognized garbage martial soul, and fighting is of little use.”

“After the simulated martial soul becomes stronger, even the real dragon and the phoenix can be simulated, but it is just a simulation. The practitioner can easily distinguish that it is false!”

“Many people with this martial soul have embarked on the road of conjure. This martial arts conjure is good. If you want to simulate a thing, you need to have a good understanding of one thing. In theory, the simulation of martial soul can simulate anything You can simulate any powerful spirits, and even humans are one of the most powerful spirits. But how easy is it to understand the spirits of others? Even if someone helps you understand it! Not to mention the human beings, Only the appearance is useless, and there is no strong combat power at all!”

Shi Xingyang sighed, but Lin Dong’s eyes lit up. This is a **** spirit for others, but it is probably the most suitable spirit for him!

To simulate other people’s martial arts, the most difficult thing is to understand which kind of martial arts, he can absorb other people’s martial arts!

“Simulate? Let me try.” Lin Dong muttered to himself.

“Brother-in-law, don’t try. The most important thing in simulating is the god, not the shape. It is easy to simulate the shape, but it is difficult to simulate the god!” Shi Xingyang said.

Lin Dong stretched out his hand, and the cloud of mist gathered in his hand. Under his control, the mist changed rapidly. It didn’t take long for the mist to become a small waterspout.


Shi Xingyang’s eyes widened, isn’t this a martial spirit waterspout with water attributes? Waterspout is a relatively strong water attribute martial soul, which can gather the power of spatial water attribute to form an attack!

“Brother-in-law, the real image of your simulation, I seem to feel the power of water.” Shi Xingyang said, he sighed, it is useless to simulate the image again, this thing cannot attract the water attribute of space The strength can only look at the attack cannot be used to hurt the enemy!


Lin Dong smiled slightly, the room became cool, and the waterspout in his hand quickly grew. It was only ten centimeters high, and it was half a meter high in a short time!

From the enlarged waterspout, Shi Xingyang clearly felt the power of the water attribute. The waterspout was spinning fast, and he reached out and tried it, and his hand was very painful because of the impact of the water!

“This, this is true!”

Shi Xingyang is incredibly authentic, when can the simulation of Wuhun be so real?

“It doesn’t seem to be fake.” Lin Dong smiled. He felt that this waterspout could continue to grow or attack according to his intentions, but the spirit of martial arts is not strong now, and it cannot grow too large. many.


Lin Dong dissipated from the waterspout when his thoughts moved, and the next moment a cyan bird appeared in front of him.

“Wind attribute martial soul!”

Shi Xingyang stared, “Brother-in-law, doesn’t this Windbird Martial Spirit also have offensive power?”

“Try it.”

Lin Dong said, controlling the cyan flying bird and spit out a small wind blade cutting towards Shi Xingyang.

Shi Xingyang raised his hand and grabbed the wind blade, but he clearly felt the power of the wind blade. It is not strong now. If it becomes stronger in the future, a wind blade can even cut steel!

“Brother-in-law, how did you do it?” Shi Xingyang said in disbelief, “I feel that my spirit is pretty good, but compared to yours, it’s far worse!”

Lin Dong smiled lightly: “You ask me how I knew, I just awakened the Martial Spirit, and it was done naturally.”

It is absolutely impossible for Lin Dong to talk about the ability to absorb Wuhun, and it is impossible for the closest person to tell! If the enemy knows about it, it will definitely cause him huge trouble!

“Brother-in-law, when will you and my sister get married?”

“Get away, or you will be a sparring partner.”


When Shi Xingyang left, Lin Dong kept experimenting, and now he has absorbed more than ten kinds of martial arts.

It didn’t take long for the test results to come out.

Conclusion 1: The power of the simulated martial soul will be consumed, and it can be slowly recovered when the martial soul is not used!

Conclusion two, there must be enough simulation power to simulate successfully, otherwise there will not be much power even if it is simulated.

Conclusion three, using Wuhun will consume mental power, and if you use it too much, you will feel mentally exhausted.

“Although my spirit is weaker now, as long as I am willing to invest, it will not be difficult for the spirit to increase at first.” Lin Dongwei smiled and was in a good mood, this time it was double happiness!

The cultivation base has gone from the martial artist level to the martial artist advanced level, the martial soul has awakened, and it is an extremely suitable martial soul for him!

Out of the room, Lin Dong saw Lu Xian who was preparing ingredients, she looked serious.

“The exercises for Xianxian can’t be practiced. When she becomes stronger in the future, she has to take her to see a famous doctor.” Lin Dongxin secretly said that now he is not treating Lu Xian as a maid but as a younger sister.

“Big brother.” Lu Xian saw Lin Dong come out and yelled sweetly, but her eyes were worried.

“Xianxian, what’s the matter?” Lin Dong asked.

Lu Xian got up and took out a war post: “Big Brother, the official of the Fierce City sent this to you during your training.”

Lin Dong accepted the battle post. This is not someone challenging him, but an official battle!

The two sides of the duel, Lin Dong and Xiong Kuan.

Five days later, at noon, at the 80th Killing Terrace!

“Big brother, what should I do?” Lu Xian said worriedly, “This Xiong Kuan is very powerful!”

Lin Dong included the war post into Naxu’s precepts: “Xianxian, tell me about this Xiong Kuan.”


“Xiong Kuan was twenty years old. Three years ago, he joined the caravan in Fierce City. He was cultivated as the pinnacle of warriors. He was born with supernatural power. The spirit of the earth demon bear can increase his power a lot! His weapon is the saber and the sword. It weighs 120 kilograms and has two second-grade treasure seals on it, which are second-grade treasure swords!”

“Xiong Kuan was bloodthirsty and cruel. After three years in Fierce City, no fewer than 300 people died in his hands. Each of them died miserably. Many of them had already been killed by him and he had to chop several times. “

Speaking of this, Lu Xian is very worried and said: “Big brother, Xiong Kuan killed a dozen martial arts masters, and one of them has a martial arts master level. This battle is not fair!”

“Are you compliant?” Lin Dongdao.

Lu Xian thought for a while and said: “The rules are still good. After all, big brother, you also have a martial arts rating. If you hide your strength, you also have a martial arts level, but if Xiong Li has hidden…”

“Don’t worry too much, even if the problem was not big before, there are not many problems now.” Lin Dong smiled authentically.

The cultivation base has reached the later stage of the warrior. If he can’t beat the Xiong Kuan at the peak of the warrior, then he deserves to die!

Fourth-rank talent in stick skills, fourth-rank talent in earth martial arts, and practicing death magic skills, these are huge advantages!

“Big brother, are you sure you can win?” Lu Xian said with joy.

Lin Dong nodded slightly: “OK, what Xiong Kuan is not a good thing, he has lived to the end!”

“Big brother, I believe in you.”



“Xiong Kuan, catch it.” Baker said with a bit of reluctance. He threw a small jade bottle in his hand to Xiong Kuan. “There is a pill inside that can make you break through your current realm. My eldest brother rewards it. For you!”

Xiong Kuan was excited when he caught the jade bottle. He has been trapped in the pinnacle of the martial artist for a long time. With this pill, it is very likely that he can break through and become a master of martial arts!

The pinnacle of the martial artist is only one step away from the martial master, but the strength is quite different. If he becomes a martial master, Xiong Kuan is 100% confident that he can kill Lin Dong.

“Xiong Kuan, thank you Master Guardian for the reward.” Xiong Kuan arched his hands. He is relatively strong, but he is far from Baker’s eldest brother in both strength and status!

Baker said solemnly: “Xiong Brother rewarded you with this pill, you should know what he means!”

Xiong Kuan grinned and said: “Don’t worry, I’ll let Lin Dong die, and he will die tragically! I’ll tear all his limbs off his body and take his head off. Master Bei, you play as a ball!”

“Very good!” Baker nodded in satisfaction, “Xiong Kuan, I am still very relieved of your work. Go back and break through earlier. Although your current strength is very likely to kill Lin Dong, but my big brother Don’t like accidents, you will be 100% sure after breaking through!”

“Yes, Bey!”

Xiong left contentedly, and there are still five days to compete, enough for him to break through and become a martial artist!

“Things that do not live or die, there is a way in heaven, you don’t go, and there is no way to hell, you have to break in!” Baker sneered, “Pei gave you a chance before, you didn’t cherish it!”

“The match between you and Xiong Kuan does not violate the rules. I blame you for bad luck. Who let him break through before the match? Haha!”

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