The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 18: Qin Yan’s true content

“Beast, take my last punch!”

   Lin Dong roared, he did not use the limit martial arts, but he felt that he had reached the limit at this time!

   may fall to the ground in the next moment, Lin Dong’s punch has contained all his strength and all his aura!

   punched out, there seemed to be something broken in Lin Dong’s body, and countless thin warm currents poured out from each cell. In an instant, Lin Dong felt that his physical strength and spirit had recovered a lot!

  ”This is–“

   Lin Dong was inexplicably surprised, he had read a lot of information, this seems to be a phenomenon that only breaks through the barrier of martial arts!

   Breaking through the barrier of warriors, the fire of life has become a lot more vigorous, and it is normal to restore some strength!

   “I broke through to the sixth-level martial artist?” Lin Dong was excited, this shouldn’t be an illusion, it might be true!


   roared, the injured liger bite Lin Dong’s head fiercely, the blood basin was big enough to swallow Lin Dong’s entire head completely!

   “Beast, since my cultivation base has been improved and I have gained a lot of strength, it’s time to end.”

   Lin Dong rolled on the ground and waved his hand, and the handful of soil that had just been caught on the ground quickly spilled into the eyes of the liger beast!

   Liger beast’s eyes closed, Lin Dong’s body immediately plunged into the liger beast’s abdomen!


   Lin Dong smashed a violent punch, swelling a lot of fists, and hit the liger beast’s abdomen fiercely!

   With Lin Dong’s current martial arts level six cultivation base, this fist has a powerful force of six to seven hundred kilograms!

   The abdomen of the liger beast is a weak point, and the strength of six to seven hundred kilograms made it so painful that it temporarily lost its ability to fight back.

   hit his hand, Lin Dong rolled back, before the liger hadn’t reacted, he slammed a punch to the joint of the liger’s hind leg!


  ’s eyes entered a bit of mud, the soft belly was hit, and the hind leg was hit again. The liger screamed. Lin Dong’s attack just now caused more damage to it than before!

   Before Lin Dong was full of strength, the liger was also unharmed. Later, the liger’s resistance decreased, but Lin Dong’s attack also decreased. Lin Dong tried his best to bring down the liger!

   Now, Lin Dong has the ability to bring down the liger!

   “Beast, your time to die is here!”

   Lin Dong dodges the liger beast’s attack while his fists are constantly falling on the liger beast. The basic boxing method and footwork have been greatly improved. The foundation is laid in the fierce battle, and the effect is very good!

   The liger roared again and again, but its aura was not so full, and its eyes were already showing fear. It wanted to escape, but at this time all four legs were injured. Among them, the joints of the left hind leg were broken by Lin Dong. !

   This liger beast couldn’t figure out how, how could this thin human being without a strong aura burst out of such a strong power, such a human being with a cultivation level, he has never lost!


   roared, the liger beast was eager to pounce, but it did not pounce on Lin Dong, but immediately turned and fled!

  ”Want to escape?”

   Lin Dong’s eyes lit up. If the liger continued to attack, he might die, but the liger actually chose to escape!

   You must know that in the battle just now, one of the liger’s hind legs was scrapped, and its tail was also damaged before. Escape is equivalent to exposing its own weakness to Lin Dong!


   Lin Dong screamed and stepped forward, and the liger beast’s tail like a steel whip whizzed and swept over!

   Even if he was injured, the liger’s tail was very strong. Lin Dong’s eyes showed a crazy look. He raised his left hand and actually grabbed the violently drawn liger’s tail abruptly.

  In an instant, most of the bones in Lin Dong’s left hand were broken!

   “Go to death!”

   Lin Dong’s right fist hit the liger’s right hind leg in a very short time, and the target was the joint of the liger!

   The liger is very flexible, but now it has suffered serious injuries, especially the limbs. It is not easy to turn around at this time. When Lin Dong broke out, the speed is very fast. This punch accurately fell to the liger. On the right hind leg joint!


  ’s light and crisp voice sounded, and Lin Dong’s face showed joy, and the two hind leg joints of the liger were all broken!


   The liger roared, and the leaves around it shook, but the two broken joints of its hind legs were worse than the tooth-extracted tiger, and the tooth-extracted tiger could escape!

   “You almost killed me, but you are the one who is dead now!” Lin Dong took a deep breath. He didn’t come close, and the palm of his left hand was almost lost at this time. It was very close to the liger. Danger.

   Lin Dong looked around, and soon, he found a wooden stick with thick arms and slammed it on the head of the liger. The head and shell of the liger was very hard, but Lin Dong was a stick. There were three to four hundred kilograms of power going down, and after he knocked a dozen sticks, the liger finally fainted unwillingly.


   Liger fainted, Lin Dong approached the head of the liger and punched it, and the force of six to seven hundred kilograms broke out in an instant!

   The liger was awakened from pain, but it had no chance. Lin Dong hit the same place with another punch!

   Soon, the liger was completely silent, and its brain was shattered by Lin Dong’s terrifying force!

   “So tired.”

   When the liger beast died, Lin Dong felt that the strength of his whole body was fading rapidly, and all that was left was pain and exhaustion. He had the urge to immediately fall down and sleep for three days and three nights.

   stayed strong and did not fall, looking at the liger, Lin Dong couldn’t believe that such a mature liger was killed by himself, although he finally broke through to the sixth-level martial artist. , But this liger beast has at least the strength of a seventh-level warrior, maybe even an eighth-level strength!

   “It is very lucky to be able to kill this guy. If it weren’t just to break through and die, it’s me! This is a fantasy world that won’t really die, but this fantasy world is so real, it’s no different from being real!”

  ”My current cultivation base is still too low. If I had the cultivation base of a 7th or 8th level martial artist, I wouldn’t have made it so bad at all! The basic footwork of the basic boxing technique is a bit worse, and I will still need it by then. Good martial arts, and without weapons, it’s a big disadvantage!”

   “You must get a nice stick!”

   Lin Dong was resting, and summing up, forming the habit of summarizing after every battle, he felt this was necessary!


   the beast roared, and another liger came out, Lin Dong’s expression changed, and it was absolutely impossible for him to deal with another liger in his current state.

   As expected, even though Lin Dong made an all-out effort, in less than two minutes, he was slapped to pieces by the second liger beast!



  In the first floor of the Seven-Star Tower, Lin Dong screamed, the feeling of just dying was quite real and terrifying!

   looked around, he has appeared in the channel, he can choose to quit or continue to practice!

   “Really broke through to the sixth-level martial artist.” Lin Dong muttered to himself, the physical feeling has been different from before.

  ”Students, please choose whether to continue within three breaths!” A crisp prompt sounded.

   “Don’t continue!”

   Lin Dong chose to refuse. He planned to practice here for a long time at a time, but found that it couldn’t work. Although his body was fine, he did his best to fight, and he was mentally exhausted!

   Along the passage, Lin Dong quickly withdrew from the Seven Star Tower.


   “It seems to have broken through to the sixth level of martial artist!”

  Lin Dong died in the illusion, and several instructors who were watching outside the Seven-Star Tower knew immediately, and he was seen by several instructors as soon as he exited the Seven-Star Tower.

  The martial artist can’t see through Lin Dong’s cultivation base, but several instructors have martial artist-level cultivation bases, and all have the cultivation bases of the martial arts peak in the later period of the martial artist. It is not difficult to see Lin Dong’s cultivation base!

   “The reason for supporting for so long was because I broke through to the sixth-level warrior!”

   “The sixth-level warrior has supported it for so long, and it is very good. The average sixth-level warrior may not be able to support Yizhuxiang!”

   Several instructors whispered, they were surprised, if they knew the real situation, they would be even more surprised!

   At the beginning, Lin Dong did not reach the sixth-level warrior. He fought the liger with a fifth-level warrior for more than ten minutes. After breaking through to the sixth-level, Lin Dong beheaded a liger!

   After supporting for so long, the liger may not be killed. Those mentors never thought of this aspect. After all, the strength of the liger is equivalent to a seventh-level martial artist or even an eighth-level martial artist!


   Leaving from the Seven Star Tower, Lin Dong went straight to the dormitory.

   After working hard for so long, and the cultivation base has broken through, Lin Dong is ready to relax a little bit.

   Training requires hard work, but the combination of work and rest is also very important.

   Lin Dong intends to have a good meal, and by the way, he invited Qin Yan together. The two are roommates, but it has been more than 20 days, and I had a meal together in the cafeteria on the first day. I seem to be a little too gentleman. Up.

  –Although Lin Dong doesn’t know what Kun Shi is like!

   “After eating, I will buy a good stick later!” Lin Dong secretly said in his heart.

   The best sticks are definitely not cheap, but now I have thousands of gold tickets on my body, so it’s not a big problem!

   The dormitory of the Seven Star Martial Arts Academy can be entered without having to push the door with a key. This is an application of the formation, Lin Dongjue’s magic, but now there is no time to distract and study the formation!


   Thinking, Lin Dong pushed the door open without knocking. The next moment Qin Yan’s exclamation sounded~ Lin Dong came back to his senses and quickly closed the door. In the living room, Qin Yan was not without Wear clothes, but she is actually wearing women’s clothing at this time!


   Lin Dong was a little startled, the beautiful girl in front of him is Qin Yan?

   in a snow-white skirt, Qin Yan is like a beautiful fairy walking out of the painting, like a dream and fantasy!

   Lin Sha is a beautiful woman, Tang Hanyan is even worse, but compared with Qin Yan, they all have a big gap.

   The usual Qin Yan Lin Dong can’t see any temperament, but this will change his costume, and the proud temperament appears on Qin Yan. Tang Hanyan is the little princess of the palace, but the temperament is far from Qin Yan!

   It is hard to compare, the difference between Tang Hanyan and Qin Yan’s temperament is just like the difference between Lin Sha’s temperament and Tang Hanyan’s current temperament. It is not at the same level at all. It is a princess of a country. Lin Dong estimates that it is not comparable to Qin Yan!

   “Lin Dong… why are you back at this time?” Qin Yan said in a flustered manner. Her voice was not the usual one, but it was crisp and sweet. It is estimated that her appearance, temperament, voice, etc. have been completely changed by treasures!

   “You change your clothes first, I’m not used to you like this.” Lin Dong took a deep breath.

   Now Lin Dong is obsessed with martial arts, but he has to admit that Qin Yan’s beautiful face makes him a little tempted.

   A look of surprise flashed in Qin Yan’s eyes, but Lin Dong’s eyes were not intoxicated, and she asked her to change her clothes first!

   Change someone, I’m afraid I don’t want her to change clothes but want to strip her clothes!

   (please collect, please recommend~~ Brothers recommend votes every day, please vote for everyone~)

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