The Emperor Descending the Heavens Chapter 3: Terrorist technique!

Nine Death Demon Gong Lin Dong has only two levels of exercises for the time being. Except for Mind, there are a total of nine fixed movements in the first level, and the nine movements in the second level are subdivided into 81 movements and nine fixed movements. The nine movements that need to be dynamic, all the subtleties need to be expressed.

  ”The action standard is required for the mind to work. The first action is to stand… Strange, can you still train while standing?”

   Lin Dong secretly said in his heart that he received the information from the emperor to know the detailed standards, and then tried to stand up.

   “No, no feeling.”

  ”It’s not like that. Some of my toes seem to be out of place.”

   Lin Dong is constantly adjusting, ten years of training is not white training, he has a strong control over his body.

   Ten minutes later, a strong electric current rises from the sole of the left foot, goes straight up along the foot, near the pubic area and to the lower right, extends the right leg into the right foot, and it seems to form a loop with the earth.

   Lin Dong’s legs trembled, and he felt an electric shock just now, but it was more uncomfortable than an electric shock, and his legs were numb and tingling!

   “Yes, that’s it, but it’s a bit too painful. It can be done once or twice. If you continue to do this…” Lin Dong groaned in his heart, but his eyes were extremely firm!

   After taking a short break, Lin Dong continued to practice. This time it took a little shorter. In eight minutes, Lin Dong felt the current that made him love and hate. It was the pulsation of the earth!

   There are thousands of powers between the heaven and the earth, and the nine death magic works are incomparable.

   It’s just that the world is not so easy to borrow, and it puts a lot of pressure on yourself!

  In the past three days, Lin Dong has succeeded in “station” many times. In the first ten minutes, he could induce the energy of the earth pulse once, and now it can be once in a minute!

   Lin Dong can actually perform standard moves in a shorter time, but his body can’t stand it!

   After all the nine actions are completed, the blood flame can be condensed, and the blood flame can be increased by killing. Now I still have to relax a little, otherwise, let alone join the Fenglei Wuyuan, the body is estimated to be crippled!


   Lin Dong gave a soft drink, and his body began to advance rapidly in the dense forest, turning constantly as he moved forward. In just three days, his speed increased a lot, and his reaction speed also increased a lot!


   A few minutes later, Lin Dong stopped. He was excited. Emperor Wen didn’t know what kind of existence it was. The nine-death magic power given was too wonderful, and Fenglei Wuyuan definitely didn’t have such a wonderful power!

   As for the stronger power, Lin Dong doesn’t know, he can’t get in touch with that power at all now!

  ”The first action is to stand, and the second is to squat. I have been squatting for many years. This action should not take long to learn!”

   Lin Dong took a deep breath and calmed down. He is still just a small warrior now, and the road to go is extremely long!

   With the experience of “standing” and the foundation of ten years of horse-stepping, Lin Dong felt the first force of “squatting” within a few minutes. The hot force was generated in the spine, from the end to the top. Lin Dong’s eyes went black and almost fainted. This style was too painful, but the spine was full of nerves.

   “I wipe it!”

   Lin Dong exploded with vulgarity, which was too painful. This style aroused the fire force in the space!

  If it is the power of the water system, it may not be so painful. The power of the fire system, every nerve seems to be roasted by the fire, and there is no pain to faint, Lin Dong can already be proud of his willpower!

  ”Little guy, bear with me.” Emperor Wen said gloating, “This is good for you. The spine is a human dragon, and the fire element refines it. You can burst out stronger power when you fight!”

   Lin Dong gritted his teeth, the guy who created this technique is a genius, but also a lunatic!

   created this kind of exercise, that guy was not afraid of crippling himself when he founded it?

   “The emperor asked, if you did not watch the show like this, but pointed me to practice, I would be very grateful.” Lin Dongdao.

  ”Little guy, you want to be beautiful. It is a great blessing for you to be able to talk to this seat. You still want this seat to guide you.”

   Lin Dong snorted and didn’t talk more with the emperor. There is no interest. The possibility that the emperor is free is too low!

   “Although it is too painful, but I can barely bear it!”

   Lin Dong secretly said in his heart, as soon as he gritted his teeth, he continued to conform to the “squatting” movement. Five minutes later, Lin Dong felt the pain again. He had just endured it once without rest. The second time he did not become accustomed. A little bit, but it becomes more painful!

   Standing, squatting, this is the most basic posture of the Nine Death Magic Skills. Lin Dong has adapted to standing in three days and squatting in five days. This is already very good for ordinary people!

   Ten years of training did not improve Lin Dong’s strength too much, but it laid a good foundation for Lin Dong. If not, Lin Dong would not be able to adapt to standing and squatting even after spending two or three times the time!

   “Eight days, there are two days before the enrollment of the Martial Arts Department of the Fenglei Martial Arts Academy!” Lin Dong’s eyes flickered, and the eight days of training have improved a lot. I don’t know what ranking he will be in by then!

  ”The third posture is sitting.”

   Lin Dong walked forward quickly, this sitting is not an ordinary sitting, but sitting in the water, diverting the power of the water system to temper his skin!

   Body refining, skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, etc. all need to be tempered, so as to resist powerful attacks. Among several types, skin and muscles are the first to be refined, and ordinary skin refining methods are difficult to cover the whole body. Every inch of skin, but the magic power of the nine deaths is completely possible!

   In the water, the water touches the body in all directions, and every inch of skin can be tempered!

   Soon, Lin Dong arrived at a water pool and took off only one **** pants. He pushed hard under his feet and jumped into the water.

   “Standing and squatting are the easiest. Sitting in the water is difficult. I don’t know if one day, can I learn it!” Lin Dong secretly said in his heart that he only has one day to practice, and he has to rush to Tianyang City on the last day!

   Get the Nine Death Magic Skills, Lin Dong can practice without entering the Fenglei Martial Arts Academy, but the speed of training will be much slower, becoming a student of Fenglei Martial Arts Academy, especially an excellent student, he can get a lot of training resources!

   Two years, Lin Dong clearly knows that he has only two years of life, and every day is extremely important!

   Ten minutes passed.

   “Damn it, the water really doesn’t look like on the shore.” Lin Dong frowned. On the rock, he can perform accurate movements relatively easily. In the water, the flow of water, and the pressure of the water will affect his movements!

   Time passed by, Lin Dong tried again and again, but most of the time passed by without a single success!

   But there are still gains. From the very beginning, I was a little anxious, and Lin Dong gradually calmed down.

   My life is only two years old. I need to hurry up, but I don’t have to be too impatient. I can’t solve the problem.

   The sun fell, Lin Dong took a deep breath and was submerged in the water again. He tried countless actions. Two minutes later, Lin Dong thought he was going to fail again this time, but at this moment, he felt bad. Terrible pressure hit every inch of his skin from all directions.

  ’s ears roared, and the eyelids seemed to be crushed into the eyeballs by the terrifying water pressure. Between the legs, the two eggs were under strong pressure, and the unspeakable pain nearly broke Lin Dong’s spirit.

   But fortunately, the pressure comes and goes quickly. Lin Dong’s standard movements only lasted for a moment, and the pressure only existed for a moment.

   “Huh, huh!”

   his head rises to the surface of the water, and Lin Dong gasps for breath with a look of horror in his eyes. This “sitting” is too terrifying, and it just made him feel dying in an instant. If it is so painful again and again…

   “It’s terrible. It’s just sitting. The following actions are more difficult than one, and one is more unbearable.” Lin Dong smiled bitterly in his heart~ I chose this way of refining, I don’t know if it will be. I will play myself to death!

   I touched my skin with my hand. It only succeeded once, but it seems that the skin has become firmer. The Nine Death Magic Technique works best when I first practice it!

   “Although the pain is terrifying, but the effect of this body refining is nothing to say.” Lin Dong said lightly, his eyelids, eardrums, lower body, etc. were all subjected to body refining. If he persisted, he might pierce them with a knife. Without breaking his eyelids, the terrifying sound of the eardrum can easily be withstood!

   Three minutes later, Lin Dong gritted his teeth and sank into the water again. He wanted to become stronger. He had paid for his twenty-year lifespan. What is the pain?

   There was a successful precedent. After half an hour, Lin Dong tried the “wonderful” taste again.

   After five hours, the sky is completely dark.

   Lin Dong crawled out of the pool. His whole body was sore and weak. He succeeded thirty times in five hours.

   The skin strength has increased a lot, but the pressure on his body is also great. Now even if he wants to continue, he can’t do it, otherwise it will hurt the body, which will affect the future training, and the gain will not be worth the loss!

   “You can get some resources when you enter the Fenglei Martial Arts Academy, some minor injuries can be recovered, and the refining time can definitely be extended!”

   Lin Dong returned to Zhuangzi with his exhausted body. Tomorrow is the day when Fenglei Martial Arts Academy recruits students. Lin Dong’s eyes are shining with expectation. He had beaten his body before but did not intend to take the path of physical training. Now , Lin Dongjue’s body refining is also good for getting the Nine Death Magic Skills!

   Of course, if it is better to control the elemental power in the future, Emperor Wen should be able to enhance his elemental talent, but he needs lifespan!

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