The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 2295: Change (1)

Shen Yanxiao stepped back to the Alchemist Guild at night, after that, she has been studying alchemy slowly.

In the early morning of the next day, the Priest Alchemist Guild received a huge sum of money, which was distributed by Monmond.

The moment he received the money, Ge Gelu was dumbfounded. This money was more than any previous subsidy, and it was not the time to issue the subsidy. Why did the king suddenly send it like this? A lot of money?

Ge Gelu has been struggling with the source of this money all day. To this end, he also ran to the activity area of ​​other alchemist guilds and found that all the alchemist guilds received the same amount of money .

“It’s going to be red rain this day? Why did my king give so much money?” Ge Gelu sat on a chair in the guild’s activity area stupidly, with an expression of sorrow.

I still remember that the dwarf who sent the money said that from now on, the Alchemist Guild will issue funds according to such specifications.

Suddenly enough funds are enough for the alchemists in the Alchemist Guild to live a life as rich as the pharmacists. The alchemists no longer have to worry about alchemy funds. Ge Gelu also No more trying to figure out how to get money.

Happiness came too suddenly, and the alchemists of the Alchemist Guild felt that they were still dreaming.

The stubborn alchemists suddenly became rich, which made a group of alchemists who had been poor for many years weeping with joy. When Ge Gelu sent everyone the corresponding money, Alchemists almost wept.

“My King finally knows our suffering, oh oh, my King did not forget us.” While crying and crying, a group of alchemists cried with headache.

Yu Lei squatted in the room, watching the group of crying alchemists outside, with a speechless expression.

Dwarves, really few are normal.

On the night when money was in place, Ge Gelu invited all the alchemists of the guild to have a big meal. In the same restaurant, several other members of the alchemist guild were also present.

It seems that all the presidents of the Alchemists’ Guild have the same feeling. The first time they get money, they want to give benefits to the alchemists in the guild.

Since then, alchemists are no longer poor, and they enjoy the same treatment as pharmacists.

No one knows why Monmont came up with a whimsy to add money to the alchemists. Many dwarves were curious about this monmont approach, and the pharmacists secretly relieved, alchemy As the treatment of the teachers improves, they will not continue to stare at them as pharmacists.

After receiving this news, the royal alchemists are also happy for other alchemists.

They also came from an ordinary alchemist. Naturally, they know how hard the alchemist has been. They also thought about changing the treatment of the alchemist as their royal alchemist, but they Without the courage to go directly to Monmond to say this, they could not figure out whether the alchemist’s current treatment is the meaning of the king. After all, this situation was not only in the Monmond generation, but also the kings of other dwarves.

However, all this suffering has passed in already. The alchemists finally endured hardships. They lived in poverty for a long time, allowing them to drink in the dining room and vent all the past.

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