Shura’s Wrath Chapter 205: Get insulted

Plains District is noisy and quiet.

The players who used to ridicule Ling Tian can no longer make sounds, and those Yan Huang Alliance players who laughed at them no longer laughed. Everyone’s eyes widened and their mouths widened … Even the expression of Long Tianyun was instantly stiff.

No one can see how Ling Tian shot, and no one can see his movements. They only saw the result after a flash of light and flint … Flame Emperor was dead. In the previous second, Flame Emperor Cang Yan, which was taunting and provoking Ling Tian with contempt, was instantly killed by Ling Tian. Moreover, being hit by Ling Tian, it flew dozens of meters away … It was such a terrible blow that it was so far away. And the number of broken 10,000 injuries is enough for Cang Yan to die dozens of times!

Who is Cang Yan? China Heaven Ranking fourth, China recognized the first element division, all element division players insurmountable mythical players. Adoration by countless players, but also by countless Class players. When he provoked to Ling Tian, people waited to see his show, but in the end, he was killed instantly! It was just a moment, without even struggling, and died under the hands of Ling Tian.

“You don’t want to disappear forever from Level Rankings, just give me control of my mouth.”

Bland and disdainful voice, a blow to destroy Flame Emperor in one second, ridiculously mocking Cang Yan‘s ignorance and involuntary power … Yes, it is mocking Cang Yan‘s involuntary power! As if the fourth Powerful Flame Emperor of Heaven Ranking, in his eyes is nothing more than a poor ant worth mentioning. However, in the face of such disdain and ridicule, no one laughed at already. He can’t do anything under his hands, and Flame Emperor can fully bear his ridicule.

“Hey, take your own shame.” Yun Feng grinned at the corner of his mouth, and couldn’t help but grin. He is the person who knows the strength of Ling Chen best. I believe that he had no suspense when defeating Flame Emperor, but he did not expect that it was so fast and so neat … One shot broke through 10,000 injuries and smashed dozens of meters away at once, such a picture It’s too shocking. This kind of strength is too horrible … Is this the level of Eve, which is called the highest strength beyond human limits?

He glanced at the expression of Xiao Qiufeng. This Cold Magistrate‘s protruding eyes and dull face made him very satisfied … I believe this Cold Magistrate will no longer hum the Ling Tian. Such words come.

It took a while for the players to explode.

“Wow Oh! !!! So cool !!!”

Looking at the live Xiao Qi together in the hut, they jumped up high, holding their cheeks in their hands, and their feet were constantly stepping on the ground. They did n’t know what action to use and what language to release their excitement. . Su Er covered her lips with her hands, star eye dazzled with radiance, Yun Mengxin eyes, Shuiruo cheered in laughter, extremely happy … Ling Tian did not kill ordinary players in one hit, but Heaven Ranking fourth, majestic Octagonal Flame Emperor Ah!

This is enough to make him famous.

The most calm is Mu Bingyao. Her expression was always so indifferent, as if what happened on the screen was simply normal.

Flame Emperor … was, was seconded …”

“More than ten thousand injuries … I wiped it! Really fake …”

“What was Skill just now, more than 10,000 injuries … more than 10,000 Ah!

“This is the strength of Ling Tian? Flame Emperor in front of him … was directly seconds Ah!

“Well terrible explosive power … This explosive power, who can escape the attack just now?”

“Is the stone pillar-like weapon in his hand the Great Ravager that just appeared on Equipment Rankings?”



The moment when Flame Emperor was extinguished, the player base was completely boiled. People’s eyes on Ling Chen changed completely. From the previous look at a “starter” and “arrogant”, they became shocked … There was a growing enthusiasm. Along the trajectory of Flame Emperor being smashed and flying, the crowd flashed a passage, and people saw Flame Emperor‘s body lying crooked on the ground … That 10,000-injured blow, how could Flame Emperor be unable to survive, and lying there cannot die Die again. Before, he proactively provoked Ling Tian, but in a blink of an eye, he died in an ugly manner without even having a chance to shoot. He challenged Ling Tian before, but now it looks like a cute joke.

Hoo …

At this time, a large group of players emerged from the crowd, rushed to the center area, surrounded the Ling Chen group in the center, and in a blink of an eye, it was almost a thousand players surrounding the Ling Chen, with the shield in front, With the stab in the middle, the elemental teacher in the back began to chant, Archer opened the bow string by hand, and the summoner began to call the spell, target, pointing directly to the center of Ling Tian.

These are undoubtedly Yan Huang Alliance people, their Flame Emperor is destroyed, how can they stay there, and hula lame came out.

Sudden changes made the scene quiet for a while, but immediately a louder whisper was heard.

“What does this mean? Want to come under siege?”

Flame Emperor was singled out for Ling Tian, and was killed when he was killed.”

Flame Emperor is trying to kill himself. Is such a big Yan Huang Alliance a virtue? If you ca n’t fight, you will besiege?”


Ling Chen glanced at the people around him, sneered, and clapped their hands vigorously: “Hahahaha, I heard that Yan Huang Alliance is crowded, it is my first China country ~~ One ~~ Alliance! Now! At first glance, it ’s really a well-deserved name. Your Flame Emperor has to single out with me, and I have completed him, singled out. Alas, the advantages of many people can be shown at once, as the reputed China honor. And the first alliance of dignity, you really have a long face for us China. “

Ling Chen‘s words are extremely ridiculous, especially the last sentence, which indirectly stimulates people’s anger at Yan Huang Alliance. Ling Chen looks through the crowd and looks at Long Tianyun: “Since you are this virtue, then hurry up and attack it. As for the appointment with Sword Emperor, I still think it’s fine, because even if I win, you can move another 100,000 million people to besiege. As for Guild Creation Token, hehehehe … “

“Fuck, it’s shameless!”

“Don’t fight if you can’t afford to lose, despise.”

Ling Tian, I support you this time.”

Flame Emperor was embarrassed by someone for a second. He also looked for it by himself. Everyone looks in his eyes. No wonder anyone can’t beat him and siege. Yan Huang Alliance, do you want to lose your face? “


The taunt of Ling Chen and the voices of the players around him made Long Tianyun‘s eyebrows tighten and tighten. He glanced at Yan Ying and said coldly, “Who made them come out!?”

“… Cang Yan died, they should have rushed out subconsciously.” Yan Ying said immediately. He did not make such an order … Of course, there is a possibility that he did not say that it was the order of Cang Yan under Qi after death. With his heart and chest, the provocative provocation in the first second, and the slam in the air the second second, the shame at that moment was enough to make his lungs explode.

“Let them all go down!” growled Long Tianyun.

“Yes!” The Yan Ying alliance responded. If this is a personal grudge, so much attention. After Flame Emperor‘s death, it is undoubtedly to strike his own face, making people’s impression of Yan Huang Alliance plummet. He is low. I asked, “So Cang Yan …”

“Don’t Resurrection him. Huh, isn’t it embarrassing enough! If you let him Resurrection, he might not do anything later.” Long Tianyun waved.

Yan Ying took it seriously, did not take out revival scrolls, and quickly issued an order to spread immediately.

“Retreat all! Who told you to come out! This is a fair showdown, the death of Flame Emperor, no one can blame anyone!” Yan Ying stepped forward and yelled.

Yan Ying speaks, those players who have been sitting in the voices of their players have been pardoned and retreated quickly. The voices of the players have been reduced, and only Ling Tian and Sword Emperor remain in the blank Plains Region in the middle.

“Just when Flame Emperor died, my Yan Huang Alliance people were impatient and made an unwise move to make everyone laugh. I Yan Huang Alliance has always kept its promises, never let it go, and never do anything deceptive to war.” Yan Ying stood in front of him, loud Said: “Please forget what you just said. Today ’s theme is the duel between Ling Tian and Sword Emperor. I hope there are no other factors to disturb, Ling Tian, if you are ready, you can start.”

“I can start at any time.” Ling Chen said casually, and then put away two eye-catching Fairy Grade Equipment, replaced by the whiteboard one-handed sword that had previously appeared.

“Be careful.” Long Tianyun whispered to Sword Emperor.

Yan Ying was speechless for a while … Before, the four words Long Tianyun said to Sword Emperor were “quick decision”, but at this moment, it was “careful.” Obviously, Long Tianyun already felt threatened in that blow. Before today, he, or everyone else, underestimated Ling Tian, completely underestimated. People would think that his Powerful is in Level and equipped, so he would have Powerful Defense and attack, but these are not enough to make Long Tianyun feel threat, he believes in the strength of Sword Emperor. But I killed the Flame Emperor just now … the rapid shift, replaced the Equipment in an extremely short shift, and then shot a fierce blow … The strength of Flame Emperor is not only that he has the fire control ability of Powerful, It is because he has a far more ordinary fighting consciousness, but in this way, he did not respond under the attack of Ling Tian, and was hit in one shot. The kind of explosiveness that caught Flame Emperor off guard is definitely not owned by ordinary people.

Now Long Tianyun, already began to regret that they should accept the Ling Tian contract yesterday. At that time, he was in a state of emotional instability because of his anger, and that emotion was the most unsuitable for making decisions. When his mood calmed down, he had a brief regret, but his regret disappeared immediately, because he knew how powerful Sword Emperor was Powerful, and coupled with the innocence and arrogance shown by Ling Tian, he could n’t find Sword Emperor and he would lose. Reasons for Ling Tian.

The Ling Tian finally revealed his strength just now. But at this moment, Long Tianyun regretted it, and already was too late. What he saw was not only the Powerful on the strength of Ling Tian, but also what disturbed him … This Ling Tian is not only very powerful, but also from yesterday to today, under such great attention, it has always been wavering. Surprised, relaxed, and with such a state of mind, how could he be an impulsive and arrogant person.

He said yesterday that such people are either too clever or stupid … the latter already is impossible, it can only be the former. A too smart person took the initiative to make an appointment for Sword Emperor and also placed a huge stack. There is only one possibility, and that is … he really has absolute certainty!

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