The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 859: Worship (1)

The identity of the prince attracted the attention of the phantom team.

As they were about to continue the discussion, Nangong Mengmeng came over and found them.

The six people closed their mouths with consensus, and looked at Nangong Mengmeng, who was uninvited.

Nangong Mengmeng walked in front of several people with some cramps, Bai Jing’s small face with a hint of red halo, fluttering big eyes still staring at Shen Yanxiao.

“Is there something wrong?” Shen Yanxiao felt a headache.

“That …” Nangong Mengmeng looked at Shen Yanxiao nervously. This was the first time an idol had spoken to her.

Did you feel dizzy?

Qi Xia and others looked curiously at the girl in front of them. They were no strangers to such shy expressions. They often saw similar shyness around them, but …

The goal is wrong this time!

Look at Shen Yanxiao, who is pretending to be calm, and look at the nervous and shy Nangong Mengmeng. Five young boys have to make up for a pair of weird ideas.

The strange atmosphere of existence between these two girls is really difficult for them to interject.

So, five unscrupulous beasts watch from the wall, waiting for Shen Yanxiao to deal with this little girl with careful thinking.

“I … I admire you very much, can you be my master!” Nangong Mengmeng said suddenly, and the moment she finished, she was stupid.

She … is she too straightforward?

I was thinking about getting close to Shen Yanxiao and then gradually discussing the issue of worship, but when she was nervous, she yelled out the main purpose.

Nangong Mengmeng’s face turned red instantly.

Well, I’m so embarrassed, so imprecise, I’ll be despised by idols, too frivolous.

Shen Yanxiao just froze, she stared at Nangong Mengmeng suspiciously if she heard her ear wrong.

Five beasts already petrified in an instant.

This is too much information, right?

This little Nizi actually came to Xiao Xiao to worship?

But …

Nangong Mengmeng also looks 16 or 7 years old, about the same age as them, Shen Yan Xiao is only 14 years old …

A 16-year-old girl, looking for a 14-year-old luoli to worship.

Why does it sound so scary!

If you change someone else, they may not be so surprised, but where is Nangong Mengmeng? This product is a girl from God’s Land, which is very different from ordinary girls.

No one knows how much power the God Realm has, but you can understand it with your toes alone. The strength of the God Realm is nothing to say about the God Luoluo Academy. I’m afraid that the strength of training talents will directly kill all the colleges in the Bright Continent.

How many people have broken their heads and want to get closer to the Divine Realm. Even if they cannot enter the Divine Realm, they can be instructed by the Divine Divine One or Two. That is also the case of Guangzong Yaozu.

But Nangong Mengmeng slaps it hard and tries to slap him.

A young girl from Divine Realm who has unbelievable strength wants to worship Shen Yanxiao as a teacher …

The five beasts felt that their worldview would be distorted.

“What are you talking about?” Obviously, Shen Yanxiao couldn’t digest the problem.

Nangong Mengmeng looked at Shen Yanxiao anxiously, her face flushed with tension and embarrassment.

“I … I … I know it might be too bold to say this, but I really like the profession of warlock and admire your achievements. Although I am a bit naughty, but if you would accept me, I It must be honest and obedient! “

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