Against the Gods Chapter 1042: Traceless Stealth

Fog Vanishing Valley has always been extremely quiet. In the surviving principle, which is far more brutal than other regions, profound beast rarely screams.

Fog Vanishing Valley‘s profound beast are ice attribute, and all of them are Ice Phoenix disciple exiled, so there is almost no flame … let alone hiding the sky and covering the earth‘s Golden Crow Divine Flame!

Unexpectedly, the explosive Golden Crow sea of ​​fire is undoubtedly a thunderous thunder dropped by the deadly Fog Vanishing Valley. Under the blaze of fire, it instantly brought countless profound beast roars, growls, or panics, or anger, or mania.

In the sea of ​​fire, the weak profound beast was burned and incinerated, and the powerful profound beast was angry under burning. berserk, but outside the sea of ​​fire, the air was turbulent and snow was blowing in the sky. Numerous profound beasts swarmed like waves. An indescribable aura ran through the flames and the roar of the beast.

Aaaah …” There was a scream of Mu Yizhou in the sea of ​​fire. His aura did not approach, but was constantly retreat. Obviously he had been besieged by profound beast: “Yun Che … Are you crazy!”

“Heh… … Now, whoever dies first may not be sure! !! “

Yun Che laughed wildly, chose a direction, and rushed away at the fastest speed.

Since Mu Yizhou can’t be thrown away, the final method is to start profound beast and let profound beast hold him … It’s best to kill him!

Although he is not as good as Mu Yizhou on extreme speed, except for Extreme Mirage Lightning, also Star God’s Broken Shadow and Broken Moon’s Flickering Shadow!

Adding these ice attribute profound beast to Golden Crow Fire will definitely result in a loss of calm, anger, mania, and simple escape, but it will be much more beneficial.

Around, aura of profound beast rushed to the wind like … the front, side, rear, and even above …

Yun Che took another breath, his teeth clenched, his hands clenched, his eyes clenched tightly …

Central mind, eliminate distractions, five senses, Spirit Sense, sense of touch … spelled it! !!

Facing the profound beast from all directions, the speed of Yun Che’s not only slowed down, but suddenly accelerated. In the light of fire, his body picked up a dazzling phantom. When the phantom disappeared, he also disappeared. In the boundless flames.

Heaven Smiting Sword was stowed by Yun Che, maybe hundreds of times, maybe thousands of times. Sometimes he was Star God’s Broken Shadow, sometimes Broken Moon’s Flickering Shadow, just ten miles away, and countless afterimages were shattered under the fierce profound beast.

When he rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, his sight was full of profound beast who was shocked by the sea of ​​fire. When he saw Yun Che, he jumped up like crazy.

Yun Che jumped up to the high altitude, but it hasn’t stopped yet. Several Blizzard eagles came with deadly evil spirits, the claws of the eagle were not coming, and the storm of crazy had Yun Che in the center.

Yun Che eyes gloomy, dark blue Dragon Shadow emerged in the air.

Dragon Soul Domain! !!

The deterrence caused by the coercion of Dragon God to beasts is naturally much greater than that of human at the same level. Under Earthquake Dragon Roar, the profound beast below fled frantically in fear, all six Blizzard Eagles approaching him fell into convulsion, fell straight, and the rolled up storm quickly collapsed.

And Yun Che didn’t stop at all, flew towards the front, and disappeared into thick ice mist soon.

Ice Phoenix Temple.

Mu Xuanyin stands by the pool, watching snow lotus in the pool silently. The faceplate is empty, but the stems and leaves are shining, and the vitality remains.

“I believe it will be open again after nine thousand years.”

Mu Bingyun came over silently and stood beside Mu Xuanyin.

Mu Xuanyin didn’t speak.

Looking at the expression of Mu Xuanyin, Mu Bingyun lightly said: “Did you breathe out?”

Mu Xuanyin Bing eyes slightly turned: “Do you want to bring out?”

Mu Bingyun faintly sighed: “It’s already one day and one night, his cultivation base, you can’t know it better. Three days is basically a matter of impossible for him, no more bring out … Maybe even the chance of regret is gone.”

“Huh!” Mu Xuanyin voice/sound sullenly: “You are really nice to him.”

Mu Bingyun shook his head gently: “I just don’t want Elder Sister to regret it.”

“He’s not so easy to die.” Mu Xuanyin coldly said: “Even if he died, this is his punishment!”

“Yesterday, I didn’t dare to ask in detail. Yun Che What did he commit …”

“You don’t have to ask about it any more, don’t worry about it! He can leave alive to count his life, if he dies, he will be a hundred!”

Mu Xuanyin ’s aura is not as terrible as yesterday, but it is still ice cold heartless. Obviously, the anger is still there. After all, what Yun Che has committed is a felony that she absolutely cannot forgive. She turned around, with a deterrent cold qi. Leaving: “If you have several days, you have to go to Flame God Realm. In order to deal with that Flame Dragon, I need to retreat several days, and you will be here for me, no one can go! Especially … Do not approach Fog Vanishing Valley!”

“…” Mu Bingyun has no words, only sighs . It seems that Yun Che has committed too much big mistake this time.


Yun Che heavily threw himself in the thick snowdrift, panting heavily, and immediately he closed his lips tightly, pressing his own gasping sound as hard as possible, but his chest was violently undulating.

one day and one night was chased by profound beast. He also fled one day and one night. During this period, he escaped and never went to Heaven Smiting Sword again.

The profound beast here is too dense, and in the cruel environment, each Spirit Sense is keen and terrible. Even though he is Hidden Flowing Lightning, there is nowhere to hide. Because Hidden Flowing Lightning can only conceal aura, but the ubiquitous profound beast can directly find his location visually, especially the snow hawk giant soaring in the air. The heavy ice mist seems to them not exist.

Another wave of profound beast was thrown off by him, and there seemed to be no dangerous aura around. The Yun Che fluttering in the snowdrift did not stand for a long time, and his whole body was only weak. This brief respite is only three times a day, but it will not exceed a quarter of an hour each time.

After a while, Yun Che struggled to sit up … No! This way, basically impossible will face the third day. profound strength recovers as fast as it can’t afford such consumption. Maybe it will be at the end of the rope tomorrow. We must think of other ways.

Yun Che was thinking, while trying to recover the injury and profound strength with Great Way of the Buddha Art. But he just closed his eyes, and between the eyebrows suddenly jumped for no reason. He didn’t want to, body dropped short.

Rip! !!

The air made a sound of ear-piercing, a sharp cold wind swept over the top of Yun Che’s, tearing his great length hair.

Yun Che body rolls over, eyes sinks, and fixedly looks at the white shadow falling in the distance … It is an white wolf he saw when he just entered Fog Vanishing Valley!

This white wolf is also hidden in the snow, and suddenly rushes to it, which also makes him unaware of it in advance. Obviously, this is the usual hunting style of this terrible white wolf.

The rare respite was destroyed by this white wolf, Yun Che Spirit Sense swept around quickly, and decided not to choose to escape … but to destroy this white wolf with minimal movement!

Yun Che’s stretched his right hand to his chest and grabbed Cloud Butterfly Blade in his palm.

White wolf eyes flies sanguine light, and the slightly opened wolf mouth sends out extremely gloomy whisper. Obviously, it does not want to cause too much movement. His own desperate blow was actually avoided by the opponent, and his blood pupil was deeply vigilant. After a few stalemates, he suddenly sprang up like a lightning bolt, and the sharp wolf claws ripped Yun Che’s‘s heart.

Yun Che mind is tense, and the mind is extremely concentrated. The slamming trajectory of white wolf is clearly shown in his pupil. His eyes were cold, and he suddenly flashed in the moment when white wolf approached. At the same time, Cloud Butterfly Blade passed white wolf with extreme precision. Neck.

Yun Che’s form flashed out of hundred feet, then Lightning turned around, and was about to chase backhand, but suddenly stunned was there.

white wolf‘s body directly fell on a boulder covered with sharp ice in the distance. The skull and body separated instantly, and then there was no sound.

“…” Yun Che mouth slightly opened, after a few full breaths, slowly lowered his head, and looked Cloud Butterfly Blade with disbelief in his face.

one day and one night was chased and Yun Che was exhausted. At this time, the whole body profound strength was less than 40%. Although he just made sure that the short blade cut the neck of white wolf in his hand, at best he could only cut a minor wound … He never expected to cut the skull directly.

With this white wolf extremely oppressive aura … it is most likely a low grade Divine Soul beast! It is not easy to rip the flesh with his own profound strength at this moment, and it is so …

What’s even more strange is that I don’t even feel that I have cut off the entire skull.

Yun Che hurried forward, using cold ice profound strength to quickly white wolf‘s head and body seal, blocking the escape of bloody aura, then watching Cloud Butterfly Blade for a long time.

He spit lightly at profound energy. Suddenly, a half-foot blade was extended above Cloud Butterfly Bladecolorless is invisible. He moved his blade slowly towards his fingers, a few inches away, and his skin felt a sting like burning.

Palace Master Bingyun gave me such a terrible thing …” Yun Che said in a low voice, in the hands of profound strength, he easily cut off the body of a low grade Divine Soul beast. Wouldn’t it be Divine Soul profound practitioner with the same level …

If you can find a chance, maybe … even the strongest of Divine Soul Realm Late Stage can kill them all!

Yun Che suddenly remembered that Mu Bingyun said that this short blade was the ancestral property of her family. She and Mu Xuanyin were one and the other was named “Sound Butterfly Blade“. With the status of Mu Xuanyin and Mu Bingyun in Snow Song Realm … this short blade, maybe in Snow Song Realm is the general existence of top Supreme Treasure, how can it not be terrifying.

The profound tool of God Realm may still be extremely high level … and is it comparable to Blue Pole Star.

After seeing the terrifying of Cloud Butterfly Blade, Yun Che is more stable. He reconverged to aura, body rested on the corner of the boulder, his gaze swept over white wolf‘s body, and his brows frowned slightly.

Our Hidden Flowing Lightning is already an extremely hidden Profound Arts of high level, but even if it is fully exerted, it can never be done without aura. However, these white wolfs are hidden in the snow, their location is not more than hundred feet, their own Spirit Sense, and they are always aware of the surrounding movements, and they are completely unaware of their existence before they escape.

How exactly did they achieve such perfect hidden aura.

When they are hidden in the snow, aura seems to be completely integrated with snow.



aura … Fusion! ?

Yun Che suddenly raised his head, trembling in his soul, and the strange streamer of one flashed in the sea of ​​consciousness.

A moment’s confusion appeared in his eyes … he wanted to concentrate his mind immediately to catch this instantaneous light, but in this terrible Fog Vanishing Valley, once his consciousness is silent, he will most likely be lost forever, but if he is not, The sudden flash of aura may pass by forever.

After an instant struggle, he finally chose the former and closed his eyes quickly … Gradually, his breathing and aura became smooth, his consciousness was quiet, and then he seemed to forget it directly. Find out where you are now.

From a distant sky, a pair of ice-cold‘s eyes passed through layers of dense fog, coldly stared at Yun Che.

I saw that Yun Che suddenly quieted down. Soon, his aura became slow and soft, and the state of Soul was quiet … It was actually in enlightenment state!

Her crescent moon eyebrow tilted up, and said with a slight anger: “This boy … actually consciously silent in this kind of place, do you think you die too slowly!”

Although she was angry, she didn’t leave. She glanced over Cloud Butterfly Blade and coldly said in Yun Che‘s hand: “Bingyun (Frozen Cloud) gave him Cloud Butterfly, how can this be true!”

Yun Che The whole person has entered an extremely wonderful state, and he has not noticed that someone is watching him silently, and he has no sense of the flow of time … Of course, he has not even noticed it. A giant icescale monster is stepping towards him. The location is getting closer and closer.

Mu Xuanyin‘s eyes were frozen, and her fingertips were slightly bluish, but at this moment, she suddenly saw that body, where Yun Che was still sitting, suddenly blurred, and then faded a bit like phantom slowly dissipating … … then fade …

Finally disappeared there … it disappeared completely, disappear without a trace.

“…!?” A deep startle appeared on Mu Xuanyin‘s face. Her Spirit Sense sensed that Yun Che was still there, and remained motionless, but his figure disappeared completely.

The Ice Qilin monster is approaching. It passed from Yun Che the front to less than hundred feet. It didn’t stop for a moment, nor did it glance at the location where Yun Che exists. Soon, it disappeared into another. Among the dense fog in one direction.

“Hide … Shadow!?”

Mu Xuanyin said with a low voice, among the pair of ice eyes, there was shock and …

【Rookies, silly! I will be invisible! !! 】

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