The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 575: Home (3)

A stupid little phoenix was suddenly stunned. He looked at the old gentleman in front of him with a pair of **** eyes, and made a confused snoring noise in his mouth.

“This is it?” Shen Feng froze for a moment.

“This is the child of the two phoenixes. For some reason, the little phoenix is ​​temporarily unwilling to leave Suzaku, so I give it to Suzaku temporarily.”

“…” Shen Feng was completely shocked, and the feeling Shen Yan Xiao not only turned back to the two beasts, he even brought the children of the beasts together in captivity.

“I have something to do when I return to the capital this time. Grandpa, I don’t plan to return to Saint Laurent Academy in the future.” Shen Yan Xiao said.

Shen Feng listened to Shen Yanxiao’s words and expressed a little worry.

“Grandpa knows that you might not like it there, but I’ve arranged it like this for you. Although the pharmacist is not as strong as other professions, the later development is also very good.”

Shen Yan Xiao shook her head. She knew Shen Feng’s kindness, but now she does n’t need these things in already.

She simply took out the badge of the Najie Winning Academy and gave it to Shen Feng.

Shen Feng looked at Jin Chanchan’s badge in the palm of his hand, his eyes changed from doubt to surprise.

“Isn’t this a badge for the Academy? How did you get here?”

Shen Yanxiao smiled and said, “I won.”

“Win? But isn’t it that a warlock won this academic tournament?” Shen Feng did not associate Shen Yanxiao with the rumored warlock at all. He thought that Shen Yanxiao said that pharmacist.

Shen Yanxiao pointed to himself and said, “I’m the warlock.”


Shen Feng’s jaw dropped to the ground, he looked at his little granddaughter in amazement, wondering if his ears had hallucinations.

He clearly remembered that Shen Yanxiao was sent to the pharmacist branch, why …

She has become a warlock?

“Are you … the warlock?” Shen Feng thought the news was a bit surprising.

Shen Yanxiao nodded and looked at Shen Feng with some worry.

“Grandpa, wouldn’t you look down on the warlock, right?” She was a bit worried, and Shen Feng would accept the fact that she became a warlock.

Shen Feng condensed his surprise, and sighed: “Grandpa, although I am old, is not so pedantic. It is people who choose a profession, not a profession. People have a disgraceful past because of their past. Some of them have gone wicked and have nothing to do with the profession of warlocks. “

Listening to Shen Feng’s rationality, Shen Yanxiao was relieved.

“Just, why did you become a warlock?” Shen Feng was confused.

Warlocks are going extinct in the bright continent. How can their little granddaughter still take such a career path?

“No, Xiao Xiao, aren’t you unable to practice magic?” Shen Feng suddenly felt that he had just overlooked something. Warlocks also needed magic to practice, but Shen Yan Xiao Mingming could not practice magic!

Shen Yan Xiao Qing coughed, looked at his grandfather awkwardly, and said in a small voice, “In fact, I can practice magic.”

“Really?” Shen Feng said excitedly.

“Huh.” Shen Yanxiao nodded.

“What level of warlock do you have today?” Shen Feng estimated that Shen Yanxiao could win the college game, how could he be an intermediate warlock.

A little guy who cannot practice magic and vindictiveness suddenly became an intermediate warlock half a year later. Shen Feng felt that he would wake up with a smile.

Shen Yan Xiao slowly said.

“Advanced … peak.”

The 17th is going to drink wine outside, so the update of the 17th is released 3,000 in advance, and the remaining 5,000th will be updated in the evening.

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