The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 333: Mercenary union (2)

In modern times, Yan Yu, such a peerless young man who can win the kitchen in the hall, is definitely the best companion in the new century.

It is hard to imagine that a young master of Aristocratic Family would be interested in cooking.

“Okay.” Shen Yan Xiao smiled slightly, greeted Yan Yu, and returned to the lounge.

The three people in the lounge smiled when they saw her back again.

“Little serval, are you hungry?” Donald said with a smile.

Don’t look at Yan Yu’s sickness all day, but the food made can definitely kill a slice.

Even the chef in the palace cannot match his craft.

However, only four of them have tasted such a good craft.

“What’s the gain this afternoon? Your mentor is very quick.” Qi Xia is more concerned about Shen Yanxiao’s trip to the medicine store.

As a commercial Aristocratic Family, Kirin Aristocratic Family still has some understanding of Saint Laurent’s medicine store. Some medicines there are bought from the auction house of Kirin Aristocratic Family.

Shen Yanxiao shrugged and said, “I found a good thing.”

Qi Xia and others did not follow up. Anyway, apart from Tang Nazhi, the other two people knew nothing about pharmacy. They only needed to know that Shen Yanxiao had made a good trip this time.

“Have you seen the magic circle over the drug store?” Qi Xia asked.

Shen Yanxiao nodded, and told Qi Xia the starting point of the two magic circles before and after, and took the pen and paper and drew one by one.

Qi Xia stared at the two pictures drawn by Shen Yanxiao, frowning slightly.

“You mean, when you go in, and when you come out, the guard draws something different on the door?” Qi Xia asked.

Shen Yanxiao nodded, she also felt strange.

Qi Xia touched her chin, and her fox-like eyes narrowed slightly.

“General magic arrays have fixed solution points. Only after they are unlocked in accordance with the correct solution points, can they enter and exit freely. If they are not unlocked, then you are afraid that you will be touched when you touch them. Spreading out will also disturb the people in the magic circle. But you said that the solution points you see before and after coming out are different, which is a bit weird.

“How do you say?” Shen Yanxiao asked with some confusion.

Qi Xiadao: “Obviously, the magic array laid over the medicine storehouse is not simple. It is not a single magic array. It is likely to be a Jiugong magic array. After each solution, The solution points will be redistributed. Only those who have deployed the Jiugong Magic Array in person can know where the next solution point is. The guards you see at the entrance of the medicine storehouse are afraid of being a strong wizard. And the Nine-House Magical Array is probably laid down by a few of them, so that even if someone has a misconduct, as long as the other three do not cooperate, he will be difficult to untie. “

Nine Palace Magic Array is a high-level array in the Magic Array. It really deserves those medicines in the medicine storehouse.

“Is there a way to untie it?” Shen Yanxiao asked puzzled.

The precious medicinal herbs in a room ca n’t be taken, which makes her vomit blood, but the magic circle is a headache.

Qi Xia squinted his eyes and thought: “It is not impossible to unlock the Magic Palace of Jiugong, but it is very complicated. We must find 981 magic cores of three or more orders, and we need The three kinds of things in Warcraft can be used as a medium to unlock them. “

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