The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 217: One side down (3)

“Ah, what a trivial matter.” Tang Nazhi held the seeds in his hand and squeezed the seeds into his mouth. There was nothing wrong with his appearance at the archer branch challenge as a member of the pharmacist branch.

“It’s almost the same age as Shen Wei.” A beast gliding from the priest’s branch stared at the little fellow.

“Almost the same.” Yang Xi narrowed his eyes.

“Yang Xi, did you have a challenge today? Why did you come here so early?” Tang Naji looked at Yang Xi a little earlier than himself. Although this boy is firmly seated in the Cavaliers Branch, he is a knight. The **** young people in the branch are really terrible. After a shortfall of three, Yang Xi will be taken out of the battle.

“It’s over.” Yang Xi shrugged.

Donald ’s speechless looking at the sky, judging by the time Yang Xi came over, his time to resolve his opponent is definitely no more than three minutes …

“Except for his looks, this little guy is a bit similar to our little sister-in-law.” Qi Xia leaned against the wall elegantly, and thoughtfully looked at the petite figure who once knew him.

“This product doesn’t look as good as my little sister-in-law.” Tang Nazhi opened his mouth firmly!

Qi Xia appreciates his white eyes, the difference between Shen Yan and the little archer in front of him is that he is a little blacker and has more freckles on his face, but it is also the look that will be forgotten in the crowd. .

“Why didn’t Xiaozhang come?” Qi Xia glanced at Tang Nazhi. As Shen Zong’s dormitory, she didn’t bind Shen Zun over. This is an unforgivable thing.

Tang Nazhi immediately bitterly said, “I want her to come, but this boy didn’t know what he was doing this time. After lunch all day, there is no trace, God is mysterious.”

Qi Xia raised her eyebrows and said nothing, but there was a smile of fun in her eyes.

“Idle and idle, how about we bet on one game?” Qi Xia looked at the other three beasts.

“What bet?” Trio.

Qi Xia slightly raised his chin, and pointed at the lower end of already‘s Shen Yanxiao who walked in front of Wanli: “Bet bet, the student in the red class of this archer branch and the student in the purple class have a higher win rate. “

“Are you sure?” Donald came to spirit.


“Come and come! Uncle, I didn’t do it for a long time, itching very much.” Donald immediately rubbed his hands and prepared to gamble.

The voice of hesitation Donald was slightly louder, so that other onlookers noticed the existence of these four beasts. When they found that these four guys who did not belong to the archer branch appeared in the archer branch’s shooting range and made it public. When I opened the gamble, I almost fell off my chin.

Are there any peeping consciousness among these four people? None of them is the archer branch, okay, what’s the fun with this!

I despise and despise, but I heard that there are gambling games that can be played. The students who watched the show immediately felt itchy. When they knew that the gambling game was around Wanli and Shen Yanxiao, all the students were boiling.

Are you gambling? Guess who can win with your toes!

Isn’t this a gamble with obvious results?

Some students who did not intend to take part in the game immediately joined the game with a purse and screaming.

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