Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2125: Kill out the Mascara Department

The valley is surrounded by cliffs, which has a good blocking effect, and the sound is finally transmitted in the direction of Taniguchi.

Maska and an army of more than 30,000 dark demons are running at full speed on the grassy road, and they are almost at the Taniguchi position.

I heard the killing cry from the valley ahead, especially the roar of a large number of dark demons, which made Mascar’s ferocious face show a more excited expression, and he grinned with a grinning mouth full of excitement. Fangs, waving the animal bones in his hands, shouted: “Lorraine is waiting for our rescue, moving forward at full speed.”

“Roar~!” The dark demons also heard the shouting and roared, and ran forward at a faster speed.

Although there is no shadow to provide them with shuttle, but with a strong body, the dark demons can run extremely fast, and they can run 5 meters away in one step.

The ground around them shook as a result of their running. The Jagged Brothers soldiers lying in ambush in Taniguchi lay on the ground, and in an instant they felt the enemy approaching.

Lu Yang took Hong Ye back into the Demon Temple. He also lay on the ground, beside Shield Zhan. Seeing a large number of dark demons running from a distance, he could see the Iron-Blood Brotherhood. The soldiers clenched their spears tightly.

“Don’t worry, put them close.” Lu Yang said in a low voice.

The soldiers around nodded their heads and passed Lu Yang’s orders to both sides, while Xia Yuwei and half a lifetime of bitter love hiding on the hillsides on both sides received the instructions through the phone on their arms.

500 meters

400 meters

300 meters


When the dark demons ran to a distance of 100 meters, Masca took the lead and found members of the Jagged Brotherhood sitting on the ground disguised as seriously wounded.

“No, the reinforcements of the Dark Demon have arrived. Go and report to the boss.” More than 200 wounded soldiers rushed towards the valley, staggering and extremely slow.

Originally, when they jumped up and escaped, they wanted to speed up, but they found that they were surrounded by brothers, so they could only run while looking for no one to fall, and the speed slowed down.

Maska saw more than 200 people running into the valley, and saw that they were all **** with bandages, and their bodies were still full of blood and the blood of the Dark Demon. In an instant, Masca guessed that these people were injured. Bing, seeing these people running.

“Warriors of the Dark Demon, the whole army will attack, follow me into the valley and kill all human beings.” Mascar roared excitedly, and rushed towards the valley first.


The dark demons screamed frantically, and as Mascar ran forward, the black spikes on the front of their arms were exposed.

Maska’s speed is the fastest. He is the peak of Tier 2, and is one step faster than the average dark demon. Other dark demon can jump 5 meters in one step, he can jump 8 meters, and in a blink of an eye, Mascar rushed to a position only 10 meters away from the nearest injured member of the Jagged Brotherhood.

But when he landed and wanted to run two more steps to pierce the wounded Jagged Brothers from behind, suddenly, in the grass around him, countless humans stood up.

The moment the four spears pinched Mascar to the ground, they stabbed Mascar’s chest and abdomen at the same time. This person was no one else but Zhuojiu, White Lion, Zhou Tianming and Zhao Cheng.

The venom from the tip of the snake bone gun penetrated into Mascar’s blood when the tip of the gun penetrated into Mascar’s body. In an instant, the venom destroyed Mascar’s body tissues, and Mascar did not respond. Coming over, only horrified eyes looked at the four of them.

“Iron-Blood Brotherhood, kill~!” Lu Yang shouted, the forbidden curse meteor that had been prepared for a long time was released, and a huge barrier was broken in the sky, a giant red-red meteorite with a diameter of 50 meters. , With a piercing sound, slammed into the position of the 30,000 Dark Demon in the middle army.

“Kill~!” The soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood stood up almost at the same time, rushing towards the Dark Demon Legion with their spears in their hands.

400 people in a row, just like stringing, an 8-meter long spear is stringed with at least 4 dark demons. As in previous battles, when the soldiers can’t bear the number of dark demons, they discard them. He took the spear, drew out the snake bone sword in his hand, and fought close to the dark demon.

“Archer, shoot~!” Xia Yuwei and Kuai half-life gave orders at the same time on the hillsides on both sides of the valley.

The 4000 archers on both sides fired their bows and did not need to aim at all. At this time, the Dark Demon Legion had already made a mess. Mascar was the first to die in battle, and no one was able to direct them to respond on the spot. The formation was lost because of the entire charge, and now the front and both wings were attacked. They had no idea what to do, only the instinctive counterattack was left.


A dragon chant sounded, and Hong Ye jumped out of Lu Yang’s Demon Temple, restoring his 10-meter-long body and stopping in the air at a height of 4 meters.

Lu Yang jumped over to the dragon’s head and commanded: “Dragon’s breath~!”

Hong Ye flapped his wings and flew forward. When he came to the middle area of ​​the Dark Demon, he opened a huge mouth, and a 10-meter-wide crimson dragon’s breath that was like magma was sprayed out by him.

The dragon’s breath fell to the ground and hit an abyss nearly 10 meters wide, and all the dark demons sprayed by the dragon’s breath turned into fly ash.

This is the strength of the third-order dragon. It completely crushes the second-order creatures. After a dragon’s breath, at least two thousand dark demons died. In addition to the initial ambush, at least ten thousand dark demons died. people.

Looking from high above, the Dark Demon has lost its formation, leaving only the most primitive killing instinct. But facing the steel armor of the Jagged Brothers warriors, their spikes can’t do anything.

If the soldiers of the Jagged Brotherhood were still rookies in the previous battle with Lorraine, they are now mature battlefield veterans.

Death forced them to mature quickly, the mistakes in the last battle, and this time, they are trying to avoid them.

Every group of five fighters, everyone attacks forward simultaneously, shield fights in front of the wizard, to ensure that they can release spells smoothly, and the archers on both sides have more accurate shooting skills. Can take away hundreds or even thousands of dark demons.

Gradually, the number of dark demons dropped sharply from 20,000 to 10,000. When the number reached 5000, the dark demons showed a look of fear. It was a sense of fear that made them feel shame. They actually feared human beings. .

Facing the human beings who are pressing at every step, facing the snake bone sword and snake bone gun in their hands, as well as the snake bone bow and arrow in the distance, they are like poor bugs being crushed by the warriors of the Jagged Brotherhood. Smash to kill.

They didn’t dare to fight anymore. They wanted to run away if they didn’t want to die. They didn’t know which dark demon uttered the first horrified roar. Then, the remaining thousands of dark demon wailed and wailed. Ran away.

How can Lu Yang let them run away at this time, shouting from high in the sky: “Whole the enemy, no one can let go, chase~!”

Muddy Wine, White Lion and others took their brothers to hunt down the Dark Demon. They all knew that they could not let go of this Dark Demon. If they were to get together with Manding, the next battle , It is necessary to face 5,000 more dark demons.

You can reduce the number of enemies as much as possible and kill them as much as possible. In the next battle, they or their brothers will also have fewer casualties.

As Lu Yang was chasing him to kill, a malicious attack came in the distance, Lu Yang looked to his side fiercely, and a white bone spear wrapped in black and purple energy shot towards the abdomen of the dragon below him. , If it hits, Hong Ye will not die and will be seriously injured.

“Three Eyes Magic Flower”

Lu Yang just shouted, several vines with thick arms shot out from Lu Yang’s body, forming a giant net 20 meters from the side of Hong Ye’s body.

The bone spear penetrated the giant net in an instant, but at that instant, when the vines shattered, countless filaments inside broke out, firmly entangled the bone spear, and continuously slowed down the bone spear. speed.

Finally, the bone spear stopped 10 meters in front of Hong Ye’s body, and along with the corroded vines, it fell into the valley below.

Lu Yang looked in the direction of the bone spear. It was on the top of a mountain not far away that hadn’t burnt a big fire. Manding stared at Lu Yang with ferocious eyes, and roared at Lu Yang. The second A white bone spear is forming.

“Human, you have to pay for your actions.” Manding roared frantically.

He just ran here, and he has already seen the situation clearly. Lorraine’s 30,000 dark demons have all been killed in battle, and only a few thousand of the 30,000 dark demons of Mascar have been killed. Moreover, they were all smashed and ran away in front of humans.

Mandin has never considered humans, but now, his race, his most proud ethnic warrior, exposed his back to humans and chose to escape shamelessly in front of him. He cannot forgive him. Lu Yang, this must be repaid with blood.

Lu Yang stared at Manding and ordered Hongye to fly towards Manding. The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. When only 50 meters, Lu Yang looked at Manding’s eyes and said:” The wildfire will be extinguished at this time tomorrow. Be prepared, I will kill all the 40,000 dark demons under your hand.”


Red Night sprayed over with a blast of flames. Manding didn’t dare to hold onto the flames of Red Night, and quickly jumped to At the same time, he threw a second bone spear towards Luyang, but unfortunately, he was still caught by the three-eyed magic flower The vines blocked it and did not cause any harm.

Lu Yang stroked his chest lightly, very satisfied with the three-eyed magic flower hiding there, and said to Hong Ye: “The time has come for revenge, chase Manding, I want him to fear us.”


Hong Ye roared again and flew in the direction of Manding’s escape. The dragon’s breath was continuously sprayed along the way, and Manding fled frantically.

The two chased and fled, and ran over several high mountains. It was not until Manding’s dark demon elite came to meet him that Lu Yang controlled Hong Ye to turn around and leave, leaving only one sentence: “Remember. Tomorrow I will attack Tianjian Valley and prepare for the extinction of the race.”

Manding was breathing violently at this time, and there was no trace of the arrogance he had before. He looked at Lu Yang who was flying away, and said to the dark demons around him: “The whole army retreats, we retreat to Qianfeng Mountain. The deepest part.”

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