The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady Chapter 146: Warlock (2)

Suddenly, an ominous foreboding appeared in Naken’s heart. He immediately walked in front of Lin Ke, reached out and clasped Lin Ke’s chin, raised his head, and stared at his eyes. .

In addition to panic in those eyes, there was only tension, and Naken instilled his magic power into Lin Ke’s body.

The rushing magic power quickly flowed through Lin Ke’s whole body. When magic power rushed into Lin Ke’s nerve, it was obviously hit by another magic power.

The magic power is very faint, like some remaining fragments, but these fine magic fragments are all over the nerves of Lin Ke’s whole body.

“Teacher Naken?” Lin Ke remained tense and motionless. He clearly saw the deep affection on Naken’s face.

“Give these three bottles of antidote to the other team members, and immediately follow me away from the night forest!” Naken said decisively. The remaining magic power in Lin Ke’s body was not the same as the magician’s magic power. Extremely aggressive, this is clearly the magic power in the Warlock spell!

Warlock already is extremely declining in the bright continent. There are no warlocks in the entire Longxuan Empire. But in Lin Ke’s body, he noticed the magic power fragments left by the spell. Obviously someone cast a spell on Lin Ke!

Lin Ke’s unusual behavior was probably caused by spells.

Are there warlocks in the night forest!

Because of the strong suppression of the forces of the light continent, the warlock almost died, and most of the remaining ones became dark organizations that resisted the forces of the light continent. If a warlock is really hidden in the dark forest, then the students who stay in the dark forest to take the test are dangerous!

The warlock is likely to hurt this group of students in revenge on the Dragon Xuan Empire!

Lin Ke couldn’t figure out the current situation at all, so he could not understand why he sent three bottles of antidote along with the clothes of the four female classmates to the hot spring.

A group of students who are still scratching their heads have been taken away from the night forest by Naken.

As soon as he came out of the night forest, Nacon immediately took Lin Ke to the resident of Saint Laurent College outside the night forest.

In the resident station, several teams of already lost students were brought back by their mentors, and they sat down outside the tent dejectedly.

Naken brought Lin Ke into one of the largest tents in the station, where the mentors of Saint Laurent College gathered.

As soon as Naken entered the tent, he noticed that there were still a few mentors in the tent. They were sitting at the long table solemnly, as if something had happened.

“Nakken, you’re back.” One of the older mentors said hello after seeing Naken, and then his eyes fell on Lin Ke again. “This classmate was injured? Then you can take him to the medical office next to you.”

Naken is busy: “No! I didn’t want to bring him to hurt, but I found something strange in his body, so that brought him here.”

“What weird thing?” Naken’s words caught the attention of the instructors present.

“When I went to pick up their group, I found that the student was abnormal. Then I used magic power to explore it in his body, but found that there were some residuals in his nerves. Aggressive magic power debris, “Naken began.

“What!” Constance, who had already returned, stood up from his chair in surprise.

“Nakken, are you sure you are not wrong?” The older mentor asked again cautiously.

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