Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil: 175|175

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The Yasai family ’s underground training ground covers a vast area, divided into several areas, including the gravity area, mech area, combat area, and medical care area. The complete equipment is no less than the military physical fitness test center. Just walking back and forth in the training field, you can indirectly recognize the wealth of the Yasai family through a variety of high-end instruments. However, after the outbreak of war, it is not good to have such a huge wealth. If there is not enough powerful strength to guard it, it will be taken away sooner or later.

The old Marshal glanced at Jeram ’s mother and son, and said that Orr ’s situation was quite similar to that of the empire. Now Orr does not have to fear any conspiracy, but hopes that the future empire can be re-protected under his guard. Standing at the pinnacle of Asaph.

“What to test first?” Zhao Xuan took the person to the medical care area, took off his robe, and revealed his strong body. Originally, Orr had a great physique, but now he is like a sculpture carefully crafted by God, with every destructive muscle hiding its devastating power. Without testing, just standing next to him can perceive his danger by intuition.

Jerem seemed to realize something when his elder brother changed his temperament and appearance. His face was pale, his heart was trembling, and he secretly told himself that it was impossible. How could the legendary super race be Orr? He didn’t even have a brain. How did he evolve?

But reality soon shattered his self-consolation. As soon as Orr put the refined Divine Strength into the tester, the body screamed with overwhelming sharpness, and then exploded in a huge boom. Fortunately, everyone was wearing protective clothing and was not harmed. This already is the most high-end mental tester today, but it still cannot withstand the mighty pressure of Oral, and his strength far exceeds the expectations of the military. They have enough reasons to suspect that he can kill people with invisible Divine Strength alone.

Marshal and others finally realized the power of the super race. After a moment of silence, they let Orr continue to test his physique. There is no doubt that all the instruments can not bear the power of him. When all the tests are completed, the ground is full of broken machine parts, and there is a sense of burntness. Airborne. This is a test, but a disruption. Medical experts couldn’t even get an exact value, and lamented in their hearts: powerful, unprecedentedly powerful! I am afraid that the place that can accommodate the amount of super violent violence is only the vast universe.

Mrs. Yasai grabbed her son’s arm so hard that she did not faint. She barely maintained a calm tone and asked, “Have Orr evolved? What level? 3s?”

“How could it be 3s.” The Marshal exhaled a sigh of sigh, said slowly in the desperate eyes of Mrs. Yasai. “It is the super race, the first successful super race in Asaph. Orr, Empire Peace needs your guard. “

“Of course, it is the duty of every soldier to defend the empire.” Zhao Xuan answered in a stern manner.

The Marshal and the four generals are pleased, but Jeram and his mother are both shaking. Sure enough, it is a super race, which means that the whole empire, no, even the whole Asaph Star, no one has the ability to kill Orr, unless he does not want to live. His appearance has changed, his temperament has changed. I wonder if his spleen will change? Have you noticed their previous conspiracy? Will there be revenge? The more the mother and the child think about it, the more fear and anxiety they can get back in time, they will certainly prevent Carnet’s stupid plan.

This is the so-called one-strength drop-to-ten meeting. When a person is so strong that it is hard to reach, others can’t even feel the slightest resistance except to look up. Knowing that Orr would succeed in evolution, why bother to count him? If you flatter him and depend on him, your rights, wealth, status, and prestige will come to them sooner or later, it will be larger than the entire Yasai family industry. They have no doubt that Orr can become the most powerful person in Asahi, and his strength is there.

“Did the test be completed?” Zhou Yunsheng’s hands were ringing his chest, leaning at the door, his loose attitude contrasted with the shock and fear of Jeram and his mother, and the joy and joy of the Marshal and others.

“The test is over. Baby, you didn’t even come down to look at her husband’s heroic posture, which disappointed me too much.” Zhao Xuan strode over, stroking his shoulder and asking for a kiss.

Zhou Yunsheng pushed his head away, and laughed, “Don’t look, I personally realized your strength in already. Go up after the test. I want to talk to your marshal about your case.” He twisted his lover’s chest Seeing his eyes darken, Aura hastened, and Peach Blossom’s eyes glinted slyly.

Zhao Xuan loved the small appearance he wanted to refuse and greeted, and clung to the back of his head, kissed him severely.

Marshal naturally also wants to quickly resolve the murder case on Orr, but it is not easy to disturb ~ the two of Mianzhong. There are not a few couples with deep feelings, but it is really rare to be so deep. Before that, Orr, who was also a bully and handsome, dragged into a dogskin plaster for a second, and couldn’t wait to stick it to joe and tear it off. It was n’t enough to kiss. When Joe changed his breath and kissed again, it was dense and endless. It seemed that Joe ’s lips were the most delicious thing in the world.

Seeing that Orr carried the person, there was a great situation of returning to the house to fight, the Marshal was in a hurry, and screamed, “Mr. Zhou, because Phoebe Celaya is a well-known figure in Asahi , Now that the outside world has been slandering Orr ’s reputation, this matter should not be dragged on, but it should be resolved as soon as possible.

“I think so too, dear, let me down, let’s do the business first.” Zhou Yunsheng dialed the hair in the back of his lover with his fingers.

“To me, you are the business, everything else is fart.” Zhao Xuan put down his sweetheart, whispered at the tip of his ear, but also patiently invited the marshal to talk with the four generals in the study room. . When the party went away, both Jeram and her son sat down and supported each other, their expressions terrified.

They know the plan of the military. There is no doubt that in order to appease Orr, they will erase the case, even if the fans of Nanqing protest, it is useless. Now Orr is the pillar of the empire. Whoever wants to overthrow him is the enemy of the empire. Their previous plans were all in vain, and Orr may have the handle. The two called Carney and told him that Orr had become a super race. The other side was silent for about a few minutes before he suddenly said, “Don’t fight against Orr anymore, and take him well. Viper and prison officer we already Clean up, the military did not ask for clues. As long as we stabilize, Orr won’t notice the difference.

The two questioned repeatedly and learned that before the military interrogation, the poisonous snake and others were killed by already, so they settled down.

Zhou Yunsheng talked with Marshal Chang for more than an hour. After sending the person away, he found that Jeram and his mother were still sitting in the living room, so they walked over.

“Give you five minutes to pack up and leave immediately.” He looked at his watch.

“Why?” Madame Assay squeaked. Who is this person? The owner of the Yasai family?

“Because I am about to be a legitimate companion of Orsay Yasai. If I remember correctly, Old Yasai made a will to move you out of Yasai’s old house immediately after his death. You refuse to execute the will , I have the power to expel you. “

“Evicted us? Joke! I worked hard to raise Orr, how can I not have the right to live here. Orr, take a look at what you are looking for and start bullying before you get married. Jeram and I, you were only ten years old when your father died. Wouldn’t you have today if I didn’t take care of you and help you take care of the property? “Mrs. Yasai drowned her tears.

Zhao Xuan has a cigar in his mouth, a glass of milk in his hand, and slowly walks out of the kitchen. He handed the milk to the boy and told him to be hot, and then he looked at Mrs. Yasai and sneered, “If it had not been for the protection of my father, I would have been killed by you long ago. You cannot be brazen. I started, and threw me at the age of twelve into the barracks. Every time you came back, you would persuade me to perform the most dangerous task, and said that I hope I can become a great hero like my father. ” , The tone became more ridiculous, “You see, you want me to die early like my father, but I really became a hero like him. I promoted to admiral at the age of 25 with my own efforts, all because Your ‘encourage’. “

Mrs. Yasai barely dared to continue listening. She never expected that Orr’s IQ had evolved, seeing her previous calculations clearly.

“Brother, what are you talking about? Mom is doing it for you. Why would you want you to die prematurely?” Jelam complained.

“Do you think I’m the same Orr Yasser who let you fool you?” Zhao Xuan took the time to help the sweetheart wipe off the milk stains on the corners of his mouth, and sank, “I got an interesting news in prison, I know Someone spends 300 million stars to buy my life, and who those people are, I keep them in my mind. If you do n’t roll now, I can pinch you right away. ”He did n’t want to kill people randomly, that would affect his reputation, No one wants the supreme ruler of the empire to be a tyrant, so it is better to use legal means.

When Nan Qing is found, he will pay the price of those who persecuted Orr.

Jerram can no longer quibble, and the mother who pulled up the disappointed fugitive also left Assay’s house. They knew that the Yasai family would never have sheltered them since then, on the contrary, I do n’t know when Orr would give them a fatal blow. Death is not terrible. The process of waiting for death is the most terrible, not to mention that they provoke the most powerful man in the entire Asar space.

“Finally left. Poor Orr, after all, he has experienced no fewer than ten murders in his life, and it is a miracle to live to be swallowed by the empress.” Zhou Yunsheng drank the milk in one breath, and was honest and honest. The man sighed. He didn’t know the true face of the mother and son until he died, and he didn’t know how the people he loved dismissed him, let alone how the closest friends held him maliciously. Seeing this, he is a complete tragedy.

“When he left, he thought he was very happy. This was probably the best ending for him.” Zhao Xuan took a cigar, crossed the smoke into the young man’s mouth, and saw that he was coughing, so he coughed. Laughed and picked him up and turned back to the room.


Once the military intervened, the case quickly turned for the better. The Investigation Section successively found new evidence that outsiders had entered the scene of the murder, and Orr’s remaining drugs proved that he was in a coma at that time and was incapable of it. Commit a crime. The Ministry of Military Affairs and the Metropolitan Police are currently investigating the third person and clearing Orr’s reputation online. Nan Qing has a huge fan base. The death of their sad idols is naturally not satisfied with the results of the military and police departments.

Some people believe that Orr’s innocence believes that the hero of the Empire will not kill, but more people believe that he is the murderer, and the military is covering him. The condemnation of Orr is enduring, and as long as the case is not resolved one day, his killer title cannot be removed one day. After all, the popularity of the Yasai family was affected, but it was only among ordinary people and in the upper classes that the Yasai family became the most important family of the empire almost overnight.

Kane Seleyan first instigated the people to condemn Orr, and then came forward to issue a statement saying that he absolutely believed in Orr, he was of noble character, behaved well, and took great care of Nan Qing. He was not a murderer. The victims’ brothers stepped forward to clarify that some people chose to believe, and some still remained hostile to Orr. Carne tried to show Orr in this way, he could understand it, Orr’s rising situation was unstoppable, and he was hostile to the Celyan family. On the contrary, as long as he wins him, the future is infinite.

He very much regrets that the bureau was set up. If his brother is still alive, based on Orr ’s obsession with his brother, the Asai family and the Celyan family will be able to successfully marry. Become one of the top Aristocratic Family of the empire. However, such a great opportunity was missed in that way, and now he only hopes that Orr is as simple as before, and has never been able to find out the truth ~.

But he soon learned from Jeram that Orr knew everything, and no matter how he showed the other side, he would not appreciate it, and once he found the evidence, he would retaliate. The news made Carnet unable to fall asleep for several days, and his body quickly lost weight. Several other families who joined forces to persecute Orr were equally anxious and racked their brains on how to recover. If it was impossible to recover, simply hire a group of killers to kill Orr. Orr is always a man, can he still have the power to fight against an army? Without seeing it for themselves, they could not imagine the terribleness of the superhuman race.

But reality soon told them how stupid it was to kill Orr.


The Confederate united several other forces to siege the empire, and attempted to share the empire’s huge wealth after victory. The black starship surrounded the Empire, and the shadow of death shrouded everyone’s head. Following the queen’s riots, the empire was once again in danger of dying. The people have no extra energy to care about which star is killed and how painful it is to lose their idols. The imperial hero is a murderer and other trivial matters. They only worry about whether they can live to see the sun the next day.

The Empire’s five 3s-class powerhouses were swallowed up by the Empress, and only the Marshal survived by chance. But he is 278 years old this year, already. He is too old to drive even super-powered mechs. The Federation and its affiliates have seven 3s-class powerhouses. When they drive super-powered mechs into the battlefield, their fighting power is comparable Seven cruising starships are enough to blast Emperor Star into powder.

After repeated analysis, the people came to a desperate conclusion-this war empire will undoubtedly be defeated. Except for surrender, land cut, compensation, and the fall from an independent country to a colony, they have no second way to go. The atmosphere of pessimism permeated the people. They kept praying, hoping that God would send an angel to save them.

Then a miracle happened. A silver-black super-powered mech jumped from the Emperor * regiment. With only one heavy punch, it broke the mech driven by a 3s-class strong man in the federation and put the cockpit Crush, then draw ~ a laser sword, shuttle it through the particle cannon at a speed that is too fast to be seen by the eyes, and cut off the other three super-mechanics in succession. The sound of explosive explosions is endless. War Within fifteen minutes, the federal coalition lost four 3s-class powerhouses. It was like a nightmare.

Until the army woke up from the nightmare, the silver-black mech hit the energy device of a cruise starship and made it scrap, and then unscrewed the skull of another super-mechanism that came to stop him. As usual, pull out the cockpit on the belly of the mech and crush it. In the blink of an eye, another 3s-class powerhouse fell into his hands.

“Retreat, retreat! He’s coming over, can’t let him approach the command ship! Retreat now!” The federal commander yelled madly.

“Who is that? What level is he?”

“It’s terrible! How can he kill five 3s-class powerhouses in half an hour? Is he a super race? When did the Empire appear super race?”

“Don’t ask, **** retreat!” The commander was on the verge of collapse, because in the gap between his orders, the silver-black mech even broke a super-powered mech, the seventh in the federal army. The 3s strong is currently the last one left. If that person dies, the Federation will be torn apart.

The last 3s powerhouse is obviously already Realizing the enemy’s terribleness, he immediately flew towards the vast universe at the fastest speed, and then disappeared into the meteorite belt. Fortunately, the silver-black mech did not chase after it, standing in the star sea that was extinct for a while and flew towards the capital of the emperor. The federal coalition forces came forward and fled, and fled. The Emperor Corps collected six dilapidated corpses, filmed them for the imperial people, and sent video signals to the President of the Federal Republic.

These characters who once stood at the pinnacle of Asa’s interstellar never imagined that they would die so easily. There were still horrified expressions on their cold faces, as if they saw the most terrifying monster in the universe. The federal president was so angry that he had a heart attack and ordered his subordinates to find out who was driving the silver-black mech.

The people of the Empire want to know more than the Federal President who saved them from the abyss of despair. That man is really powerful, and the picture of him wielding a giant sword to flatten the universe is amazing, worshipped, and enthusiastic. What kind of Empire hero is Orr? He is! Able to kill six 3s-class powerhouses in one fell swoop, he is definitely a legendary super race! He is the backbone of the empire!

When the silver-and-black mech slowly landed on the ground, the people stared at the cockpit with their breaths through the real-time camera. Someone knelt in front of the display, ready to scream. The hatch opened, and the handsome man stepped forward with his legs stretched out. He easily jumped down from a height of 48 meters and stood upright. The huge impact force broke the hard ground and formed a cobweb-like crack. The neatly arranged mech units immediately cleared an aisle and raised steel arms to pay tribute to him.

He walked in the mech and looked so small, but the strong momentum made these steel giants bow their heads and surrender. He seemed to realize that the military was shooting himself. He turned his head toward the flight camera. A glance. Only then did the public see his handsome features like a sculpture and took a sigh of relief. Although there has been a slight change in appearance, they will definitely not mistake it. That person is Or Yassai, who was once criticized, questioned, and abused by them.

He turned out to be a superhero in their mouth? No, he was originally a superhero of the Empire and has always been!

All controversy, questioning, and abusiveness have been replaced by surrender and worship. People have previously said that the military ministry shielded Orr, but now they feel that the military ministry is very discerning. How can Orr be a murderer? Some people even thought secretly: even if he really killed Nan Qing? He rescued hundreds of millions of people in the empire, enough to offset this micro crime.

Carne failed to participate in the war, and several families who joined him to frame Orr were excluded from the military operation. Obviously, Orr intended to expel them step by step from the center of power, but they were unable to resist. Continue □□? As long as they post this message to the black market, it will definitely become a joke for the entire Yassa star. Who dares to kill Orr, and who has the strength to kill him? There may be a glimmer of hope in the dream.

Nan Qing has finished the cosmetic surgery, the effect is exactly as he expected. He hid in a remote and backward asteroid. There were only orcs and all kinds of plants and animals. There was no network, no suspended vehicles, no entertainment, and no bustling metropolis. As time passed, he became more and more intolerant of the boring life of the primitive people, bought a snake head and sneaked into the sphere of influence of the Federation, and several times to the Federal star. Now his appearance is more prosperous than ever. No matter where he goes, he will attract a large group of admirers, and he knows the temptation very much, and even two or three times he hooked up with one of the most powerful 3s special people in the Federation. Already.

The man fell in love with him at first sight and bought a ring to propose to him only after more than ten days together. Nan Qing thinks highly of herself and always thinks that only the most powerful talents are worthy of herself. After a few days, she readily agrees. There are no more than ten 3s-level strong players in the whole Yassa, and this person is the youngest and handsomest among them, and has the most promising future. He thought that if he missed it, he would never find a second one.

At first he felt guilty of framed Orr, but now he is secretly grateful. If it hadn’t framed Orr, how could he have the courage to perform cosmetic surgery? How could you marry the strongest star? Everything is an arrangement of fate! However, the mood of joy lasted only two weeks, and he received the bad news of his fiance’s death. How could he be dead?

Nan Qing found a video on the Internet and saw that he was beheaded by a silver and black mech. When the mech landed, Orr ’s handsome and imposing face revealed, he almost could n’t control it. Live screaming. He quickly covered his mouth and asked with a trembling voice, “Who is he?” Orr’s eyes were not such abysmal pure black, and his facial features were not so sexual ~ charming.

“His name is Or Yassai, the first superhuman race to successfully evolve, and the combat power is comparable to a unit composed of a cruise starship. The federal already is in civil strife, and we stay in accordance with the general’s departure Order to send you away. Here are your credentials and belongings, please take them away. “The two soldiers passed a space capsule and sent the young Nan Qing to the airship.

Nan Qing had to thank her fiance for his thoughtfulness. He is so powerful, but he is also ready to sacrifice and arrange a back road for him. This is probably the so-called intuition. But he doesn’t want to be sent to a remote and backward asteroid, he wants to return to the empire, back to Orr. He used to be so enamored with him, and now he can’t escape his charm.

As the strongest person in Asahi, as long as he thinks of this title, Nan Qing is full of blood. This time, he must get Orr, firmly occupying his place.

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