Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil: 87|9.4

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Zhou Yunsheng was awakened by a sudden pain, as if something was drilling in his limbs and bones, greedily swallowing his flesh. After so many hardships, protecting himself already became an instinct. He immediately operated the soul power and wrapped the vital organs such as the heart. The pain was relieved a lot in an instant.

This is not his Xinghai space. At the moment of death, there was an extremely powerful force covering him and dragging him into the twisted stream of time and space. The force was very violent, but did not hurt him in the slightest, but even some souls that nurtured his wounded.

This is a very empty room with no decoration or furniture. The only living thing is a sofa cushion underneath. The tide-like memory quickly poured into his mind, and Zhou Yunsheng, who was wounded by his soul, could not help but utter a painful moan.

He even returned to this world as White Mohan, but already is the world after the protagonists are reborn. According to the previous memories of Bai Mohan, the fate has not changed. When the two main characters heard that an army was preparing to **** Dr. Bai to base B, they cleverly mixed in and became the main force of the army. They killed everyone who had previously betrayed Lei Chuan, and are now preparing to take action against Dr. Bai after heavy protection.

Just yesterday, Guo Zerui strangled the army responsible for escorting Dr. Bai. He could have killed Dr. Bai’s life in one shot, but because the hatred was too deep, he was unwilling to let Dr. Bai die, so he quietly took a few tablets. The seeds of blood vine are spilled into Dr. Bai’s diet.

Capillaria is a kind of bloodshot plant. The largest is a few millimeters in diameter and the smallest is thinner than human microvessels. They are hidden in the soil. When they encounter passing animals or humans, they will quietly pierce them. The skin is parasitic, spreads along the blood vessels to the whole body, and lives by sucking the flesh of the host daily. It will not melt into the soil until the host is sucked into air-dried skin to find the next host.

If this plant is cut off, it will not die, but will grow into two new plants. The reproduction ability is very powerful, and it can only be completely destroyed by fire. The parasitic human must find the wooden ability person to remove it in the shortest time, otherwise it will die.

Of course, humans can kill even zombies. Although this plant is terrible, it is not without countermeasures. Medical scientists have invented a medicine that can make the blood give off the smell of Capsicum angustifolia. After taking the formulation, Capsicum is afraid to approach, even if already is parasitic, it will be drilled down the throat.

The inventor of this medicine is not someone else, it is exactly Bai Mohan, but unfortunately, time already goes backwards, this medicine has not yet come out.

Zhou Yunsheng repeatedly searched in his mind for memories of Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui, and finally determined that the two were indeed reborn, and that they hated Bai Mohan. Inadvertently, their contempt for Bai Mohan was full of killing.

So Lei Chuan was really brain dead, and I don’t know that Bai Mohan developed an anti-zombie vaccine, otherwise people who take care of the overall situation like him will never start fighting against Bai Mohan at this time.

Fuck-eggs, all the effort is in vain! Zhou Yunsheng frowned fiercely. Now, his mission is the same as last time, saving the world, but the difficulty has risen directly to the s level. First, he had to remove the bloodstain from his body to save his life. Second, he had to refrigerate a bottle of blood from Lei Chuan. Then he fled to base B with the blood under the siege of the two protagonists. Finally, he developed the vaccine according to the old routine.

To him, the last step is the same as a handful, but the first three steps are as difficult as possible.

He doesn’t have wooden abilities to control Bloodskin, and he can’t ask for help from other people in the team, because most of them are Guo Zerui and Lei Chuan’s subordinates, waiting to kill him. For the sake of today’s plan, only soul power can be drawn to expel the Bloodstained Vine.

This means that his soul that has just recovered a little will become so ragged, and it also means that his spiritual powers will never be improved. The size of the refined Divine Strength determines the strength of the power, and the power of the soul and the amount of refined Divine Strength are actually the same thing. The souls are all wounded. Even if the power is triggered, it is existence like a chicken rib. No matter how many crystal nuclei it absorbs, it enters the sea like a mud cow, silently.

As far as he knows, this world is not existence can directly repair the treasures of the soul, that is to say, here he is equivalent to ordinary people without the power of a chicken. How can an ordinary person escape from the siege of so many high-level abilities and successfully get Leichuan’s blood.

Because Guo Zerui and Lei Chuan were born again, they started to store grain, weapons, and contacts very early. They knew the secrets that can be cultivated by the crystal nuclei in advance. Now, just six months after the end of the last century, they have already as a fourth-level alien. The capable person has opened a gap of five or six years with others. Even the best abilities in the world can’t hurt Lei Chuan.

It can be said that who they want to kill now is just a matter of moving their fingers.

Samsara so many times, this is the one that Zhou Yunsheng feels most aggrieved. In any case, he must find a way to complete the task to get enough energy to repair the soul.

Thinking this way, he began to run his soul power, pushing the bloodstained vines all over his body little by little. The supplies obtained in the chaos of time and space are finally exhausted, and Bloodscarf is also forced to the throat. Fortunately, he has protected the vital organs such as the heart in advance, otherwise he will not live long.

But the damage caused by the flesh is still not small. He feels that his body feels as if it is being crushed by a truck, and the familiar and sweet feeling overflows from the teeth.

Just then, the door was suddenly knocked open, and a tall figure flew at him like a wind, shouting excitedly, “Doc, what’s the matter with you?!”

Bai Mohan’s glasses shattered during the escape. Fortunately, at this time, his eyesight was not half blind, and Zhou Yunsheng finally recognized the other person when the person was only one or two meters away from himself. Identity, high alert mood relaxed for a moment.

He pushed away the tall man who intended to hug himself, and lay on the ground, making a howling vomiting sound, a series of blood pattered on the floor, forming a pool of blood, and more worm-like things struggled in the pool of blood, Reach out the tentacles to a warm living creature close at hand.

“Stand away, it’s bloodstained vine!” He coughed while pulling the man retreats.

The man was shocked when he heard what he said, and immediately activated the power to form a metal partition, blocking the cobweb-like tentacles from the **** rattan. It is absolutely impossible to cut off these plants. The more they cut, the more they multiply. Only fire attack is the way to escape them.

But there are only two of them in the room. Where’s the fire abilities?

Men’s powers have not reached the level of metallization in the whole body. They can only make a layer of metal film to wrap their legs and hold the doctor to run outside.

This is a suite with three bedrooms and one living room. Bai Mohan is arranged in the innermost bedroom. The rest of the rooms are occupied by Lei Chuan’s subordinates and their survivors on the road.

Guo Zerui and Lei Chuan told their subordinates that Bai Mohan was an evil scientist who experimented with the human body and the culprit of the end of the world, so that no matter what they heard, they would not care about Bai Mohan’s life and death. The survivors were scared by the zombies, and they dared not run unless necessary.

So no one came out until the sound of the door broke for a long time.

The man hugged the doctor who was coughing up blood and ran towards the door. He is also a soldier and affiliated with base B, but he did not participate in the task of escorting Dr. Bai. Fortunately, when he was reborn, he was collecting materials outside, not far from Dr. Bai and his party, and immediately drove a military jeep to drive here day and night.

This is a high-end community. Security measures are in place. already was cleared by Lei Chuan and his subordinates, and it was specially used to contain survivors so that they could select subordinates from them. In this life, they must form their own forces, and talent is indispensable.

The man took off his military uniform and changed to plain clothes, pretending to be an ordinary survivor, and it took a lot of effort to mix in.

I heard that the army in base b is completely destroyed. Now it is escorting special forces led by Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui, and Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui already are fourth-level abilities. He has long known the secret of crystal nuclear training. He Suddenly a moment in my heart.

He was a rebirth, and found that the situation was completely inconsistent with his memory. I thought a little bit more. I chose the room opposite Dr. Bai’s room to stay there that night, and observed the situation of Dr. Bai with an infrared telescope. The blood on the ground kept coughing, and the scene reminded him of the state of Dr. Bai ’s dying, and he could n’t care about everything at once, and ran over to check it.

Lei Chuan and his subordinates are not good at Dr. Bai, but the survivors know that Dr. Bai is the top medical scientist in China. This time I went to the base B to conduct research on the anti-zombie vaccine. They saw him as the hope of the Chinese nation. Naturally they did not want to see him killed, and armed forces of several other bases were lurking around, trying to **** Dr. Bai.

This is also the fundamental reason for Guo Zerui to use Bloodworm to assassinate Dr. Bai.

As long as Dr. Bai is rescued from this room, Lei Chuan will not fight Dr. Bai anymore, and he will have time to plan how to take Dr. Bai to escape.

Man thinks a lot, but it only takes a few blinks. He ran out of the room full of bloodstained vines, and stopped suddenly as soon as he was about to accelerate, with deep fear in his eyes.

Lei Chuan was blocking his path straight, his eyes were covered with bloodshots, so that Hitomi reflected red light, and looked like a beast that lost his mind. He stared straight at the man who kept coughing up blood, a few blue tendons appeared in his forehead, and his jaw looked as stiff as a gritted tooth, showing that his emotions were on the verge of violence.

He was filled with an eerie and blazing Aura, slowly speaking, word by word, “Give him to me!”

Zhou Yunsheng clung to the man’s neck, his dark eyes had no other emotions except alertness. The assassination plan failed, Lei Chuan.

Lei Chuan and his defensive gaze hurriedly looked at each other, his already gloomy complexion became more and more ugly.

“Give him back!” He stepped forward to snatch, but found a layer of dense silk-like objects pouring out of the room, slowly climbing up to his insteps.

He quickly flipped through his mind to find out the previous memory. This is the blood-stained rattan that Guo Zerui planted into Bai Mohan! Originally red eyes burst into fierce light. He burned these ugly monsters to ashes with a fire, then closed the door behind him, and sank, “Let him down!”

The man is not Lei Chuan’s opponent. He is afraid of hurting Dr. Bai in the fight and has to compromise.

A soldier in a special combat suit heard the voice of the boss and quickly opened the door to check the situation. Lei Chuan occupied his room and drove out the idlers and others.

Bed Mohan ’s bed and sofa have been misappropriated by these people, and the soft bed with snow-white mattresses looks very comfortable. The man carefully placed Dr. Bai on the bed. He wanted to go to the bathroom and take a towel to clean up Dr. Bai. Seeing Lei Chuan staring at the door with red eyes, he immediately dispelled his thoughts.

He dare not leave Dr. Bai a step. Obviously, not only he was reborn, but Lei Chuan was also reborn, and perhaps Guo Zerui, otherwise they would not have planned this murder on the premise that he was not alive. With Dr. Bai, he must not be born again, otherwise he would not follow Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui without any precaution.

The man removes the towel and gently wipes the corners and neck of Dr. Bai’s **** mouth.

Zhou Yunsheng’s brain was severely painful, and the muscle tissue penetrated by blood vines exuded a lot of blood. He had to continue to extract his soul power to repair his body, and the headaches got worse. This has formed a vicious circle, the weaker it is, the more it must be repaired by soul power, and the more weak it is, the weaker it is.

If he goes on like this, he may not live for a few days.

Thinking this way, Zhou Yunsheng sprayed a lot of blood in his mouth again, which stained the corners and neck of the man who had just wiped his mouth clean.

The man’s eyes were crimson, his heart was cramped, and Dr. Bai’s voice called a clear choke. Why do good people never get good news? Billions of beings have been reborn because of him. Such merit is not enough to offset that bit of sin? God can’t be so unfair!

Lei Chuan walked for two steps, stretched out his hand to touch Dr. Bai, but was gripped by his man’s wrist, grinning his teeth, “Go away, don’t touch him! If you dare to do it, I don’t mind calling you Conspiracy. Although already was killed by people in base B, as far as I know there are people in other bases who follow you. The value of Dr. Bai knows that they will never stand idly by! “

This power is not enough to stop Lei Chuan, but he dare not move. He was shocked to find that Bai Mohan was curling his body while coughing up blood and hiding behind the man. He looked at him with strangeness, coldness, and alertness.

“Don’t be afraid, I just want to help you heal. I have healing powers.” The power that has never been shown to anyone is so easy to tell Bai Mohan and Pan, he waits nervously for Bai Mohan , Even palms began to sweat. He thought he would show a happy look, and then accepted his approach. He knew too much about Mohammed, and in order to find a way to fight the zombie virus, he would not let go of any possibility, and even if he wanted to be close to the devil, he would not be timid.

But Lei Chuan stayed in the lab too long, and forgot the most important point. Although the healing abilities are scarce, they are not absent. Bai Mohan was interested in him because his healing ability was the most special, and even people infected with the zombie virus could be rescued.

The ambiguity of what he said, Bai Mohan would only treat him as an ordinary healer, and would not risk his life to approach him. Moreover, now that the person already has been replaced by Zhou Yunsheng, he will not even throw himself into the net.

“You want to kill me, why? I stayed in the lab or the operating room all year round and thought I hadn’t done anything harmful.” Zhou Yunsheng said weakly while coughing blood. He will not reveal the identity of his rebirth, it will only exacerbate the hatred of Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui. After all, Bai Mohan’s hands are very clean, and no one has experimented with anyone.

Lei Chuan is dumb, a deep feeling of weakness hits my heart. If he could be reborn earlier, he would never let things go that far. Looking through his memory, he knew that Guo Zerui must also be born again, otherwise he would not tell him to collect materials, buy weapons, and reserve military power before the last days.

Guo Zerui led him to stop and protect Bai Mohan’s army, and told him that Bai Mohan was a metamorphosis specializing in human experiments. A monster such as a zombie is the product of his experiments. He said he would kill White Mohan in case he made more monsters.

Lei Chuan will of course choose to believe his brother after he has been with his brother and a stranger for eight to nine years. He secretly hanged the army protecting Bai Mohan, and agreed to Guo Zerui’s plan to grow bloodworm vines in Bai Mohan.

When he opened his eyes and received all the memories, he couldn’t add any more fear. The scene of Bai Mohan holding his chest down repeatedly played back in his mind, causing his heart to ache, his eyes red, and pulling repeatedly His nerve was about to break.

However, all the anxieties and pains that preceded him were more hurt than Bai Mohan’s guarded eyes, and his violently beating heart was cut into pieces in an instant.

“I …” His throat was so clogged that he couldn’t make a sound just when he uttered a word.

“How do you know that we are going to kill you? Bloodstained vines are everywhere, maybe you inadvertently contaminated when you were resting in the wild.” Guo Zerui appeared at the door, his voice was very impatient, and in the end he looked at the guard in white The man in front of Mohan asked, “Who are you? What is the relationship with him? Why mix into our team?”

“This is not your base. All survivors have the right to move in.” The man avoided answering. There are armed forces in other bases nearby. He was certain that Leichuan and Guo Zerui would not make a big noise.

Guo Zerui sneered and stopped questioning. He thought that the man was a wood-powered person, and helped Bai Mohan remove the bloodstain from his body, and the boss heard the movement coming to the aftermath.

There are other survivors in this room. Afraid of the boss’s murder and making people’s hearts float, Guo Zerui quietly pulled his sleeves.

Lei Chuan walked away from him, squatting down and saying, “I won’t kill you, you don’t have to guard against me!” Seeing Bai Mohan struggling to hide from the corner of his bed, his red eyes slipped After a dim light, he raised his hand and threw out a purple electric ball, brought down the man who was protecting him, and then firmly held his thin wrist, and introduced pure healing power into his body.

The battered body drilled by bloodstained rattan is quickly repaired. However, the damage caused by the creation can’t be compensated by the power. Zhou Yunsheng felt better and immediately threw away Lei Chuan and took out a silver □□ from his close pocket to aim at him.

“Thank you for your treatment, but please go out right away, or I will shoot.”

Lei Chuan raised his hands and slowly backed away, his face was expressionless, but his heart was violently tumbling. He had been guarding around him day and night, and had been talking to him endlessly, giving up all his hatred for him, and even looking forward to restarting with him after waking up.

However, everything in front of him is definitely not the scene he imagined. He should not fear him, guard him, or even hate him. He seems to be coming too late.

Lei Chuan ’s retreat was too slow. Zhou Yunsheng shook his gun handle and threatened again, “Please go out now!” Since Lei Chuan and Guo Zerui do n’t plan to tear their faces now, it means that he still runs away. Opportunity, especially God is not thin, gave him a helper.

Guo Zerui sneered, pulled the boss out, and thumped the door.

Zhou Yunsheng immediately packed it up, dragged the man lying on the ground paralyzed and put it in place. They were exhausted, bruised all over, and didn’t speak for a while.

Lei Chuan led Guo Zerui into his room, and opened the door to order, “No more Mohan is allowed! He is not the kind of humane scientist you say.”

“It’s not the boss, you don’t know …” Guo Zerui wanted to explain, but he didn’t know how to describe such a bizarre thing that he was a rebirth. The boss would think he had a mental problem.

“I know, even better than you know, I was born again, just now.” Lei Chuan interrupted him.

Guo Zerui was stupid, and he paused for a minute before he hurriedly said, “Boss, if you are born again, you should kill Bai Mohan yourself. Why don’t you allow me to move him? Did you have Stockholm syndrome?”

Lei Chuan did not speak for a long time. He did have Stockholm Syndrome and was not very ill. Bai Mohan’s painful memories of cutting inside and out with a scalpel were replaced by the image of a man looking at the sunset in tears silently that evening. His eyes full of hope and joy are even more magnificent than the burning clouds. At that moment, he wanted to wipe his tears for him, hold him in his arms and kiss his lean cheeks, and imagine a better and purer future with him.

At the moment he died, he felt that his entire world and philosophy had collapsed. He desperately wanted to destroy the picture and make everything come back.

But when everything comes back, he can’t wait to kill himself.

“After another six months after your death, Mohammed has developed a vaccine against zombies.” In the end, he simply gave a reason. But this reason already is enough. No matter how many people sacrifice and suffer for this, it seems so insignificant compared with the life and death of all human beings.

Guo Zerui was extremely shocked, staring at his slightly trembling hands with cyanosis. These are the hands that almost ruined the hope of all humanity! Fortunately, the wooden ability rushed in time, fortunately!

Brother, I won’t move him. But wouldn’t you go and experiment with him again?” Guo Zerui suddenly found himself in a dilemma. He certainly hoped that Mohamed could develop a vaccine, but he also did not want him to tie his Brother to a test bench for cutting.

“In fact, only blood is needed to develop a vaccine, so I can provide him with blood regularly. I have a sense of this, you don’t have to worry.” Lei Chuan waved his brother out and released the fine Divine Strength to Bai Mohan s room.

Perhaps because of the rebirth, his fine Divine Strength is extremely powerful, and already can cover a range within a hundred meters. He was used to staying with Mohammed at all times, but he felt restless and panicked just a few minutes away.

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