Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil Chapter 1: .2

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Because of the good genes, the three Young Masters of the Zhou family all look good, but since they are the protagonists, naturally, Zhou Wenjing’s looks are the most outstanding. The deep and flawless face is like God’s elaborate work of art. It’s perfect from any angle.

Compared with him, Zhou Yunsheng’s facial features are slightly dull, but a pair of peach eyes that Canruo Star picks up slightly make up for this gap. When he was looking straight at the person, he didn’t think so. When he tilted his head and leaned forward, the kind of eyes with thorns could make everyone’s heart beat.

As the first men’s match, Du Fulang, whose appearance and Zhou Wenjing are only in the middle of the middle, has an unshakable face. But he had long, broken hair, and put on a pair of golden glasses. He used gentle manners and a friendly smile to conceal the strong and sharp instinct of the eyebrows.

He is a returnee elite on the surface, and his family is innocent. In fact, he is the helm of Du’s chaebol. Because of his childhood and his relationship with Zhou Wenjing’s mother, he deliberately returned to take care of his deceased son. The Zhou family is also very rich. It can be regarded as a first-rate Aristocratic Family in country c, but it is nothing compared with the family of Du in the country j. The difference between the group and the chaebol is very different.

In country j, the black-road-organization is legal, and the Dujia Correct ranks first in the extreme road Aristocratic Family, and the arms business is spread all over the world. Such a character who should have been calling for the wind and rain, but now as a personal assistant under the hands of Father Zhou, was sent out like a nanny. Zhou Yunsheng really couldn’t figure out what he thought.

Only a childhood memory? Perhaps Zhou Wenjing’s mother was the only sunlight in his dark world. When she died, the beam of sunlight would never die, naturally empathizing to Zhou Wenjing? He protects Zhou Wenjing, is to protect his only piece of pure land?

No matter how ridiculous and ridiculous these speculations are, the fact is that he came to already, Zhou Yunsheng no longer delves into it, picks up a cup and drinks milk slowly.

Zhou Yunsheng, Zhou Wenjing and Du Yilang ate quietly, while Zhou Father and Zhou Wenang took a few bites to talk and laugh, the atmosphere was very warm and harmonious. These two talents are real fathers and sons, others are redundant. If Zhou Yunsheng had seen through earlier, he would not have come to such a tragic ending.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yunsheng shook the corners of his mouth, revealed a slightly ironic smile, and then squinted towards Du Yanlang who looked up.

The young boy who was supposed to be warm and beautiful became Evil Qi in a flash, and Du Qilang was obviously stunned, and his heart was followed by two rapid jumps. When he looked intently, the boy already took his eyes back and concentrated on drinking porridge.

After breakfast, Du Fulang sent three children to school as usual. No matter what he thinks, he treats the three Young Masters in the same way in front of everyone, but because the three Young Master Zhou Wenang is the most lively and cheerful, it seems to be closest to him.

Zhou Yunsheng closed her eyes as soon as she got into the car, and Zhou Wenjing also kept silent. Zhou Wenang could only talk to Du Yilang. She seemed to be concerned about Zhou’s daily life, but inquired about the company’s affairs intentionally or unintentionally. In the face of Chou’s favorite two Young Master, Du Fulang naturally had the answer without asking.

High school life is very boring. The complicated homework is just a piece of cake for hackers with high IQ. The first two lessons fell asleep, and it wasn’t until the third quarter that Zhou Yunsheng woke up in the noise. Many snowflakes floated out of the window.

It’s almost summer now, and the girls in the class even put on their short skirts, how can it snow?

Zhou Yunsheng took a closer look and found that the snowflake was just a lot of paper scraps cut into small pieces. It fell downstairs and turned into an artificial snowfall. The scene was very spectacular. At this time, the class was closed, many students crowded into the corridor to watch, Zhou Yunsheng was also pulled out by the dead party, pointing at the figure standing in the snowflakes downstairs, saying, “Cut all his textbooks, it’s out for you and Wen Ang. Tone. The illegitimate child should have the consciousness of the illegitimate child, and I want to fight with you and Wen Ang, I do not know what it means. “

Zhou Yunsheng remembered that Zhou Wenjing and Zhou Wenang both were in the third grade, and they were classmates. The other day, because a girl had a dispute, the girl was protecting Zhou Wenjing everywhere, and Zhou Wenang was very shameless. As the character of this middle school, the original owner made a speech to teach Zhou Wenjing a lesson.

Crushing books, splashing dirty water, swearing, and massaging, similar pranks happened endlessly on Zhou Wenjing. Prior to Zhou Yunsheng’s possession, the contradiction between the original owner and Zhou Wenjing’s already reached an irreconcilable degree.

Zhou Yunsheng stared down at the erect and stubborn figure, and the other person also looked up. The former narrowed his eyes, and suddenly a provocative smile bloomed, which caused the latter to clenched his fists and forgive him.

If you change people, if you know your future fate, the first thing you can do is to repair the relationship with the protagonist in order to hold the thickest thigh. However, Zhou Yunsheng is a very proud person. He has the wisdom and the old-fashioned methods to make him never learn to cope with others.

Adhering to the protagonist to change the fate of the original owner. In the end, his fate is still controlled by the protagonist. How is this different from being the puppet of the main god? So he never thought of starting with Zhou Wenjing.

Of course, he never thought about killing Zhou Wenjing. As the protagonist, if Zhou Wenjing is dead, the world will collapse completely, and the main **** will notice the abnormal data and track himself. Although Xinghai Space can shield the search of the Lord God, it will be very unfavorable to his future plans. It will inevitably lead to many anxieties when he acts, and an accident will be discovered by the Lord God.

Super intelligence like the Lord God must have an anti-virus program installed. Zhou Yunsheng didn’t want to try it at all.

So his current principle of action is to change the fate of the original owner, which will not lead to the collapse of the world in the case of data disorder. The protagonist is still there, the world is there, but the world already is beyond recognition, and it is no longer the appearance of the main **** calculation.

After going through all the plans in his mind, Zhou Yunsheng slowly retreated his gaze.

With time in my mind, time always passes quickly, almost as soon as my eyes are closed and opened, the day goes by like that. Zhou Yunsheng opened his school uniform jacket, his black tie slackly hung on a white shirt, his hands in his pockets, and he walked towards the business car parked on the side of the road at a leisurely pace. Obviously it is a dress that is not trimmed, but he wears a taste of yuppie and attracts many girls to stop and watch.

“Sheng Sheng, you are very popular in school, do you have a girlfriend?” Du Tonglang opened the door for him, a little teased in his smile.

Until the Lord God got into the different dimension space, Zhou Yunsheng was an out-and-out homosexual, and naturally he would not like women. But after the villain system was installed, he had to compete with the protagonist for women, and sometimes he did things that were not as good as animals to women. God knows that in reality, even if a hundred stunners stand in front of them to undress, he can’t be hardened.

Du Yilang’s teasing instantly reminded him of the disgusting feeling of being gang-raped, his gentle smile receded, and his cold gaze pierced the other person’s eyes.

Du Yunlang never looked at Zhou Yunsheng and Zhou Wenang. Zhou Yunsheng, in particular, was a complete fool, and Zhou Wenang was playing with the palms of his hands without knowing it. Like the sharp appearance just now, it instantly subverted his impression of Zhou Yunsheng.

This is not the look that a young man who believes in others can trust.

However, after waiting for him to think about it, Zhou Yunsheng has lowered his eyelids and said lightly, “Let ’s go, do n’t have to wait. Wen Ang’s last class is a physical education class, which is 20 minutes before school.”

Du Yulang nodded, and started the car to leave, going through a dark alley, Zhou Yunsheng suddenly said, “Stop here, I have something to do.”

The car slowly stopped at the side of the road, but Zhou Yunsheng didn’t get out of the car. He just opened the window and looked into the dark alley with a smile on his cheek.

The alleys are lined with high-rise skyscrapers. The light is blocked by the floor and appears very dim. Several huge garbage bins emit a smoky stench, attracting many wild cats and wild dogs to gather for food. All I heard was a bang, a dark shadow hit the trash can, and then lay down on the ground in a wolf. The wild cat hiding in the bucket screamed and fled away.

Looking at the face of Heiying, Du Yilang’s eyes changed slightly, and he immediately wanted to get out of the car for rescue, but Zhou Yunsheng held his shoulder.

“He can’t die.” The boy’s tone was very relaxed, but his palm was secretly exerting force.

Du Yilang had to retract his hand on the doorknob and pretended to smile indifferently.

Zhou Wenjing seemed to want to fight back. Before he got up, he was crushed by a tall man stepping on his spine. Several young men with various hairs came around and searched for valuable things on his body. After another kick and rude remarks, this was a laugh away.

This scene is not uncommon in the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city, and it can hardly arouse the slightest sympathy of passersby. Zhou Yunsheng, the original creator, even showed a satisfied smile.

Yes, these people Correct originally hired by Zhou Yunsheng in order to teach Zhou Wenjing a little lesson. Zhou Yunsheng, who received the memory of the original owner, does not intend to abandon the plan. Not only did he watch the show himself, he also brought the protector of the protagonist.

Du Yanlang pushed the golden glasses on the bridge of her nose to hide the frost that slowly coagulated in her eyes. The big Young Master of the Zhou family is really … love to die.

Zhou Wenjing crawled up, and almost fell down when he bent down to pick up his schoolbag, which led Du Qilang to hold the steering wheel secretly. After several attempts, he finally picked up his schoolbag. He stood upright, spit a **** saliva into the trash bin, walked expressionless, and saw Zhou Yunsheng, who was sitting in the car with a gentle smile, and his face was instantly twisted.

“It’s you!” It’s hard to hide his voice from the teeth.

“Yes, it’s me.” Zhou Yunsheng nodded casually.

Zhou Wenjing couldn’t hold back any more. He rushed up and wanted to punch the other side, but was suddenly hit by the door that was pushed open, lying on the ground and couldn’t get up for a long time.

Zhou Yunsheng walked to him with a slow pace, bending down slightly, scanning up and down with a playful look, as if looking at a clown. Du Yilang also got out of the car, in case Zhou Yunsheng tried to poison his hands.

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