Earth’s Best Gamer Chapter 543: The power of an artifact, Yan Wang·Bao Zheng!

“The Number One Player on Earth ()”

“Not good!”

“Two sides have been flicked.”

“Is it really going to be unstoppable?”

People on the earth are in the mood again.

This situation is really a wave of unrest.

Dragon City’s navy forces are already somewhat powerless in the face of the large number of alien races and water monsters in the sea.

Now, there are new alien races in the river behind, which set off a billowing wave, spurring countless aquatic creatures from behind to rush towards the last line of defense of the Dragon City navy.

At the same time, the dragon city navy army may really repeat the same mistakes that the entire army was wiped out in the previous battle with the mackerel!


At this moment, the wide river exploded fiercely, and something went straight into the sky from the bottom of the water.

It was an ape-shaped figure, with a head and neck a hundred feet long, a white head and a blue body, wearing a fire-red gilt armor, covering the thick hair of Lei Gong’s face, binocular electric shot, fiery eyes!

“The Monkey King!”

“The monkey brother is mighty!”

Seeing this mighty and domineering figure, many people on the earth have already yelled out in surprise.


The ape with golden light in its eyes kept growing in size in the air. When it fell into the sea again, it was already a hundred meters high. A pair of arms covered with thick hair slammed into the wave that was rolling forward.

Then, Wukong gave a grip and made two points left and right.


The huge water wave, which spanned several hundred meters and was more than ten meters high, was torn in half by the huge claws.

This scene is similar to the previous scene where the Leshan Giant Buddha blocked the huge wave of nuclear explosion with the palm of the Buddha, but it is even more **** and cruel!

Because afterwards, the great ape with fiery eyes, a pair of claws toward the center, two waves of water are squeezed toward the center by an invisible force, and thousands of aquatic creatures are in the middle. Under tremendous pressure, it was completely squeezed into a state of mixed flesh and blood.

Even the extraordinary alien, including the shape of a crocodile, could not resist this squeezing power. After being squashed, it became a giant “flesh ball” with countless fish and shrimp, and was stretched out by the fiery-eyed great ape. Grab a handful and threw it into his mouth full of fangs.


Bite and bite, blood flowed freely along the hair on his body!

“His, how does this monkey feel a little weird?”

“Yeah, is it so cruel?”

“The prototype of Brother Monkey should not be a golden monkey? This seems to be a white-headed langur!”

However, some people seem to be wrong.

“What’s weird? Isn’t your Monkey King like this!”

“The Monkey King in your mind is actually the result of beautification by later generations. In fact, the Monkey King in the original “Journey to the West” is such a ferocious beast that cannibalize people. It all depends on our country. Passing those Buddhist scriptures has saved the hostility in your hearts.”

There are people from the Indian Vatican who understand the characters of the Dragon Kingdom and speak on the forum.

“Fuck your mother, the characters and images in the land of inheritance were generated based on the cognition of most people in civilization. For us, Monkey King is an indomitable and rebellious fighter, it is impossible to be It looks like this…”

“Yes, the last time I saw the live broadcast of Monkey King, it didn’t look like this at all.”

“This is not Monkey King, it should be the prototype of Monkey King recorded in “Shan Hai Jing”-Wu Zhi Qi!”

Some experts who are proficient in ancient Chinese culture spoke their own judgments.

[Without Supports]

Level: Extraordinary Sixth Level

Class: Legend

Explanation: The ancient giant Wuzhi Qi was born in Huaguo Mountain in southern Henan. He was born as a **** monkey with a head and neck of a hundred feet long, and his strength exceeded nine elephants. When Dayu ruled the Huai River, he had no support and was suppressed. !

Remarks: Wuzhiqi once ruled Longjiang, and later led a hundred thousand aquariums to kill Longcheng. Lost to the Dragon City City Lord, surrendered and made a contract with the Dragon City City Lord and became his general.

Yes, no support, not Monkey King.

As the most famous Huai River water monster in history, it is also recorded in the Shanhaijing, and it is most likely to be the prototype of Monkey King.

After surrendering to Ji Ye, Wuzhiqi became the river **** of the “Dragon River” that runs through the entire Dragon City. In the arrangement of the Dragon City strategic department, it was originally used as a surprise weapon against the sea clan.

Now the situation is critical, and I saw foreign races coming up from the rivers under their control, furiously participating in the war!

“Boom, boom, boom…”

However, it is not the same as fighting on the ocean side.

Although there are a large number of these monsters in the river, they are all mortal levels if you look closely. Although they are numerous, they pose a limited threat to the creatures of the mortal level!


Instead, Wu Zhiqi jumped out of the water.

Following, like boiling sesame glutinous rice **** underwater, a large group of mortal-class shrimp soldiers and crabs, the tortoise prime minister, and the Jiaolong concubine came out under the black pressure.

Just because, as the river **** of this river, the main body is a chaotic big monster. Before this battle, Wu Zhiqi had already collected all the monster-level aquatic creatures in the entire river. Owned by oneself!

As for the monster king level water monsters above the transcendent level.

In front of the people of Longguo who are known for their food, how can this kind of food that can greatly increase the popularity of the food be wasted?

Because of this, as the only king in this river, facing this pile of extraordinary creatures that rushed out, Gong Qi Lei had a hideous face and golden light in his eyes.

“Roar, roar, roar!”

The mouth roared again and again, with a demon against dozens of transcendent-level giant crocodiles, although, in these aliens resembling giant crocodiles, a piece of alien body that can vibrate at high frequency is attacked by scales similar to a particle knife. Wounds continued to appear on his body, but these wounds were quickly healed by silver rays of light almost at the same time they were injured.

This “healing” ability was obtained after it contracted with Ji Ye.

Now, Ji Ye’s healing talent has been improved again compared to the past, and he can even heal his contracted creatures in the air.

Wu Zhiqi, as an ancient demon, has a cruel and easy-to-kill character. With the power of healing, he completely ignores his own life and death.

The more you kill, the more courage you are, and you don’t retreat, the river of battle is dark and the water hits thirty miles.

“It’s amazing, I’m afraid this is not much worse than the real Monkey King!”

“So far, the Lord of Dragon City has not participated in the war, but only sent a contracted creature of his own, which actually blocked a kind of alien race, how strong is he?”

“This can’t be said. Some people’s natural ability is in the aspect of ‘contract’, and their own frontal combat effectiveness is not too strong!”

After watching this scene, the rest of the players who had returned to the earth to watch the battle were talking about it.

“I don’t know whether it is strong or not, but I am sure of it!”

“Even if the monkey’s fighting power is amazing, if there is no reinforcement from the rest of the strongholds, Dragon City will still be unable to escape defeat.”

The face of a closed beta player is serious.

Because, even if this “primitive Monkey King” blocked the alien giant crocodile killed from the river!

However, the alien offensive in the ocean is getting fiercer and fiercer, and the third line of defense cannot be defended.

You must know that not far behind this third line of defense is a sub-base with more than 200,000 people. If the Dragon City Water Army is defeated, there is a high probability that 200,000 people will have to be buried, because even with time and space. Transmission technology cannot transfer so many people in a short time!

However, talking about the teleportation technology…


At this moment, in the sky above the battlefield, a white light representing “super-spatial teleportation” flashed, and several figures appeared!

The first person is large, wearing a black and gold python gown, dark complexion, gleaming in the eyes, and a crescent-shaped mark on the center of the eyebrows, the imposing and inviolable, inviolable, not angry.

“Hey, this person seems familiar?”

“Crescent moon birthmark, is this person?”

“Bao Gong?”

“Bao Qingtian!”

With such obvious characteristics, the Dragon Kingdom people who watched the battle almost recognized him as his identity at first sight.

“The second article of “Law of the Dragon City”, whoever kills humans within the scope of the Dragon City, cut it!”

Bao Zheng, who was dressed in a python robe, glared with anger, the crescent on his forehead gleamed, and his speech was not loud but it spread throughout the audience.

Those alien races do not understand human language, but they can clearly feel the message conveyed by the spirit.

After that, he simply ignored it.

On the contrary, it drives a large number of aquatic creatures, regardless of life and death, using their body and life as consumption, and impacting the already precarious third line of water defense!

“Exhibition of guards, please imperial decree!”

Faced with the actions of these alien races, Bao Zheng’s eyes were very bright, and he spoke loudly.


Behind Bao Zheng.

There are also a few guards who hold weapons and guards of honor in their hands and are all at an extraordinary level.

One of them has a face with Chinese characters, eyebrows like a sword, and arrogant, wearing a red top hat, dressed as a knight, and holding a very wide long sword in his left hand.

The right hand held up a box with a golden dragon pattern, and the material resembled gold and jade.


The bright golden light bloomed in the box, and a sacred decree with a paragraph of text and a gold-red “Ji Zi” imprinted on it flew out.

On the imperial decree, there is a large amount of the power of the dragon city’s luck, and the imperial decree condenses into a small five-clawed golden dragon and auspicious clouds, floating in the sky like a small sun!

“The imperial edict?”

“Haha, these Dragon City people are really funny.”

In the “Neptune Building” of the Sakura Country, the faces of several high-level players in the One Piece stronghold are a little weird.

Originally, because Mazu rescued a lot of combatants, she felt a bit of a face-slapped mentality, and turned to ridicule again.

“The imperial decree of the ancient dynasty indeed has a special power in the place of inheritance like’Qinqi, calligraphy and calligraphy’, but the problem is that the imperial decree should obviously only be effective against humans and have an effect on foreign races. It’s going to be a big discount… This scene reminds me of a line in a Dragon Kingdom movie, and even holding the sword of the previous dynasty, killing the official of the dynasty…”

The short fat player with evil eyebrows and crooked eyes, while chewing on the grapes delivered by the maid’s mouth, speaks in an extremely yin and yang tone.

“My grass!”

However, the next moment, his small triangular eyes suddenly widened.


In the sky, after the “sacred decree” was released, Bao Zheng slapped his gentry in his black official uniform.


The sky imperial edict suddenly burst into dazzling golden light.

The personnel including Bao Zheng, Zhan Zhao, and the four Extraordinary guards were enveloped, as well as a large area around them.

In a blink of an eye, a building resembling an ancient government hall was outlined. In the middle of the hall, which was tens of meters high, there was a huge dark red table. On the left hand side of the table, there was a gavel and a This book with a black cover has three tokens, black, red, and gold side by side on the right side!

There is also a black plaque above the main hall with three vaguely written characters on it.

“Hey, in ancient courts, generally there shouldn’t be four words, such as ‘the mirror is high hanging’ and ‘upright and bright’. Why is this plaque a three-character plaque?”

Above the earth, many people’s eyes are wide, and they still can’t read the three words clearly.

Bao Zheng said “Sheng Tang”, and most people’s immediate reaction should be the ancient yamen similar to those in operas or TV dramas.

But this big hall appeared in the sky.

Not to mention the ordinary yamen in ancient times, even the yamen of the three central provinces and six branches are far inferior, right?

Furthermore, not only was the environment changed, but the group of people enveloped by golden light also changed.

The strong clothes on Zhang Long and Zhao Hu turned into black and white robes, holding mourning sticks and shackles in their hands.

There were also two hats, one black and one white, on his head, one with the words “get rich at first sight” and the other with “the world is peaceful”.

In the dynasty, the clothes of Mahan and Han turned into large beast head armors, holding black chains in their hands, and their heads turned into a bull’s head and a horse’s head respectively, with black eyes in their eyes. The fire of the soul flashes!

“This is the black and white impermanence of the bull’s head and horse face?”

“What’s the situation? Is it to construct a…”

Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom cultural circle on the earth is aware of something.

The “sacred decree” in the sky continues to emit golden light, and the building of the main hall is still further taking shape. On the left and right sides stand a pair of black stone pillars towering into the clouds. Feel the trembling couplet.

“It’s sighing that the idiots have nothing to do with the delusion of the Yin Cao Jifu; only now in the main hall can I know that the soul will go and the evil will come.”

“The tears are sour, the blood, the salty, the mouth is sweet, the hands are sour, there is no bitterness in the world, the golden, silver-white eyes, the red heart and the black must know that there is a blue sky on the head.”

“Although the official punishment of the Yang world has been spared, the Yin Judicial Program will never escape.”

“Good and evil are up to you, rewards and punishments are in my sovereignty!”


Bao Zheng, who was as majestic as a god, walked to the back of the table and sat down, and the three on the plaque above his head finally became completely clear-[Hades Palace].

The laws of the human dynasty are indeed generally only applicable to humans, but in ancient legends Yama can judge the souls of all living creatures and determine the status of his next life in the six reincarnations!

Most people know that Bao Zheng is known as “Blue Sky”, but I am afraid that only some people know that Bao Zheng is actually similar to Guan Yu and Mazu, and he is also a “half-god” figure.

According to the legend, because of his fair and honest life, he was taken by the heavens when he was alive. He “examines the sun every day and breaks the yin at night”, and after his death he took over as the fifth hall of the ten halls of hell” The owner of the “Yam Luo Temple” is also commonly known as the “Yam King”!

At this time, the “Hall of Hades” appeared, of course, to judge many alien and aquatic creatures.


Bao Zheng’s dark forehead and crescent flickered, the gavel was beaten repeatedly, and the majestic voice spread throughout the battlefield!

“The overlord squid, the sea king jellyfish, the flying fish, the black and white nine-ringed snake…the ninety-one thousand eight hundred and sixteen creatures violate the law of my dragon city.”


The black book “Birth and Death Book” on the table automatically turned pages, and scenes emerged in the air, all of which were scenes of various aquatic creatures, aliens killing or participating in the killing of human beings.

Bao Zheng’s talent “confirmation” can identify the guilt committed by the other party and distinguish the good and evil of the soul!

This is not actually a talented ability for combat.

Because “guilt” itself requires the other party to break the law before it can be defined as a crime, and although the guilt can be identified, Bao Zheng’s talent does not have the ability to directly punish!

However, this talent can be used on the battlefield after having the imperial decree stamped with the jade seal.

Because, the attributes of the two quasi-mythical items of the imperial edict and the jade seal are: the imperial edict can create “rules”, and the jade seal can give “powers.”

It seems very simple.

However, when you think about it carefully, the attributes of these two items are not comparable to those of a legendary heavy weapon.

For example, on the battlefield below, the third line of defense is about to collapse under the attack of the sea aliens.

But if a “restricted sea order” is issued with the “sacred decree”, all marine creatures entering the Dragon City area will have their power limited and they will not be able to use extraordinary power.

For the entire Dragon City Continent, any area covered by the force of air will trigger this rule.

Then the battle situation will naturally be reversed immediately.

Even, you can issue an order for a certain item or race.

For example, enter “Overlord squid, die immediately”, or “Dragon City super mortal master is immune to attacks from all sea creatures”!

The same can change the battlefield situation to a great extent.

The “power” conferred by Yuxi is in a similar situation, enabling a mortal person to master the power that is extraordinary, even a legendary person.

The two use “rules + power” together, and the power is close to the real “artifact” as described.

For example, Ji Ye used a sacred decree covered with a jade seal to enshrine the position of Wuzhiqi’s “Longjiang Water God”!

The legend of Bao Zheng as “The King of Yama” is not universally known. In the place of inheritance, it is not complete with the extraordinary power of the King of Yama. The “Temple of Yama” in front of him also relies on the power of the imperial edict and the jade seal!

Of course, even if it is an artifact, it is not really invincible.

Because of this level of heavy equipment, even legendary players cannot rely on their own power to use it.

Only by consuming the power of air transport in the stronghold, “using air transport as pen and ink” can you put text on the imperial edict or leave a seal.

Moreover, the more advanced, complicated rules or powers, the more luck will be consumed accordingly!

For example, the stipulation that “all alien races will be killed once they enter the Dragon City area” seems invincible, but there is no doubt that even if it consumes all the power of Dragon City’s current luck, it cannot Write such a decree.

And such a rule as “the king squid dies immediately” is naturally achievable.

But the energy consumed is probably not as cost-effective as sending a few legendary heroes.

Therefore, the use of these two items actually needs to be strategic.

The tone set by the “Strategic Department” of Dragon City after negotiation is to target only a part of the alien race at a time!

Because, along with the battle, Dragon City has determined that these alien races are not monolithic. The formulation of this “killer cut” rule makes the psychological pressure on the enemy more meaningful.

“In fact, this promotion test is not just a test for us, these aliens are also facing tests.”

Lao Meng’s voice sounded in the Skynet channel.

“According to the analysis of the Ministry of Strategy, these extraordinary aliens should belong to the villains among the aliens, and they also need to fight for themselves the right to stay in the land of inheritance by defeating our Dragon City…”

Therefore, foreign races also have needs, and this is their weakness.

After all, instead of “breaking the rules” and risking death to be the first bird, why not wait for other aliens to take advantage of Dragon City’s power first, sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight by yourself, and wait until the end before taking a shot. What about the profit of the fisherman?

Obviously, if all alien races share this idea, the threat of alien race to Dragon City will be self-defeating.

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