The Invincible Dragon Emperor Chapter 3: The glowing animal teeth

The wind and snow were too heavy and the weather was severely cold. The tribesmen entered the earthen fort to rest early. Lu Li and his sister walked through most of the tribe, but they did not meet a single person.


   The two walked into the small adobe in the east corner. The adobe was very dilapidated, with only three adobe houses. Lu Li helped her sister into the middle house. The dim oil lamp was lit inside, and the charcoal fire was crackling, but it was warm.


   “Sister, sit down quickly.”


   Lu Li sat down with her sister and poured her a cup of hot water before sitting at the table and gobbled it up. The dinner is not full, only one meat and one vegetable, but the meal is large and generous.


   Sister Lu Ling seemed to have eaten it a long time ago, and she sat and watched Lu Li eat. She took off her cloak, and a jet-black silk was hanging down, and her beautiful face was always smiling, like a fairy in the painting under the candlelight.


   Lu Li is really hungry. Today, he has exhausted his physical strength. He swept away a large bowl of rice and all the vegetables before he stood up contentedly.


   “Sister, this is the body tempering pill.”


   took out the yellow jade box from his arms and handed it over. Lu Ling took a few glances, sniffed it with his nose, and nodded: “It’s indeed a body tempering pill. If nothing else, after taking it, you It should be able to increase the strength of four to five hundred catties. You will take it later, and pulling the coffin tomorrow will not be so laborious.”




   Lu Li frowned, and asked in a deep voice: “You are so sure, when I have a tens of thousands of pounds, I will be able to wake up my blood? In the huge Wuling County, there are fewer than 30 blood soldiers, right? “


   Lu Li has heard about the bloodline, and there are many legends in the North Desert.


   It is said that there is a small amount of blood of the ancient gods in all races. Through special rituals, there is hope to wake up the blood of gods, become powerful blood warriors, and may obtain magical blood skills.


  The head of the Liu family, the overlord of Wuling County, is a powerful bloodline warrior. It is precisely because he is a bloodline warrior that he can lead the Liu Family to become the overlord of Wuling County.


   However, it’s not easy to wake up with blood. It’s not bad for 100,000 people to wake up one person. Over the past few decades, the millions of people in Wuling County have only been able to talk about dozens of people who can feel awakened from the second-grade bloodline…


   Therefore, Lu Li was very skeptical that he could be awakened by blood. He couldn’t even cultivate his profound strength, how could he feel awake? If it hadn’t been for Lu Ling, he would definitely sneer.


   “Yes, you can!”


   Lu Ling nodded very surely, and said: “Even if a hundred thousand people, a million people can’t be awakened, you can definitely! Trust my sister.”


   Lu Ling said this sentence before, Lu Li paused, frowned and asked seriously: “Why? Sister, can you tell me the reason?”




   Lu Ling shook his head, and said, “There are some things you know now, but it’s not good. I will tell you when you wake up your blood. You just need to remember, as long as you reach tens of thousands of catties, You can definitely feel the awakening bloodline, which is still a very powerful bloodline. And… then you can also cultivate profound strength.”




   Lu Li’s body was shocked, his face full of disbelief.


   He has practiced many times since he was a child, but he couldn’t cultivate a trace of profound energy. Now Lu Ling said with such certainty that he can cultivate profound strength after his bloodline is awakened?


   “Don’t ask, just listen to my sister.”


   Lu Ling got up and walked towards his room with a cane, turned around at the door and said: “After swallowing the body tempering pill, go to bed early, and I will pull the coffin tomorrow. By the way… the body tempering pill may let you It’s a little uncomfortable, and it’s okay if you survive.”


   Lu Ling left with a cane, Lu Li stood by the charcoal fire, still in the shock of Lu Ling’s words.


  Xuan Li!


   After the blood is awakened, can he cultivate profound strength? Can you step into the basalt realm, open the door of martial arts, and become a real warrior?


  Who doesn’t want to be a warrior in North Desert, who doesn’t want to be a powerful person who looks down on all directions? Don’t want to get ahead and have endless glory and wealth?


  ”Refining the body tempering pill!”


   Lu Li hurried out and entered his room. He didn’t even care about taking a bath, took out the Body Tempering Pill and swallowed it directly, then poured a few mouthfuls of water, and sat on the ground waiting nervously.


   Lu Ling said that refining the Body Tempering Pill would be a little uncomfortable. Lu Li thought about the magical pill that could increase his strength by hundreds of kilograms. After swallowing it, his body would have some special reactions, right?




  Sure enough, Lu Li soon felt something different in his body. A stream of heat spread from his throat to his whole body. The whole body was warm and very comfortable.




   After a while, Lu Li realized that something was wrong. Because the body is getting hotter and hotter, the whole person is like being thrown into boiling water, and the skin all over the body starts to become red and hot…


   “Hold it!”


   Lu Li clenched his teeth and insisted. He sat cross-legged on the ground, pinching a piece of wood with one hand, and covering his mouth with the other to prevent himself from making any noise. Lu Ling was in the next room, and Lu Li didn’t want her to worry.




   As time passed, after a stick of incense, Lu Li felt that he was not in boiling water, but as if he was thrown into a stove, and it was too hot.


   He covered his mouth desperately, and his other hand squeezed the wood, the hard peach wood was deformed a bit by him, and his five fingers plunged deep into the peach wood.


   ticking, ticking!


   Drops of sweat gathered from his forehead into a river flowing down, Lu Li’s clothes were soaked all over, his face burst with blue veins, and his entire face was deformed.




After    three sticks of incense, the peach stick was overwhelmed and was crumpled alive by Lu Li. At this moment, he finally felt the temperature of his whole body start to drop, he was relieved immediately, opened his mouth and inhaled.


After    two incense sticks, the temperature in the body completely returned to normal. Lu Li’s whole body seemed to be collapsed, he didn’t care about anything, climbed onto the bed and put on the quilt and fell asleep.




   After Lu Li fell asleep, there was a slight exhalation sound outside the window.


   Lu Ling was standing outside the window, covered in snowflakes all over, apparently he had been standing here for a long time. She glanced at the window, a faint smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and limped towards her room with a cane.


  What Lu Ling doesn’t know is…


   After waiting for a while, the primitive beast teeth that Lu Li wore on his neck suddenly lit up, emitting a faint white light, flashing like a firefly in the night sky.


   Lu Li had fallen asleep long ago. He didn’t even know that he would still glow after wearing the animal chain for more than ten years.




   Before dawn the next day, Lu Li woke up. He woke up at this time every day, and a stable biological clock had formed.


   The beast tooth chain that lit up in the middle of the night had already returned to its original shape, simple and dark yellow, like an ordinary beast fang.


   “Hmm, it smells!”


   He smelled a stench, and quickly got up, he found that his whole body was covered with black dirt, even the bed was covered with quilts.




   He stood up with eyes full of confusion, thinking for a while and suddenly threw a fist into the A slight whistling sound sounded, and his eyes lit up instantly.


  ”The strength seems to have increased a bit, the body tempering pill is useful! Is this black dirt, the impurities discharged from my body? The pill tempers my flesh and blood?”


   Lu Li thought for a while, and shook his fist excitedly and said: “Go up the mountain! How much power has increased? Go up the mountain to test and find out.”


  , ignoring the cleaning of the bed, Lu Li hurriedly walked out of the room. He leaped slightly from the backyard and ran towards the back mountain behind the tubao.


   ran wildly for several miles, and Lu Li arrived near a circular boulder. After he glanced around to make sure that there was no one, he grabbed the boulder with his arms and raised it suddenly, then ran wildly in the forest, holding the boulder high.


  The circular boulder is more than one meter in diameter and weighs at least two thousand jin. However, it felt papery in Lu Li’s hands. He held the boulder high in the mountains and ran wildly in the mountains, speeding like the wind, like a behemoth in the shape of a human.


   After running for more than ten miles in the mountains and forests, Lu Li arrived at a valley with a water pool on which a giant waterfall hangs upside down like the Milky Way. The scenery is very beautiful.




   Lu Li threw the boulder heavily on the edge of the pool, he took a few breaths, and shouted in ecstasy: “Five hundred catties, my strength has increased by more than five hundred catties, and the body tempering pill is really useful. Hahaha, a huge force, just around the corner!” (to be continued) [This text is provided by the girl special of the sailing update group @ 雪落de丘比特] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommendation and monthly pass. , Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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