Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 2110: Venom

The latest website: A huge modified trailer came out from the gate of the dungeon, and several cranes worked together to lift the unconscious Hydra onto the trailer.

The vehicle slowly drove into the dungeon, along the special transportation channel, all the way down to the training ground where the Jagged Brotherhood is located.

There is a huge open space here, and the nearly 100-meter-long Hydra Emperor was unloaded into the middle of the field. Then, Lu Yang asked the forging center of the underground city to forge 10 arm-thick iron chains, each with 50 meters long.

One end of these chains is connected to the steel wall at the edge of the dungeon, and one end is buckled on the body of the hydra, and a chain is locked every 10 meters to ensure that the hydra cannot use force.

Lu Yang is also worried that as time goes by, the Hydra Emperor will be able to get out of the chains under constant squirming. He personally cut off the skin of the Hydra Emperor so that the iron chain can buckle the table with nine heads. On the bones of the Snake Emperor.

Under normal circumstances, there is no doubt that any animal will die if it is treated like this, but the Hydra is different. His strong regeneration ability allows him to remain alive in this situation.

The mouth of the King Hydra was also made into a muzzle by Lu Yang using the larger one of his other eight heads, and it was buckled on the King of Hydra’s mouth to prevent him from spraying venom. people.

After all this is done, several days have passed. The turbid wine, the White Lion and others have entered the old city with the bag and killed a large number of demonized giant pythons, especially the distortion of time and space. The newly formed three-headed snake and two-headed snake below are of the same origin as the Hydra Emperor, and the bones in the body can also carry the erosion of the venom.

Lu Yang has been waiting for the Hydra Emperor to wake up these days and return to Earth. Even in the dungeon, there is magical energy everywhere, and the Hydra Emperor’s body can clearly feel the recovery.

The other eight wounds where his head was chopped off are constantly squirming, and it seems that new heads may appear.

Because it was the first time such a big monster appeared in the dungeon, and it was still a monster in prison, many people came to watch it curiously, especially the children of the Jagged Brothers. Their future is the warriors of the Jagged Brothers. So, Lu Yang didn’t mind them watching them up close.

Madjiu, White Lion and others were also among them. At this time, the two were standing in front of the head of the Hydra Emperor. Because the neck of the Hydra Emperor was also chained, they were not worried about the nine heads. The Snake King will violently wound people.

Because the neck is next to the venom glands of the Hydra that transports the venom, the chain here is also covered with a layer of vertebrae picked out of the other eight heads of the Hydra to prevent the venom from being exposed to the chain. Erosion.

Several children whose fathers have passed away looked curiously at the head of the Snake Emperor. Suddenly, a child blinked and shouted to the muddy wine not far away: “Uncle, the Snake Emperor’s eyes seemed to move. “

Snakes don’t have eyelids, and so is the Hydra Emperor. The two big eyes on the last remaining head are always open, and they are infiltrating when you look at them. They haven’t moved before, suddenly Speaking, Zhuojiu and White Lion rushed over, and one of them hugged them aside.

After that, the turbid wine and the white lion went back to the eyes of the Hydra Emperor and observed it carefully for a while, but they still found nothing.

Lu Yang practiced cross-legged on the steps surrounding the venue. Because of the demon’s heart in his body, he was constantly tempering the blood of the gods. Lu Yang’s cultivation speed was extremely fast. He had reached the peak of the second level, and he had reached the third level. The fire demon state is not too far away.

Actually, Lu Yang’s speed can be even faster. It’s just that Lu Yang has been suppressing his cultivation speed. This is required by the Blazing Demon God. If the cultivation speed is too fast, the foundation will be unstable. Moreover, Lu Yang’s mental power is still Without keeping up with the speed of cultivation, he needs to raise his mental power to Tier 3 before daring to upgrade.

The transition from Tier 2 to Tier 3 is that the spiritual core in the soul sea produces lines, and the magic lines are connected with the meridians in the body, tempering the body, so that Lu Yang can become a flame demon form with flames all over the body .

Before the transformation, Lu Yang’s senses will become particularly sharp. In his current state, he can clearly feel that the consciousness of the Hydra Emperor has regained, but his eyes are not moving, he has been looking around. Case.

Lu Yang stood up and walked towards the Emperor Hydra. He was poking the Emperor Hydra in the eyes with a wooden stick, but the Emperor Hydra still pretended not to wake up.

“Boss, just now our children said that they saw the eyes of the Hydra Emperor move.” said Lu Yang, who was gradually approaching for a long time.

Lu Yang came to the side of the bitter love half a lifetime, and said: “You all step back a bit. He is already awake, just pretending that he is not awake.”

Bitter Love Half a Life, Zhuo Jiu and others hurriedly hugged the children and backed a few meters, while Xia Yuwei, Lan Yu and others stopped the others from a safe distance.

Lu Yang stared into the eyes of the emperor Hydra and said, “I know you are awake, and I also know that you have a certain amount of wisdom. From now on, if you want to live, just stay here honestly, I Only taking the venom from your body will not hurt your life.”

The Hydra Emperor still pretended not to hear, but in front of him, a long knife appeared in Lu Yang’s hand. He held the knife in his right hand, and pressed the tip of the knife against the side of the Hydra Emperor, step by step. He walked towards the abdomen of the Hydra Emperor, where there was the venom sac of the Hydra Emperor.

The Hydra Emperor reacted in an instant, and the originally hollow eyes suddenly showed a cold and merciless look.


The Hydra Emperor’s body suddenly ran away. He wanted to turn around and bite Lu Yang to death, because he had recognized Lu Yang, and he made a strange clone. When he ate it, The main head was blown to pieces, and this gave the three-eyed magic flower and the fire dragon a chance to catch him. Now all of this was caused by Lu Yang.

Now Lu Yang not only imprisoned him, but also wanted to take the venom from his body. How could the Hydra agree? But just when the Hydra wanted to make the gesture of turning back that he used to make~IndoMTL. com~ Ten piercing pains in the whole body made the Hydra violently stop in place, not daring to move his body. Not only that, but his mouth also had a muzzle. Not only could he not spray out the venom, Not even able to break the muzzle.

The members of the Jagged Brotherhood and the children around were startled by the Hydra Emperor who had gone violently at first, but now that he saw that the Hydra Emperor’s body was completely immobile, they all felt relieved.

Lu Yang smiled at the corner of his mouth and looked at the Hydra Emperor who was gasping in his abdomen. He said, “That’s right, good cooperation is your future life.”

He has found the location of the poison sac, with a layer of red light attached to the long sword in his hand, and he thrust it inward.


The long sword pierced the Hydra Emperor’s abdomen until it reached the hilt. Then, he called Zhuojiu and the others, and put the large barrel made up of countless snake bones on the side of the hilt. Afterwards, he took out a hollow vertebra, and when he pulled out the long sword, he stabbed the hollow vertebra into it.

The Hydra Emperor let out a low roar, and a large amount of venom spewed from the spinal canal into the bone bucket.

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