Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 1863: Negotiation

The other side.

In a certain room in the Celestial God City, Mitoemon and Roland are gathering together to think about the problem that needs to be solved. No one thought that Mitoemon and Roland thought they would win, but because Radvedev’s critical illness caused the entire Radvedev guild players to fall into self-blame.

The feeling of anger turned the originally divided feelings into unity, especially Radvedev’s sue to all compatriots, which was nicknamed the sin of one’s own edict. The direct result was the main force of Mimo Eemon and Roland. After laying down 117 fortresses in Radvedev, he could no longer make an inch.

Even in these 117 fortresses, players belonging to Russia and Morocco began to retaliate on a large scale, causing Sanyou Eemon and Roland to send heavy troops to suppress players in the area.

But this time the suppression is quite different from the previous ones, because on the battlefield ahead, Chekova, the goddess of war, took over the guild.

The originally split guild, after all the rifts were closed, a powerful Russian guild made Mimo Eemon and Roland suffer.

In the battle between the two sides at the border, the Russian players who regarded death as their hometown, counterattacked Mito Eemon and Roland day and night, coupled with the retaliation of the occupied area, the two not only failed to advance, but almost lost the fortress.

“This **** woman, when I catch her, I will never spare her.” Roland smashed the glass in his hand furiously.

Mitomo Eemon knelt and sat on the chair next to him, and said thoughtfully: “Don’t wait, that woman came to us on the initiative.”

“What do you mean?” Roland asked subconsciously. He found that his phone rang as an invitation to a special space, and the inviter was Chekova.

When they were still allies in the early years, polite dug and Sanyou Eemon and others had added friends to each other, but in this raid, Chekova blacked the two of them, but suddenly Chekova added the two. Came back.

Roland frowned and said, “What does this Chekova want to do, negotiate?”

Mitomoemon said: “The possibility of negotiation is great.”

“Ha!” Roland laughed and said, “How can we negotiate with them? We are about to win, so what can we talk about with him.”

Mitomo Eemon thought for a long time, and said: “Let’s see it, we have too much time.”

For two months, Eemon and Roland didn’t hit Radvedev’s area. As a result, the Jagged Brotherhood gradually began to regain their vitality, but they were in a stage of severe damage. .

I thought that Radvedev was seriously ill and had hope of success, but what was waiting was the enemy of the Russian players. At this time, Sanyou Weimen already had the idea of ​​retreating. If he does not retreat, the next time the iron brothers will fight. When they came over, they didn’t even have a way to resist.

Roland also knows this, but he was confused and he was about to win, but something like this came up. If it succeeds, the monthly income of the two guilds will be close to the Jagged Brotherhood. The income of the two, combined, is many times stronger than that of the Jagged Brothers.

Because the Jagged Brothers occupies the area, there are more players in countries such as China, Thailand, Laos, etc., and only Spain, South Korea and the Nine Star Alliance are really wealthy.

The G8 region, the Gerz region, the Orma region and the Claudio region have not recovered from the trauma.

If Sanyou Eemon and Roland quickly put down Radvedev and use this as a base for development, they will be able to counterattack the Jagged Brotherhood in less than a year, but now, Roland cursed irritably: “Meet him, go together, and see what this woman is going to do.”

Santomoemon did not speak, but turned into a ray of light, and entered the special space with Roland. At this time, the scenery in the special space has changed, from the original pink room to a meeting room With an oval long table horizontally in the middle of the meeting room, Chekova had put on a professional attire, looking coldly and arrogantly at the two of Santo Eemon and Roland.

“Sit down,” Chekova said coldly.

“Humph.” Roland sneered and pulled the chair away and sat opposite Chekova. When Mitoemon also sat down, he slanted his eyes and asked, “Say, what are you going to do with us? Just talk about it. No, the two of us will never accept any form of peace talks.”

Actually, the two have already decided to negotiate a peace talk, but whoever speaks first will suffer, Roland wants to give Chekova a chance first.

Cikova stared at Roland without speaking. She stared at Roland for a full minute. Seeing that Roland was still unmoved, she suddenly stood up and punched on the table, and roared: “Don’t think that I will be afraid of pretending, the Russian people are already on my side, Radvedev will atone for his death with his death, and you must also pay for your actions.”

Roland and Mitoemon can’t help but look at each other. If Radvedev is really dead, then this thing can’t be done right. If the two of them continue to attack, the most likely thing is Chekova took the Russian players and died with them.

Mitomo Eemon lightly kicked Roland under the table, smiled at Chekova and asked: “We are also very sorry about Radvedev, but he should just be overworked. , It shouldn’t be a serious illness.”

Chikova went along with anger, and said: “Mr. Radvedev already knew that she had made a big mistake, and she felt guilty in her heart. During this time, she tried her best to prevent the attack of the two of you bastards. Under the circumstances, his body completely collapsed, and he himself has no intention to live, and he is willing to use death to express his apologies to those players he can’t stand up to.”


With some impassioned “fake big sky” words, Chikova’s story stretches like a surging river. After six years of games, the once silly college girl has become a daunting and mature Steady conspirator.

Chikova knows very well that when Mimo Eemon and Roland talk to her, they will secretly record the audio. Once she speaks with a wrong place, then her ending will be incomparable. It’s miserable, so Mitoemon and Roland came up to sing red cheeks and white cheeks. Now Mitoemon cheats Chekova in a greedy way, but they don’t know that Chekova is not only not fooled, but also uses the same routine to deceive them. Two.

Santomomon stood up from the beginning to the end, and did not find a breakthrough point. In the end, Roland couldn’t help but patted the table and cursed: “Don’t tell me these useless things, what are you trying to say? .”

Chekova had a look of unfulfilled expression. He didn’t expect Roland to admit it so quickly, looked at Roland mockingly, and said: “Two choices, the first one, you immediately retreat and return to us. The agreed area, the second option, I will merge the guild into the Jagged Brotherhood, and then go shopping with you for another month.”

“Impossible.” Roland slapped the table and stood up, and said angrily: “Don’t use Lu Yang to scare us, do you think we’ll be afraid of Lu Yang? He has just begun to farm land and he cannot protect himself. Besides, he still owes us. With a huge sum of 30 billion euros, what did he take to participate in the war?”

Chekova sneered and turned on the TV in the special space. In the screen, on an American game channel, the host Hawkins, whom most people are familiar with, was reporting on a set of data.

“My dear friends, this, this, this is incredible. According to the detailed data we have collected over the past month, 6 million people have made a total of 8 billion euros in a month.”


Mitomo Eemon stood up in His leg overturned the chair because of his excitement, but Mitoemon was still staring at the TV, staring at the TV because of excitement. On to Lu Yang.

Lu Yang, who was being interviewed, smiled and said to Hawkins: “Man, your data is not accurate. In the first month of Tuntian, our 6 million people did not start together, but in batches. At the beginning, if there are no accidents, next month, our 6 million people will have an income of 10 billion euros.”

What kind of concept is 10 billion euros? If Lu Yang is willing to suppress these people’s wages for three months, although doing so defeats character, but with Lu Yang’s prestige, suppressing three months’ wages is not a problem , These three months’ wages can cover the debt.

What’s more, the monthly income of the Jagged Brothers is about 4 billion euros. That is to say, under the protection of these 6 million people, Lu Yang not only does not need to pay back the money, but also has the ability to use the 300 100 million euros in cash, and 12 billion euros in cash earned in three months, a total of 42 billion euros, fought against Mimo Eemon and Roland.

After all, the previous war between the Jagged Brothers and Jerz has already cost Lu Yang nearly 50 billion Euros. The players of the Jagged Brothers have money!

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