Rebirth of Wild Fire Chapter 1088: Under Dingzhou city

Although the Dragon Slayer warrior felt some problems, they didn’t go into it, because at this time he was filled with the excitement of his subordinates rushing under the city wall.

   “Unexpectedly, the first wave of offensive rushed to the city.” The dragon slayer warrior shouted loudly: “The wizard and the archer stopped and covered the city. The rest of the brothers rushed to the city to kill Pu Renyi. “

   Among the 100,000 people, 20,000 shooters and 10,000 mages stopped halfway and began to make a saturation attack on the city.

  Park Renyi saw this scene and said: “Retreat to the stairs and let them come up.”

   100,000 people defending the city quickly retreated and set up a defensive position near the stairs. All the mages stood behind the defensive battle, and the archers stood on the stairs and under the city.

   “Kill.” The dragon slayer rushed to the front of the mage team and shouted.

   20,000 shooters and 10,000 mages attacked the city at the same time.

  ”Hash Arrow”

  ”Meteor Fire Rain”



   A piece of forbidden spells and special skills covered the city head, but there was no one on the city head. Just when the dragon slayer warrior, a wizard and archer released their skills, they quickly climbed the city wall to the city head in close combat.

   just landed, but found that there was no one on the front of the city. Only on the innermost side of the city wall, there was a row of shielded defenses. Just as they were preparing to attack the defenses, Park Renyi showed his figure. He sneered and said angrily: “Slow down skills, let go.”

   “brambles overgrown”


  ”Quicksand Technique”


  The mage hiding behind the shield battle immediately activated the deceleration skill, and immediately, the movement speed of the rushing shield battle was reduced to 30%, almost impossible to move.

   The treatment following the shield battle has not yet climbed up the city wall. As a result, the shield battle and the anti-kidney are not responding to the treatment, and the person who is beaten does not move forward or retreat.

   Soon, the follow-up treatment rushed up, but they also faced the same dilemma, especially the damage caused by quicksand and thorns was from the ground, not from the sky, which caused the shield to fail. These people still Face the attack of spells.

   These spells are all 130-level wizards, and the damage is extremely high. When shield warfare and anti-riding are unable to move, the treatment can only be used to smash blood, or use group skills. As a result, they can use magic without persisting for two minutes Drained, then the shield battle and the treatment battle to death.

   Followed up on the city wall did not know the above situation, because the dragon slaying warrior’s legionnaire and regimental commander were not the first to participate in the siege, but let ordinary players take the lead.

  This style of play is the most pitiful style of play, because ordinary players only see the siege of the city, and will not look at the surrounding terrain and the specific formation of the enemy, which leads to unlimited deaths on the city’s head. The city didn’t know what happened.

   Fortunately, the glacier and others found the problem in the distance. The high platform they created was 10 meters higher than the city wall.

   Glacier immediately sent a message to the Dragon Slayer Warrior, saying: “Stop the siege and retreat quickly.”

   “Why retreat? Although my people have died a lot, more people have boarded the city wall.” The Dragon Slaying Warrior asked rhetorically.

   On the city’s head, Glacier watched the dragon-slaying warrior’s spells stop on the city’s head, and the bow and arrows stopped. It was obvious that the mana was drained and was being replenished. At this moment, a large number of archers rushed into the city. head.

   “Go back, your people are all dead in the city, let your wizards retreat, or they will all die.” Glacier shouted.

  The dragon slaying warrior was taken aback, but he did not react. At this moment, the war literacy cultivated by many war experiences caused all the 20,000 shooters of Park Inyi’s side to rush to the top of the city, and they did not aim. It aimed at the enemy’s magician position and the archer’s position standing at a distance of 80 meters and launched a straight-line hash arrow attack.

  The 120 bows and arrows fired by the hash arrow can cover a range of 30 meters. Any target within 30 meters will be attacked.

   In an instant, 20,000 people shot more than two million bows and arrows, covering all the mages and archers on the side of the dragon slayer.

   The horrible scene of tens of thousands of black bows and arrows flying from a distance made the rookie players on the side of the dragon slayer dumbfounded, and they even forgot to escape.

   It was too late to escape. At this moment, 10,000 wizards and 20,000 archers were almost dead, including the dragon slayer.

   “Oh my god, how could this be?” Black Cross said in shock.

   The remaining eight presidents on the high platform were all dumb. For the first time, they felt how big the gap between themselves and Piao Renyi was, but they had never thought that Piao Renyi’s strength could not beat Lu Yang. , So how terrible Lu Yang is, they dare to talk about alliances with such a person, they are simply seeking skin with a tiger.

   Glacier was the first to react and shouted: “Resurrect them quickly, give priority to saving the dragon slayers, and let him command the people in front to evacuate.”

   “I’ll go.” Black Cross jumped off the platform, rushed to the vicinity with 10,000 shield battles and healers, and rescued the Dragon Slayer Warriors, but this has been delayed for a few minutes, and it is here. Within minutes, Park Renyi launched a counterattack, and the 60,000 melee attacking downstairs and 10,000 healers were almost killed.

   “Hey.” The Dragon Slayer warrior patted his head in annoyance.

   “Retreat quickly, let’s discuss the game.” Black Cross said.

  The dragon slaying warrior hurriedly ordered the destroyed remnants to retreat, and at the same time resurrected the dead players, and then ran from the main city of Silver Light.

   On the high platform, the dragon slaying warrior had not lost the arrogance before the attack, and his expression of frustration was like a rooster without hair.

   Glacier, God of War I and others are a little dazed. Originally, they thought that with their strength, even if they faced Piao Renyi’s main force, they would be able to defeat him in one battle. After all, Piao Renyi’s main force was beaten into a dog by Lu Yang, but Unexpectedly, Pu Renyi is not the main force, but they have suffered such a big loss.

   “The next one is the Black Cross attack, any ideas?” Hikawa asked.

   Originally, the nine of them were drawing lots to attack. The nine presidents had their own thoughts in their hearts. They all thought that Pu Renyi was already declining, and Luyang was under pressure. The main force must be in Dingzhou City. Bo attack can take down Ningzhou City, so everyone wants to be the first to attack.

   After all, the one who defeats the main city first is eligible for more loot, but the nine people are all vying for it, and in the end it is the order of attack determined by lottery.

   At the beginning, this sequence made the Black Cross and others worry that the strongest dragon slaying warrior would get more benefits, but they didn’t expect this result, which made the second attacking Black Cross feel 10,000 heads. The scene of a horse galloping past.

   “A few of you can give me an idea, I don’t know what to do?” Black Cross said.

   God of War I, Pope I, and Sad Fan Qiufeng did not speak.

   Camel Longknife said: “I’ll make a suggestion. We can’t attack one by one. Obviously, we are far worse than Piao Renyi in terms of individual ability and battlefield command. If you want to defeat Piao Renyi, we only have to attack on all sides. At the same time Attack, the first wave of four people, once lost, the second wave will immediately be responsible for the rescue, and then the second wave of attack, the first wave will retreat to be responsible for the rescue, so that it is possible to win.”

  The Dragon Slayer Warrior said: “I agree with this style of play.”

   Black Cross said: “I agree too.”

   “How do you divide the things that went in?” the bullfighter asked.

   Glacier said helplessly: “Let’s shoot down first, I’m worried that I won’t be able to enter, you still have something in your mind.”

   Victory Angel and Sad Fan Qiufeng also shook their heads.

   Matador said: “What are you afraid of? Just fight. I don’t believe it. It is so hard for us 900,000 people to fight him, the main city with less than 200,000 people defending.”

   Glacier and others were right when they thought about it, and they organized it immediately.

   Soon, the second offensive began. This battle turned into two waves of siege by 800,000 people. The remaining dragon slayers were responsible for defending the support players from India on the periphery.

   When the battle became such a situation, Park Renyi knew that it was time to test his strength. He shouted: “Those between level 100 and 120 are responsible for defending the city, and those above level 120 will gather under the city and support at any time. “

   An extremely tragic offensive and defensive battle of Ningzhou City was officially staged.

   When the attack on this side was fierce, on the other side, the Jagged Brotherhood still hadn’t completed the summoning. After all, there were tens of millions of people in formation.

   Lu Yang himself also had the idea of ​​letting the Nine Star Alliance fight against the elites of Park Renyi and Tianlong, but when he was recruiting and watching the video, he found that the Nine Star Alliance had not attacked the city several times.

   “The Nine Star Alliance is too useless.” Lu Yang sighed helplessly.

   Xia Yuwei asked: “Should we help?”

   Even a few commanders of the Jagged Brotherhood can immediately reverse the situation of the war. Lu Yang knows this, but he would rather watch the Nine Star Alliance fiasco than support you.

   Lu Yang asked: “No, if the Nine Star Alliance only has this strength, they will be of great use value.”

   “What do you want to do?” Xia Yuwei asked.

  Lu Yang smiled without saying a word, and said, “Let’s continue watching.”

   in the screen.

   The Nine Star Alliance continued its fierce attack, and the number of level 100 to 120 players killed and injured by Park Renyi on the front of the city reached tens of millions, but their highest record was still attacking the city without breaking into the inner city.

   In this way, there was only one result. In the afternoon of the war, the senior mage of the Nine Star Alliance cast the Forbidden Curse and the Lesser Forbidden Curse, and the rest of the professions threw out their strongest skills.

   In the next attack, Shah Rukh, who had been hiding in the Tibetan barracks, brought 50,000 Indian 130-level elites, suddenly rushed out of Ningzhou City and defeated the Nine Star Alliance.

   Less than 300,000 people eventually fled back to the main city of Silver Light, and the remaining 600,000 people were all killed on the grassland.

   “Haha, I won.”

   “The little Nine Star Alliance dares to attack us.”

   “Wait, if Lu Yang is wiped out this time, you must be wiped out.”


  Park Renyi and Tianlong appeared at the head of the city at the same time, and the two and their subordinates yelled in excitement.

   Inside the main city of Silver Light.

   Glacier, God of War I and others’ faces are not pretty.

   “Unexpectedly, we can’t even beat one of the enemy’s partial divisions.” Camel Longdao said lonely.

   “Yes, I didn’t expect that the elite troops of Pu Renyi and Tianlong are so strong, we all underestimated them.” God of War I said quietly.

   He is now even more happy that he surrendered to Lu Yang, and the last trace of grievance in his heart was also eliminated.

  Lu Yang, the Iron-Blooded Brotherhood, what a strong existence, a group of Piao Renyi’s partial teachers did not even have the power to fight back, but Piao Renyi made Lu Yang not have the power to fight back. .

   If their Nine Star Alliance meets Lu Yang, it is conceivable that they will be destroyed by the Jagged Brotherhood if they meet each other.

   “By the way, what about Lu Yang, didn’t he agree to attack with us? Why hasn’t he moved yet.” The Dragon Slayer warrior asked angrily.

   “We were not deceived.” Black Cross asked.

   “Impossible, how could Lu Yang cooperate with Park Inyi to lie to us.” Pope I said.

   “Why didn’t he send troops yet.” The matador asked. He lost the battle very badly and was very angry.

   “Let me ask.” Pope I connected to Lu Yang’s intercom.

   “President Lu Yang, why haven’t you attacked yet?” Pope I asked in an angry tone, and then he privately sent a message to Lu Yang for Lu Yang to cooperate.

   After seeing the note, Lu Yang sneered and asked, “Why, do you want to put the blame on me after losing the battle?”

   Glacier, Dragon Slayer and others have a stagnant expression.

   “No no, President Lu Yang, how dare we put the blame on you? Just ask curiously.” Pope I said.

   Lu Yang snorted coldly, and said, “I haven’t completed the assembly yet. When the assembly is over, I will naturally attack.”

   “Aren’t your men always in a state of war? Why are they gathering so slowly this time?” Black Cross asked.

   Lu Yang said: “It’s not all of your subordinates. You must gather your manpower and prepare for the second attack. In two hours, I should also launch a general attack.”

   “Oh, good.” Glacier said with a sigh of relief.

   turned off the intercom, Pope I excitedly said: “Let’s gather players again and prepare to launch a second attack. This time when Lu Yang fights first, we will attack again and we will definitely be able to fight down.”

   “Alright, then we will assemble again, this loser is too useless and must be found back.” said the bullfighter.

   “Yes, it must be retrieved,” said the Dragon Slayer Warrior.

   Glacier said: “Then we will attack Ningzhou City again and wait for the opportunity.”

   “Now let’s go.”


   Nine people gathered together. Originally, these 900,000 people rectified outside the main city of Silver Light. Now they get news and attack again. Even if they don’t want to, they still followed their respective guild leaders to participate in the war.

  Ningzhou City.

   Pu Renyi and Tianlong have left, and even Shah Rukh has left. Only 300,000 players between level 100 and 120 are left to defend the city. In the eyes of both of them, Ningzhou City is defended, Jiuxing The league can no longer attack.

   But Park Renyi didn’t wait to stand firmly on the head of Yizhou City, and received news that the Nine Star Alliance once again assembled players to attack Ningzhou City. At this time, Tianlong just ran to Suiyuan City, which is different from Park Renyi. The Tianlong party cannot use the teleportation scroll between the main cities of Pu Renyi and can only run.

   “Tianlong, you defend the city for me, I will bring 500,000 people to clean up the Nine Star Alliance.” Pu Renyi said.

   “Go, there is me here, don’t worry.” Tianlong said, this time he brought 1 million 130-level players to help, plus 1 million people left behind by Park Renyi, a total of 2 million people, enough Deal with Lu Yang.

   Pu Renyi brought 500,000 people to Ningzhou City, and immediately took 500,000 people out of the city, wanting to defeat the Nine Star Alliance head-on, but the Nine Star Alliance is not stupid. There are undercover agents in Park Renyi’s guild, and he doesn’t agree with Park at all. Renyi faced a decisive battle and returned to the silver light.

   Pu Renyi didn’t dare to pursue it, so he could only retreat, but just halfway through the retreat, he heard a news that made him panic and overwhelmed.

   “Assemble all your players, Lu Yang is crazy this time, he actually launched tens of millions of people from the Jagged Brotherhood to attack you, and now they have reached the Yinshui River.” Tianlong sent a message.

   “What? Tens of millions of people?” Park Renyi asked in amazement, he felt his nerves numb.

   Tianlong said: “The exact news, this is a high-level insider I have inserted in the Jagged Brotherhood. He has exposed his identity for this matter. Hurry up and call all your guild members to participate in the battle and defense, otherwise you will have to He was removed from the Northeast by Lu Yang.”

  Park Renyi took a sharp breath, and said in a panic: “I’m looking for someone now, I can’t lose.”

   “I also summoned players who can go online. It’s wicked, why did Lu Yang find so many people.” Tianlong asked puzzledly.

   Pu Renyi said: “China National Day, I should have guessed it, the whole people have a seven-day holiday.”

   “Seven days!?” Tianlong felt dizzy, he knew that Park Renyi was hanging.


   A big river that runs through Dingzhou City and Suiyuan City, Yizhou City, Guang’an City, Xuantu City, and the Ningzhou City below, the main city of Silver this time, it is on the side of Dingzhou City By the riverside, a total of more than 9 million players from the Jagged Brotherhood have assembled there, led by 32 vice-chairmen.

  In this war, even the late old man who hadn’t appeared for a long time came out, and Ling Zhitian also came to join in the fun.

   “9 million people, too domineering.” Ling Zhitian stood beside the old man, watching from side to side.

   “Only Lu Yang can gather in this scene. It’s too arrogant.” The old man Chi Mu said emotionally.

   Ling Zhitian did not refute.

   Lu Yang stood on the bank of the river, at the forefront of the crowd. He looked back at the 9 million people, and he was very excited.

   was supposed to be 10 million people, but in order to prevent Gai Suwen from attacking Tiger Head, Liu Jie raided Tianjian City, and Lu Yang reserved 500,000 people in each of the two main cities.

   And the defensive power in the main city is not at all. In the previous battle to encircle and suppress Luyang, the guild who wanted to attack Luyang was given a nest by Liangyun, and all players who participated in the battle were killed and returned to level 100. Below, or escaped from Lu Yang’s sphere of influence, there was no more threat in the territory.

   And Lu Yang launched a battle with tens of millions of people this time. Everyone with a discerning eye can see that Park Renyi is dead. Luyang will surely take down all the main cities. It is foreseeable that in the future, more than half of the northeast region will be in Luyang. In the hands, let’s not say that it is rebelling, it is too late to make a good deal.

  Many medium-sized guilds submitted documents of alliance to Tu Feng one after another. Lu Yang gave them a chance to be responsible for the security of the main cities they had captured.

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