Profound Dragon Warlord: Speak up, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Xuanlong Ares!

Shen Longxuan has been completely surrounded. Surrounded by his veins, more and more images are drawn.

Originally, I just outlined some flowers, plants and trees, but now I have been able to depict some mountains and rocks.

A flower and a grass, a tree and a stone on the sacred mountain have infinite divine power, Shen Longxuan sketched here, can no longer continue, directly erupted.

Ang! !

Boom! !

The void veins surrounding Shen Longxuan suddenly trembled, and then a golden light burst out from it.

Furthermore, with the roar of the dragon’s voice, a huge golden dragon rushed out, and the dragon roared, rushing the veins to pieces.

It’s falling everywhere like dead.

It’s not over yet, the dragon that Shen Longxuan’s sacred blow turned into is directly blasting into the void. Amidst the roar, it seems that there is a scream, but it is directly covered by the roar.

Then trembling violently, the void was blasted out of a larger hole. In this hole, the veins of the void were cut off, like a dead but not stiff worm, struggling and twisting.

This blow almost pierced the remaining first heaven!

Shen Longxuan was panting. For this blow, he almost consumed all the power of the primordial primacy on his body. From the eyes of outsiders, he was extremely weak at this moment.

The three people who were still fighting in the distance, as well as the three void veins, all stopped, and the three veins quickly fought back and went straight to Shen Longxuan.

Boom! !

Shen Longxuan raised his sword to confront him, and the weak and weak he was directly blasted back.

Then he was beaten by the veins who arrived later. Shen Longxuan’s figure was extremely embarrassed, but he was wearing the artifact from the beginning and didn’t suffer much damage.

However, he is indeed unable to fight anymore. He looks like he is ready to escape, but he is surrounded by the void and cannot escape at all.

Fortunately, those who have been cut off cannot recover in a short time, so even though Shen Longxuan is embarrassed, he can still deal with it.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Shen Longxuan only relied on pure physical power to fight, and the light of the divine weapon in the early days was dimmed, and the sky profound sword wound in the early days had no sword light.

In this way, his lethality is limited, and he is snorted repeatedly by three lines.

After another while, Shen Longxuan’s muffled hum became weaker, and he was even knocked down deep in the void.

The three of Hun Mietian looked at each other. After watching the scene for a long time, it’s time to really make a move.

“Shen Longxuan, your death date is here!”

The strength of the three broke out, and they rushed out directly at Shen Longxuan.

Shen Longxuan burst out with all his strength, he went straight to the place where the energy tide burst just now, where there is still majestic energy.

“Stop him! Can’t let him recover!”

A voice came from the void.

Shen Longxuan didn’t care about those, the physical power exploded in an all-round way, and he couldn’t beat the enemy, so he could run away.

Seeing that he was about to reach the energy tide, he was overtaken by three figures. Without any distinction, Shen Longxuan was directly blasted back.

They are just the three of them.

“What do you mean? Taichutian will soon recover. If you don’t kill him, you will stop me?”

Shen Longxuan said angrily.

Hun Mietian smiled faintly, looked at the depths of the void, then looked at Shen Longxuan, and said: “Shen Longxuan, we think you are more dangerous than Taichutian.

So, the three of us decided to deal with you first, and then look for the first heaven.

We have just observed it. He has just recovered from the beginning of the day. He is not strong, and we can deal with it.

It’s you! The speed of getting stronger is too fast, and after a while, I am afraid that we will not be able to control you. “

“Assholes! If you cross the river and break the bridge, there will be retribution. Do you think the power is not strong in the beginning? The power he just revealed is just his attack by relying on will, and his body has never appeared.

You feel that the sky is too weak in the beginning, and that is because you have no knowledge. In that case, let’s play by yourself! Master, I’m leaving! “

Shen Longxuan finished speaking and tore open the space directly, planning to leave.

But he just stepped in, but he was blasted out, and a faint figure walked out of it.

Looking at this figure, Shen Longxuan was a little excited, because this was the primordial heaven.

It’s his condensed body of will. There are countless long arms condensed from voids around him, like tentacles, dancing back and forth, and it makes people feel numb at a glance.

“Shen Longxuan, we finally met! I didn’t expect it to be this kind of occasion. In fact, you shouldn’t resist. I give you everything, so when I want to use you, you have to obey. “

Tianchu Tian said in a flat tone, there was no wave in his words, and he couldn’t hear any emotions.

It is said that the way of heaven is ruthless, and the way is even more so. At this moment, the heaven is like a machine, without any human emotions.

“There are three of you. With your strength, you are embarrassed to fight with me? The one who really controls the power is me. In my eyes, you are not even as good as the ants.”

Taochutian said, pointing a little, and the whole void was frozen.

All the energy bursts, as well as the creatures in the void, including the movement of the Ten Thousand Realms Realm, stopped at this moment.

The three of Hun Mietian felt the power of imprisonment from their bodies, and couldn’t break free at all. The three of them looked ugly.

At this moment, they finally regretted it. They shouldn’t stop Shen Longxuan’s recovery, they should join hands to deal with Taichutian.

If that were the case, it would certainly not have the same result as it is now.

Now, their eyes are on Shen Longxuan again, as if expecting Shen Longxuan to turn defeat into victory.

But they were disappointed, and Shen Longxuan was also confined in place, motionless.

“Tianchutian, don’t say it so nice, you gave me everything, are you worthy?

Tell you, everything about me was returned by my own destiny, and it has nothing to do with you. Put away all your calculations and insidiousness. I don’t want that.

Also, all your kindness is nothing but hypocrisy. In your heart, you are the only one.

For yourself, you can ruin the world, and even the heavens.

Actually, you people are just as pitiful, no matter how strong you become, you will only be yourself, hahaha…”

At this time, Shen Longxuan not only failed to subdue, he was still angering Taichutian.

But Taichutian has no human emotions at all, so his words are of no use.

But Taichutian said: “Huh! Ignorance! What do you know? To be ruthless, you people are better than I did.

At the beginning, the Source of the Beginning was really under my control, my power was powerful and invincible, I fed the entire heavens and all realms, and I benefited all people and creatures.

But what about that? What I have given is not reward, but revenge!

The heavenly powerhouses rose up to rebel. In fact, I can kill them all. Whoever imagined that the Source of the Beginning was awakened at this time, and it gave birth to the will.

Not only did it hurt me badly, but it also ran away far away and laid down nine barriers. By the way, this is the nine heavens in your eyes.

I was severely injured, and the strong men of the heavens besieged me. I explained to them that I wanted them to fight against the will of the Source of the Beginning.

But they didn’t believe it and killed me. “

Speaking of this, Taichutian glanced at the three of Hun Mietian, and Shen Longxuan finally saw a trace of anger in his eyes.

“What use do I want you to do?”

Tianchu Tian roared: “So, I want revenge! The ninth reincarnation is set, and I want to let the creatures of the heavens and all worlds fall into it, make them painful and helpless.

I want to punish them in this way. Compared to killing these people directly, I feel that this method is more enjoyable. “

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