The Emperor of the Immortal Realm Chapter 22: Princess Taiping, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Emperor Xianguo!

Xiwaizhou, the territory of the ice demon!

Yan Dongen Chinese Army Camp!

Long Nian floats high in the sky, and the whole army is on guard.

Yan Chuan stood on Long Nian and looked at Yan Dongen at the entrance of the main hall.

Behind Yan Dongen, a group of generals took out their weapons and stared at Long Nian solemnly.

Because, above Long Nian, the murderous aura in Bai Qi’s eyes makes everyone feel like a heart.

Who is here? Dare to go straight into the army’s big account?

Many soldiers are waiting for Yan Dongen’s order.

Yan Dongen’s serious face suddenly showed a smile that made the soldiers unable to figure it out.

“Father!” Yan Dongen exclaimed with excitement in his eyes.

“Father?” Suddenly countless generals showed a dazed look.

Father? what’s the situation? Is the boss calling the people above Long Nian “Father”?

For a time, countless generals were dumbfounded. Those soldiers who were holding their weapons and waiting for the order to kill them became even more stiff, and everyone turned their heads and looked.

At this moment, Yan Dongen is indeed smiling excitedly.

The handsome dad?

Above Long Nian, Yan Chuan also laughed. A kind smile flashed in his eyes.


Long Nian swooped down.

At this moment, there are no soldiers to stop you–

Ice Demon Territory!

In a huge city. The city lord’s mansion is located on a huge floating island. On the floating island, you can see the entire city.

There is a huge open-air bath in the floating island.

The sky is gloomy, with only moonlight shining. A large amount of mist was steaming in the open-air bath, and a group of female guards waited.

The flower petals in the bath.

A white figure cruised in the pool for a while, and finally leaned against the bath, closed his eyes and lay on his back, enjoying the comfort of the moment.

This is a woman with an extremely feminine face, with fluttering hair and extremely fair skin.

The woman was enjoying the tranquility, and suddenly, a waitress came over.

“Princess!” said the waitress respectfully.

“Huh?” The woman didn’t open her eyes, but just responded lazily.

“Princess, news is coming from Yan Dongen!” The female guard whispered.

“Oh? You won the battle again?” The princess didn’t care.

“No, Yan Dongen’s barracks, a man came, and Yan Dongen called him “father”.” The waitress explained.

“Oh?” The princess suddenly opened her eyes, and a bright light burst into her eyes.

The waitress on the side was slightly taken aback. Didn’t the princess always look at Yan Dongen unpleasantly? How did you hear Yan Dongen’s father react so much?

“Are you sure?” The princess’ eyes lit up.

“Uh, yes, at that time, Yan Dongen called in front of everyone. The visitor was driving four dragons and two attendants!” The waitress solemnly said.

“Here? He really came? Hahaha, I ask you, how does he look? Does he look good?” The princess said with a hint of excitement.

“Uh!” The waitress was slightly startled.

Does it look good? The waitress was unable to grasp the princess’s thoughts for a while.

“Uh, he, maybe he doesn’t have the handsomeness of the princess’s mansion, but he has a majesty. Very mature!” said the waitress.

“Yes, yes, is he comparable to those little white faces? He is the real man!” There was a hint of excitement on the princess’s face.


The princess stood up from the bath.

The bath water slipped from the body, suddenly revealing an extremely exquisite and perfect figure.

The princess looked at her body narcissistically, and walked slowly towards the railing not far away.

The waitress on the side quickly fetched a gauze and put on the princess.

The princess stood on a terrace, watching the lights of the city, and then looking at the far south.

“Here, since I was a child, I have heard of his deeds, come and drive, my palace is going to the front-line Chinese army camp!” cried the princess.

“Huh? So anxious?” The waitress on the side looked surprised.

“Didn’t you hear what I said?” The princess stared.

“Yes!” the waitress said–

Ice Demon Territory, Yan Dongen’s Chinese army camp, the main hall “Yan Shuai Dian”.

Some generals have gone out. In the hall, Yin Hentian and Bai Qi stood by.

Yan Dongen brought Yan Chuan to the sand table.

“Father, you see, this is the child’s plan. The child used the divorce plan. Now I let the Ice Demon King remove his right hand and right arm. I am inside the Ice Demon Holy Court, disturbing public opinion and forming a wave of rebellion with public opinion. , And, these levels are already mine! Only after a few days, I will calm down the Ice Demon Holy Court in one fell swoop!” Yan Dongen said his plan to Yan Chuan as if offering a treasure.

“Yin Aiqing, what do you think?” Yan Chuan smiled.

“The prince is brilliant, serial, and ingenious. Even if the ministers send troops, there may not be a prince so perfect!” Yin Hentian smiled.

“Hahaha, Yin Aiqing has said so, my son’s plan is naturally perfect!” Yan Chuan smiled.

Won the praise from Yan Chuan, Yan Dongen’s eyes are full of excitement.

“You stay outside!” Yan Chuan said.

“Yes!” Bai Qi and Yin Hentian answered.

Yan Chuan looked at the sand table in front of him, took a deep breath and said: “Dongen, how is your mother now?”

Speaking of Mo Yuxi, Yan Dongen’s face suddenly became serious.

“Father, the child has used his feats in the past to get the mother out of Suofengshan ahead of time. However, the mother seems to be still not seen by the emperor. No, it is the Dazhou royal family who has unanimously rejected the mother. Now the mother is transferred to A territory in the West is gone! I have very few opportunities to meet my mother. Therefore, I have been working hard all these years, hoping to use my children’s efforts in exchange for a more free life for my mother!” Yan Dongen took a deep breath.

Yan Chuan stroked Yan Dongen’s head and said kindly: “These years, your mother and son have suffered!”

“No, both my mother and I know that Dad has worked extremely hard in the East!” Yan Dongen said with a smile.

“Father is here this time, just to take your mother and child back, our family is reunited!” Yan Chuan solemnly said.

“Well! I’m just worried that the emperor will be embarrassed.” There was a trace of worry in Yan Dongen’s eyes.

“Don’t worry, no one can stop me!” Yan Chuan said solemnly.

“Hmm!” Yan Dongen said happily.

Just as the father and son were talking, a long drink suddenly came from outside the hall.

“Princess Taiping is here!” A long drink came from outside the hall.

“Princess Taiping? What is she doing?” Yan Dongen raised his brow.

Yan Chuan also turned his head and looked outside the hall.

Outside the hall, Princess Taiping was wearing an extremely gorgeous dress, and the bottom of the dress was dragged on the ground for a long time.

Behind him was a group of waitresses, serving them with great care.

Princess Taiping is the one who was taking a bath not long ago.

At this moment, wearing a dress, looking extremely beautiful, countless soldiers around, many of them showed admiration.

Princess Taiping held her head high, step by step, showing her beauty and pride.

Went outside the Yan Shuai Palace.

“Stop!” Bai Qi stopped outside the hall.

“Bold, don’t you know Princess Taiping?” a waitress suddenly shouted.

“Shut up!” Princess Taiping suddenly shouted.

“Yes!” The waitress retreated immediately.

Princess Taiping looked at Bai Qi with shining eyes: “Kill God, Bai Qi? Wu Anjun?”

White raised his brows. The woman in front of her is extremely beautiful, but why is that weird look in her eyes?

“Let her in!” Yan Chuan’s voice came from the hall.

“Yes!” Bai Qidian nodded.

Hearing Yan Chuan’s voice, Princess Taiping’s eyes were even brighter, she immediately ignored Bai Qi and stepped into Yan Shuai’s palace.

Bai Qi and Yin Hentian looked at each other, and followed them into the hall.

In the main hall, Yan Chuan and Yan Dongen stood at a sand table and looked out of the hall together.

Princess Taiping was the first to step into the hall.

As soon as she entered the hall, Princess Taiping immediately stared at Yan Chuan.

Princess Taiping kept looking at Yan Chuan, and when she watched, Princess Taiping smiled more and more in her eyes.

The waitresses who followed up looked at Princess Taiping blankly. This was the first time she saw Princess Taiping show such an expression.

Yan Dongen looked at Princess Taiping with a trace of disgust on his face.

“The Great Zhou Tianting, Princess Taiping, I have seen the First Emperor!” Princess Taiping smiled and said with a slight polite.

And this ceremony left the waitresses in amazement.

Am I dazzled? Princess Taiping, actually saluting the man in front of you?

Be aware that Princess Taiping is in the Heavenly Court of Great Zhou Dynasty, but the domineering lord, is the emperor’s most beloved daughter, no one will worship except for the emperor! There was a saint visiting, and Princess Taiping did not worship the holy!

It can be said to be a favorite of the world! At this moment, actually bowing to the man in front of him?

Some waitresses even rubbed their eyes.

“Princess Taiping?” Yan Chuan frowned.

“Just call me Taiping!” Princess Taiping looked at Yan Chuan with a smile, and there was a strange smell in her eyes.

The look was strange in the eyes of Yin Hentian and the waitresses.

Because of this look, most of them have only been seen in some men. It is a perverted look like seeing a naked girl, full of sex, a strong possessive desire!

“Princess Taiping, you visited our barracks late at night, don’t know what happened?” Yan Dongen asked frowning.

Princess Taiping looked at Yan Dongen, she still had a trace of disgust in her eyes, but she was hiding it perfectly.

“Yan Shuai has led the troops for hard work. I brought some drinks to treat the three armies. By the way, I didn’t expect the first emperor to be seen here!” Princess Taiping looked at Yan Chuan again.

“Emperor Shi, when he first came to Da Zhou, Taiping will be a landlord. If Emperor Shi does not give up, I wonder if he can come to my palace tomorrow and Taiping will treat you well!” Taiping had a charming smile in his eyes. .

Yan Dongen frowned.

“It won’t work tomorrow. I will meet my son again, and I don’t have time to go to your dinner party!” Yan Chuan shook his head.

“Ah, after those ten days, what, ten days, it should be almost the same!” Princess Taiping smiled.

Yan Chuan frowned slightly, looked at Princess Taiping, and finally nodded and said: “Also, at noon in ten days, I will go to your palace!”

“Okay, then Taiping is in the palace, waiting for the first emperor to drive!” Princess Taiping smiled.

Yan Chuan nodded.

“Taiping retire!” Princess Taiping said politely.

Then, Princess Taiping led everyone to exit the hall immediately.

Yan Dongen opened her mouth for a while and didn’t know what she said. She wanted to remind Yan Chuan to pay attention to Princess Taiping, but she couldn’t say this when facing her father.

Bai Qi and Yin Hentian looked at each other and didn’t know what to say for a while.

Princess Taiping got into a car with excitement in her eyes.

The car flew back.

“Princess, let’s come to meet Yan Chuan?” a female waitress frowned weirdly.

Just send an invitation? This is not like the style of a princess.

At this moment, Princess Taiping was immersed in excitement.

“You don’t understand, this man is different, I’m going to make it, the first emperor, the taste of the first emperor? Haha, I can’t think of me being peaceful, and there is a chance for the first emperor!” Princess Taiping’s eyes revealed a ****.

The maids on the side: “…!”

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