The Emperor of the Immortal Realm Chapter 11: The origin of Baiditian, the fastest update to the latest chapters of Emperor Xianguo!

Julu City! Oriental Palace!

In the Oriental Hall, piles of books tell of Yan Chuan’s busyness these days.

A book in front of Yan Chuan, opened to a picture album, the picture album is a pattern of jade pendant.

Yan Chuan frowned slightly, tapping the table lightly with his fingers, thinking.

“Bai Di Tian? Eight thousand years ago? A generation of heroes!” Yan Chuan thought.

“Meow? What’s the matter?” Meow asked curiously.

In the main hall, only Yan Chuan and Miao Miao, the others have gone out.

“Based on this information, I analyzed something, why did Bai Ditian reincarnated and rebuilt it back then!” Yan Chuan thought for a while.


“At that time, the Bai Ditian and his wife, both reached the extreme of the Void Realm. They should have crossed the catastrophe at the same time. Unfortunately, the two of them discovered that Bai Ditian’s wife already had a wife

Being pregnant, Bai Ditian sacrificed himself for the survival of his wife and the fetus in his wife’s womb, helping his wife to ascend! “Yan Chuan said solemnly.

“That’s it!” Meow didn’t think much.

Meow Meow is too optimistic. If you change another person, you might find a loophole in Yan Chuan’s words, pregnant? Bai Ditian didn’t know it at the time, how did Yan Chuan know?

“Meow, they are back!” Meow suddenly jumped out of the hall excitedly.

In the hall, only Yan Chuan was left, looking at the pictures on the table.

“Bai Tu Shi, ha ha, I can’t think of your life experience. I found it out. I also saw your father. When I go back, I must invite me to drink!” Yan Chuan showed a bit of bitterness.


“Go back?” Yan Chuan thought slightly.

“Bai Ditian’s son, is near my previous life? Is it a coincidence? No, no, not a coincidence, how can there be so many coincidences in the world? Not a coincidence, then

There is only one possibility! “Yan Chuan frowned slightly.

“After this world ascended, it was very close to where I was in my previous life! In other words, the place where I was reincarnated in this life is actually not far from where I was in my previous life!”

“Since it’s not far away, I know all around where the previous life is, why don’t I know this place? Where is this?” Yan Chuan frowned and thought.

As Yan Chuan is thinking about it.

Qinglong and Dongfang Zhengpai walked into the hall.

“My son, we searched all the green jade species in the city, and we found two hundred kinds in total!” Qinglong said.

“Yeah, why are you looking for these jade?” Dongfang Decent asked curiously.

Looking at Qinglong taking out a large number of fist-sized green jade, Yan Chuan smiled slightly: “Oriental decent, maybe in the next period of time, I will lend you the Oriental Palace!”

“Uh, no problem, I didn’t even invite anyone here. If you like it, just live with it!” Dongfang Zhengpai said in a cool air.

Yan Chuan sifted through two hundred kinds of jade, and soon found one of them.

“What’s the use of this little jade?” Dongfang Decent asked curiously.

Yan Chuan smiled slightly, his luck in his hand was like a knife, and he sculpted Xiaoyu the size of his fist.


A large number of jade shavings fluttered, and under everyone’s attention, a jade pendant appeared in Yan Chuan’s palm very soon.

“Huh? It’s a bit like the picture? No, it’s different, it’s not very similar!” Dongfang Zhengpai looked at the picture on the table unexpectedly.

“This is a set!” Yan Chuan affirmed.

“A set?” The Eastern Decent School thought a little.

“Qinglong, please run again!” Yan Chuan solemnly said.

“You can tell me wherever the son is, and if you have anything to do, please tell me!” Qinglong smiled.

Take a deep breath, look at the jade pendant in your hand, and solemnly say: “Send this jade pendant to the Tiger Clan’s resident, and Bai Ditian’s hands!”

“Baiditian?” Qinglong asked in surprise.

Yan Chuan was investigating Baiditian’s information during this period, and Qinglong also knew about it. Baiditian was an incredible figure eight thousand years ago, the world’s tiger clan supreme? Jade


“Yes, you pass the jade pendant to him, don’t need to say too much, just bring me a sentence, you can come back first!” Yan Chuan said solemnly.

“Master, please say!” Qinglong took the jade pendant solemnly.

Although I don’t understand Yan Chuan’s intentions, I also know that it’s important.

“Just tell him, I’m Yan Chuan, waiting for you in the Oriental Hall of Julu City!” Yan Chuan solemnly said.

“Yes!” Qinglong nodded, and walked out of the hall. “Meow?” Meow Meow’s eyes are full of puzzlement!

The Eastern Decent School is also full of curiosity.

“Bai Ditian, is that Bai Ditian really?” Dongfang Zhengpai asked in surprise.

“Can’t be wrong!” Yan Chuan affirmed.

“Then why are you looking for him?” Dongfang Zhengpai asked in a puzzled way.

“Make friends!” Yan Chuan smiled.

“Huh?” Dongfang Decent’s eyes were full of unbelief.

Shortly after Qinglong left, there was a roar from outside the East Hall.

“Someone is here again?” Dongfang decent curiously asked.

Yan Chuan has been bored in the hall these days, and also walked out of the hall carrying Meow.

On the periphery of the floating island, there was a slight ripple in the void, and it was obvious that the formation was blocking the people outside.

Oriental Decent waved his hand, and immediately withdrew his formation, and three scholars flew into the square. One headed, the other two carried a plaque.

“It’s you? Why are you here again!” Dongfang Zhengpai shouted suddenly.

The leading Confucian student smiled bitterly, nodded and said: “You guys, it’s still me, you guys let me send invitations to Yan Chuan!”

Speaking, the two people behind quickly carried a huge plaque.

It’s the same plaque that was originally ‘Famous and Diaoyu’. Behind the plaque, the word ‘Invitation’ was written again.

“This group of great scholars are mad, and still keep this plaque, are you afraid of embarrassment?” Dongfang Zhengpai asked in surprise.

Yan Chuan smiled slightly.

“The peak literary meeting is not over yet, all the great Confucian scholars are back again, please Yan Chuan move to Yongdian!” The three Confucian scholars respectfully said.

After speaking, the three scholars left the ‘invitation card’ and turned around and flew away.


Yan Chuan, Dongfang Zhengpai, and Miao Miao looked at Yongdian not far away.

On the high platform of Yongdian Hall, the original thirty-two great Confucian scholars have now become sixty, standing with their hands behind them, looking in the direction of Yan Chuan.

But under the high platform, nearly ten thousand Confucian scholars gathered.

“This group of great scholars took the wrong medicine? The group of Confucian cultivators have dispersed, and they have called them back again?” Dongfang Zhengpai asked in surprise.

“Meow!” Meow also showed curiosity. In the distance, Wan Ru looked towards Yan Chuan together.

The first of the sixty Confucian scholars, a Chinese character with a big face.

Liu Zilu led the Confucian scholars to look towards Yan Chuan.

“My fellow Liu Zilu, some time ago, at the pinnacle literary meeting, Yan Gongzi shined brightly, but he is not the inferior. There are a few wonderful articles, please taste Yan Gongzi together!” Liu Zi

Lu Wei said with a bow.

Liu Zilu’s attitude is very respectful! But anyone can see that this is provocative.

Nearly ten thousand Confucian scholars have just received news soon, and the sixty Confucian scholars sent invitations for everyone to go to the Hall of Yong Hall and continue the peak literary meeting?

There is not much written in the invitation, but nearly ten thousand scholars suddenly boiled over.

Who still can’t tell? This is when Wang Long and Chen Ping are defeated, and the rescuers are here!

Although there are some disdain for the great Confucianism, this kind of competition is exactly what everyone Confucianism hopes for.

Without a second word, nearly ten thousand Confucian scholars immediately left everything on hand and rushed to Yongdian. Some even brought one or two friends to the Yongdian together and saw the two great literary schools

The counterattack.

This collision of literary schools has a fatal temptation for Confucianists.

This time, no one ridiculed Yan Chuan, and some just looked forward to it.

Sixty great scholars! Even if Yan Chuan loses, he won’t be ashamed! Fight alone?

Nearly ten thousand Confucian scholars looked forward to Yan Chuan in the distance. I hope Yan Chuan can come over.

“Miao, these guys who are not afraid of death, Yan Chuan, let’s trample them to death, but there are still faces?” Meow suddenly excited.

“Yan Chuan, they must come prepared!” Dongfang Zhengpai frowned.

Yan Chuan looked into the distance with a weird smile in his eyes.

“Several wonderful articles? Let me read them here!” Yan Chuan said lightly.

Yan Chuan didn’t have a past, as if he just lost his identity in the past.

Nearly ten thousand Confucian scholars, no one is dissatisfied, and capable people naturally have their own arrogance.

In the distance, Liu Zilu frowned. Waved gently.

Suddenly, a new stone tablet appeared.

A big scholar carefully took out a box with a scroll inside. The big scholar tied the scroll to the stone tablet and gently unfolded it down.

The picture scroll unfolded, and suddenly a gust of water came to his face. “Wow!”

As if the sound of countless water waves came, the book unfolded, and suddenly blue light skyrocketed. In the air, a huge phantom suddenly appeared, and bursts of blue fog would appear

The ghost is shrouded in it.

“Boom!” “Boom!”……………………

Several waves are ups and downs in the phantom, a two-hundred-meter-sized blue fog area, inside, shows the vast sea, the sea is rushing and roaring.


“Where the pen shows the weather?”

“More than that, this is a splendid article, there is splendid in the text, this is a sea!”

“An article contains the magnificence of the sea?”




Sounds of exclamation came from all around.

Splendid article, the waves that rushed out were magnificent and magnificent, and immediately collided with the poem by Yan Chuan on the opposite side.

Although the murderous aura of the peerless general is great, the majestic sea is even more spectacular.

Moreover, the blue fog area is exactly twice as large as the white fog area.

The huge impact immediately suppressed Yan Chuan’s poem slightly.

A beautiful article! Suddenly, countless Confucian scholars showed their fanaticism.

Sixty Confucian scholars touched their beards, and flashes of pride flashed in their eyes.

Especially Wang Long and Chen Ping, whose depression a few days ago finally eased, and Yan Chuan’s poems were finally suppressed. Great!

Furthermore, there are several such beautiful and wonderful articles in my own party. What should Yan Chuan do?

When the great scholars were proud, they unconsciously glanced at Yan Chuan at the Oriental Palace in the distance.

When I saw Yan Chuan, all their faces became stiff.

In the distance, Yan Chuan didn’t look at his side at all, but was happily facing two inexplicable people.

This beautiful and wonderful text is no better than those two guys who appeared out of nowhere? The faces of the great scholars sank slightly.

Oriental Palace Plaza. ,

Bai Long and Yi Feng arrived.

“Young Master!” Bai Long exclaimed excitedly.

“See my king!” Yi Feng respectfully said.

“Hahahaha, no need to be polite!” Yan Chuan immediately stepped forward to support Yi Feng, with a smile on his face.

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