Overgeared Chapter 1386:

There were games where field of view wasn’t important, but it was particularly emphasized in Satisfy . It was because some wide-area skills worked using ‘range of vision . ’ The Undefeated King’s Swordsmanship was a prime example . Long-ranged skills that attacked by ‘specifying a target’ like Request to Stand With Me’s battle gear rain were also larger and the utilization increased when there was a longer field of view . If Grid had a third vision then his power would work even in places where he wasn’t present .


Back and forth, left and right, up and down .

No matter where he went, a black hand would rise from a dimensional gate without warning and persistently aim at Grid . This form of sniping that he had never experienced before consumed his mental power and physical strength .

‘Damn, what is this **** skill?’

A sniper where he couldn’t determine the sniping point . . . wasn’t it telling him to just open his eyes and be attacked? It was natural for a person in his position to swear . Grid was running and cursing when he suddenly questioned it . ‘Why is he targeting me?’

Barbatos’ subordinate, Krucha, was fighting with Leraje . Additionally, the reason Krucha was fighting Leraje was due to Demon Slayer Yura . Barbatos’ sniping priority should be Leraje or Yura . So why was he aiming for Grid?

‘It’s fortunate that he isn’t targeting Yura, but I don’t understand it . ’

The ideal situation was for the sniping target to be Leraje . She was slowly regaining the dominant position in the fight despite previously being pushed back by Krucha . She seemed able to deal with Krucha and Barbatos’ sniping at the same time .

‘The aggro should be on Leraje so I can easily kill Krucha . . . Ah, that’s why he is targeting me . ’

It was clear . Barbatos knew that sniping Leraje wasn’t efficient . Rather than ignoring the opponent two ranks lower than him, he was wary . He suppressed a demon’s aggressiveness .

‘Leraje seems to be special . The reason for not targeting Yura is because he has determined that Yura’s fighting power isn’t threatening to Krucha . ’

Named bosses with intelligence would identify the player’s combat power and decide the hunting order . There were bosses who set the strongest player as top priority . For example, Elfin Stone appeared every 24 hours and kept using Extreme Blood Transfusion on Grid . On the other hand, there were bosses who set the weakest players as top priority . Barbatos seemed to belong to the former .

“Hell Leap . ”

As Grid analyzed the situation, Yura opened a small portal connecting **** and the human world . Originally, this was a Demon Slayer ‘movement’ technique, but Yura knew how to apply it differently . She overlapped the portals in front of the gate where Barbatos’ sniping occurred and distorted his aim in a completely different direction . The black hand reaching out to Grid was sucked into the portal opened by Yura and then appeared in a remote place .

‘This is dangerous . . . ’

Grid’s heart sank despite receiving help . He thought that Yura’s performance would cause Barbatos’ aggro to shift . It was as he expected . Barbatos’ sniping started targeting Yura, not Grid . The evaluation that Grid had a higher risk than Yura seemed to have changed .

“Avoid it!” Grid’s transcendent senses noticed the gate forming behind Yura’s back and he screamed urgently . Yura didn’t notice it until the moment the gate was opened behind her . A black hand emerged from the gate and grabbed at Yura’s body violently .

“Yura!” Grid’s expression distorted . However—

She was fine . Yura’s expression was calm as she was held by the black hand . The jade magic power flowing over the surface of her silver armor emitted a strong light .

“ . . . . . . ?!”

The black hands contained terrifying demonic energy . Grid’s cloak had just been slightly touched by the hand, but it was eroded by demonic energy, reducing its durability and deteriorating its function . Yet the demonic energy scattered in front of this jade magic power . It was suppression, not purification . The Demon Slayer’s magic power suppressed the demonic energy in a way completely different from divine power . The sight of her intact appearance without any wounds flustered Grid .

Yura brushed off the remnants of demonic energy and explained, “As I said earlier, Barbatos was a tricky opponent for Alex . Thus, Alex researched and evolved . ”

These evolved abilities were passed down to the current Demon Slayer . Demons who fought Alex and lost once would be pushed in a battle against Yura, even if they were great demons . It was just like how Barbatos’ sniping couldn’t hurt Yura’s body right now .

“Ohh!!” The true value of the Demon Slayer that was often revealed made Grid feel admiration . The fact that Yura was unharmed and had enough potential to solve the difficulties in the future made Grid’s face shine brilliantly . Of course, the bright expression was soon erased . It was because Barbatos’ sniping once again aimed at Grid . Grid avoided three sniping attacks using his transcendent senses and looked up .

‘He is a really dirty and annoying guy . ’

Grid was being attacked one-sidedly by an enemy whose location was unknown and his physical strength was continuously being consumed . This was the worst . Unless there was a limit to the number of times Barbatos could attack, he would eventually be exhausted first .

The most hopeful thing was that Barbatos’ sniping cooldown time had been identified . It was two seconds for a single shot, five seconds for two consecutive shots, and nine seconds for three consecutive shots . He didn’t know about after this since he hadn’t experienced it, but it was likely the cooldown time would be twice as much .

Every time he dodged the attack, he was exposed to remnants of demonic energy . Grid drank a potion to heal his consumed health and shifted his gaze to Leraje . Her small feet were just trampling on Krucha’s face . The reason she wore such high heels didn’t seem to be due to a complex about her height . It was to use them as a weapon .

Krucha was stabbed by the sharp heel and screamed . There was a hole in his forehead and blood flowed out . “I can’t believe you’re using a dirty trick based on gender! It is despicable! You deserve to be called the role model of all demonkin! Grrrr!!”

“I still have a long way to go from your master, who hides and shoots like a coward . ”

“Yip yip! That’s right! You still have a long way to go compared to Barbatos!”

Were they insulting or praising each other? It was difficult to interpret even though he spoke the same language .

“ . . . . . . !”

Grid was clicking his tongue with amazement, only to become startled . It was because he made eye contact with Krucha .

‘Dammit, this son of a **** dog . ’

Barbatos used his subordinate’s vision to locate and snipe the prey . The most important thing to avoid Barbatos’ sniping was to not be seen by Krucha . Grid took advantage of the temporary gap in Barbatos’ sniping to hide, but he was found too quickly by Krucha .

I wanted to catch my breath for a second . ’

Grid’s gaze turned to the entrance of the great hall and he changed his position using Shunpo . At the same time, a black hand appeared where Grid had been hiding just a moment ago . Grid sighed with relief after passing another crisis while Leraje and Krucha once again engaged in a fierce battle . Every time their fists or kicks cut through their air, there was a sharp explosion and the shockwave generated shook the great hall .

‘Amazing . ’

The reason why Leraje wasn’t pushed in this fight, despite having her mucus dried by fire and losing some power, was due to her excellent combat skills . She was like a martial artist who had trained all her life and knew how to use her body as the most ideal weapon . Her obsession with victory must’ve constantly honed her .

‘ . . . Isn’t this angle good?’

Was it because he was too absorbed in the battle with Leraje? Perhaps it was in preparation to block Kalbaba’s surprise attack, but Krucha suddenly revealed a gap . He was very puzzled when he couldn’t find the hiding Grid . Grid was behind him in his blind spot . It was such a big gap that Grid was convinced that if he did a sword dance and approached using Shunpo on the final step, he would be able to deal a serious injury .

‘Now is the best time for a surprise attack . ’

In the end, Grid couldn’t withstand the temptation and took a step forward . Then Barbatos’ attack flew toward him, as if it had been waiting . Once again, transcendence was triggered, but Grid failed to avoid it . It was a sniping shot that predicted where Grid would step, so it was physically impossible to immediately react and dodge . Grid’s right foot was held by a black hand and burned black .

[The +1 The Arrogant Blue Dragons Boots have been eroded by demonic energy . ]

[It is an item with infinite durability . It isn’t damaged . ]

Fortunately, his boots were fine . It was a myth rated item made from Greed, so there was no decline in its function due to damage . Just—

[You have suffered 2,540 damage . ]

[Demonic energy is eroding your wound . ]

[You have received an internal injury . Some organs contaminated by demonic energy won’t work properly . There is an additional 30,000 damage accompanied by the ‘poison,’ ‘bleeding,’ ‘can’t take potions,’ and ‘confusion’ abnormal statuses . ]

[You are immune to poison . ]

[Bleeding resistance has failed . ]

[Resistance to ‘can’t take potions’ has failed . ]

[Confusion resistance has failed . ]

Just because the armor had infinite durability didn’t mean it could absorb all of the impact that followed an attack . Grid’s feet in the boots were damaged by demonic energy . The demonic energy penetrated deeply through the wound .


The physical condition of his ‘five organs decaying’ brought great pain and crisis to Grid . In particular, the ‘confusion’ state was a big problem . Confusion made controlling himself difficult . Grid’s body staggered like a broken doll .

‘Do I have to experience this every time I allow a hit?’

The 8th Great Demon, Barbatos . He was so great that he was likely to raise questions like ‘perhaps he is a target that can’t be attacked . ’ Wasn’t it too much to win against a sniper who fired from an invisible place and caused a fatal injury to the target? He once again thought about how great Yura was to be immune to such an attack . She was one of the few hopes that human beings could purify **** .


“ . . . . . . ?”

The eyes of the collapsed Grid widened . It was because Krucha was looking this way . His nose sniffled loudly, as he seemed to laugh at Grid .

‘That son of a **** . . . he was determining my location with his sense of smell . ’

This was why it was meaningless to avoid his gaze . No matter how hard he tried to hide, he would be detected by Krucha’s sense of smell and be shot at by Barbatos . At least, this was the case if Grid was a normal player .

“Youngwoo-ssi!” Yura used Hell Leap and flew to Grid’s side . Grid avoided hitting the ground with her help and his shaking hands struggled through the air .

“Calm down! First recover from the confusion!”

Legends were immune to most abnormal status conditions . Additionally, Grid was the very first player to become a legend . Therefore, status abnormalities, especially those affecting the mind, must be unfamiliar concepts to him . He wouldn’t be able to adapt to the inability to control himself and blurred vision caused by confusion .

Once again, Barbatos attacked . Yura held the still floundering Grid in her arms and was hit instead . The black hands didn’t hurt her . It didn’t matter how strong the demonic energy exuded by the black hand . It was all scattered by the jade magic power . However, the story changed when the black hand turned into a sharp awl .

A black awl penetrated deep into Yura’s side . This new form of sniping focused on physical attacks rather than demonic energy and it had the power to penetrate Yura’s defense . Just as Alex evolved from his experience fighting Barbatos, Barbatos had evolved as well .

“Ugh . . . !”

Blood flowed from Yura’s mouth . Even so, she didn’t let go of Grid . Rather, she hugged him tighter . The time remaining until Hell Leap was available was only two seconds, but it felt like two hours .

‘I have to protect him . ’

She couldn’t always receive help . Moreover, this was **** . It was her domain . It was the place where she should be active . She gritted her teeth as she turned her gun into a sword and used Hell Leap that just became available . She threw Grid instead of herself into the dimensional portal .

After that, she rushed at Krucha . She also figured out that killing Krucha was the only answer to stopping this one-sided sniping . However, Krucha wasn’t an easy opponent . The reason he confronted Leraje was because he had the strength to be the master of the 10th Hell .

He was afraid of Hell Gao, whom he wasn’t sure when would return, so he didn’t aim for the vacant seat of the 9th Hell . Still, he was confident that he could fight and win against the living Leraje . For such a monster, Yura’s attack wasn’t very threatening . Yura hadn’t fully grown and the opponents she could challenge were demons in the hells in the 20s .

“Have you come to be killed by me? Grrrr!!”

He blocked Yura’s sword by swinging his flaming fists and showed a sly smile . He reached out to hold Yura’s small face . He was just about to raise the heat of the flames to burn Yura when it happened . . .

Flap .

A red cloak slowly fell from the air .

“ . . . . . . !”

Krucha’s expression crumpled like a piece of paper . The smell of hundreds of different types of blood paralyzed his sense of smell .

‘What is this?’

His excellent sense of smell turned into poison . Due to the smell of hundreds of types of blood piercing his nose, Krucha was confused by the body odors of Leraje, Kalbaba, and even Yura right next to him . It was impossible for him to locate the position of the human who had disappeared somewhere .

“Drop Dragon Pinnacle Kill Wave . ”

A dragon descended from the ceiling and pierced Krucha . Barbatos’ sniping stopped for the first time .

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